Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1452: Points skyrocketing (below)

Chapter 1452: Soaring Points (Part 2)

But since knowing that Qin Shaofeng can kill barbarian warriors, especially the middle warriors of the barbarian tribe, those people in the Nirvana Realm are not calm.

Killing a barbarian warrior in the brutal beast realm requires at least the power of the law of the pattern realm to burst out!

It must also be said that this can only be achieved by possessing the realm of supreme sovereignty!

After Qin Shaofeng killed a low-ranking warrior and two middle-ranked warriors of the barbarian tribe, everyone knew in their hearts that Qin Shaofeng must have been promoted to the realm of supreme dominance, and he didn’t know what method he used, it could explode a lot in the barbarian beast world. The power of law is fighting.

This has caused a lot of shock.

Because how much time has passed since Qin Shaofeng became famous until now!

I'm afraid that apart from the accelerating years in the all-around competition, this will only take a few months!

Has it grown to this point in just a few months?

Faced with such a situation, everyone can only sigh in their hearts and sigh with emotion.

Sure enough, he is the inherited disciple of Lord Baidi!

However, just as everyone was emotional, the situation changed again.

Because at this moment, it was also the time when Qin Shaofeng dodged the attack of Jaida and attacked the rest of Jaida.

This time, as soon as Qin Shaofeng shot, it was incredible.

Because this time, Qin Shaofeng's target was the high-ranking fighter of more than twenty Jaw tribes!

"Damn, Qin Shaofeng's points are starting to increase again!"

Suddenly a cry of exclamation sounded again, and then it attracted the attention of countless people.

"What, it started again?"

"No, didn't Qin Shaofeng just kill a team of high-ranking barbarians?"

"Could it be that he has encountered an elite team of high-ranking barbarians?"

For a moment, the crowd suddenly moved.

But the things that surprised everyone more are still to come.

Because of Qin Shaofeng's points, after the increase this time, it was like a blowout, and it was completely out of control.

While the first 360,000 points increased, there were two consecutive increase in points that were almost the same.

And it was only for a moment, Qin Shaofeng's points flashed continuously, and they were several more than 300,000 points, which were directly increased.

In an instant, more than 300,000 points were added seven or eight times!

In other words, Qin Shaofeng only killed seven or eight high-ranking barbarian warriors with more than 30 barbaric patterns in an instant?

Shocked, dumbfounded!

At this moment, many people in the Nirvana world were stunned in turn.

And what shocked them most was that this seemed to be just the beginning.

As if there had been a chain reaction, after this, Qin Shaofeng's points jumped wildly again for one or two breaths at most.

Yes, just jump.

An increase of more than 300,000 points at a time, and there have been more than 20 times in a row, isn't this a jump-like increase?

There was no time for three breathings before and after, but Qin Shaofeng's points had risen twenty or thirty times.

And the most terrible thing is that every jump like this can increase Qin Shaofeng's points by at least 320,000 points, of which the highest points are 3780,000 points, which is not rare.

There were even two or three times, an increase of 400,000 points.

This shows that among the high-ranking fighters of the barbarian tribe that Qin Shaofeng killed, there were fighters who reached the realm of forty barbarians.

At this moment, it was when Qin Shaofeng began to kill the high-ranking warriors of Jawkuang. The warriors of these jaw tribe tribes were all high-ranking warriors with more than 30 savage patterns, and several of them belonged to them. The brutal patterns are more than forty.

Perhaps among the barbarians, and in the eyes of those other choices who entered the barbaric world this time, these high-level fighters are very powerful.

Moreover, with such a number and realm, the high-ranking fighter team formed by it is absolutely unquestionably powerful.

Unfortunately, they met Qin Shaofeng.

The Xuanwu armor is fully opened, and the power of the gods and demons in the body is running to the extreme.

In this state, Qin Shaofeng's martial arts broke out with one move. These high-ranking fighters weren't opponents at all, and even the chance to resist was lost because of Qin Shaofeng's sudden attack.

In this way, in just two or three breaths, except for Jadah, and Jawkuang and the two high-ranking fighters with about fifty savage patterns around him, this time, all the high-ranking soldiers brought by Jawkuang have been exhausted. Was killed by Qin Shaofeng.

Oh, by the way, among these barbarian warriors, there was still one person who was not killed by Qin Shaofeng.

That was the jaw battle that Qin Shaofeng chopped off both hands at the very beginning.

Qin Shaofeng did not kill at the beginning of the jaw battle. He used his own god's pill fire with special power to launch a burning attack against jaw battle body.

In the end, Jaw Zhan fainted with pain because he couldn't bear the burning power from the pill of God.

It is precisely because of this that he has not died at the moment and is still alive.

