Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1464: Improving the magic of gods and demons

Chapter 1464

As for Qin Shaofeng's current god-devil body refining method, the limitation that he can only use the god's revival twice a day, this is actually very easy to solve.

That is to directly upgrade the **** and demon body refining method to the star level, and get more times to cast the revival of the god, that is not enough.

God and Demon Body Refining Method: Special skills, skills strengthened by the eyes of God and Demon by the holy skills Yi Jin Jing and Yoga 108.

The current rating is 3 stars, which allows users to recover five times faster. Has the skill God's Recovery. (Upgrading to the next star level requires 10 skill points)

Resurrection of the gods: The exclusive ability of the awakening of the gods and demons refining the body has a super recovery ability. After casting, it can instantly restore all the consumption in the body, and can maintain a complete victory within three minutes!

The player's current realm can use God's Revival twice a day!

This is the attribute of Qin Shaofeng's 3-star God and Demon Body Refining Dafa, and after washing 10 skills, the God and Demon Body Refining Dafa has been upgraded to 4 stars.

After being promoted to 4 stars, the number of times God's Revival has been cast has reached three times.

Because of the star upgrade, the number of times God's Revival cast was completely cleaned up.

After the God and Demon Body Refining Dafa was upgraded to 4 stars, Qin Shaofeng could perform God's Revival three times again.

But it didn't take long for Qin Shaofeng to run out of the three times of God's recovery.

Forced by Qin Shaofeng, he once again consumed 20 skill points to upgrade the Divine Demon Body Refining Technique to 5 stars.

The number of times that the five-star God and Demon Refining Dafa can perform the resurrection of the gods has once again increased, which means that Qin Shaofeng can perform the resurrection of the gods again four times.

But what made Qin Shaofeng extremely helpless was that at this moment, he just performed another divine revival.

Then, the revival of the gods that upgraded the 5-star god-devil body refining Dafa just ran out.

"Damn, I didn't expect this jaw to be so difficult!"

Qin Shaofeng didn't look good, but he was a little bit reluctant to let him give up like this.

After fighting for this period of time, Qin Shaofeng had already felt the extraordinaryness of this jaw, because the brutal patterns on the opponent's body were all brutal patterns with powerful laws.

And it seems that because of the strength of his father's jaws, he has been washing the marrow for a long time. This is the quality of the brutal lines on the jaws, which is very good.

Qin Shaofeng was sure that if he could absorb the wild lines on this jaw, he would be able to gain at least the power of 30,000 pill of law.

Therefore, this jaw has become a big piece of fat in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

For this piece of fat, he invested 30 skill points back and forth.

Although these skill points were all used to improve the body refining method of Gods and Demons, in fact Qin Shaofeng didn't lose much.

But in the face of such a situation, Qin Shaofeng felt that if he didn't take this jaw, he would always lose something.

And the most important point is that Qin Shaofeng has noticed that after persisting to the present, the purple light on the jaw has begun to dim.

Almost, almost!

Qin Shaofeng's eyes burst out when he saw the purple light on Jakuang's body began to dim.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I still have more than 300 skill points, and I will use a little more to improve the **** and devil body refining technique!"

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng made a decision in an instant, ready to use 30 skill points again to upgrade the God and Demon Body Refining Technique to 6 stars.

"Ding Dong!"

"System prompt: Does the player Qin Shaofeng consume 30 skill points to upgrade the special skill God and Demon Body Refining Technique to 6 stars?"

A system prompt sounded, and Qin Shaofeng chose without hesitation.


Along with Qin Shaofeng's secret cry, he received a system prompt again.

"Ding Dong——!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for consuming 30 skill points and successfully upgraded the special skill God and Demon Body Refining Technique to 6 stars!"

God and Demon Body Refining Method: Special skills, skills strengthened by the eyes of God and Demon by the holy skills Yi Jin Jing and Yoga 108.

The current rating is 6 stars, which allows users to recover five times faster. Has the skill God's Recovery. (Upgrading to the next star level requires 50 skill points)

Resurrection of the gods: The exclusive ability of the awakening of the gods and demons refining the body has a super recovery ability. After casting, it can instantly restore all the consumption in the body, and can maintain a complete victory state within five minutes!

The player's current realm can use God's Recovery five times a day!

Compared with the 5-star level, the 6-star God and Demon Refining Method can perform God's Recovery five times. This is the same as the previous situation. The level of one star is increased, and the number of times of casting is increased once.

But what was different from the previous one was that after this upgrade, the state of God's recovery displayed by the 6-star God and Demon Refining Dafa actually increased from three minutes to five minutes every time.

This is good news for Qin Shaofeng, because in this way, he can once again have the state of God's recovery five times for five minutes.

"Man King Technique-Man King Fist!"

Suddenly with a violent shout, that jawkuan burst out a powerful attack again, but this time, he unexpectedly rushed towards Qin Shaofeng with his whole body, with a fist emitting purple thunder light, slammed at Qin Shaofeng fiercely.

this is……

Are you going to fight hand-to-hand?

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with light, and then he rushed forward without any fear.

"Fu heavy punch!"

