Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1453: Rule space?

Chapter 1453 Law Space?

But heartache is not heartache, sadness is not sorrow, not caring, this is one thing, this will not let Jauda care at all.

What makes Jauda cares about is that Qin Shaofeng also killed such a companion when he shot himself, and it was still under their noses, which made his face gloomy.

Needless to say, the master Chikuang behind him has already spoken.

There is no need to look back, Chidah seems to have seen the anger on the face of Chidak in the distance behind him.

And the consequences of his little master's anger were not something he could bear.


Thinking of the terrible consequences of Chikuan's anger, Na Chida was fiercely angry and roared at Qin Shaofeng.

"Damn intruder, I think you are looking for death!"

court death?

A sneer appeared at the corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth, and then turned his head and glanced at the jaw lightly, with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

"Ah! I'm going to kill you!"

The trace of disdain in Qin Shaofeng's eyes completely ignited the anger in Jauda's heart, and he was almost exploded with anger.


Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly when he looked at Jadah's expression of not eating himself.

This is the beginning!

"Damn intruder rubbish, you go to death for me!"

Seeing Qin Shaofeng not answering, he just glanced at himself with disdain, and the anger in Jauda's heart rushed up.


There was an explosion, as if it were a volcano that was completely ignited, and after Na Jadah roared, his whole body erupted completely.


A fierce fire flashed all over the body, and Jaida's whole body was burning in an instant.

Take a closer look, this is not burning at all, this seems to be burning the jaws of the whole person, but in fact it is only the reason why all the laws of the body burst out at this moment.

The general firelight that seems to be burning is nothing more than a state that the power of the law has been applied to a certain degree.

Such a powerful and scorching flame is enough to say that the strength of this Jadah can be imagined how powerful it is.

The barbarians are different from the practitioners in the ancient sanctuary. The practitioners in the ancient sanctuary can fully cultivate the power of laws of several attributes, even if the natural spiritual root is only a single attribute.

But with the improvement of the cultivation level, the physical body and even the spiritual root will undergo certain changes.

Especially after possessing the power of the law, one's own spiritual root will be integrated with the body. When the power of the law is increasing, it can be born because of the same attribute, and then awaken the power of the law of other attributes. .

Of course, this awakened origin of the law naturally does not have the origin of the awakened law, it is easier to practice, and the power is not very powerful.

But even so, it is very common for cultivators in the ancient sanctuary to be able to practice the origin of several laws.

But the barbarians in this savage beast world are different, because the laws and powers that the barbarians can use are all of a single attribute.

There is no barbarian that can have the power of two attributes at the same time, three or more than three, that is even more impossible.

Any barbarian, no matter how talented it is, the power of law possessed by it is of a single attribute.

But it is precisely because of this that after being able to freely explode the power of its own attribute laws, it seems that the power of the barbarian's attribute laws is very pure because of a single reason.

Because of its purity, the power of this explosion is also extremely amazing.

The strongest jaw in front of him, with his full strength under his anger, shocked Qin Shaofeng.

"Hiss, I circled a cross, the fire law of this jaw is so powerful!"

Qin Shaofeng's heart tightened, and at the same time, his evaluation of the strength of this jaw reached a higher level.

This kind of strength is not simple, it is not comparable to the high-level fighters who were easily killed by him before.

The strength of this jaw is really strong!

Although Qin Shaofeng looked at Jadah with a hint of disdain, but in fact, after feeling the breath of Jadah at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's vigilance in his heart was raised to the extreme, especially at the moment when Jadah was in a state of rage. Next, making his own fire system more violent, this made Qin Shaofeng more careful.

"Burning the fire to the sky!"

With a violent shout, Jaida's whole body burst into the sky full of fire, like a wild goose.


When the breath exploded, the fire was surging, and the crimson fire light seemed to burn the surrounding sky for several miles, and it was all red.

And Na Jadah himself is more like a direct transformation, a full-body flame man, full of hot, burning flames.

This is the power of the barbarian single-attribute law power. Once the power of the law reaches a certain level, the power of the law that erupts, even if it is not as large as the level of ancient sanctuary cultivators.

But the power of the law that burst out can also be embodied, and generally speaking, the power of the law that has been embodied represents amazing power.

After that, the jaw moved!


For a while, the law surging.

With this movement of the jaw, the sea of ​​fire that seemed to be burning within a few kilometers, instantly shrank to a 100-meter flame space, the whole body was fiery red, and the flames were raging!

And with the movement of the jaw, this flame space smashed over to Qin Shaofeng.

this is?

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng's pupils shrank suddenly.

The law space, this is actually the law space!

