Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 149: Lu Yun

On the third day of the release of the mission, after handing in the thousand ordinary level pill, Qin Shaofeng again received a lot of refining of the ordinary level pill, even with a lot of human level.

In the same way, Qin Shaofeng had refined the pill in less than one hour.

This has also attracted many people's attention, and those who have long been tempted have finally appeared many actors.

On the fourth day, Qin Shaofeng refined nearly two thousand mortal-level pills and more than one hundred human-level pills.

On the fifth day, there were more than three thousand ordinary level pills, and the level of human level exceeded three hundred.

Sixth day...

The seventh day...

Finally on the ninth day, after the mortal grade pill broke through 10,000, Qin Shaofeng finally decided to refining the mortal grade pill and withdrew from the task.

There are too many, too much time wasting.

Moreover, at this time, the human-level pill that he refined in a day was more than five hundred, or less. According to this development, his alchemist can break through to level 4 in a few days, and then he can start refining Zhao Yun'er. The prefecture-level three-star pill.

But what made Qin Shaofeng completely dumbfounded was that on the tenth day, there were thousands of human-level pills that he could refine.

And the number is increasing, and there are even a few earth-level one-star medicinal materials.

Can't stand it!

Qin Shaofeng finally couldn't stand it!

In the case of a Fan-level pill, with Qin Shaofeng's 3rd-level alchemy technique, it is now possible to refine dozens or hundreds of them at once.

Even with the human-level pill, Qin Shaofeng was able to refine 20 to 30 pills at a time while maintaining a 100% success rate.

But alchemy is a technical activity that requires a lot of energy, that is, mental power.

Too many words, although it can play a role in training mental power, but now Qin Shaofeng is replenishing his energy for the visit to the alchemy mansion!

In the end, Qin Shaofeng added another requirement to the task!

That is to accept the refining of a thousand human-level pills every day, and such a task will only last for five days.

At this time, it was the turn of the students who were cautious and didn't really value Qin Shaofeng's regrets in their hearts.

They didn't believe in Qin Shaofeng before, but now they believe it, but they can hardly get a position.

In order to be able to make a suspected senior alchemist help themselves refine the pill at such a low price, many students queued up all night to try to add the pill that they needed to refine to Qin Shaofeng's 1,000 pieces that day. .

For a time, because of this mission, the junior mission hall of Lianyang Academy was quite lively.

Soon, five days passed.

For the last time, after handing over a thousand human-level pills and a dozen earth-level one-star pills to the task hall, Qin Shaofeng cancelled the task and returned to his residence.

This can disappoint many students who have not refined the pill.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't know these things.

Now there are only seven days left before the alchemy residence opens.

"Seven days? Enough!"

Looking at his attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Alchemy: Level 4 75/100000, special skills, can refine the pill. The success rate is based on the level of the alchemy and the refined pill. The higher the level, the greater the success rate and the higher the refined pill level. high. Currently, it is level 4, which allows players to refine heavenly pill.

(Note: Each activation of level 4 alchemy requires a certain amount of internal energy. Refining a common-level pill requires at least 10 internal energy, human-level elixir at least 100 internal energy, and earth-level elixir at least 1,000 Point the internal energy value, and refining the heavenly pill requires aura value to succeed.)

In fact, Qin Shaofeng's alchemy had already been upgraded to level 4 two days ago.

However, in order to fulfill the promise a few days ago, he continued the task for two more days, refining more than two thousand pills.

Level 4 alchemy brought many surprises to Qin Shaofeng, that is, refining an earth-level pill. As long as he pays attention to it, even if it’s an earth-level three-star pill, Qin Shaofeng dare not say a 100% success rate, but that It can also guarantee a success rate of over 90%.

However, Qin Shaofeng was slightly surprised that the fourth-level alchemy was indeed just as he had guessed, it could refine the heaven-level pill.

What made him very painful was that when refining a heavenly pill, he needed to consume his own spiritual energy.

Reiki value?

Just by hearing the name, Qin Shaofeng knew that it was the aura that the master master of Lingmai had in his body.

But he is now in the realm of an innate martial artist, and his body is also innate qi, not a spiritual qi!

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng understood that before the Lingmai realm, the ability of level 4 alchemy to refine heavenly pill, he could only see the eye addiction.

However, the sky-level pill is not made, and this earth-level three-star Qi-buying pill is completely fine!

Lowering his head slightly, Qin Shaofeng took out the storage bag Zhao Yuner had given him, and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

There are a lot of these medicinal materials, which should be enough time to refine them.

Sister Zhao, let me surprise you!


Just when Qin Shaofeng began to refine the prefecture-level three-star pill, there was a courtyard in the star-level student area of ​​Lianyang Academy.

In the courtyard, only some 8-star and above students can get accommodation.

But the identity of the owner of this courtyard is a bit different.

In the courtyard hall, a boy of about 18 years old who was wearing a blue student uniform, but that student's uniform had only one star on his face, was angry at this moment.

"Damn, what kind of thing is his Ye family, dare to refuse my request?"

With a low growl, the young man directly smashed a large table in front of him, venting his breath, he was actually a martial artist with an innate eightfold realm.

It's just a one-star student, but his cultivation base has reached the Innate Eighth Layer. This young man is afraid that it is a bit difficult.

At this moment, a man who had been silent on the side suddenly spoke.

"Young Master, the Ye family refused the family's proposal, so shall we take advantage of that girl's still in Lianyang Academy and just take that girl away?"


