Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1476: The Secret of Jaw Man (Part 1)

Chapter 1476

By subduing the Beastmaster, you can build the fourth biggest deal of the barbarians!

Faced with such temptation, how many barbarians are not tempted?

For a while, many of the strong men of the barbarians began to trouble Lord Tiger.

But what does Tiger Lord exist?

Sehu, old hooligan, old fritters!

This is Qin Shaofeng's name and appraisal to him, and it is very appropriate.

As a result, needless to say, it is natural that countless barbarians have lost their lives, and even the vast majority of barbarians have lost their lives.

Even in the end even Jawman shot.

Facing the ‘Beast King’ among Lord Tiger, Jaw Man was naturally moved.

Because if he can conquer a beast king and gain a lot of brutal beast combat power, then his plan to unify the entire barbarian clan will be more smooth.

And the final result, even if a strong man like Jawman made a move, he eventually returned without success.

At this moment, countless strong barbarians extinguished the thoughts in their hearts, and no longer bothered to find Tiger Lord.

A strong man like Jawman couldn't subdue the beast king, so other people would probably not be even worse.

For a time, the title of Lord Tiger, the Tiger King, became even more resounding among the barbarians.

This has calmed down the Tiger a lot, and there is no need to deal with the barbarians who come to subdue him.

When he heard that Lord Tiger had fought with Jawman, Qin Shaofeng moved in his heart and couldn't help asking: "By the way, you fought with Jawman, how strong is the opponent?"

What surprised Qin Shaofeng was that, facing his question, Master Tiger's answer surprised him very much.

"Strong! Very strong! The strength of the jaw barbarian is very strong, I am not his opponent!"

Without hesitation, Lord Tiger directly stated that his strength was not as good as that of the opponent.

The tone he said this was not only very solemn, but also used three strong words one after another to deliberately strengthen his tone.

This surprised Qin Shaofeng, but Qin Shaofeng was even more alarmed.

"The strength of that jaw barbarian is very strong?"

Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly. He thought that Master Tiger's strength would be more or less able to hold the leader of the Jaw Tribe tribe. But listening to Master Tiger's tone, it seemed a bit troublesome.


Lord Tiger nodded solemnly, and then thought for a while before he said: "At the beginning, I only had the realm of the Eighty-Three Dao Patterns, but even so, with the power of divine punishment, I am confident that I can I have fought against the strong men who generally hold the title of emperor! But that jaw barbaric..."

Tiger's tone was full of self-confidence, but when it came to the jaws, Tiger's face became extremely serious.

After hesitating for a while, Lord Tiger said: "Boss, according to my guess, the savage pattern possessed by that Jawman not only exceeds a hundred, but I am afraid it is still far beyond this number. Because I was always in front of that Jawman. I was crushed and beaten and almost killed by the other party. Even if it weren't for the jaw man who thought I was the barbarian beast king and wanted to subdue me, I'm afraid he would have killed him!"


These words shocked Qin Shaofeng. He didn't expect that Jaw Man had such strength, which embarrassed him.

"Then how did you escape in the end?" Qin Shaofeng asked.

"I don't know!" Hu Ye shook his head.

But soon Lord Tiger remembered something again, and said with some uncertainty: "However, I remembered one thing, that is, when I was fighting with Jawbarb, I seemed to have noticed a strong man. Breath. It’s just that because the jaw is too strong, I can’t be distracted to observe, I’m not sure!”

"Is there anyone else?" Qin Shaofeng's brows wrinkled slightly again, lost in thought.

He believed that there might actually be other people, so that there was a trace of jealousy in Jaman's heart, and he didn't make an all-out effort against Lord Tiger.

In fact, this is really true.

Because at the beginning, when the jawman was going to deal with Lord Tiger, Yaohu, the leader of the Yao tribe, also followed in secret.

With Yaohu's scheming, he naturally knew the purpose and behavior of Jawman, and Yaohu knew well that if Jawman really got a beast king, then they Yao and Shun might be in danger.

Jawman has the ambition to unify the entire barbarian race, Yao Hu is very clear.

Therefore, it is impossible for Yao Hu to let Jaw Man succeed and obtain a Beast King.

At the beginning, it was he who had been paying attention to him secretly, which made the jaws feel jealous, and this did not take the tiger master.

If Yaohu hadn't appeared in the first place, I'm afraid Hu Ye would have been imprisoned in the Jaw Tribe's prison.

Although Qin Shaofeng didn't know these things, in any case, there was one thing he was very sure about.

That is the strength of Jaw Man, really powerful!

Even though Lord Tiger had already risen to the realm of having ninety avenues, according to his estimation, he was not yet an opponent of Jawbarb.

The strength of that jaw barbarian is really too strong!

Originally, Qin Shaofeng thought that after possessing the eighty-three thousand-star Dao formations, he could already be in the wild beast realm.

But now it is understood that his strength is still not enough.

However, it is very easy for Qin Shaofeng to improve his realm now.

Because he is not alone now!

Looking at the tens of thousands of savage beast army behind Tiger Lord, Qin Shaofeng's mouth slightly raised.



