Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1480: The death of Xuan Changfeng

Chapter 1480 the death of Xuan Changfeng

Qin Shaofeng didn't know about Xuan Changfeng, in this brutal beast world, and compared with Xuan Changfeng, Xuan Yunfei made Qin Shaofeng more worried.

First, it was Xuan Yunfei's idea to hit his own woman, which made Qin Shaofeng not want to let him go.

Secondly, Xuan Yunfei's pupils were a tonic for Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

Qin Shaofeng believed that if he could absorb the pupil power of Xuan Yunfei's double pupils, it would be even more beneficial to his eyes of gods and demons.

As for Xuan Changfeng's own words, it just made Qin Shaofeng feel that the other party was more hateful and wanted to kill one of his enemies.

If you encounter it, you can kill the opponent for revenge, that's fine.

But when he saw Xuan Changfeng again, Qin Shaofeng felt something very unusual from the other party.

Because at the moment he saw Xuan Changfeng, Qin Shaofeng felt that his own eyes of gods and demons were revealed under the condition of autonomy.

Qin Shaofeng's eyes of gods and demons are in normal state, but they are the same as ordinary eyes. Once revealed, they will be in the pattern state of a Tai Chi Yin and Yang pattern of one gold and one purple.

This is not only that, after fully revealing it, Qin Shaofeng unexpectedly gave birth to the idea of ​​swallowing Xuan Changfeng.

This made Qin Shaofeng extremely surprised, and the whole person was a little puzzled.

However, Qin Shaofeng soon discovered that this was just his own eyes of God and Demon that had an urgent feeling of absorbing Xuan Changfeng's eyes.

And this absorption only absorbs the pupil power of the opponent's eyes.

This made Qin Shaofeng feel that something was wrong in an instant, because the urgent appearance of the eyes of the gods and demons was more urgent than Xuan Yunfei's double pupils.

But you should know that Qin Shaofeng didn't remember the feeling the last time he encountered Xuan Changfeng.

And most importantly, Qin Shaofeng actually felt the power of Xuan Yunfei's pupils from Xuan Changfeng's eyes.

This made Qin Shaofeng feel wrong, and when he contacted the Xuan family to estimate the situation of the entire fantasy clan, Qin Shaofeng had a guess in his mind.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng intends to demonize Xuan Changfeng.

But considering that Xuan Changfeng has the eyes of the gods and demons, it is a bit urgent, and he wants to absorb the eyes of the pupil. This must be extraordinary.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng wanted to get a thorough understanding, and then he started with Xuan Changfeng's eyes.

Then, there was the appearance of the previous scene.

Qin Shaofeng needs to understand Xuan Changfeng's eyes thoroughly. Will Xuan Changfeng cooperate very well?

This is absolutely impossible even for Qin Shaofeng himself.

Therefore, he intends to use magic to announce Changfeng to the other party. Magic is an upgraded version of the monthly reading. Once it is hit, the goal is not secret to Qin Shaofeng.

However, Qin Shaofeng also knew in his heart that he might not be high at the moment when he used magic to Xuan Changfeng.

Although in terms of realm, he was much higher than Xuan Changfeng.

But when I thought about it, I still didn't understand what was going on with Xuan Changfeng's eyes.

Qin Shaofeng intends to act cautiously, first diverting Xuan Changfeng's attention, then deliberately following Xuan Changfeng's request, and finally exploding his own breath completely when Xuan Changfeng's accident happened.

Then, taking advantage of the moment when Xuan Changfeng was stunned, he performed demonization again.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng only succeeded in thrills.

After successfully capturing the soul of Xuan Changfeng, Qin Shaofeng exhaled.

"Huh, fortunately, fortunately, before I performed the demonization, I entered the state of God's recovery in advance because of caution, otherwise, I am afraid that I will not succeed!"

Originally, Qin Shaofeng entered the state of God's recovery, and it was just a reason for subconscious caution.

But if he hadn't angered the recovery state of humans and gods this time, I am afraid it would be impossible to completely capture Xuan Changfeng's soul into his magical space.

Because at the moment when Demonization successfully performed Xuan Changfeng, Qin Shaofeng immediately felt the power of the law in his body, and countless moments passed.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know exactly how much power of law there was.

But one thing Qin Shaofeng can be sure of is that if there is no God's recovery, all the power of the law in his body will probably be exhausted.

Suddenly, this made Qin Shaofeng curious.

Curious about what kind of eyes Xuan Changfeng had, he immediately ordered Tiger Master. Compared with his eyes, Qin Shaofeng sneaked into the magical space with his consciousness and began to collect Xuan Changfeng's soul.

Soon after, Qin Shaofeng opened his eyes again.

But this time, Qin Shaofeng finally knew the origin of Xuan Changfeng and the special eyes he had at the moment-the three-pupil divine eyes!

At this time, Qin Shaofeng knew that this Xuan Changfeng was actually a person born in the ancient sanctuary, a member of the ancient sanctuary holy illusion clan, and was once regarded as the next patriarch of the holy illusion clan.

At that time, it was a long time ago.

In the end, after some twists and turns and things happened, the main reason was that Xuan Changfeng was greedy and wanted to awaken the strongest divine eye of the Saint Fantasy Race.

For this reason, he actually brutally killed his fellow clan and absorbed the pupil power that swallowed them.

Speaking of this, Bai Di has to be mentioned.

Although Baidi couldn't get used to the style of the ancient sanctuary, he also had some friends in the ancient sanctuary, and one of his life and death friends was a member of the holy fantasy race.

