Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 148: Qin Shaofeng's madness

In the Quest Hall, Qin Shaofeng planned to go to the Hall of Contribution to purchase some medicinal materials after handing in a few more tasks for refining human-level pills.

The tasks these days have given Qin Shaofeng a lot of contribution points, and Qin Shaofeng also intends to make some preparations for his visit to the alchemy residence.

Now there are only twenty days left until the alchemy mansion opens.

Qin Shaofeng planned to take advantage of these days to go to the Monster Beast Forest and hunt down some high-level Monster Beasts. It would be best if he could raise his level by one or two levels.

But just when Qin Shaofeng purchased medicinal materials and refined some human-level Qi-invigorating pills, Zhao Yuner unexpectedly found him again when he was about to set off.

"Hey, how is your alchemy? Can you refine an earth-level pill now?"

At this time, after meeting, Zhao Yuner's first sentence.

This made Qin Shaofeng confused again. Seven days ago, the eldest lady suddenly ran away, leaving a sentence that was not a threat, and then it didn't appear for a few days.

But when I met now, I suddenly asked such a sentence without beginning and ending.

Qin Shaofeng was really helpless.

Miss, can you not be so active in your mind?

"This, I can barely succeed. After all, with the Nine Spirits Profound Fire Cauldron you gave me, with my current level of alchemy, I won't be able to refine an earth-level pill." Qin Shaofeng answered honestly.

But his answer surprised Zhao Yuner.

"What? You can actually refine an earth-level pill?" Zhao Yuner was shocked.

Originally, Zhao Yun'er just asked casually, but in fact, she just ran over with an excuse to see how Qin Shaofeng's injury recovered.

I didn't want Qin Shaofeng's answer, but it exceeded his expectations.


After turning around Qin Shaofeng, Zhao Yuner said with a tut: "You are already a senior alchemist who refines earth-level pill. Your alchemy talent seems pretty good!"

As he said, Zhao Yuner clapped her hands suddenly and smiled at Qin Shaofeng: "Okay, it's so decided, let you refine the pill!"


Let me refine the pill?

Qin Shaofeng's face was suspicious and looked at Zhao Yun'er puzzled.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's look puzzled, Zhao Yuner began to explain.

It turned out that for this trip to the alchemy residence, Zhao Yun'er was also very concerned, so in order to get a better result, Zhao Yuner was going to find that senior Gao Lianyang to help herself refine a batch of Earth-level Qi Supplementing Pills.

A batch of prefecture-level Qi Qi Dan?

When Qin Shaofeng heard this, the corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched slightly, making him uncomfortable.

He knew that the batch Zhao Yuner said was definitely not a minority.

But that's an earth-level Qi Qi Dan!

Unlike the human-level Qi-buying pills, the earth-level Qi-buying pills have great effects.

For the innate martial artist, even if it is a ground-level one-star Qi Qi Pill, after taking it, it can restore 30% of the internal Qi in the body within ten breaths, which is many times better than the effect of the human-level three-star Qi Qi Pill. .

After all, it is a territorial pill!

And this is only a ground-level one-star Qi-buying pill, a ground-level two-star Qi-buying pill can restore 50% of the internal qi in the body within ten breaths, and a ground-level three-star Qi-buying pill can directly restore 80%.

For the innate martial artist, the earth-level Qi-buying pill is the most top-level internal Qi recovery pill.

However, there are not a few ordinary congenital martial arts masters who are able to purchase this Earth-level Qi Replenishing Pill.

As far as Qin Shaofeng knew, even some of the senior star students in their Lianyang Academy would have at most a few Earth-level Qi Replenishing Pills, and they would take them at the most critical time.

No one like Zhao Yun'er directly prepared a batch of Earth-level Qi Replenishing Pills, and listening to her, it seemed that all of them had to be Earth-level three-star Qi Replenishing Pills.

Qin Shaofeng really has nothing to say, but when he thinks of Zhao Yun'er, I'm afraid his inner vigor is quickly relieved.

Even if it was a territorial three-star Qi-replenishing pill, with Zhao Yun'er's terrifying internal aura, it was impossible to recover 80% of it.

It seems that Zhao Yun'er also knows this problem, so she intends to make up for it with quantity.

However, Gao Lianyang couldn't get away because of something, and he didn't have time to help Zhao Yun'er refine the Earth-level Qi Replenishing Pill.

Zhao Yuner had to find someone else. Of course, she didn't really count on Qin Shaofeng before looking for someone else, but now after hearing Qin Shaofeng's words, Zhao Yuner decided to let Qin Shaofeng help herself refine the Earth-level Qi Replenishing Pill.

Naturally, Qin Shaofeng would not refuse such an errand.

Zhao Yuner treated him well and could help, and Qin Shaofeng would never refuse.

However, before that, Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to immediately start helping Zhao Yun'er refine.

Although the Nine Spirits Profound Fire Cauldron assisted, it was not difficult for Qin Shaofeng to refine the earth-level pill, but there was still a high failure rate.

Even if Zhao Yuner gave out a lot of medicinal materials, Qin Shaofeng still didn't intend to waste it.

