Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1474: Meet Tiger Lord Again

Chapter 1474

"Could it be that he killed one or two thousand barbarian fighters in a row, which attracted the attention of some barbarians?"

Feeling the aura of a hundred barbarian warriors coming towards him, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved and he secretly guessed.

But even if Qin Shaofeng guessed, he was just guessing. This was because he killed a large number of barbarian warriors. He didn't even think about it.

However, even if he didn't know the reason, it was not important to Qin Shaofeng.

The important thing is that this one hundred barbarian warrior team, in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, is a large number of genuine ‘Pills of Law’!

The lowest is the realm with fifty savage patterns, and the number is 100. Among them, many fighters have the realm of sixty savage patterns, and even the strongest have the realm of 70 savage patterns.

Even the brutal lines on these people are not as good as the jaws in quality, but the quantity is too much.

Qin Shaofeng now has more than 80,000 pill of law, and this pill to improve one law requires a lot of power of law.

Now a middle-ranked barbarian warrior with twenty barbaric patterns realm can improve Qin Shaofeng by two barbaric patterns at most.

A high-ranking warrior with more than thirty savage patterns is better. It can bring Qin Shaofeng the energy to improve five or six pill of laws.

The higher the barbarian warrior's realm, the more savage patterns it possesses.

A high-ranking barbarian warrior with more than fifty barbaric patterns, the power of the law contained in all the barbaric patterns can bring at least 50 pill of law to Qin Shaofeng.

The higher the realm, the more difficult it is for Qin Shaofeng to increase the number of Pills of Law.

If it weren't for the brutal patterns on the barbarians, if he could absorb and refine them, it would take a lot of time for him to reach the realm at this moment.

Even if it is to hunt wild beasts and obtain the wild beast pill of wild beasts to absorb, it will take a lot of time to absorb the wild patterns of the wild clan.

The appearance of the barbarians is good news for Qin Shaofeng.

At this moment, there was another team of barbarian warriors with a hundred men, and the lowest barbarian warrior among them was able to bring him an improvement of 50 pill of law. Why didn't Qin Shaofeng be moved?

A conservative estimate of the improvement of a fifty pill of the law is that one hundred is five thousand.

This also allowed him to add another five thousand-star Dao formations in his inner world.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng stopped in place and waited for the arrival of the barbarian warriors.

Huh huh!

Not long after, a large group of figures flashed, and a group of barbarian high-ranking fighters suddenly appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng.

However, what made Qin Shaofeng a little speechless was that these people didn't even say hello to him, they attacked him in a swarm.

This was beyond Qin Shaofeng's expectation. He didn't even want the opening remarks, just started the fight?

But Qin Shaofeng was not afraid, just a group of barbarian warriors.

If it were when he met Jakuang, facing such a team, Qin Shaofeng would definitely choose to escape.

Because this team is too strong, the lowest are high-ranking fighters with more than fifty wild patterns, and the highest is more than seventy.

In Qin Shaofeng's realm at that time, it was simply food delivery.

But now it is different.

After absorbing and refining the savage patterns of the jaw tribe warriors, Qin Shaofeng now possesses 83 thousand-star Dao formations.

This is much higher than the strongest man in this group of barbarians.

And this is still in accordance with the barbarian pattern and the ancient sanctuary cultivator's avenue pattern, the corresponding realm.

You must know that the thousand-star Dao formation Qin Shaofeng possesses, but possesses the power of gods and demons.

It can be said that with Qin Shaofeng's current strength, it is estimated that only a high-ranking barbarian warrior with more than ninety barbaric patterns can be his opponent.

And the group in front of them, the strongest barbarian warriors, didn't even have 80 barbarian patterns.

No matter how large it is, it is still weak in front of Qin Shaofeng!

"Huh! If you don't say hello, just do it? Well, I want to see what you barbarians are capable of!"

With a cold voice in his heart, Qin Shaofeng was planning to make a move.

But at this moment, a tiger roar suddenly sounded.

"Damn barbarian bastard, who gave you the courage to actually do something to my boss?"


The roar of tigers made Qin Shaofeng feel extremely familiar.

this is?

Thinking of something suddenly, Qin Shaofeng subconsciously looked up, and then he saw a familiar figure, appearing in front of him with countless lightning and thunder.

Tiger Lord?

Seeing this familiar figure, Qin Shaofeng was a little astonished for a while.

Because he didn't expect that he would meet Tiger Lord again under such circumstances.

The reason why he is a little familiar is because the appearance of the tiger at the moment, when separated from them before, but a lot has changed.

Because of Qin Shaofeng’s super demon chess piece, Lord Tiger, after transforming into Qin Shaofeng’s demon family, evolved into a tiger of thunder, light and darkness!

With the light of thunder and the mixed power of the darkness of thunder, this is an extremely rare physique!

As a tiger, with such a body of thunder, light and darkness, Lord Tiger already has the potential to stand on top of all tigers.

Because of the body of Thunder Light and Darkness, Lord Tiger has three hair colors: purple, white, and dark.

