Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1475: Tiger's experience

Chapter 1475 Master Tiger's Experience

"Man Tiger King, what do you want to do?"

After being surrounded by countless savage beast groups, the leader of the Jaw Tribe high-ranking warrior finally panicked.

"What are you doing?" Tiger Lord smiled coldly, "Of course I killed you!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lord Tiger roared again at the countless savage beasts.

Then, in the next moment, the high-ranking warrior team of the Jaw Tribe of a hundred people was instantly swallowed by countless savage beasts.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Qin Shaofeng could only hear a few screams, which made him somewhat unresponsive.

When he finally realized it was a burst of heartache.

"Ah, my points! My wild patterns, my realm!"

But it's a pity that under the siege of so many savage beasts, only a small number of Jaw tribe warriors could not resist it.

Although these are Jaw tribe warriors in the upper warrior realm, the savage beasts they face are as numerous as mountains and seas.

And besides, there are seven or eight-star savage beasts among these savage beasts, but after being swallowed by the savage beasts in the blink of an eye, the warriors of the Jaw tribe tribe were torn alive by countless savage beasts.

The hands are hard to beat all the punches, and this chaotic punch can kill the master!

In the end, Qin Shaofeng could only watch tens of millions of points, just like this drifting past his eyes.

However, what made Qin Shaofeng heartache most was the brutal patterns on these Jaw tribe warriors.

At least it is a pill that can improve five thousand-star Dao formations!

Qin Shaofeng was heartbroken.

But after taking a look at Lord Tiger, Qin Shaofeng's heartache disappeared unconsciously.


Family members: Tiger Lord (Thunder God Tiger)

Occupation: Soldier

Level: Supreme dominates the pinnacle

The Pattern of Avenue: Ninety Ways

Innate Spirit Root: Light of God's Punishment

Talent skills: Thunder God Punishment

Skill 1: Yi Jin Jing

Familiar: None


Half an hour later, Qin Shaofeng in a small mountain forest looked at the attribute information of Lord Tiger, and was a little speechless for a while.

Because of hunting and killing barbarian warriors everywhere, Qin Shaofeng did not feel Tiger's approach.

On the contrary, after Tiger Lord approached Qin Shaofeng for a certain distance, he sensed the connection between himself and Qin Shaofeng, which made him finally convinced that Qin Shaofeng had also entered the world of brutal beasts.

For a moment, Lord Tiger was very excited, speeding up and rushing towards Qin Shaofeng.

But after he didn't want to rush to the place, he discovered the scene of Qin Shaofeng being besieged, which made him very angry, and then there was the scene before.

Now the warriors of the Jaw tribes have been completely solved by Tiger's men.

Speaking of Tiger's subordinates, Qin Shaofeng was curious.

Now after some understanding, Qin Shaofeng knew that the short-term experience of Lord Tiger was rich and colorful!

In fact, Qin Shaofeng could fully understand this point only from the attribute information of Lord Tiger himself.

Lord Tiger used to be the tiger of thunder and darkness, but now the situation seems to have evolved again, becoming the **** of thunder!

Moreover, his talent spirit root has also changed from the light of thunder to the light of divine punishment, and even the talent skills have become thunder of divine punishment.

Although only a simple change of two words, Qin Shaofeng was shocked when he understood.

The power of thunder originally possessed by Lord Tiger is at most the power of thunder with a mixture of light and dark.

But now this so-called light of divine punishment seems to be even stronger.

Not only does it possess the power of mixing light and dark, it even has an extra power of the five elements.

The mixed thunder power of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, light and darkness, the seven attributes, this power is much stronger than before.

After learning these things, Qin Shaofeng was very emotional for a while.

But in the face of Qin Shaofeng's emotions, Lord Tiger was about to cry.

"Boss, don't you know, what a miserable price I have paid for the reason I have such achievements!"

Then came Tiger's cry, and his cry was like tears from the sad listeners!

Then, Qin Shaofeng knew from the cries of Lord Tiger, and it didn't take long for Lord Tiger to see Feng Jiuxuan since he separated from him.

Moreover, accepting Feng Jiuxuan's guidance, the progress of Master Tiger's cultivation was quite rapid.

But the good times didn't last long. At the end of the day, Lord Tiger, who was walking in the territory of the Feng clan, was knocked out.

Moreover, Lord Tiger didn't even see the other side's appearance, and was completely knocked out unknowingly.

"Boss, don't you know that the person who started secretly is too dark for me, when did my Tiger Lord offend him, so I need to stun?"

When talking about this, Tiger Lord was still very angry.

"Did you stun you? What happened?" Qin Shaofeng asked curiously.

"I don't know!" Tiger Ye shook his head, "I only know that when I wake up again, I will appear in a cave called the Venerable God Punishment."

God punishes the Lord?

Qin Shaofeng frowned again, but when he thought of Master Tiger's spiritual roots of talent at the moment, he moved in his heart and asked subconsciously.

"Venerable Divine Punishment? Isn't it your Light of Thunder, or did it evolve into the Light of Divine Punishment in that place?"

"Well, yes!" Lord Tiger nodded, "The cave house called Lord Punishment has an inheritance called Lord Punishment, and I just met the conditions of inheritance, so I was selected as the successor. Then inherited the powerful power of divine punishment!"

