Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1463: what's the situation?

Chapter 1463 What's the situation?

Qin Shaofeng felt it for the first time, and it was not easy for Jakuang's palm to run into Lei's palm.

Obviously, Qin Shaofeng knew from that momentum that the power of the thunder palm used by this jaw can never be underestimated.


Without hesitation, Qin Shaofeng yelled directly: "Cover the sky!"


Qin Shaofeng's hands lit up, and under his full burst, the seven-star sky-shielding hand was instantly blasted out by him.


The void shook, and the palm prints of the two collided fiercely.

Thunder light flashes, and the breath is raging!

But the final result is still comparable!

It seems that this has been noticed. After that jaw-kuan palm, he didn't stop and burst out again with a second palm.

"Ben Lei Palm!"

It was another scene of thunder and lightning flashing, and this seemed to be just the beginning. The next third palm, fourth palm and even more thunder palms were continuously displayed by the jaws.

"Ben Lei Palm!"

"Ben Lei Palm!"

"Ben Lei Palm!"


Boom boom boom!

Countless explosions and shocks, countless thunder and lightning.

Jaw Kuan seemed to be crazy this time, without any scruples, he kept attacking Qin Shaofeng frantically.

But no matter how many Thunder Palms he exploded, as his opponent, Qin Shaofeng also exploded with the same number of sky-shielding hands.

In an instant, the world in between was shrouded in palm prints.

So crazy, regardless of the power consumption of the law, and it is still an amazing battle scene, but it is very spectacular.

Of course, this has also attracted the attention of countless people.

There are cultivators in the ancient sanctuary and countless barbarian warriors.

In fact, as early as the beginning, this battlefield has attracted the attention of many people.

The main reason is that it spreads too much, and the momentum is amazing. It is difficult to not attract other people's attention!

At first no one knew what happened here and who was on both sides of the battle.

Even many cultivators in the ancient sanctuary agreed that these two mighty savage beasts were fighting.

Otherwise, it would be the real powerhouse among the barbarians, truly hunting down powerful high-ranking barbarians.

Because of the battle in that scene, there are too many laws that need to be consumed, and it is impossible to be an opponent who comes with them.

It is worth mentioning that in the brutal beast world at this moment, the only cultivators from the ancient sanctuary are Qin Shaofeng and the others.

As for the cultivators who entered the savage beast world before, they were either killed by the savage clan, or died in the mouth of the savage beast, or they had already retreated to the ancient sanctuary.

Because a hundred years ago, the three major barbarian tribes in the brutal beast world united and drove a certain force in the brutal beast world and eliminated all the cultivators of the ancient sanctuary in the brutal beast world.

Faced with this removal, all the invaders of the ancient sanctuary were not spared.

As for what the reason is, there is no way to know this in the ancient sanctuary.

And it was precisely because of this that the original plan for the entire brutal beast world had been advanced hundreds of years.

Normally, Qin Shaofeng and the others entered the brutal beast world this time, it should be seven or eight hundred years later.

But because it was clear that a hundred years ago, the ruling sages of the ancient sanctuary were worried about what would happen, which completely advanced the plan.

Therefore, at this moment, there should be no ancient sanctuary cultivator with a lot of power in the brutal beast world.

Based on this, the practitioners of the ancient sanctuary all agreed upon seeing the scene of such a battle, that this was either the fight between the savage beast and the savage beast in the savage beast world, or the savage clan was hunting the savage beast.

However, after seeing Qin Shaofeng's points, with an unimaginable speed, after the rapid improvement, Ling Gongzi and other Tianjiao finally understood.

No matter who is in such a mighty and fierce battle, who is on both sides, but one of them is definitely Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng's rapid increase in points can prove this point.

From the battle to the present, because Qin Shaofeng deliberately expanded the range of battle, many barbaric beasts and warriors were killed in the battle between him and Chikuang.

Then, those savage beasts and savage warriors who died were recorded on his head, in order to increase a lot of points.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's points have approached the 100 million points mark.

His ranking on the scoreboard has also reached fourth place.

And according to this trend, I'm afraid it won't take long before he can surpass third place.

Under this circumstance, many cultivators in the ancient sanctuary have always looked here to see who Qin Shaofeng is fighting.

But it is a pity that this battlefield area has been surrounded by a large number of Jaw tribe warriors.

As things have developed to the present, the fighting situation has expanded so exaggeratedly, how could the other Jaw tribe warriors not find anything?

And they soon learned that the fighting side was the youngest son of their leader.

Being able to fight Jawkuang in this way shocked many Jaw tribe warriors.

Of course, the battles of some Jaw tribes began to worry about Jaw Kuan.

In the end, a team of 300 appeared, marching towards the central area where Qin Shaofeng and Jakuang fought.

You know, Qin Shaofeng and Chikuang have been in real fire until now.

