Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1454: Improvement in battle

Chapter 1454

That's right, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's breath is indeed gradually strengthening.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng's realm began to rise little by little since this Jauda fell into anger.

But about this, because Qin Shaofeng deliberately hid it very well, Jakuang didn't notice it.

And Jauda, ​​who was fighting with him, was even more in an angry mood, so naturally he was less aware of this situation.

As for Qin Shaofeng's improvement like this, there is naturally a reason.

I don’t know if it’s because of anger. When Qin Shaofeng killed the Jawkuang men before, the Jawkuang, Jawda and others did not notice. After Qin Shaofeng killed the upper warriors of the Jaw tribe, those Jaw tribes The corpses of the high-ranking soldiers were all gone without knowing it.

Of course, this was not because Qin Shaofeng directly exploded those corpses when he shot, or something.

Those high-ranking fighters, the savage patterns on their bodies, the strength of the law contained, must be stronger, the more pure and rich, how can Qin Shaofeng directly destroy the corpses of those high-ranking fighters?

The reason why the corpses of the high-ranking soldiers disappeared is actually very simple. Qin Shaofeng quietly took them away.

As for taking away the corpses of these high-ranking soldiers, Qin Shaofeng's purpose is also very simple, and there is only one that is to absorb the brutal patterns on these corpses.

After the eyes of the gods and demons awakened the soldiers of the gods and demons, and then the soldiers of the gods and demons were able to demonize the Feiyu Sabre, Qin Shaofeng discovered the swallowing ability of the Feiyu Sabre and soared to a level again.

In an accidental situation, Qin Shaofeng tried to absorb the wild patterns on the barbarian clan with a flying feather knife.

The results of it?

If it succeeded, the Feather Knife could actually absorb the wild patterns on the barbarians, and even the absorbed wild patterns could be stored by the Feather Knife.

It's just that the stored time is not long, only three hours at most.

After three hours, Feiyu Knife swallowed the stored wild patterns, and it would dissipate and become nothingness.

And even within these three hours, the brutal patterns in the rebounding internal space will pass by with the passage of time.

But there is no other way. After all, Qin Shaofeng's inner world cannot directly collect the corpses of the barbarian warriors.

On the contrary, Qin Shaofeng's flying feather knife can freely enter Qin Shaofeng's inner world.

Therefore, even if the Feather Knife devours the storage to absorb the wild patterns on the barbarian, it will cause serious waste.

But for Qin Shaofeng's current situation, he had no choice but to do so.

Absorb the wild pattern in the battle to improve his own realm.

In fact, it didn't take long for Qin Shaofeng to think of this method after the emergence of Jawkuang, this rarely crazy method.

This is also the main reason why he had to directly bombard and kill other high-ranking fighters of the Jaw tribe in the face of Jauda's attack.

At this moment, because the corpses of the high-ranking soldiers that had been killed had been collected for the first time, Qin Shaofeng naturally began to absorb the brutal patterns on the upper-ranking soldiers with the Flying Feather Knife.

The reason why I didn’t absorb the barbaric warriors I killed before was because Qin Shaofeng knew in his heart that the barbaric warriors brought by Jawkuang had not only reached the realm of high-ranking warriors, but the barbaric patterns they possessed all contained them. Very powerful law.

Absorbing such wild patterns, the speed of improvement will naturally be faster.

But what Qin Shaofeng pursues now is to increase the speed of his realm.

Just as Qin Shaofeng expected, absorbing the brutal patterns on these high-ranking fighters, the speed of his Pill of Law increased really quickly.

In just such a short time, Qin Shaofeng absorbed a large amount of the power of the law from the brutal patterns on the high-ranking fighters through the flying feather knife, and then directly condensed more than three thousand law pill.

The pill of more than three thousand laws completely allowed Qin Shaofeng to arrange three thousand star formations in his inner world again.

This is equivalent to having three more lines on him!

And at this moment, in the face of Jaida's attacks, Qin Shaofeng's inner world's pill of law is increasing every moment, and the rate of increase is still very fast.

At the same time, Najada's anger towards Qin Shaofeng became more and more vigorous.

He attacked many times, but Qin Shaofeng dodged one by one. How could this make him not angry?


Same as before, the gloomy light flashed, and Qin Shaofeng once again turned into a faint black gloomy light, which flashed out instantly when the flame space struck.


There was a blast and flames struck, but Jauda’s blow was once again missed!


"Damn it!"

A hint of spiteful anger flashed in Jauda's eyes. This flame-like space attack was his strongest skill. With this move, he was among the barbarian warriors of the same realm, but he had few opponents.

This is why he said he was the confidence of the future first warrior of the Jaw tribe.

This jaw is really emboldened, even though his flame space is just a rudimentary state of the law space.

But if it is, according to his cultivation progress, one day in the future, his flame space can truly evolve into a law space with fire attributes.

