Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1478: Are you a beggar?

Chapter 1478 Why Are You A Beggar?

After killing his father, Jawman used a secret technique of the spirit race.

This kind of secret technique is generally used by the spiritual masters to improve the strength of their descendants.

That is to use the power of one's own laws to empower one's descendants and forcibly enhance the strength of one's descendants.

However, Jaw Man did the opposite, changing the empowerment to absorption, using this secret technique to completely absorb the more than 100 wild patterns on his father's body.

This finally allowed the jaw barbarian's realm to advance by leaps and bounds, and it didn't take long to directly reach the realm of having a hundred barbaric patterns.

But Jawman also found out immediately, when the brutal lines on his body reached a hundred, the speechlessness continued to increase.

At first, Jawman thought that this was a newly added wild pattern, and it did not merge with the pattern of the road.

After all, the savage patterns added on the back of his body were all absorbed by his father's savage patterns, but the Dao pattern he cultivated himself did not have that many.

But when Jawman has cultivated a series of savage patterns and merged with the savage patterns on his body, when the number reaches 100, neither his own savage patterns nor the savage patterns in his body can be increased again. .

Whether it is the pattern of the avenue or the pattern, it completely stopped at the number of one hundred.

This made Jawman very angry, because the Jaw tribe was running for a new leader.

His father's death was well arranged by him, so that all Jaw tribes believed that it was an accident. They were attacked by a group of powerful savage beasts.

In the end, in order to protect him, Jawman's father dragged all the savage beasts alone, and finally allowed Jawman to escape safely.

No one doubts this statement.

Because everyone in the Jaw tribe knows that their leaders are very concerned about Jawman.

Although Jawman's father paid attention to Jawman, it was not because he loved Jawman at all, but such behavior made other Jawman tribes misunderstood.

This, coupled with the fact that Jawman also secretly acted to solve all those who knew his true birth, and this made no one doubt him anymore.

After Jawman's father died, his uncle temporarily served as the acting leader.

The barbarians attach great importance to the inheritance of blood. Although the eldest son does not inherit the father completely, the leader of the tribe must be selected from the heirs of the leader.

And the chosen offspring is naturally the strongest and also the most talented person.

The line of Jawbarb’s father is the line that established the entire Jaw tribe. This line of blood is very powerful, because the leaders are the strongest and most gifted people of the next generation. This makes this line of blood more and more The stronger it is.

Jawman's father was very powerful, and he was the well-deserved first powerhouse of Jaw tribe at that time.

And as the offspring of such a strong man, it will naturally not be worse.

Jawman has many brothers and sisters, even if the sisters, the barbarians are absolutely patriarchal, and it is impossible for a woman to be the leader.

But even so, Jawman has many brothers. He Jawman is the number one strongman in the Jaw tribe and naturally has a large number of women.

In fact, this is why every leader can choose the most suitable heir, almost all the most outstanding people of the younger generation.

This is because they all have a large number of candidates, let them choose.

There are dozens of jaw-barbarian brothers of this generation, although not all of these dozens of people are qualified to be the leader of the jaw tribe.

But people with outstanding talents also have better lives.

Because of his worry about his father before, Jawman suppressed a lot of his own talents, and in the end, Jawman didn't dare to expose some things and power.

After his father died, Jawman didn't have much scruples, although he would not reveal the power of the ancient sanctuary.

But even so, the talent he showed was amazing.

However, it is a pity that Jawman is still too young compared to some of his talented brothers.

Several of his brothers are in their 30s and 40s, and he is only in his 20s.

This extra ten or twenty years can't be easily caught up with talent. After all, his elder brothers are not bad in talent.

Even the most controversial candidates at the time were his second and fifth elder brothers. Both of them had more than a hundred lines of brutal patterns. When his father was alive, he deliberately selected heirs from them.

If it hadn't been for Jabman to have some means, I am afraid that not long after his father's death, the position of the leader would have been selected from his second and fifth brothers.

But even if some methods were used, Jawman would get three years at most.

In three years, he refined all the strength of his father's brutal patterns into his own strength, and his own Dao pattern also cultivated to a realm.

But at this moment, Jawman realized that he couldn't make progress.

Regardless of the wild pattern or the pattern of the avenue, it stayed at the number of this hundred.

This made Jaw very anxious, because there was not much time left for him.

For this reason, even in the dark, he absorbed a brother with good talent, and then absorbed all the savage patterns of the opponent, in order to increase his own savage patterns.

But helpless, he eventually failed.

However, after this experience, Jaw Man discovered that although he could only possess a hundred wild patterns, his wild patterns were very special and seemed to be enhanced.

For example, the original strength of his wild patterns, because of the fusion of the pattern of the great road, is more than the normal power of the law.