However, according to this situation, I am afraid that it will not take long. This jaw battle will also die under the lingering prestige of the fire of God's Pill.

At most it is a matter of time!

In other words, the entire upper ranks of soldiers with a group of more than 30 people in Jawkuang were almost brought to the realm by Qin Shaofeng.

Then, because Qin Shaofeng killed more than 30 high-ranking fighters at one time, his points increased very exaggerated all at once.

Ten million!

In a short period of time, Qin Shaofeng's points directly skyrocketed by tens of millions.

Qin Shaofeng had already had a lot of points before, because after he killed Yu Fei's retreat, he killed hundreds of Jaw Tribe warriors with the squirrel beast captured from Yu Fei.

Although most of these fighters are only in the realm of lower fighters, they can bring Qin Shaofeng 350,000 points at most.

But because of the large number of people in the hundreds, Qin Shaofeng's points had already exceeded 30 million points before he met Jakuang.

According to the previous situation, with Qin Shaofeng's more than 30 million points, he could completely rank first.

However, due to Lord Ling's proposal, Great Tianjiao joined forces, which also allowed them to hunt down many barbarian warriors.

Even after knowing the existence of the barbarians, the geniuses who entered the various forces of the barbarian world began to unite in groups to deal with other barbarians.

That's why, the nearly five thousand teams led by Jaw Zhan were almost completely wiped out.

Therefore, at this time, the top 100 players on the Nirvana Realm ranking list have at least more than 3 million points.

As for the top 20 players, their points exceeded 10 million points.

Even if Qin Shaofeng had more than 30 million points, he still didn't make the top ten in the end.

However, after this time, Qin Shaofeng ranked in the top ten with the addition of tens of millions of points.

And even if he has more than 40 million points now, Qin Shaofeng's ranking can be ranked tenth.

Since it was discovered that killing the barbarians could get more points, those players who entered the barbarian world, especially those Tianjiao, have greatly reduced their interest in the barbaric beasts, and instead began to hunt the barbarian warriors frantically.

This led to the top ten players, their points are more scary.

At this moment, even Qin Shaofeng, who was ranked tenth in a row, had more than 43 million points.

Even from the sixth place, the points have reached as much as 50 million.

The first three points are the most terrifying, all of which are above 90 million points, and even the points of Lord Spirit and Demon Prince have exceeded the 100 million points mark.

But many people believe that this is just the beginning. These 100 million points seem to be a lot, but they are not.

This can only be proved directly, that is, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng has directly added tens of millions of points in a very short period of time, and it can be completely seen.

Tens of millions of points can be added so quickly. After a long time, wouldn’t it be possible to add more points?

This is indeed true!

That's right, the points on the current leaderboard are just beginning.

Because the Jaw tribe warriors who followed Jakuang this time are really big troops.

Although this number is still far less than the number of practitioners who entered the ancient sanctuary of the brutal beast world this time, it is also more than 100,000.

And this is just the beginning, no one can say whether there will be continued support in the future.

And now there is only a Jaw tribe. There are three major tribes in the barbarian world!

A Jaw tribe can send such a warrior. Even if the remaining Yao and Shun tribes are not as powerful as the Jaw tribe, they are definitely not far behind!

So, this is really just the beginning.

Of course, the specific situation is not as simple as most people think.

Ten million points are not easy to increase.

At the very least, Qin Shaofeng is now in a certain dangerous state.


At this moment, Chikui was very angry.

Originally, in the eyes of Jikuang, an intruder like Qin Shaofeng didn't have the right to let him take action.

It is enough to send Jaida, he only needs to wait for Jaida to capture the opponent, and that is all right, and there is nothing else to worry about.

But now?

Because of a daze, the **** invader was able to kill all the men who brought him.

Faced with such a result, Jakuang couldn't even mention how angry he was.

"Juda, I'll give you half a quarter of an hour. If half a quarter of an hour has passed, you haven't caught this **** Qin Shaofeng by Ben Shao, you can figure it out by yourself!" Chikuang roared in a low voice with his face. It was full of anger.

Not far away, Jaida, who was also stunned, shivered fiercely, and was shocked in his heart.

For the youngest son of Jaw Kuan, Jaida knows the character of the opponent well, and he knows that the opponent is extremely angry now.

If he really stopped capturing Qin Shaofeng in half an hour, then he would definitely suffer.

In fact, there is no need to say anything, Jaida will do it. Originally, Jaida planned to do this, so there is no need to say what is happening now.

In the case of his own action, this damned invader killed so many of his companions.

Like Jikuang, although the lives of these tribal warriors of the Jaw tribe were of little importance to Jauda, ​​he, like Jikuang, did not care much about the lives of these people.

In fact, for people like Jakuang and Jaida, even if everyone around him was killed, they wouldn't be heartache or sad.

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