Seeing Zhao Yun'er leaving with excitement, Qin Shaofeng made the decision even more so.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng decided that before his alchemy was upgraded to level 4, he would not touch the refining earth-level Qi-buying pills.

For the next ten days, Qin Shaofeng was completely crazy.

Zhao Yun'er didn't know, after she left, Qin Shaofeng went to the Hall of Contribution again, and then there was a strange task in the Hall of Quest.

No mission required: I now need to refine a large number of pill pill pill because the breakthrough of alchemy is imminent, looking for breakthrough opportunities, so I accept all the refining entrustment of the level of no more than one-star pill of earth level, only ten pill of common level It requires a little contribution point of refining cost, a human-level pill with three points of contribution, and an earth-level one-star pill with only ten points.

Prepare your own medicinal materials, no quantity required! In addition, I promised that, except for the prefecture-level one-star medicinal materials, all mortal-level medicinal materials, one medicinal material, one pill, the prefecture-level one-star pill, and three medicinal materials, one pill.

Not to be missed!

Finally, an advertisement is also piggybacked.


After this mission appeared in the mission hall, the formal students of the acquired martial artist in the entire Lianyang Academy and some star students of the innate martial master were crazy.

Ten ordinary level pill, just a little contribution point, can help refine?

Moreover, a human-level pill only has three contribution points, even if it is an earth-level one-star pill, it is only ten.

This is much cheaper than other alchemist students.

For a time, some students were moved by the tight life.

The story of the alchemy mansion has been completely spread.

Even if you are a formal student of the acquired martial artist, you still want to fight it, not to mention those star students.

However, although the mansion of the alchemy master cannot be entered by the masters of the spiritual veins, it is not a place without danger.

So this pill is a necessity.

But the question is, is the person posting the task reliable?

Although this task is very eye-catching, there are not many people who really find it, but there are more and more people discussing it.

This task was naturally issued by Qin Shaofeng.

He didn't have much contribution points now, and allowed himself to purchase medicinal materials to refine the pill to improve his alchemy, and he didn't plan to use Zhao Yuner's earth-level Qi tonic pill to practice his hands, and finally could only think of such a way.

On the first day of the release of the mission, Qin Shaofeng went to the Hall of Contribution to hand over the mission, intending to see how many people sought to refine the pill by himself.

But after asking the manager, Qin Shaofeng was helpless.

no one!

not even one!

There was also no one on the next day.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't give up, he didn't believe that no one would find this task.

On the third day, things finally turned around.

Someone finally found the task, handed over 100 contribution points in the task hall, and took out a thousand copies of the medicinal materials of the ordinary pill.

After receiving the news, Qin Shaofeng was a little excited, and immediately rushed to the Hall of Contribution.

Although with his current level 3 alchemy technique, he has very little proficiency in refining mortal-level pill medicine, but after a thousand copies, he is somewhat so.

Moreover, with his current alchemy, refining a mortal pill is completely stress-free!

In the end, Qin Shaofeng only delivered one thousand medicines within one hour.

When the student who took out one thousand mortal grade pill, got the one thousand pill, it was shocked.

These medicines were only obtained for his own family, but his family is not strong. It is already very rare to come up with a thousand copies of such medicines.

Moreover, the elders in the family did not hold any hope, so that one thousand medicinal materials could be turned into one thousand medicinal materials. They just hoped that half of them would do.

But looking for other alchemists outside, the price cannot be paid, even if they can afford it, those alchemists can't guarantee that they can refine half of the pill.

In the end, the student's father thought of his own son, but he was an official student of Lianyang Academy, so he sold a lot of his family business, and finally gained a lot of contribution points for the student.

But the student's father didn't know, in Lianyang Academy, how could there be any clever alchemist who would help a formal student refine a mortal pill?

For those students who barely call them alchemists, three are low-level alchemists. The success rate of refining pills is too low, and that student dare not look for such alchemists.

In the end, this matter dragged on for two or three months, and in the heart of this student, he was about to give up and spend a lot of money to find an intermediate alchemist. He saw this task in the task hall.

After several days of struggle and hesitation, he finally chose to spend a hundred contribution points, so that someone who didn't know it was to refine this thousand mortal grade pill.

This student is not stupid. Before he finally made a decision, he asked a good friend of himself.

His friend's elder brother worked as a manager in the mission hall, and knew the plight of this student, so he went to his elder brother to inquire.

After that, the student's friend, although he didn't find out any specific news, he brought back a sentence from his brother.

"I don't dare to say anything else, but the ordinary level pill is definitely okay, but that person often takes on the task of refining human level pill from me."

It was because of this sentence that the student finally made a choice.

What this student never expected was that only an hour had passed before the pill was ready.

He was very grateful to the unnamed alchemist, so he definitely helped the other party.

Soon, this student secretly spread what happened to him.

In less than an hour, a thousand mortal level pills were refined. Even if it is a mortal level pill, in such a situation, I am afraid that only advanced alchemists can handle it?

Could it be that the person who issued that task is a senior alchemist, and he has just encountered a bottleneck?

Under such speculation, some people appeared with the mentality of giving it a try.

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