Unexpectedly, as soon as the man's words fell, the young man roared and said in a bad tone: "Are you really stupid or fake? Dare to kidnap people at Lianyang Academy, you think my Lu family can talk to Lianyang Academy? Contended?"

The man didn't want the young master to be so angry, but after listening to the young master's words, he also woke up.

Yes, this is the Lianyang Academy, not the Lu Family outside. If you really do it, I am afraid that you will die before you can do it, and I am afraid that the family will be affected by that time!

After waking up to this point, the difficult man felt a cold sweat in his heart, and he quickly repented and said: "The eldest master is the subordinate's wrong, please forgive me!"

"Forget it!" The young man frowned, waved his hand, then suddenly remembered something, couldn't help but asked, "By the way, where is that kid Lu Qi now? Haven't he returned to the family?"

"If you go back to the young master, after the second young master left the academy, he took some people and disappeared!" the man replied.

Lu Qi?

Young Master?

In this way, the identity of the young man in front of him was already apparent.

It was Lu Yun, Lu Qi's eldest brother.

Speaking of Lu Yun, the other party is not easy!

In the Lianyang College assessment half a year ago, it was Lu Qi who passed the ten levels of the assessment and finally won the third place.

Because of Lu Qi's outstanding performance and his status as the young master of the Lu family, he was soon recruited by the Beihai Pavilion of Lianyang Academy.

As one of the eight powers of Lianyang Academy, Beihai Pavilion, its pavilion owner's identity is not simple, but was established by the son of the city owner of Beiyang City in Lianyang Kingdom.

The Lu family happened to be a large family in Beiyang City. The Lu family, the leader of Beiyang City, was the leader, and it was normal for Lu Yun to join Beihai Pavilion.

However, it was because of his extraordinary Lu Yun that the pavilion owner of Beihai Pavilion, that is, the young city owner of Beiyang City, paid much attention to it.

After Lu Yun became a star student, he used some of his authority in Lianyang College to directly get Lu Yun a courtyard.

That's not even counted. After Lu Yun showed great potential, the pavilion owner of Beihai Pavilion paid some price to let Lu Yun directly enter the spiritual garden to practice, and gave a lot of pills.

Of course, this is mostly because Lu Yun is the next generation of the Lu Family Patriarch, and the pavilion owner of Beihai Pavilion is cultivating his future power.

But it is precisely because of this that Lu Qi has undergone tremendous changes in the six months since he entered Lianyang Academy.

The most obvious point is that he has been promoted from the first congenital to the current eighth congenital.

Even if it weren't for the alchemy mansion, Lu Yun would probably continue to practice. This is why Lu Yun is still a one-star student.

"Nowhere?" Lu Yun frowned slightly, he knew that this was completely different from his second brother's style.

Lu Yun knew his second brother very well, arrogant, selfish, and narrow-minded...

If not, he would not know Ye Xiaoxiao's existence until Lu Qi's Dantian was abolished.

The news that Ye Xiaoxiao possessed the Jade Girl Spirit Body was the last way to avenge Ye Xiaoxiao and Ye Hu after Lu Qi had no hope of practicing.

That is to tell Ye Xiaoxiao's physique to his elder brother Lu Yun, hoping to let Ye Xiaoxiao and Ye Hu die by the hand of the elder brother.

Lu Qi knew that his eldest brother had a cruel heart, and all the women who had been absorbed by him were sucked up to death.

But this time, Lu Qike miscalculated.

Lu Qike never expected that the reason why his elder brother sucked up those women's yin yuan to death was because his elder brother had left a hand.

The adventure the two brothers encountered back then was actually slightly different, that is, Lu Yun received a more advanced technique that could completely absorb the female's Yin Yuan and even vitality.

Therefore, he is stronger than Lu Qi, and his cultivation speed is much faster.

And it was precisely for this reason that Lu Yun knew the preciousness of the Jade Girl Spirit Body.

Killed Ye Xiaoxiao?

Lu Yun is disdainful of this. Such a precious Jade Girl Spirit Body should be enjoyed for a lifetime. With the help of the Jade Girl Spirit Body, his cultivation speed will be increased by more than ten times. It is not difficult to become a legendary powerhouse. , How could I just enjoy it once and **** the female spirit body to death?

As long as Lu Qi is an idiot, he will have the stupid idea of ​​killing Ye Xiaoxiao, but Lu Yun will not.

Therefore, in the end, Lu Yun told his father that he was in love with Ye Xiaoxiao and asked his father to go to Ye's family to ask for a kiss.

But I didn't want to, but the Ye Family refused directly.

This is a shame to Lu Yun.

"Forget it, Lu Qi don't want to manage, anyway, he has brought a lot of people, and there is also an army, so he should go out to relax, after a long time, he will become his own family!" Lu Yun said lightly.

"Yes! The little one understands." The man responded, but then, his face hesitated, and finally he said, "Then, young master, what about Ye Xiaoxiao?"

"Ye Xiaoxiao?" A strange light flashed in Lu Yun's eyes, and then he snorted coldly, "Hmph, she can't escape Ye Xiaoxiao, but now the alchemy mansion is the most important thing, you go down and get those things ready for me!"

"Yes!" The man finally replied and stepped back.

Lu Yun who was left behind did not say a word for a long time, and finally snorted coldly: "Jade Girl Spirit Body, I will definitely get it!"

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