Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1467: God possessed

Chapter 1467

With a straight face, Chikui swarmed out with a powerful aura, clenched his fists, and gave a sharp shake.

"Very God possessed——!"


At the moment when Jakuang roared these four words, his body's turbulent law force suddenly exploded, as if it had been ignited by something, but it was actually burning.

The surging power of the law, at this moment, instantly burned, turning into that blazing golden flame.

And at the moment when the golden flame appeared, it seemed to communicate with some kind of power in the void.

After that, the breath on Jakuang's body surged in an instant, with a thud, and directly passed the realm of sixty wild patterns, and began to explode frantically.

But this was not over yet, as the golden flames grew more and more, in the end, the whole person was directly covered by the jaw.

Immediately afterwards, there was a set of golden mighty armor on Jakuang!

The breath of Jaw Kuan paused slightly, and then skyrocketed again.

Obviously, after the appearance of the golden mighty battle armor, the realm of Jakuang was once again improved.

this is?

Qin Shaofeng was shocked when he heard the roar of Chikui and looked at the changes in Chikui's body.

Because at the moment the golden mighty battle armor appeared on the body of the jaw, his realm has soared to the realm of seventy barbaric patterns.

This jaw was originally only the realm of fifty savage patterns, but now it has actually risen to the realm of seventy savage patterns.

These fifty wild patterns seemed to be only 70 wild patterns, which was a difference of twenty wild patterns, but the gap was very large.

The realm of seventy barbarians, but the vast majority of the entire barbarians are high-ranking fighters, and it is impossible to cultivate to the realm.

And even if it's only from the realm of fifty savage patterns to the realm of seventy savage patterns, it takes a lot of time to cultivate.

For the high-ranking fighters of the barbarians who generally have the potential to cultivate to the realm of seventy barbaric patterns, it will take at least ten or twenty years to cultivate to this realm.

Even a genius like Jikuang would not be able to cultivate to this level without three years.

In addition, in the past three years, he was still in a state of smooth flow, and only then could he cultivate to the realm of seventy barbaric patterns.

But in the current situation, Jakuang has already risen to this level.

Although this is only a temporary improvement, it is already amazing.

Just to distinguish according to the power of the law, the power of the law of the jaw at this moment is probably more than ten or twenty times more than the power of the previous law.

These things are all information Qin Shaofeng has obtained from the barbarian warriors such as Jaw and Yan Fei.

But the more it was because of this, Qin Shaofeng was surprised.

However, Qin Shaofeng's heart shock and silence at this moment made Jawkuan believe that Qin Shaofeng was feeling his own power at the moment, and was directly shocked by him and frightened by him.

This made him couldn't help laughing, his tone was extremely arrogant and disdainful.

"Hahaha, Qin Shaofeng you didn't expect it? You didn't expect me to have such a strong hole card, right?"

While laughing, the golden flames on Jakuang's body became more and more exuberant, with golden light gleaming and billowing, which made his golden mighty battle armor more and more solid.


With a slight shock, the golden flames on the jaw suddenly dispersed, revealing the figure of the jaw, and at the same time, the golden mighty armor on the jaw was also completely condensed.

At this moment, Chikuang looked at Qin Shaofeng's gaze again, no more solemnity, some were just contempt and arrogance, as well as incomparable confidence, absolute confidence, that confidence that was superior to strength.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng finally felt clearly.

The so-called Barbarian God possessed by the Jawkuan was actually a martial skill such as combat skills with the Barbarian God, but after the Barbarian God possessed it, it communicated with the great power of the entire Brutal Beast World.

Then, the possession of this barbaric **** is to make Jaw Kuan, with the help of the power of the barbaric beast realm, obtain blessings, and finally have this state.

Seeing this situation in Jakuang, this made Qin Shaofeng more determined to cultivate the savage war skills.

"Do you know Qin Shaofeng?"

It seems that Qin Shaofeng can't make any waves anymore, and has completely become a turtle in the urn.

Jikuang didn't act on Qin Shaofeng immediately, but suddenly asked gently.

Without waiting for Qin Shaofeng’s answer, Chikuang sneered: “Since I succeeded in cultivating this brutal **** possessing body, this is the first time I performed it when I was against an enemy. And you can force me here. One step, you are powerful, and this is also the most dazzling glory of your life!"


Qin Shaofeng, who was opposite to the end of the jaw, heard the words of the jaw, a trace of helplessness flashed on his face again.

"Do you call this my glory? I didn't mean you, you, your brain?"


As soon as Qin Shaofeng said these words, not only the jaw-kuang face changed, but the warriors of the Jaw-tribe tribe were completely astonished.

In their view, this battle has already come to fruition.

After displaying the possessiveness of the wild god, the jaw kuan temporarily possessed the realm power of seventy wild patterns!

Although he doesn't have the leader-level powerhouse of the hundred savage patterns, but the realm of the seventy savage patterns is already terrifying.

Moreover, the warriors of these Jaw tribe tribes are very clear that the power of the barbaric warfare skills cultivated by Jaws, but how many barbaric patterns they possess, can burst out the power of the law of as many barbaric patterns.

