Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 150: Stormy

Earth-level three-star Qi Qi Pill: After taking it, within ten breaths, 80% of the innate Qi in the innate martial artist's body can be restored!

Looking at the pill in his hand, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly.

The medicinal materials that Zhao Yuner handed over to Qin Shaofeng, Qin Shaofeng only spent five days refining all of them into an earth-level three-star Qi Qi Pill.

And if it wasn't for the maximum success rate, Qin Shaofeng was only refining an earth-level three-star Qi Qi Pill at a time, I am afraid this speed would have been much faster.

As soon as the prefecture-level three-star Qi Qi Pill was successfully refined, Qin Shaofeng tried it out himself.

As a result, just like the attributes of the prefecture-level three-star Qi Qi Pill, even if it is Qin Shaofeng's nearly 200,000 points of internal energy, it can recover 80% within ten breaths.

Qin Shaofeng was extremely excited about this.

After all, with this prefecture-level three-star Qi Qi Pill, my strength has improved a lot!

This time, the medicinal materials Zhao Yun'er took out allowed Qin Shaofeng to refine more than 500 Earth-level three-star Qi Qi Pills.

This is enough to show how rich the medicinal materials Zhao Yuner used, and from this aspect, it is enough to see Zhao Yuner's wealth.

The medicinal materials of other congenital martial artists' three-star Qi-buying pills at the prefecture level was almost a waste of ten percent of their wealth, but Zhao Yun'er did well and directly took out 500 copies.

This is exactly a little rich woman!

But when Qin Shaofeng brought these pre-level three-star Qi Qi Pills to Zhao Yun'er, Qin Shaofeng suddenly found out.

Although this Senior Sister Zhao is a little rich woman, she is also a prodigal mother-in-law!

Even if Qin Shaofeng's one earth-level three-star Qi Qi Pill was used, he could restore 80% of his internal energy.

But this one was good, and he swallowed one, only to recover one hundred thousand points of internal energy.

Qin Shaofeng had been mentally prepared for a long time, and estimated that with Zhao Yun'er's terrifying internal aura, it is absolutely impossible for an earth-level three-star Qi Qi Pill to restore 80% of the internal aura.

But Qin Shaofeng never expected that this was not only 80%, not even a Chengdu.

The internal energy value of two million points, but in the end only recovered one hundred thousand points. Isn't that one-twentieth?

Qin Shaofeng really didn't know what to say.

However, Zhao Yuner was very satisfied with this. She patted Qin Shaofeng’s shoulder and said to Qin Shaofeng: “That’s right, I originally only expected you to successfully refine 300 pieces, which is the limit. I didn’t expect you to successfully refine it. More than 500 pieces, it seems that your alchemy is even more powerful than Senior Brother Gao!"

"That's good, I will rely on you for my medicine in the future!"

Speaking of the last sentence, Zhao Yuner left contentedly.

However, before leaving, Qin Shaofeng left a hundred Earth-level three-star Qi Qi Pills.

Originally, Zhao Yun'er planned to leave Qin Shaofeng two hundred, but after Qin Shaofeng shied, only one hundred were left.

But even if it was a hundred, Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to accept it.

This is an earth-level three-star Qi Qi Pill that can restore 80% of its internal energy within ten breaths!

How could Qin Shaofeng feel embarrassed to accept such a precious pill?

However, with Zhao Yuner's temperament, how could Qin Shaofeng refuse.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng could only accept it brazenly, but he also decided, as Zhao Yuner said, he would pack Zhao Yuner's medicine in the future.

With the prefecture-level three-star Qi Qi Pill, such a super recovery pill, Qin Shaofeng basically has nothing to prepare.

Now Qin Shaofeng only waited for the alchemy residence to officially begin.

However, what made Qin Shaofeng a little regretful was that Du Meng's fierce boy couldn't go to the alchemy mansion this time.

After Du Meng came out of the Spirit Garden, he broke through the but innate triple realm.

In this way, he just met his master's requirements, and as soon as he left the spiritual garden, he was taken away by his master to officially apprentice.

And I heard from Zhao Yun'er that her elder brother formally became a teacher in Du Meng, and after meeting her father, he left Lianyang College with Du Meng alone.

In Zhao Yun'er's original words, what kind of special training is to take Du Meng to do.

Therefore, in a short time, Du Meng was afraid that he would not be able to return.

However, Zhao Yun'er also told Qin Shaofeng that Du Meng would come back in a year at most anyway, because one year later there was an extremely important thing that related to the future of the top genius of Yang Academy.

This made Qin Shaofeng watch out secretly.

The big thing about top talent?

Qin Shaofeng only thought about it for a moment, and then he understood that this matter was definitely not trivial.

If not, Master Du Meng would not let Du Meng miss the opportunity of the alchemy mansion.

In a word, that is that this big event is definitely more important than the alchemy mansion.

Qin Shaofeng asked Zhao Yuner what the **** was this.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yuner gave him a blank look and left a word lightly.

"What's the matter? You won't be too clear to tell you. If you want to really figure it out, you can first reach the legendary realm before talking!"

Rao Qin Shaofeng had been mentally prepared for a long time, and felt that this matter was not an ordinary one.

