Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1481: 6-star Eye of Gods and Demons

Chapter 1481 6-star Eye of God and Demon

The body is alive, but the meaning of will and existence has completely dissipated.

It can be said that Xuan Changfeng is dead.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng left Xuan Changfeng's body was because of his three-pupil divine eyes.

Based on the information he received from Xuan Changfeng himself, Qin Shaofeng knew that his three-pupil divine eyes were extremely difficult.

Not only has the power to swallow, but even this power of swallowing can completely improve itself by swallowing the blood of a large number of creatures.

At this moment, Xuan Changfeng's three-pupil divine eyes had evolved to a very strong state.

According to Qin Shaofeng's estimation, if his Eye of God and Demon completely swallowed Xuan Changfeng's three-headed God Eye, then his Eye of God and Demon would definitely be upgraded from 5 stars to 6 stars.

This is completely equivalent to adding 100 skill points to him!

And not only that, Qin Shaofeng was sure that with the power of the eyes of the gods and demons, he would definitely be able to absorb some abilities from the eyes of these three pupils, and then evolve abilities that surprise him even more.

This was just one of them. The second was Xuan Changfeng's body, which was also favored by Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng's super demon chess pieces left on him now had three pawns.

These three pawns and chess pieces, Qin Shaofeng has always been useless.

For one thing, there is no suitable person to accept him as the demon's family, and secondly, it is that he has not got the right theme to refine a new incarnation.

Qin Shaofeng now has four incarnations, the first incarnation of the world, the second indestructible incarnation of Yan Yang, and the third indestructible incarnation of the demon race is cold and merciless.

And this Xuan Changfeng's body was also favored by Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng wanted to use the body of Xuan Changfeng to refine his fourth indestructible incarnation.

Xuan Changfeng's three-pupil divine eyes evolved from his own special silver pupils, and his pair of silver pupils possesses very special power.

As long as the eyes are still there, it seems indestructible.

Even if his pupils are exhausted, he can finally recover.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng planned to wait for the pupil power of Xuan Changfeng's three-pupil divine eyes to be absorbed, and then he would take out a pawn-level super demon chess piece and refine it into his fourth incarnation.

Qin Shaofeng had already thought about it. If there were no accidents, the remaining few pawns would be used to refine the incarnation.

Under normal circumstances, if a person can refine an incarnation, it is already difficult to refine the second one, and the third one will be even more difficult.

Even a person like Baidi has two incarnations.

It's not that Emperor Bai didn't want to continue refining, but that he couldn't continue refining the avatar.

Refining an avatar requires one's own soul realm and many factors, so it is impossible to refine many.

Unless it is a person who has a special soul or has special abilities.

After all, the avatar of a person, although it is no different from the deity, can be controlled by the deity at any time, but when it exists alone, the avatar can still think alone with the will of the deity.

Therefore, the avatar can also be cultivated.

If there are no special circumstances, how can there be many incarnations like this?

But Qin Shaofeng was different, the immortal avatar he refined was much more special than the avatars refined by most people.

And because of the super-devil chess pieces, these incarnations are his incarnations and his demon family members. They are a very special existence.

Therefore, as long as there are enough super devil chess pieces, Qin Shaofeng can have countless indestructible incarnations.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng now only has the last three pawn-level super demon chess pieces, and he doesn't want to waste it.

The situation of Xuan Changfeng, because of his three-pupil divine eyes, allowed him to evolve a flesh body that combines the power of the ancient continent and the savage beast world, the two great laws of the Great Dao.

This made Qin Shaofeng feel that according to this kind of development, Xuan Changfeng could fully integrate the power of the two great principles and become a very special existence.

Qin Shaofeng was very interested in having such an immortal incarnation.

Of course, before that, Qin Shaofeng had already absorbed all the pupil power of Xuan Changfeng's three-pupil divine eyes with his own eyes of gods and demons.

Since Xuan Changfeng was ‘dead’, his three-pupil divine eyes would not have any independent consciousness and would never resist. For Qin Shaofeng, this was a very easy thing.

After giving instructions to Lord Tiger, Qin Shaofeng began to retreat to absorb the pupil power of Xuan Changfeng's three-pupil divine eyes.

The result is very smooth!

After Qin Shaofeng surfaced the yin-yang taiji pattern of the eyes of the gods and demons, and let go of the constraints on the eyes of the gods and demons, the eyes of the gods and demons were like a hungry wolf, and began to be crazy about Xuan Changfeng’s three-pupil eyes. Absorb it.

Qin Shaofeng's eyes of the gods and demons shot out a gleam of purple and gold, directly into Xuan Changfeng's eyes.

Then, Qin Shaofeng felt it, a peculiar and pure pupil power, constantly thinking about his eyes.

"Well, comfortable!"

A large amount of pupil power poured into his eyes, which made Qin Shaofeng feel it, a very comfortable feeling, which made him groan ~ groan.

The eyes of the gods and demons absorb the pupil power of Xuan Changfeng's three-pupil eyes, and the speed is very fast.

But Xuan Changfeng's three-pupil divine eyes seemed to have extremely astonishing pupil power, and the pupil power was continuously gushing out.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng also faintly felt that with these pupil powers, Xuan Changfeng's own law power was also ready to move, as if it could be absorbed by him along with the pupil power.