But for some reason, this is just a bit more, which means that the jaw barbarian possesses the equivalent of some one hundred and twelve barbaric patterns realm of warrior laws.

But this time after absorbing the wild lines on his brother, Jaw was surprised to find that the law of his wild lines had increased.

If it was barely equivalent to one hundred and two savage patterns before, then after absorbing it, his law power was already equivalent to one hundred and three.

This allowed Jaman to see another way out.

In the end, at that time, the brothers of the Jaws of the Jaw tribe ‘disappeared’ from time to time, and they would never be found once they disappeared.

However, as it was already the time to decide the final candidate for the leader, the senior officials of all Jaw tribes did not feel that there was anything wrong.

In a sense, the leader of the Jaw tribe is his emperor, and often emperor disputes are accompanied by countless **** storms.

In fact, among the barbarians, the last battle to become a leader is the battle with his brother.

This situation is especially obvious in Jaw tribes.

Jawman's father also had many brothers, but in the end, except for some brothers who weren't enough to threaten him, and his compatriot's two younger brothers, the rest of Jawman's father's brothers were gone.

Dead dead, missing missing!

This is almost the result of battles among the leaders of every generation of Jaw tribes.

Jawman is also fancy this point, this is secretly starting.

Finally, by absorbing the brutal patterns of each brother, the strength of the jaw man became stronger and stronger.

Even in the end, Jaman took advantage of a fight between his second brother and fifth brother, and sneaked away his seriously injured second brother, and then swallowed all the brutal patterns on the opponent.

In this way, the strength of Jawman is really the number one power in contemporary times.

In the end, he defeated his fifth elder brother ‘just right’ and became the leader of the Jaw tribe.

And in the end, his fifth elder brother did not escape the poisonous hand of Jaw Barbarian, and the barbaric patterns on his body were absorbed and swallowed by him.

After becoming the leader of the Jaw tribe, Jawman also discovered that the savage patterns on his body can continue to increase the power of the law while continuing to practice.

Outside of this, Jawman claimed that he had already broken through the realm of a hundred barbaric patterns.

As for whether other people have doubts about this, Jawman doesn't need to care, because after reaching a certain level of cultivation, Jawman found that the brutal lines on his body were still free, swimming according to his mind, and even separated. .

After a savage pattern swims, it can be temporarily separated into two, even three and more savage patterns.

For this reason, Jaman's identity has not been suspected.

Even after becoming the leader of the Jaw tribe, the people of the Jaw tribe worshiped Jawman incomparably.

Because the strength of Jawman not only surpassed his father, but even surpassed most of the leaders of Jaw tribe.

The reason why Chihman likes his youngest son Chikuang very much is because Chihkuang actually inherited part of his mother's spiritual blood.

Jaw Kuan cultivated the power of law when he was very young, and even cultivated wild lines before he became an adult.

Moreover, the savage patterns of the jaws, in fact, once they are cultivated, they can burst out the full power of the law, this is because of the blood of the spirit race.

This made Chihman very happy, and even thought that Chikuang was his real son.

This is why, when Chikuang was killed, he sent such a team to hunt down Qin Shaofeng, and he wanted to kill Qin Shaofeng himself.

If it weren't for him at this moment, at a critical time of cultivation, Jaman would have personally chased Qin Shaofeng in the first time.

However, at this moment, I got the confidence that I sent back from the golden armour ladybugs parasitic on the soldiers.

Jawman is angry again!

He didn't expect that the deployment he thought was foolproof would eventually be disturbed by the wild tiger king.

This makes him very angry!

"Qin Shaofeng, and that **** stupid tiger, you all wait for me. After I finish my plan, I will definitely make you regret coming to this world!"

In the depths of this palace where the core of the Jaw tribe tribe, a roar of Jaws rang.


At the same time, Qin Shaofeng on the other side was looking at the person in front of him with interest.

Well, to be precise, it's someone who looks like a beggar.

"Oh, isn't this Senior Xuan Chang Feng Xuan? Why are you a beggar after not seeing you for a while?"

This was Qin Shaofeng's first sentence when he saw Xuan Changfeng, and it was very funny.

Qin Shaofeng never expected that he would meet Xuan Changfeng again under such circumstances.

I saw that the last time, if it hadn't been for Tantaiyi, he would have died in the hands of Xuan Changfeng.

Because of the relationship between Mengjia and Meng Xiner, Qin Shaofeng also paid some attention to the fantasy tribe of the ancient continent.

Qin Shaofeng was also very surprised when he learned that the fantasy clan had been slaughtered overnight.

Moreover, in Qin Shaofeng's view, Xuan Yunfei and Xuan Changfeng also mostly died in that massacre.

After all, the Xuan family was also in that massacre, and everyone was killed.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng was surprised to see Xuan Changfeng again.

Of course, the most surprising thing was the state of Xuan Changfeng at the moment.

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