Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1466: The last card of the jaw

Chapter 1466 Jawkuan's Last Trump Card




The screams continued, and Qin Shaofeng was constantly wielding the Xuanwu War Armor broadsword. The three hundred Jaw tribe warriors were quickly slaughtered by Qin Shaofeng.

Basically, Qin Shaofeng slashed the Xuanwu Battle Armor once, and it was the death of a high-ranking warrior of the Jaw Tribe, and sometimes even killed twice.

When Chikuang finally arrived, there were already more than 30 tribal warriors of the Jaw tribe who died under Qin Shaofeng.

But neither the angry jaws nor the tribal warriors of the Jaw tribe who were fleeing everywhere, they did not notice that the bodies of the warriors of the Jaw tribe who were killed by Qin Shaofeng almost disappeared.

This is all because of all the Jaw Tribe warriors killed by Qin Shaofeng, most of their bodies were collected by Qin Shaofeng.

Only a few corpses remained on the ground.

But if someone pays attention to these corpses on the ground at this moment, they will be surprised to find that all the savage patterns on these corpses have disappeared.

Moreover, the methods of death of these corpses were completely the same. The forehead was pierced, and the whole person died instantly.

It would be Qin Shaofeng's flying feather knife if it could cause such an effect.

After being able to use even more power of the gods and demons, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the magical flying feather sword could completely absorb the brutal patterns on the opponent's body when killing those barbarian warriors.

This is the same as the situation where Feiyu Knife killed the cultivator in the ancient sanctuary and could absorb the pill of law in the opponent's body, and even the entire inner world.

At this moment, there was a silver blade of light on the battlefield, flashing continuously among the crowd.

When this silver sword light flashed, every time a warrior of the Jaw tribe passed by, that warrior would instantly fall to the ground, and the breath of life would immediately disappear.

This is Qin Shaofeng using part of his own spiritual knowledge to control the flying feather knife to kill the Jaw tribe warriors present, and absorb the wild patterns on them by the way.

But neither the Jaw Kuan nor the Jaw tribe warriors found this situation.

Needless to say, Jikuang finally got here, and it was the first time he discovered that more than 30 high-ranking fighters of the Jaw tribe had been killed by Qin Shaofeng.

This makes him very angry, how can he observe other things?

Even if the high-ranking fighters are in the Jaw tribe, they are still high-level combat power, although they are not the combat power of the apex powerhouse.

But the strength of a tribe still depends on the number of upper-level fighters.

In just a short time, Qin Shaofeng slaughtered more than 30 high-ranking fighters, if he let him continue to slaughter.

Jaw Kuan felt that none of the more than 300 high-ranking fighters of the Jaw tribe could kill the opponent.

But if all of these three hundred high-ranking fighters were killed by Qin Shaofeng, that would be a big loss for the Jaw Tribe, and Jaw Kuan would naturally not allow this to happen.

"Qin Shaofeng, stop me!"

As soon as Jikuang rushed here, he roared and rushed to Qin Shaofeng, trying to prevent Qin Shaofeng from slaughtering these high-ranking soldiers.

But it is a pity that Qin Shaofeng's goal at the moment is no longer him.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly before facing the roar of Jakuang, and then dodged.


With a flash of figure, Qin Shaofeng immediately displayed his magical flash and disappeared in front of Jakuang again.





Another familiar scream sounded, which immediately made Jakuang angry.

"Qin Shaofeng, you bastard, there is a kind of attack on me, those opponents who are not strong enough, what kind of heroes!"

Jaw Kuan roared, but his response was the screams of the Jaw tribe before they died.

"Qin Shaofeng, stop it!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

"Damn bastard, I must kill you!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

"Qin Shaofeng, you are dead, slaughtering so many high-ranking fighters in my Jaw tribe, you have completely angered my father, wait for my Jaw tribe powerhouse to chase down!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"


No matter how the Jaw Kuan stopped, it could not stop Qin Shaofeng from slaughtering the high-ranking soldiers of the Jaw tribe.

His countless roars and threats can only be exchanged for the screams of the upper soldiers of the Jaw tribe before they die.

Soon, the number of high-ranking warriors from the Jaw Tribe tribes who were there were already enough to have already been slaughtered by Qin Shaofeng almost half of the number, which is no more than 200.


Faced with such a result, Jakuang broke out completely.

At this time, Jikuang knew that Qin Shaofeng could not be allowed to continue like this, because if this went on, it might not take long for the high-ranking fighters of these Jaw tribes to be massacred by Qin Shaofeng.

Chikuang didn't want to see this scene, so the decision in his heart finally broke out at this moment.

Suddenly, Chikuang stopped the act of chasing Qin Shaofeng all the time, and stood so quietly. For a while, he became quiet a bit, standing still, looking at Qin Shaofeng calmly.


As if he had noticed something, Qin Shaofeng glanced at Chikuang subconsciously, but after this glance, Qin Shaofeng noticed something wrong.

There is something wrong with this jaw-kuan expression!