But now Qin Shaofeng has discovered that all the hairs on the tiger's body have turned white, and the hairs are like white crystals all over the body, and each one is a perfect work of art.

Not only the appearance, but Qin Shaofeng also felt that the aura on the tiger's body, the incomparable horror, was completely worse than his master.

Has this uncle Tiger become so strong?

Qin Shaofeng was secretly surprised, but he didn't expect to see Lord Tiger again, the other party would be so powerful.

However, Qin Shaofeng was very surprised that if he remembered correctly, Lord Tiger should have been practicing with Feng Jiuxuan. Why did he appear in the brutal beast world now?

Could this guy also come to participate in the so-called all-around contest?

But thinking about it carefully, Qin Shaofeng felt something was wrong.

No, with the aura of Lord Tiger, he might be more powerful when he enters the brutal beast realm, but his current aura seems to be completely unrestricted by the brutal beast realm?

what is happening?

Qin Shaofeng was surprised here, and after Lord Tiger appeared, the barbarian warriors who had rushed towards Qin Shaofeng instantly stabilized their bodies.

After seeing Master Tiger's appearance, the expressions of all of them changed suddenly.

"The Tiger King? It's the Tiger King!"

Suddenly, there was an exclamation in the opposite crowd, and then all the barbarian warriors panicked.

This surprised Qin Shaofeng, what's the situation?

Wild Tiger King?

This name is rather domineering.

And Qin Shaofeng also discovered that the gazes of these barbarian warriors looking at Lord Tiger showed deep fear, and even deeper fears.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng finally understood.

Looking at the driver, these barbarian warriors knew Lord Tiger, so Lord Tiger has been in the world of brutal beasts for some time.

Although Qin Shaofeng didn't know what happened, he knew what happened before him. Lord Tiger was doing well in this brutal beast world.

"Hi, dear Lord Tiger King, I don't know why you are here?"

The group of barbarian warriors on the opposite side panicked for a while, the leader with the seventy-six barbaric patterns realm suddenly spoke to Lord Tiger.

Tiger Lord didn't speak, but Tiger's eyes looked at each other coldly.

This caused the upper barbarian warrior to feel a little flustered, then pointed to Qin Shaofeng, and said to Lord Tiger: "Respected Lord Barbarian Tiger, this person killed the youngest son of my Jaw tribe tribe, Jaikuang, we are ordered by the leader. Capture it and bring it back to our Jaw tribe!"

"Woooo-! What did you say?"

With a fierce roar, Master Tiger was completely angry.

What kind of stuff is this stuff special!

How dare to take the boss of my tiger master back to your jaw tribe?

Are your jaw tribes fatter?

"Damn barbarians, do you know who he is? He is the boss of my Tiger Lord. How dare you arrest him?"

The more Tiger Lord became more angry, the white hair on his body also stood up one by one because of his anger, and flashes of small purple thunder and lightning appeared from time to time on it.


Hearing what Tiger Lord said, the high-ranking warrior of the Jaw tribe was instantly stunned.

Is this Qin Shaofeng the boss of the Tiger King?

Nima, this is a big joke!

But Lord Tiger didn't care about so many, it was obvious that the high-ranking warriors of these Jaw tribes had already offended him.

"Kill the young man with jaws?"

Tiger Lord roared: "So what? Don't talk about Jawman's son. If I anxious Tiger Lord, I just chopped off Jawman's body!"

At this moment, the high-ranking warrior of the Jaw tribe was not happy.

In the hearts of the warriors of these jaw tribes, their leader jaw barbarian, but possesses the supreme place, is second only to the existence of the supreme barbarian **** they believe in.

At this moment, Tiger's words also touched their nerves.

"Man Tiger King, please speak carefully!"

The leading high-ranking warrior's face became cold, and his tone was a little uncomfortable: "If you insist on doing this, Man Tiger King, then you are an enemy of our Jaw Tribe. You have to think clearly about this."

Seemingly emboldened, the leading superior soldier suddenly stiffened.

"Man Tiger King, although you are strong, but facing our leader, I am afraid that it is a little insufficient. Our goal is only Qin Shaofeng behind you. As long as you let go, I can assume that nothing happens!"

But this guy didn't know that his words had already made Master Tiger completely angry.

Tiger Lord seems to have no bottom line, well, it can be completely unlimited.

But in his heart, he was extremely loyal and admired to Qin Shaofeng, the boss.

In this regard, even without the constraints of super devil chess pieces, Master Tiger had the same attitude towards Qin Shaofeng.

At this moment, someone actually said such a thing in front of him?

Let him go?

Then in front of his Tiger Lord, take his boss Qin Shaofeng away?

At this moment, there is only one thought in Lord Tiger's mind, that is, the warriors of these jaw tribes are all looking for death.


There was no need for words, but Tiger Lord just let out a roar.

The next moment, with a crash, a black and heavy beast appeared, and then surrounded this group of Jaw Tribe warriors inside and out.

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