And Baidi, the Saint-Happiness Clan who was close to life and death, was the second grandfather of Xuan Changfeng. Because he didn't marry a wife and have children, and Xuan Changfeng fell in love with him, he treated Xuan Changfeng like a grandson.

But it was Xuan Changfeng, who was his'pro-grandson', who took advantage of his trust and was ultimately brutally attacked by Xuan Changfeng.

And that time, the Emperor Bai came to find this old friend to talk about the past, and in the end he managed to save his life.

But even if he saved the opponent, the opponent's cultivation base and a pair of eyes were gone.

Moreover, with Baidi's ability, in the end it only extended the opponent's life span for decades.

In the end, Xuan Changfeng's matter was revealed.

But even if his second grandfather had encountered such a situation, he finally pleaded with Emperor Bai to declare Changfeng.

Baidi was helpless, but he knew the character of his old friend, and finally came forward to negotiate with the patriarch of the Saint Fantasy Clan, and this did not allow the Saint Fantasy Clan to execute Xuan Changfeng.

However, even if he was not put to death, Xuan Changfeng felt better.

Not only was the cultivation level completely abolished, even his eyes and the blood of the Saint-Huan Clan were also destroyed by the Saint-Huan Clan.

But this Xuan Changfeng not only did not repent, but on the contrary he hated Emperor Bai.

He wants revenge, wants revenge on the entire Saint Fantasy Clan, and the Emperor Bai!

Then, there was the later Xuan family.

Although the bloodline and the ability of the eyes were abolished, in fact, other people didn't know at all, unless it was to completely destroy Xuan Changfeng's eyes.

Otherwise, his silver double pupils can still recover.

By absorbing the same pupil power!

In order to recover, and even why the twin pupils were evolved to be stronger, Xuan Changfeng began to multiply his own offspring.

It was already impossible for him to absorb the pupil power of the same race.

Then he made up his mind to get everything he wanted from his descendants.

Then, after a long period of time, Bai Lao became the White Emperor, and when the Saint Fantasy Clan completely forgot him, his eyes finally recovered.

After regaining his own eyes, Xuan Changfeng started to wait. If he wanted to make his eyes go further, he had to swallow a pair of very special and powerful eyes.

And this wait was for Xuan Changfeng to wait for a long time until Xuan Yunfei was born.

Xuan Yunfei was born with a pair of bizarre double pupils, and there seemed to be some ancestral phenomena in him, causing the double pupils he possessed to be much stronger than some disciples of the sacred fantasy race.

But this is only in terms of ability. In terms of bloodline, Xuan Yunfei's bloodline of the Saint Fantasy Race is already very thin, and the phenomenon of returning to ancestors only appears in his eyes.

However, this gave Xuan Changfeng hope.

In the end, he spent a lot of effort to cultivate Xuan Yunfei, and his pupils began to bloom with magical abilities.

Gold, dark, green, red!

Qin Shaofeng remembered the color of Xuan Yunfei's eyes and four pupils very clearly, and to be honest, if Xuan Yunfei hadn't been dead, I'm afraid he would be able to shine when he entered the ancient sanctuary.

After all, Xuan Yunfei at that time, his pupils still hadn't fully grown up, and the four-color brilliance of the pupils had also exerted some fur-like power.

Xuan Changfeng also wanted to wait for Xuan Yunfei to evolve his pupils to a certain level, only then could he start with Xuan Yunfei.

And now Qin Shaofeng finally understood why Xuan Yunfei would like Meng Xin'er.

Because Meng Xin'er is very attracted to him, whether it is Linggen or the bloodline of the Dream Family of the Fantasy Race. It is the power that can promote the evolution of his pupils, so he naturally hopes to get Meng Xin'er.

Xuan Changfeng also took a fancy to this point, and then he fully supported Xuan Yunfei.

However, it is a pity that Qin Shaofeng got in at the end, and then Tantaiyi appeared again, which eventually caused Xuan Yunfei to fail.

Xuan Yunfei failed, but Xuan Changfeng didn't want to fail, and because of the appearance of Tantaiyi, he once thought that Baidi planned to deal with him.

It's ridiculous to say that Xuan Changfeng really thought he was a human being, and he didn't want to think, if Baidi really wanted to deal with him, would he live to this day?

What status is he, can he be worthy of such a task as Baidi?

And if Emperor Bai really had that idea, he would not have survived when he declared Changfeng.

But Xuan Changfeng didn't know, thinking he was in danger, and then he was cruel, and directly slaughtered the entire Xuan family, gathered the blood power of all Xuan family disciples, and let Xuan Yunfei's pupils evolve.

In the end, he even wiped out the entire fantasy race and finally achieved his goal.

Thinking of Xuan Changfeng's behavior, Qin Shaofeng was also shocked.

Sure enough, the more a person who holds a grudge, the crazier the things he did, and it was justified.

This Xuan Changfeng didn't want to think, if he hadn't done the things that were infuriating between people and gods at the beginning, could he fall into this field?

With his own good genius, even if he couldn't become the clan Zhang of the Saint Fantasy Clan in the end, after so many years, he must be at least a strong man with the title of emperor.

How does it look like now?

"Oh, it's so speechless!"

Qin Shaofeng shook his head lightly, glanced again, and fell into Xuan Changfeng who was completely asleep.

At this moment, Xuan Changfeng was already dead in a sense.

Because after getting all the things he wanted to know from the soul of Xuan Changfeng, Qin Shaofeng completely erased Xuan Changfeng's will.

Therefore, at this moment, Xuan Changfeng no longer exists.

At most, there is still a living body.

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