But after hearing Zhao Yuner's words, he still gasped fiercely.

Legendary realm?

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng finally knew what level the top genius of Lianyang Academy was.

It was actually a legendary realm above the spiritual vein realm.

I'll go, it's too scary.

However, what is the big thing that needs the legendary realm to be finally finally!

Qin Shaofeng was very confused about this, and he was also a little excited.

How could this kind of thing get him Qin Shaofeng less.

Isn't it the realm of legend?

It's not that I can't reach it.

Isn't this still a year away?

If others were to know Qin Shaofeng's plan, he would definitely show disdain.

In a year's time, from the innate five levels to the legendary realm?

Are you kidding me?

But Qin Shaofeng had great confidence.

He has a god-level cultivation system, and it is not impossible for him to rise to the legendary realm in a year!


The alchemy mansion reappeared, but a huge disturbance was set off.

In addition to the three academies among the three kingdoms of Yang Kingdom, Black Martial Kingdom, and Silver Moon Kingdom, all family forces have also taken action.

Every time the alchemy mansion reappears, there will be a lot of precious pill.

Moreover, among these medicines, they are at least earth-level one-star medicines, and even high-level sky medicines will appear.

Among the Three Kingdoms, including the three major academies, there are few alchemists capable of refining heavenly pill, but one slap is more than enough.

And even if it can be refined, it is at best to refine a heavenly one-star pill, and the success rate is even more terrifying.

Under this circumstance, the alchemy mansion reappears, who can care? Which force does not take it seriously?

Only the second day after the news was released, a huge number of people rushed to the Black Point Mountain Range.

The place where the alchemy mansion appeared, but in some deep areas of the Blackhorn Mountains, high-level monsters were everywhere, and there were many spirit vein monsters.

But under the temptation of the alchemy mansion, even some of the acquired martial artists rushed in.

However, what is surprising is that at this moment, the monster beasts in that area actually started to retreat.

It is said that a shocking dragon chant came from the depths of the Blackhorn Mountains that day, and the monsters in this area retreated.

That was an order from the King of the Blackhorn Mountains.

Black Horned Winged Flying Dragon!

That monster beast that was once favored by the old alchemist.

Originally this was just a rumor, but this time the situation in the alchemy mansion has been made known to people.

This is probably not a rumor, the king of the Blackhorn Mountain Range's Black Horned Winged Winged Dragon really received the help of the old alchemist.

Therefore, this time the alchemy mansion appeared in the Blackhorn Mountains, it would allow the monster beast to retreat and not conflict with humans.

And this aspect also confirmed another conjecture of people.

Perhaps there is indeed the inheritance of the old alchemist mansion.

If this is not the case, how can the Black Horned Winged Flying Dragon behave like this?

It is completely repaying favor!

This also caused more and more people to rush to the alchemy residence.

Regarding this situation, the three major colleges not only did not stop it, they even agitated the occurrence of such a situation.

The reason is simple, the alchemy mansion does not rely on force to obtain the pill.

The old man of alchemy attaches great importance to fate, if there is no fate, a martial master with ten levels of innate realm, I am afraid that he will get less medicine than an acquired one with one level of fate.

This depends on fate, that is, depends on luck.

In this way, the more people there are, the better.

This is not the first time this has happened, and this time is no exception.

Therefore, the three colleges and the three countries have set some conditions.

Anyone who comes out of the alchemy mansion must be checked before they can leave.

In addition, if the pill that you get is handed in, the three colleges will give different rewards. The higher the pill, the higher the reward.

There was even an acquired martial artist who obtained a one-day one-star pill from the alchemy mansion, and finally handed it over to the Lianyang Kingdom, and then he was named the prince of Lianyang Kingdom with a different surname. Now it has been passed down for three hundred years. Still being taken care of by Lian Yangguo.

It is precisely this example that has made many acquired warriors yearn for.

It's a pity that there are so few lucky people who can actually appear.

And even if it is extremely lucky to obtain a heavenly pill, if one is accidentally exposed, it will eventually lead to a murderous disaster.

Although most of the alchemy residences are very safe, in some cases, they can be killed at will.

In the past, every time the mansion of the alchemist appeared, the people who entered, the innate martial masters and the acquired martial artists combined, there were thousands or even tens of thousands of people, but there were no one who could survive in the end.

This is indeed an opportunity, but it may also be disaster and death!


This day has finally arrived!

The alchemy residence is finally about to officially open.

Lianyang Academy, which got the exact time, took star students to go early in the morning.

This time, Lianyang Academy dispatched only star-level students in the realm of innate martial arts, and the number was small, only more than 300 people.

However, the official students of the acquired martial artist, as well as other star students, are up to them to decide whether to go, and the academy will not interfere.

Therefore, although Lianyang Academy only dispatched more than 300 people this time, when it started, the number of this team had already exceeded a thousand.

Qin Shaofeng, who was among the three hundred people, was shocked when he saw this situation.

On the contrary, Zhao Yuner next to him is not surprised.

However, after arriving at the place of the alchemy mansion, even Zhao Yun'er was shocked by the densely packed heads.

"Oh my God, how come there are so many people?"

Looking at the black heads in front of him, Zhao Yun'er exclaimed in surprise, covering her mouth.

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