Both parties are in a state where they don't need to take into account the power consumption of the law, and every move has exploded with full force, the power is quite amazing.

Facing this kind of battle situation, a little carelessness, once it is affected, it is also very dangerous.

Therefore, this team of more than 300 people is naturally very difficult.

It's really not easy!

Because they are just upper-level fighters!

There were more than 300 high-ranking fighters, among which the lowest level possessed 30 wild patterns, and the tallest was no less than a high-ranking fighter like Jauda.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know that a team was rushing here at this moment, and that Chikuang didn't know the situation either.

Although Jawkuang can pass its parasitic golden ladybug, it also determines the direction of some Jaw tribe war beasts.

But at this moment, he was already in a state of anger, and he didn't have the intention to pay attention to other Jaw tribe warriors.


Damn it!

At this moment, Chikuang was constantly roaring and cursing in his heart, his expression was terrifying!

After bursting out again and again, Jakuang found that no matter how powerful the attacks he burst out, in the end it could be counteracted by Qin Shaofeng with the same powerful attacks that were similar to each other.


No, it was another fist with a golden arc, whizzing out from Qin Shaofeng's hands, exploding the thunder and lightning that he blasted.

And at this moment, a team appeared in the distance, it was the team of more than 300 high-ranking fighters of the Jaw tribe.

But when they came here, what they saw before their eyes stunned them all.


There was a loud noise, as if it was the barrier of the brutal beast realm, which was slammed by an extremely powerful force.

Under the loud noise, everyone present had their ears buzzed and their brains were buzzing, even they all felt that the earth was shaking and the sky was shaking!


Seeing this scene, the high-ranking warriors of these Jaw tribes in the distance all turned pale, their eyes were horrified, and their hearts were horrified to the extreme.

What's happening here?

Who is that person?

Can you actually fight Jakuang to such a point?

how can that be?

Countless questions appeared in the hearts of more than three hundred high-ranking soldiers.

Moreover, many sharp-eyed high-ranking fighters even saw the jaws of the moment, and purple light appeared on their bodies.

For such purple light, these Jaw tribe warriors are no strangers.

That is the power that belongs to their leader.


This situation has already explained that even in this state, with the help of the power of their supreme leader, they still can't hold the opponent?

Where is this person sacred?


Another loud bang erupted, and a huge thunder and lightning fingerprint appeared in mid-air.

That's the skill of the barbarian king!

Many warriors of the Jaw tribe recognized this move, and suddenly felt that Jaws broke out, this time they could kill their opponent.

But the next moment, they saw that the other party blasted out a palm print that covered the sky and covered the sun, and after blasting the violent thunder palm handprint, they were stunned.

Does Ben Lei Palm not work?


With the loud noise, this time these Jaw tribe warriors saw thunder dragon lightning in the sky.

Savage King Skill-Rolling Thunder!

After seeing these thunder dragon lightning, the originally surprised Jaw tribe warrior burst out with hope again.

Because they all know that this Thunderbolt is currently the strongest savage skill in Jawkuang. It is extremely powerful, and it is not something ordinary people can stop.

But the next moment, a huge golden palm print instantly destroyed the hope in their eyes.

Still didn't win the opponent!

What's the situation?

What kind of monster is this man!

However, soon after seeing the jaws bursting out again and powerful moves like Ben Lei Palm and Thunder Wanjun, the high-ranking fighters of these jaw tribes finally understood one thing.

That is, I am afraid that Jikuang has been fighting the opponent for a long time in this way.

But even so, Chikuang still didn't win the opponent.

And many warriors of the Jaw tribe seemed to have seen Qin Shaofeng's relaxed look in the distance.

This makes Te Mo's heart even more frightened!

Too strong, this person is really too strong, I am afraid that only those high-ranking warriors in their tribe with 70 or 80 savage patterns can take the opponent down.

In fact, the warriors of these Jaw tribes did not know that Qin Shaofeng was not really easy.


This was the only thought in Qin Shaofeng's mind at this moment, it was really tiring to fight like this.

Even if the power of gods and demons is inexhaustible, powerful martial arts and skills are constantly erupting, and it is still a full-featured explosion.

This is also a torture for Qin Shaofeng's spirit.

But things have reached this point, Qin Shaofeng has completely knocked his jaw to death.

Because otherwise, Qin Shaofeng would be sorry for the 30 skill points he used.

In fact, a lot of time has passed since the battle, and now both Qin Shaofeng and Zhikuang understand that the battle between the two of them can only see who can't hold on in the end.

Whoever persists for a long time will win!

Because both Qin Shaofeng and Zhikuang understood that the other party was in a special state and possessed sufficient power of law.

In this case, you can only compete for who has been in the longest state.

In such a situation, Qin Shaofeng's divine resurrection had already been displayed several times.

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