Speaking of the power of this divine punishment, Lord Tiger suddenly became vigorous.

"Boss, let me tell you, the power of this divine punishment is incredible. It can control the thunder divine punishment of the entire ancient continent. That divine punishment is the existence of the ancient continent in charge of divine punishment!"

The existence in charge of divine punishment?

Qin Shaofeng was shocked, it was such an existence?

For a while, this could be regarded as arousing the curiosity in Qin Shaofeng's heart, and he continued to ask Lord Tiger about this Venerable Divine Punishment.

But it's a pity. According to what Tiger Lord said, it seems that because this ancient continent took place at a very unusual time, the power of divine punishment in the entire world has almost collapsed.

Moreover, the inheritance of the god-punished person seems to have been in the cave forever because it has not been inherited. After the baptism of time, it has become very thin now.

According to Tiger Lord, the inheritance of that Dongfu is already incomplete. If it is complete, after he inherits, he will at least dominate the existence of the Supreme One.

However, even if it was so, even if it was only a trace of power, it finally allowed Lord Tiger to directly rise from the realm of the first entering Nirvana to the realm of supreme dominance, and the pattern of the Great Dao in his body soared to the eighty realms.

This made Qin Shaofeng even more curious about the inheritance and the so-called God Punishment Venerable.

But helplessly, it seemed that there really wasn't any extra power anymore. After the Lord Tiger accepted the inheritance of God Punishment Venerable, it completely collapsed.

This made Qin Shaofeng's idea of ​​wanting to see it, but also died without a disease.

And after the cave mansion collapsed, Lord Tiger reappeared already in this brutal beast world.

Although less than a month has passed from the outside world, in fact, in that Dongfu, Lord Tiger has spent a long, long time.

Lord Tiger estimated that the cave of the Lord of God Punishment was also due to such a state of time acceleration, which exhausted all its power and finally collapsed and disappeared.

However, after this, Tiger Lord has already adjusted to the level and strength of his own improvement.

Then, it was the beginning of the happy days of Lord Tiger in the wild beast world.

When he first appeared in the Brutal Beast Realm, Lord Tiger didn't know that this was the Brutal Beast Realm, and he didn't even know the existence of the Brutal Beast Realm.

But unlike the creatures of other ancient sanctuary, the Tiger Lord who appeared in the barbarian beast world was not suppressed by the laws of the barbarian beast world at all.

Obviously, the power of divine punishment possessed by Lord Tiger can make him completely immune to the suppression of the laws of the Great Beast Realm.

For Lord Tiger, this appearance in an unfamiliar place in his life made him a little uneasy.

But as soon as he thought of his strength becoming stronger, Hu Ye was relieved.

Then, he began to inquire about where it was, and then returned to Feng Clan territory.

At first, Hu Ye thought that this place was still an ancient sanctuary!

But after getting to know it for a while, Lord Tiger learned from some brutal beasts that the strange place he appeared was a place called the brutal beast world.

The most important thing is that this savage beast world is quite at odds with the ancient sanctuary.

At this moment, the tiger was shocked.

What is wrong with the ancient sanctuary?

He is a creature of the ancient sanctuary!

He actually appeared in the enemy's lair?

The more I thought about Lord Tiger, the more I was frightened. In the end, he started to pretend to be a savage beast.

While pretending, Lord Tiger also quickly improved his realm.

Because it was discovered that the brutal beasts in the brutal beasts world had some work to improve his power of divine punishment, the tiger master also began to slaughter the brutal beasts.

However, it is still slow for Lord Tiger to improve through the Brutal Beast Pill.

Finally, Lord Tiger discovered a special medicinal material, which had a very significant effect on improving his power of divine punishment.

This special medicinal material is a sacred fruit!

Then, Lord Tiger's eyes began to focus on the wild **** fruit, and he began to look for the wild **** fruit everywhere.

In the process, Lord Tiger began to subdue some wild beasts as errands.

The power of divine punishment he possessed can stimulate the spirit of the brutal beasts. With this method, the tiger master controlled a lot of brutal beasts, and gradually his brutal beast army became stronger and stronger.

Even in the end, it attracted the attention of the three tribes.

However, the people of the three major barbarian tribes, even the old leaders of the Shun barbarian wizards, did not discover the true identity of Lord Tiger, but regarded Lord Tiger as a special powerful savage beast.

Although this savage beast is not only very intelligent, it can even speak deliciously, and it has no bottom line.

But no one doubts whether Lord Tiger is a brutal beast!

There is no way, who said that Lord Tiger controls too many savage beasts, which makes many powerful people of the barbarian clan think of a special savage beast in their savage beast world!


The king of wild beasts!

In the years of existence in the savage world, there have been several special savage beasts that can command a large number of savage beasts.

And this kind of brutal beast is extremely intelligent and powerful, and the barbarians call it the beast king!

Therefore, this is the origin of the title of Tiger Lord.

Knowing that a king savage beast was born among the savage beasts, many barbarians were moved.

Because if you can subdue the Beastmaster, it would be equivalent to having an army of countless brutal beasts.

It even spread among the barbarians, and getting the Beastmaster can create the fourth largest tribe.

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