Let's start! ~


At the same time, it was the palace of the Jaw tribe, and Ja Man was angry again at this moment.

"Damn it, that stupid tiger dare to go against me?"

An angry growl came from the palace.

When the soldiers of the team he sent out were besieged and killed by a large number of wild beasts, he had already known through the female bug of the golden armor ladybug.

Then, when he learned that Lord Tiger had appeared this time, it made him very angry.

"That **** stupid tiger, do you really think I dare not kill it?"

Jawman was very angry at the moment, which made the breath on his body extremely violent.

At this moment, Jawman is in a room deep in the palace. The power of the law in this room can already be condensed into fog. Jawman is in the thick fog of the power of this law, surrounded by layers of thick fog.

But at this moment, under his anger, a violent force surged from him, blowing away the richness of the law.

The densely dissipated reveals a figure with a savage jaw, an extremely strong body, and the bulging muscles on the red fruit are even more frightening.

However, the most noticeable thing is the brutal pattern on this jaw.

A series of purple savage patterns were shining incomparably purple at this moment, and what was even more incredible was that these savage patterns on Jaw Man's body were swimming in his body like a purple wandering dragon.

If this were seen by other barbarian warriors, it would be extremely shocking.

Wild pattern!

This is the standard of the strength of a barbarian warrior, and it is also a symbol of strength. The more savage patterns they have, the stronger their strength. This is the most unchanging iron law of the barbarians in the history of the savage beasts.

Moreover, there is an iron law in the wild pattern, that is, how to portray and portray it in the place of one's own holy veins, it is not determined by the person.

Under normal circumstances, a barbarian warrior wants to paint a savage pattern on his own, and that can only be painted on himself when his realm is capable of depicting the savage pattern.

How do you see that you can reach the state of portraying the next brutal pattern?

This is actually very simple, because when the next barbaric pattern can be portrayed, a faint pattern will appear on the body of every barbarian.

This is the precursor to the next brutal pattern!

At this time, the barbarian warrior was on this slightly bright pattern, and it was enough to start to draw new brutal patterns.

Generally speaking, what the slightly bright lines look like, then the brutal lines drawn out are like.

And once the characterization is completed, then this barbarian pattern will not change at all until the moment the barbarian warrior with this barbarian pattern dies, and it is even more impossible to run to other positions on the body.

The savage patterns of the barbarians are fixed, whether it is the shape or the position of the depiction, they are always the same to death.

Even if it is some young barbarian warriors, when they are adults, the savage patterns occupies a certain position on themselves, and the savage patterns will not change with the growth of the juvenile's body.

This is why, many old barbarian warriors have a large number of brutal patterns on their faces.

Because the wild lines will not shrink, but the barbarian warriors are getting old, and their physical skin has shrunk, and all the wild lines are gathered.

In a word, the savage patterns on the barbarian warriors will not move at all.

But at this moment, the savage patterns on this jaw man are actually swimming.

This is so weird!

What's more, what is even more puzzling is that the savage patterns on the jaws of the barbaric body are not really what they said to the tiger master.

One hundred!

The savage patterns on this jaw man are no more than a hundred!

But it's just a hundred wild patterns, it's nothing!

You must know that today, let alone all the barbarians, even in the Jaw Tribe tribe, there are a few outstanding warriors with more than a hundred barbaric patterns.

But this Jaw Man is only exactly one hundred. According to the barbarian warrior's situation, the strength of one hundred Barbarian patterns may not make the Jaw Man the number one powerhouse in the Jaw tribe.

But the jaw barbaric strength is strong, but it is not fake!

The strength of the Jaw Man is the number one strongman in the Jaw tribe.

But what is the current situation?

It is impossible to say that the jaw barbarian with a hundred savage patterns has the power of the law more powerful than other superb warriors with more than a hundred savage patterns?

Such a statement is untenable among the barbarians.

Because starting from the seventy savage pattern realm, the barbarians who reached this realm began to explode the power of the law of increasing their savage patterns.

For example, a high-ranking warrior with sixty savage patterns can only exert the power of one-half of his own savage patterns, that is, the power of 30 savage patterns.

But once his savage patterns exceed seventy lines, he can burst out the savage lines of the power of law, at least more than forty lines.

If the realm reaches eighty savage patterns, that is the realm that can burst out six or seventy savage patterns.

And most barbarians, once they reach the realm of ninety barbaric patterns, they can basically burst out the power of all their own barbaric patterns.

The worst is that in the realm of ninety-five savage patterns, you can see the power of all the savage patterns of your own, and all of them can burst out.

Therefore, after a barbarian warrior possesses a hundred savage patterns, the strength of that strength is basically determined by the number of savage patterns.

Moreover, after breaking through the realm of a hundred savage patterns, almost every additional savage pattern, the power of the law increased can almost double!

According to this situation, a Jaw Man with a hundred savage patterns could not become the number one powerhouse of the Jaw tribe.

But in fact, the strength of Jaw Man is really the number one powerhouse of Jaw tribe!

The reason why Jawman is so powerful is related to a secret of his own!

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