A moment ago, I still hated myself deeply, wishing to devour myself alive, why is it so quiet now?


Qin Shaofeng's expression made Qin Shaofeng feel a little strange, and he couldn't help but make Qin Shaofeng vigilant in secret, and the action of slaughtering the high-ranking soldiers of the Jaw tribe couldn't help but stop, standing in the distance looking at the jaw.

But Qin Shaofeng still had a slight smile on his face, and then suddenly spoke out, and his tone was full of provocation.

"Huh? Why did you keep chasing me? Could it be that you gave up and gave up?"

With a light smile, Qin Shaofeng shook his right hand before putting away the Xuanwu armor in his hand.

Then he touched his chin, and continued to squat his jaws: "It doesn’t matter, as long as you squat a few heads at me, I will let go of your jaw tribe’s men. Don’t worry, Qin Shaofeng always speaks for words, but I’m actually It's very generous, don't worry!"

"Qin Shaofeng, you..."

Qin Shaofeng's words almost made Jakuang angry again, because Qin Shaofeng's words stimulated his nerves again.

But as if thinking of something, Jakuang took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

With the appearance of the jaw, Qin Shaofeng's heart tightened sharply, he felt that there was a problem with the jaw, and became more vigilant.

I circled a cross, and my speech irritated the jaw. This kid is still not angry. It seems there is a big problem!

For the first time, although Qin Shaofeng still had an undiminished smile on his face, he was secretly operating the power of the gods and demons in his body madly, and at the same time accelerated the absorption of the wild patterns in the flying feather knife.

This flying feather knife had already killed more than a dozen high-ranking warriors of the Jaw Tribe, and after absorbing enough wild patterns, it was summoned by Qin Shaofeng back to his inner world, allowing him to start absorbing those wild patterns.

At this moment, the pill of law in Qin Shaofeng's body is constantly increasing every moment, and Qin Shaofeng's realm is getting higher and higher.

Because of the improvement of his realm, Qin Shaofeng is now absorbing these wild patterns faster and faster.


With a cold snort, Jikuang smiled coldly at Qin Shaofeng suddenly: "Qin Shaofeng, do you really think that I can't help you with Jikuang?"

Qin Shaofeng didn't reply, the smile on his face showed what he meant, but Qin Shaofeng's vigilance in his heart was raised to the extreme.


Qin Shaofeng hadn't spoken yet, but Jakuang over there suddenly burst into laughter, his tone of arrogance was restored again.

"Qin Shaofeng, you are too self-righteous. I admit that you are really extraordinary. You are probably a true genius in the ancient sanctuary, and you are also the most enchanting kind of heaven. At this point, perhaps I am definitely not as good as You! But..."

Speaking of this, Chikuang's conversation turned, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, his face became expressionless, and his eyes became extremely sharp.

"But, I want to remind you that this is the world of brutal beasts, and my jaw is the youngest son of the future brutal pattern, and among the entire barbarians, my jaw is also an absolute genius. Therefore, the means I have, absolutely Far beyond your imagination!"

"Come on, come and see, the strongest power of our barbarians!"

As he spoke, the purple light on Jakuang suddenly mastered, turning into the power of countless laws, suddenly rushing out crazily.


A loud bang came out from the jaw, as if his whole body exploded.

At this time, the high-ranking warriors of the Jaw tribe tribe who were fleeing around seemed to have noticed something, and they couldn't help but stopped running away, staring at the jaws in the distance one by one in shock.

this is?

Seeing the jaws at the moment, the upper soldiers of these jaw tribes were shocked.

"Hahaha, it is saved, we are saved!"

Suddenly there was a high-ranking warrior from the Jaw tribe, who burst into tears of joy and shouted frantically.

Because the situation of the jaws at this moment is like a special move of their barbarians.

But they didn't expect that Jakuang would succeed in practicing this trick.

However, these are not important anymore. The important thing is that Jaw Kuan can perform this trick, which means they are safe.

Because of this move that Jawkuang broke out, all the Jaw tribe warriors who were still alive were convinced that even if Qin Shaofeng still had some hole cards, it was useless.

Because, in this battle, the ultimate winner is definitely Jaw Kuan.

Qin Shaofeng is over!

They are safe!

Especially when they felt the rising breath of Jakuang at this moment, they finally breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.


Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly when he felt the breath erupting from Jakuang.

Although the aura of Jaw Kuan at this moment was already very powerful, far beyond the realm it possessed, reaching the point of approaching the realm of sixty savage patterns.

But it was just that, it didn't make Qin Shaofeng feel any pressure.

There is no difference between Fifty Dao and Sixty Dao in the barbaric pattern realm of Jakuang.

Even for Qin Shaofeng, who was in a state of resurrection of the gods, even if the realm of the jaw was raised to the realm of seventy savage patterns, he was not afraid.

But just after Qin Shaofeng had such a thought, the aura of his jaw suddenly screamed.

"Qin Shaofeng, you are finished, I will let you see now, I am most proud of my jaw, and at the same time my most powerful trump card!"

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