Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1479: The ending of Xuan Changfeng

Chapter 1479 the ending of Xuan Changfeng

The realm of the pattern of the fifty avenues!

This was the realm of Xuan Changfeng, but Qin Shaofeng was surprised at this.

How exactly did Xuan Changfeng do it?

In such a short period of time, he has not been promoted to the realm of supreme dominance, and it has reached the realm of fifty wild patterns.

Such a rapid improvement is quite rare.

If it wasn't for Qin Shaofeng's own special situation, coupled with the existence of barbarians' savage patterns, Qin Shaofeng wouldn't be able to match this Xuan Changfeng.

Could it be that Xuan Changfeng also absorbs the wild patterns of the barbarians, so that it has such a fast speed of improvement?

Qin Shaofeng secretly guessed in his heart, and then directly began to ask Xuan Changfeng.

"Xuan Changfeng, how did you improve your realm?"

Qin Shaofeng's words caused a glimmer of light in Xuan Changfeng's eyes, but he still did not speak.

Xuan Changfeng knew that he was in danger when Qin Shaofeng appeared in front of him, and he was still headed by Master Tiger.

He thought that he was going to kill Qin Shaofeng, so he didn't believe it, and Qin Shaofeng didn't hate him.

If he were to be himself, if someone wanted to kill him, he would definitely find a chance to solve the opponent first.

In Xuan Changfeng's mind, Qin Shaofeng would definitely not let him go.

Therefore, after Qin Shaofeng appeared, Xuan Changfeng knew he was in danger.

He didn't lie in the relationship between Qin Shaofeng and Tiger Lord, nor did he go back to Qin Shaofeng's ridicule and questions. At this moment, he was just thinking about how he could escape this disaster and survive.

He must survive, because he still has a lot to do.

In an instant, several thoughts emerged in Xuan Changfeng's mind. Finally, he glanced at Qin Shaofeng and said in a deep voice: "Qin Shaofeng, I can tell you about how I improved my realm, but you must agree to a condition!"

A condition?

Qin Shaofeng's expression was slightly stunned, he had just subconsciously asked Xuan Changfeng's words.

After all, Qin Shaofeng quickly understood that if he could absorb the brutal patterns on the barbarians to improve his realm, why would other people fail?

Therefore, in Qin Shaofeng's view, this Xuan Changfeng mostly absorbed the savage patterns on the barbarian warriors, and this raised his realm to the realm with the patterns of fifty avenues.

However, at this moment, Xuan Changfeng's words made Qin Shaofeng a little interested.

It doesn't matter, anyway, idle is idle, it is better to listen to what Xuan Changfeng wants to say.

So Qin Shaofeng smiled and said, "Oh, what do you have?"

"Let me go!"

Without hesitation, Xuan Changfeng directly stated his request, and then said: "As long as you promise to let me go, I will tell you how to quickly improve your realm in this brutal beast world!"

"Boss, don't listen to this bullshit!"

As soon as Xuan Changfeng's voice fell, Master Tiger jumped out, looking at Xuan Changfeng with contempt, and said with disdain: "You stupid fork, my boss still needs you to tell the beast how to improve, my boss now... "

Originally, Lord Tiger meant to say that my boss is now in a higher realm than you, so what method do you need to improve your realm?

But Qin Shaofeng wanted to see exactly what Xuan Changfeng was selling, so he kicked Lord Tiger away, so that he didn't continue talking.

This scene suddenly caused Xuan Changfeng's eyes to shrink.

This tiger who claimed to be Tiger Lord, Xuan Changfeng had seen the strength of the opponent, it was extremely tyrannical.

But now he was kicked by Qin Shaofeng at random.

Xuan Changfeng knew that if this Tiger Lord had the intention to resist, it would be impossible for him to be kicked off by Qin Shaofeng, but the other party did not do so.

This completely explained that the other party really regarded Qin Shaofeng as the boss just as he said.

However, when Xuan Changfeng thought of Qin Shaofeng's identity, there was nothing wrong with him.

After Qin Shaofeng became Baidi's disciple, and after he was an inheritance disciple, he caused quite a stir in the ancient sanctuary.

This was also a big blow to Xuan Changfeng who was still in the ancient sanctuary at that time.

A mere kid who looked down upon him, not only survived his life, he actually became the inheritance disciple of the Baidi.

This made Xuan Changfeng very unhappy.

But Xuan Changfeng had to admit that the strength of that Baidi was based on his identity and status.

And as the inheritance disciple of that kind of powerhouse, he can definitely get very comprehensive protection.

Therefore, in the eyes of Xuan Changfeng at this moment, Lord Tiger is actually a strong man who has reached the realm of the title of emperor. He was ordered to protect Qin Shaofeng, so he obeyed Qin Shaofeng's words.

Although the real situation is not the same at all, but Master Tiger obeyed Qin Shaofeng's words, but Xuan Changfeng's guess was right.

After kicking Feihuye, Qin Shaofeng brick said to Xuan Changfeng: "Okay, no problem, as long as the method you say works for me and can speed up my realm improvement, I will spare you!"