Although the star rating of Fu Zhongquan is not high, at this moment Qin Shaofeng ignores the power consumption of the gods and demons, it also caused him to explode with amazing power.

boom! boom! boom!

The two of them fought together in an instant, and the two of you came and went with one punch.

But this scene fell in the eyes of the more than 300 Jaw tribe warriors, but it caused another shock.

That's the Barbarian King's Fist!

This Barbarian Fist is one of the strongest tricks of Barbarian King, but will it be blocked by Qin Shaofeng?

That's right, Qin Shaofeng was blocked!

In the face of the Barbarian King's fist that burst out with hatred, Qin Shaofeng actually blocked them one by one, no matter how much.

And it was blocked unscathed!

This is another group of Jaw tribe warriors, some can't accept it.

Now these Jaw tribe warriors already know the identity of Qin Shaofeng, because among these high-ranking warriors, there are one or two high-ranking warriors staying with Jaw War, but they did not act with Jaw War and follow Jaw Kuan. That's it.

The reason is very simple, Chikui can't appreciate the combat power of these two men, and to be honest, even the combat strength of Chikui is somewhat reluctant in the eyes of Chikui.

Therefore, the two of them had also met Jakuang with Jai Zhan, and then they knew the purpose of Jakuang and Qin Shaofeng's name.

After arriving here at the beginning, the two did not recognize Qin Shaofeng's identity, but now they recognize it clearly, they are even more shocked.

The opponent is just a mere intruder, and it seems that the realm is not very strong, so how can it be so fiercely fighting with the jaw.

And most importantly, what about the other warriors who followed the jaw?

What about Jadah and Jaw and the others?

Is it?

Are all dead in the hands of this Qin Shaofeng?

Faced with this result, these Jaw tribe warriors did not believe it at first.

But now they believed it, because the strength Qin Shaofeng showed far exceeded their expectations.

too strong!

Even at this moment, the hand-to-hand combat with Jaw Kuan did not leave the wind at all.

This is completely clear, Qin Shaofeng's physical strength is not inferior to their barbarians!

It can even be compared with the genius of the Jakuang level, which is too exaggerated.

However, now they can only wait and see here.

It's not that they don't want to step forward, go to help Jakuang, and deal with that Qin Shaofeng together.

But the more than 300 people here are all high-ranking warriors of the Jaw tribe, and they know Jaw Kuan's character well.

If I go up now, I'm afraid I won't be pleased by Jakuan.

Of course, the most important point is that in the face of such a fierce and terrifying battle, even if they want to intervene with their strength, it is somewhat impossible!


At the same time, Qin Shaofeng, who was fighting with Jawkuan, frowned slightly.

No way!

Can’t go on like this!

Because of the current situation, Qin Shaofeng is a little troublesome.

Although he blocked all the attacks of the jaw, he slowly polished away the purple light from the jaw.

But Qin Shaofeng estimated that even if he waited for five times, five minutes of God's recovery state this time, it is estimated that it would be difficult to completely smooth the purple light on the jaw after he used up all of it.

In the final analysis, his own output was too small, even if the power of the gods and demons could not be used up, it would not be able to exert his real strength at the moment.

By now, the power of laws in Qin Shaofeng's body has far exceeded 40,000, and even the distance from 50,000 is not much different, only more than 3,000 laws of pill.

In other words, Qin Shaofeng has already arranged forty-six thousand star formations in his body now.

This is equivalent to the pattern of forty-six avenues he already possesses.

But the problem is that with the power of the gods and demons of the more than forty thousand star formations, he can use the power of 36 or 7 of them at most.

Therefore, that is to say, in the state of God's recovery, Qin Shaofeng's full blow at this moment is at most equivalent to the attack that he has consumed all the power of the gods and demons of the thirty-six or seven thousand-star Dao formations.

This is true whether it is the Buddha's Sacred Hand, the Sky Covering Hand, or the Fu Zhongquan.

The difference is that these explosive moves will have different powerful forces because of the power of the stars themselves.

But using the Buddha's hand in this state is Qin Shaofeng's most powerful move at the moment.

In fact, if it were not for Qin Shaofeng's simultaneous activation of the state of gods and demons, and the blessings of the gods and demons, I am afraid that it would only rely on the pure recovery of the gods.

Therefore, being able to maintain the current state is already Qin Shaofeng's limit.

According to this situation, Qin Shaofeng also knew very well that he couldn't defeat Jakuang.

If you want to defeat the jaw-kuang, you can only completely wipe off the purple light on the opponent's body.

Otherwise, this would simply be impossible.

But the current situation made Qin Shaofeng a little embarrassed.

But the next moment, as if he had noticed something, Qin Shaofeng's eyes suddenly flashed a bright light.

Wait, that's...

It seemed that he had noticed some aura somewhere in the rear, and after another blast of a sky-shielding hand to withstand the attack of Jakuang, Qin Shaofeng took a moment to look somewhere behind.

Looking at it, Qin Shaofeng's eyes instantly showed a gold and purple Yin Yang Tai Chi pattern.

Eyes of Gods and Demons!

Then, with the help of the eyes of gods and demons, Qin Shaofeng saw that there were more than three hundred barbarian warriors in a place not far away.

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