Qin Shaofeng's face was full of astonishment.

The so-called field of law is actually a special phenomenon formed by the power of the law that has erupted to a certain level.

Special attacks to consolidate space by law!

But to achieve this step, it is very difficult.

After all, it's just simply using the power of the law to evolve a space. The difficulty is not small, unless the power of the law that bursts out is very powerful.

Strong enough to form a special space!


Only when the power of the law is pure to a certain degree can it produce such an effect.

Qin Shaofeng knew that the power of the law of the barbarians was the power of the law of a single attribute, which was very pure.

But before that, Qin Shaofeng still had some disapproval.


What if it is pure?

After all, the purity of the power of the law does not necessarily mean strong.

But at this moment, it seemed that Qin Shaofeng finally understood that the power of the so-called single-attribute law of the barbarian was so pure that it could explode with terrifying power.

Because at this moment, Qin Shaofeng felt that the power of the law burst out by Jaida, although it was equivalent to the power of the law that could burst out of the ordinary dual supreme dominance realm.

But because the power of the law is single and the power of the law, in terms of power, it is very unusual.

This power is far beyond the general three-fourth realm supreme master, and the power that bursts out with the power of the law is only comparable to the general fifth-sixth realm supreme master.

It can be said that the power of Jadah at this moment is enough to match the supreme dominance of a five- or six-fold realm in the ancient sanctuary.

This is already very strong!

Qin Shaofeng now only has thirty thousand-star formations, which is equivalent to the realm of triple supreme dominance, and is also affected by the brutal beast realm. The thousand-star formations he can now explode are barely twenty. .

Even if it was the inspired basalt battle armor and some means to increase power, Qin Shaofeng's combat power at the moment was equivalent to the supreme master of a three-fourth realm.

There is still a gap between this and the jaws in front of him.

However, Qin Shaofeng also discovered a situation.

Although the flame space bursting out of the jaws of the whole body seems to be very enjoyable with the law space, the flame space of one hundred meters is not a real law space, at most it is a trace of the law space.

This kind of law space is much weaker than the law space displayed by the general real strong!

When this kind of law space is displayed, once the target is captured, the opponent will definitely be suppressed by the law space it is displaying. If it is serious, it can be directly suppressed to a state of no combat power.

For example, those who dominate the supreme can use a law space to directly suppress countless people who dominate the supreme realm to a state of no combat power.

This is why, in the eyes of ordinary people, the Supreme Master is invincible.

But even if this Jawda is displayed in a law space, it is just a rudimentary form, but it definitely has an ability that I don't know.

Must not be caught by the opponent's rule field!

Just as soon as he saw it, Qin Shaofeng understood in his heart the power of that flame space.


The next moment, Qin Shaofeng's figure shook, as if turned into a ghost of light, facing the attack that covered the jaws of flame space, he dodged directly.

Phantom of Devil!

One of the five-star martial arts of the ancient demons, although it was only a five-star level, and it did not possess any combat power.

But if it is used for escape, the power of the Phantom of the Phantom is stronger than most seven-star skills.

It was just a flash, Qin Shaofeng's whole body seemed to have performed a magic flash, avoiding the space of the law of the jaw.

In fact, with the jaws of the realm, the law space he displayed was good, but it was not a real law space after all. If Qin Shaofeng wanted to, he would use a method to violently break it.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't do this, he still chose to dodge Jauda's attack.


Seeing Qin Shaofeng avoiding his attack, Jauda became more and more angry.


The breath surged, the flames rose, and Jauda rushed towards Qin Shaofeng again.

It's just a pity that Qin Shaofeng still dodges easily with the speed of the Phantom of the Demon Stalker.

The next situation was that Jauda chased Qin Shaofeng, and Qin Shaofeng relied on the Phantom of the Demon to dodge Jauda's attacks time and time again.

Since Jadah has displayed the law space at this moment, the flame space that envelops him looks like a huge fireball 100 meters from a distance.

In this way, Qin Shaofeng seemed to be chased by a huge fireball.



As soon as the fireball rose, Qin Shaofeng's figure flashed, and it seemed that Qin Shaofeng and Jawda were very cooperative.

Go on, you hide!

Real tacit understanding!

"You **** trash!"

Repeated attacks were unsuccessful, which left Jauda exposed. The flame space, which was originally only a hundred meters in size, rose again and became three hundred times larger.

The scorching breath instantly soared, and the power became even stronger.

But at this moment, Jauda, ​​who was caught in the rage, did not notice that Qin Shaofeng's aura at the moment seemed to have changed.

Qin Shaofeng's breath seemed to be getting stronger little by little!

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