In the eyes of these Jaw tribe warriors, even the ten Qin Shaofeng, who possessed the realm of seventy barbaric patterns, were not necessarily the opponents of the jaw.

But why did Qin Shaofeng still say such a thing?

Could it be that this kid is completely irritated by the powerful strength of Jakuang at this moment, so that his brain is unclear and silly?

For a time, the Jaw tribe warriors seemed to forget that Qin Shaofeng's horror of massacring a group of them caused Qin Shaofeng to yell at Qin Shaofeng from a distance.

"Qin Shaofeng, your brain is okay? Under such circumstances, you still dare to speak to our Young Master Chikuang like this. Isn't your life too long?"

"Hmph, I'm afraid this kid doesn't even know the power of my barbarian clan's strongest martial skill, barbaric **** possession?"

"Ha, Qin Shaofeng, you can hear me clearly. This **** possessed is the strongest martial skill of our clan. If it is not a peerless talent, it cannot be cultivated. If our Master Chikui can successfully practice, that means that our Master Chikui is an absolute genius. , So you are dead!"

"Hey! This Qin Shaofeng is a small invader, I don't know that our barbarians' strongest martial arts is normal!"

"Yes, Master Jawkuang, don't be as knowledgeable as this hillbilly invader, just kill him, and avenge our dead soldiers!"

"Yes, avenge our dead soldiers!"



After listening to Qin Shaofeng's words, the ugly jaw-kuan, amid the clamor of the high-ranking warriors of the jaw tribe, finally recovered his calm again.


With a lightly cold snort, Jawkuan said ruthlessly to Qin Shaofeng: "Qin Shaofeng, you don't have to say, you can make me fight with such strenuous strength, and even finally display this kind of **** possession. You are proud of such an achievement. , But that's the case at best, you go to death for me now!"

As the words fell, the golden flames of the golden and mighty armor on the jaws of the jaws rose fiercely, and only heard a thud, the jaws of the entire body was like an off-stringed arrow, which quickly shot towards Qin Shaofeng.

The speed of this jaw is at least three times faster than his previous speed, and it also carries the billowing golden flames, just like the shocking meteor meteor, and with an extremely violent breath, it crushes Qin Shaofeng fiercely. Away.


Numerous hissing sounds violently, and the space seemed to be torn apart, leaving behind a faint flame of golden light where the jaw passed.

Moreover, the golden flame on Jakuang's body is not a real flame, and it does not carry any hot breath, but it can burn the power of the law in the space!

As for the jaw-kuang himself, he was even more breath-taking, and his momentum was astonishing.

At this moment, the purple light power that belonged to his father's jaw man had completely dissipated.

But compared with having a purple light, the jaw strength at this time is probably several times stronger.


Just breathe, Chikuang came to Qin Shaofeng, his hands shook violently, and the golden flames on it rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

So fast!

Facing the blast of Jaikuang's absolute momentum, Qin Shaofeng was shocked, the opponent's speed was so fast that he could no longer escape.

Because at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's speed could not keep up with his jaw.

However, the speed is not good, Qin Shaofeng has other means.

God flash!

With a secret cry in my heart, Qin Shaofeng's figure disappeared in vain.


With such a powerful and rapid attack from Jaw Kuan, Qin Shaofeng did not even think about it, but he directly used the magic flash, allowing himself to teleport away.


With a cold snort of extreme disdain, it seemed that Qin Shaofeng had expected this hand a long time ago, and a cold light flashed in Jakuang's eyes, and then the golden flames of the golden mighty armor on his body exploded fiercely.


The golden light flashed, and the void vibrated. At this moment, that jawkuan burst out with a more terrifying speed with the golden flame burning on it.

call out--!

As if penetrating the space of the brutal beast world, the figure of Jakuang shook slightly.


It was just such a sudden flash, the figure of Jakuang disappeared with Qin Shaofeng.

This jaw kuang is naturally not teleporting, it's just that his speed is so fast that it is almost the same as the short-distance teleportation, making people look completely teleporting.


After Shen Xian's cast, before his teleported figure was completely stabilized, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt something, and subconsciously moved back, and then he was shocked.

So fast!

A golden rainbow suddenly flashed from the corner of his eyes, Qin Shaofeng felt a powerful breath and instantly came to his side.

Without thinking about it, Qin Shaofeng knew in his heart that this golden rainbow light must be awkward, almost at the same time as he felt the powerful breath.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't panic. Although this jaw was terrifying, Qin Shaofeng had already had a way to deal with it.


There was a sudden flash like that again, Qin Shaofeng used his magic flash again and teleported again.

Than teleport?

Qin Shaofeng is not afraid, he still has four resurrection of the gods, a total of twenty minutes.

And I don't believe that, even when he has been using the magic flash, this jaw can catch up with him!

In the face of the jaws that had been possessed by a savage **** at this moment, Qin Shaofeng knew that there was a huge gap between him and the opponent.

Facing each other now, Qin Shaofeng knew that he would definitely suffer.

If you improve those more, the situation may be different!

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