However, that is also the future, and now he is not the supreme being who dominates the supreme, and he has no ability to display the real law space.

Therefore, the power of his move, although extraordinary, is very powerful.

But the most fatal thing is that the speed is not good, and it is impossible to let him perform and explode as he wants.

If you encounter an ordinary opponent, even if the speed is not good, Jadah can keep up with the opponent's speed. After all, Jadah has specially practiced a powerful speed secret technique for this burning fire.

The savage combat skills he had cultivated were also used to increase speed.

The savage **** combat skills of this barbaric race are a bit special. Although the cultivation method is the same, the savage **** combat skills cultivated are different.

Because of their talents, the savage combat skills cultivated will possess different abilities.

Of course, if you focus on one aspect, the abilities of the savage **** combat skills cultivated must be the abilities of that side.

Jaida naturally also cultivated the savage combat skills, and not only did he successfully cultivate the savage combat skills, he even gained the savage combat skills in terms of speed.

Therefore, with his burning fire shining the sky, combined with the barbaric **** war skills he cultivated, the strength of this jaw is really extraordinary.

However, it was a pity that he met Qin Shaofeng.

Than speed?

What a joke, Qin Shaofeng's star-level martial arts are too much for him to count, and most of the martial arts that are directly copied by the gods and demons can be fully displayed by him.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's Phantom of the Demon's Shadow was more proficient than the old demon who specialized in practicing the Phantom of the Demon for hundreds of thousands of years.

With this anger, Jauda shot again with anger.

But this time, instead of exploding the flame space, he directly closed the flame space, turned it into a flame feather coat, and draped it directly on himself. Then, he shook his hands and blasted Qin Shaofeng directly with a punch.

Jauda could see clearly now, and in terms of speed, at his current speed, Wan Wan couldn't catch up with Qin Shaofeng.

Especially several times, he consumed a large amount of law power to make his savage **** combat skills burst out instantly, gain explosive speed in an instant, and attack Qin Shaofeng with the flame space.

But even so, every time, Qin Shaofeng can still be avoided.

Because at the moment Qin Shaofeng was about to be blasted by him, he was able to explode at an astonishing speed, as if he had teleported, and directly avoided his attack.

Jauda didn't know that, in the face of his sudden burst of brutal warfare, even Qin Shaofeng could not dodge it at such a speed.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng still relied on God Flash to survive such an attack.

Just because it was a very small divine flash, it looked like Qin Shaofeng suddenly exploded at an astonishing speed, even the jaws in the distance did not see the slightest flaw.

No matter what, the situation that Qin Shaofeng was able to hide in such a way made Jaida directly dispelled the idea of ​​catching up with Qin Shaofeng directly, and then trapping the opponent in his own flame space.

In this way, he can only carry out other attacks.

However, when he thought that he was under the burning fire and blazing the sky, the strength of his fist with a single punch was much stronger than in his usual state, and Jauda regained a little confidence in his heart.

Jauda was confident that his fist, once it hit Qin Shaofeng, it would definitely kill the opponent into scum!


With a punch, the flame feather robe formed by the flame space on Jauda's body shook slightly, and a hot breath surged out.

After that, Jauda's fist was blasted, a fist with flames.


The void shook, and there was a fiery breath, and the fist light with a strong red light smashed towards Qin Shaofeng like a meteorite.

Qin Shaofeng knew the power of Jadah's move just a little bit.


Without any hesitation, after feeling the hot breath, Qin Shaofeng stepped on his feet, and the Phantom of the Demon Stalker used it again, and with a sigh, he escaped Jauda's attack again.


There was a loud noise, a fiery flame hit the ground, and the ground exploded instantly.

The fire is everywhere, and there are countless flying rocks!

But Qin Shaofeng is still safe and sound!

For this, although Jauda was angry, this time Jauda did not roar in anger again, but his figure was shocked, his eyes were cast to Qin Shaofeng in the distance, and he got up again and flew away with another punch.

Because Jaida is convinced that the speed of Qin Shaofeng’s sudden eruption is definitely a powerful secret technique. Any such secret technique must be flawed, such as a limit on the number of times, or a bad burden. At least it is not helpful. It also needs to consume a lot of law.

In any case, this is a good thing for Jadah, because he just needs to wait.

Just wait until Qin Shaofeng's secret method is used all the times, or the power of Qin Shaofeng's body law is exhausted.

At that time, Qin Shaofeng will have a dead end!

For this, Jaida is really confident, and he does not come from himself, but from the place where he was born-the world of brutal beasts!

Jauda didn't believe that in an environment like the Brutal Beast World, as an intruder, Qin Shaofeng would possess more laws than him.

According to this situation, the person who consumed the power of the laws in the body the fastest was definitely Qin Shaofeng, it was definitely not him!

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