But Qin Shaofeng stopped the power of these laws in Xuan Changfeng's body.

In Qin Shaofeng's eyes, the power of law in Xuan Changfeng's body was very mixed.

Because of Xuan Changfeng's time, the reason why his realm has risen so quickly is because he has swallowed the blood and law of a large number of cultivators in the ancient sanctuary.

Then, there are brutal beasts and barbarians.

Whether it is race or number, it is very much.

So many laws and powers are mixed together, even though Xuan Changfeng has condensed the lines of fifty avenues.

But in fact, the patterns of these fifty avenues are quite mixed. In fact, if they are promoted in this way, most people have long been mad, and even if they are serious, they may just explode and die.

Xuan Changfeng is still alive because of his three-pupil divine eyes.

However, always under Xuan Changfeng's situation, if we don't say a solution for a long time, there must be some hidden dangers.

If there were no super devil chess pieces, Qin Shaofeng would have given up, using Xuan Changfeng's body to refine his fourth indestructible incarnation.

The days are mixed!

Even at this time, as the pupil power of the three pupils was absorbed by Qin Shaofeng’s eyes, Qin Shaofeng also felt it. Because of the decrease in pupil power, Xuan Changfeng’s three pupils had begun to be unable to suppress his eyes. The riot of mixed forces with the patterns of the avenue.

As a last resort, Qin Shaofeng could only disperse the power of Xuan Changfeng's body.

However, the dispersal at this moment only dissipated all the power of Xuan Changfeng's body.

For his realm of indestructible incarnation, he can still retain it intact.

This means that after refining Xuan Changfeng's body into an indestructible incarnation, the realm of Qin Shaofeng's fourth indestructible incarnation will be the realm of the lines of fifty avenues.

Of course, because all the power is dispersed, when Qin Shaofeng refines the indestructible avatar, he naturally needs to invest a lot of power.

But for Qin Shaofeng, he didn't need to care too much.

Anyway, the barbarians of the ancient sanctuary and the barbaric world have completely started the war, and he can kill enough barbarians.

Using the barbaric warrior's savage patterns as the power to refine the indestructible incarnation is definitely enough.

After all, Qin Shaofeng is now completely free from doing it himself.

The brutal beasts under the leadership of Lord Tiger are enough to help Qin Shaofeng hunt enough barbaric warriors.


He kept absorbing, and finally, after three full hours in the past, Qin Shaofeng completely absorbed all the pupil power of Xuan Changfeng's three-pupil divine eyes.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng also heard two system prompts.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for obtaining special energy and upgrading the Super God-level skill, Eye of the Demon to 3 stars."

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng's Eye of God and Demon Upgrade to 6-star, the awakening of the exclusive skill of Eye of God and Demon Incarnation!

Just awakened a turn skill?

After hearing the system prompt, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, revealing a trace of doubt.

Xuan Changfeng's three-pupil divine eyes, in Qin Shaofeng's view, were not low-powered, and if they grew up, they also possessed extremely powerful power.

And so many pupil powers were absorbed by oneself, wouldn't one's own eyes of gods and demons gain any abilities from it?

However, Qin Shaofeng soon woke up.

This time, at most, he absorbed the pupil power of the three-pupil god's eye, and didn't absorb all the abilities of the three-pupil god's eye itself.

"Well, in the final analysis, the pupil power of Xuan Changfeng's three-pupil divine eyes is equivalent to a hundred skills at most!" Qin Shaofeng understood.

Thinking about it this way, it's normal to upgrade the Eye of Gods and Demons to a 6-star Awakening skill!

Eyes of Gods and Demons: Super God-level skills, eyes with true gods and true magic powers, and powerful powers above the law.

The current level is 6-star, with exclusive skills, God and Demon Space, God and Demon Power, God and Demon Command, God Writing Demon Seal, God and Demon Shadow, Backtracking, Reincarnation Pupil Technique, God and Demon Copy, God and Demon Arms, and God and Demon Rune , God and Demon incarnation. (Upgrading to the next star level requires 200 skill points)

After opening the system attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng subconsciously took a look at the attributes of Eye of Gods and Demons after upgrading to 6 stars.

Of course, the attributes of the eyes of the gods and demons will basically not change, and at most it will have one more skill.

However, what Qin Shaofeng wanted to see was the number of skill points needed to upgrade the Eye of Gods and Demons to the next star.

As a result, after seeing the number of skill points required for the Eye of God and Demon to upgrade to 7 stars, Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched slightly.

Although he had expected something in his heart, Qin Shaofeng still felt a pain in his heart when he looked at the number of 200.

"I circled a cross. What's really special is that you need 200 skill points!" Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched, "And this is still an upgrade to seven stars, and there are eight, nine, and ten stars behind. ?"

It takes 200 points to upgrade the seven-star, so the eight-star is at least 300 points, and then the nine-star?

400 points?

The last ten-star is 500 points?

Therefore, if you want to upgrade the Eye of Gods and Demons to ten-star, this is at least 1,400 points of skills, and Qin Shaofeng estimates that this is the most conservative number.

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