Qin Shaofeng's answer shocked Xuan Changfeng's mind, so much so that he didn't notice that in Qin Shaofeng's words, the extra word that was deliberately emphasized.

"Really?" Xuan Changfeng seemed to see hope, and asked hurriedly.

"Don't worry!" Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, "In the name of my master Baidi, I assure you that what I said is absolutely true!"

Qin Shaofeng once again assured Xuan Changfeng that the Master took out the name of Emperor Bai.

But he was not completely relieved. With a very vigilant gaze, he looked to the side of the tiger who had climbed up again, and said in a deep voice, "Qin Shaofeng, shouldn't you? After I tell you that way, But it's just for me, you promise not to kill me, and then let him kill me?"

Qin Shaofeng is speechless, can he not be speechless?

Because he really didn't have this idea.

"Don't worry, I won't do this!" Qin Shaofeng said.

It was not until Qin Shaofeng promised this time that Xuan Changfeng let out a sigh of relief.

Then, Xuan Changfeng explained how to quickly improve his realm.

"In fact, the way to improve the realm is very simple, that is, by absorbing the wild patterns on those barbarians!"

Xuan Changfeng opened his mouth and explained: "The laws of the Great Beast Realm are different from our ancient continent. Therefore, after entering the Beast Realm, we will be suppressed in realm and strength, and our own laws are completely suppressed. suppress."

"But by absorbing the brutal patterns of the barbaric warriors, this drawback has not been removed at all. Not only can the power of the law be used again, and even the improvement of one's realm is very significant!"

"This is how I improve my realm!"

After speaking, Xuan Changfeng looked at Qin Shaofeng, although he said part of it, in fact, there is still the blood of the barbarians, which can also improve the realm.

But this method is applicable to himself, because he has the three-pupil divine eyes, so he can improve his realm by absorbing and devouring the blood of barbarians and even other people.

This obviously cannot allow Qin Shaofeng to meet this condition, so Xuan Changfeng chose to keep it.

Because he felt that if he said this method, Qin Shaofeng would definitely be interested in his three-pupil divine eyes, and even directly snatched his three-pupil divine eyes.

He has to guard!

And Xuan Changfeng also believed that even if he said such a method, it was enough to make Qin Shaofeng barbarians.

But what made Xuan Changfeng astonished was that after facing him to say this, Qin Shaofeng said blankly: "Are you finished?"

Xuan Changfeng felt something was wrong, and hurriedly said: "What? Are you Qin Shaofeng going back? I have already stated the way, and you also promised me with your master's name, you can't go back!"


Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly, looked at Xuan Changfeng calmly, and sneered: "Repentance is not what Qin Shaofeng likes. Of course I will not repentance. But I told you before. , It must be the method you said, the method that can increase the realm additionally!"

After a slight pause, Qin Shaofeng took a step forward and said to Xuan Changfeng: "It's a pity that I already know the way you rely on absorbing the brutal patterns on the barbarians. So, the method you said can't be used. On the basis of the current situation, I have increased the speed of promotion again."

"Impossible, you must be lying to me!"

Xuan Changfeng roared. He felt that Qin Shaofeng did not keep his promise. After working out the method he said, he wanted to kill him.

But Qin Shaofeng stretched out his hands helplessly, and then said: "I said Xuan Changfeng, you are too self-righteous, do you think you alone know this method?"

"Is not it?"

Xuan Changfeng didn't believe it. It was only through the swallowing power of the three pupils' eyes that he learned the benefits of the brutal patterns on the barbarians. In his opinion, it was impossible for other people to do this.

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly and said, "Of course not, otherwise, how do you think my current realm has been improved!"


While speaking, Qin Shaofeng's breath broke out instantly.

No more, no less, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng turned all the eighty-three thousand-star Dao formations in his inner world into operation, and the surging aura burst out in an instant.


When he felt Qin Shaofeng's breath at this moment, Xuan Changfeng was instantly sluggish.

So strong!

This breath is actually stronger than him?

how can that be?

But at the same time, at the moment when Xuan Changfeng was shocked, Qin Shaofeng finally waited for the opportunity he needed.


At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's eyes suddenly brightened, and the golden and purple color of Tai Chi Yin and Yang was dark, although it appeared on his eyes.

Eyes of Gods and Demons!

Before seeing such a pair of eyes, Xuan Changfeng's vigilance skyrocketed in his heart.

not good!

In an instant, Xuan Changfeng felt that it was dangerous, and the power of his three-pupil divine eyes was also activated for the first time.

But it's a pity, because Qin Shaofeng shot suddenly, and he shot it when he was in a sluggish state.

Although Xuan Changfeng's sluggish time was such a short moment.

But it was this moment that decided everything!


At the next moment, Xuan Changfeng just got a slight shock in his mind, and then the whole person fell into a strange state.

Phew, it worked!

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It really succeeded!

After a series of actions, he finally displayed the magic with the eyes of gods and demons, and successfully captured Xuan Changfeng's soul into the magical space.

After the magic of Qin Shaofeng, the ending of Xuan Changfeng was completely doomed.

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