Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1483: Changes in the game

Chapter 1483

But it is exactly the same. The more difficult it is, once it is completed, the effect it brings is also amazing.

After the formation tower completely descended on the barbaric beast realm, all the ancient sanctuary cultivators in the barbarian beast realm felt it for the first time that the power of their own laws could explode even more.

The situation that most directly proves this is that from the moment the formation tower descends on the barbaric beast world, the overall strength of the ancient sanctuary has been improved.

People under the realm of supreme **** can no longer feel the suppression of the brutal beast realm.

Under such circumstances, even a cultivator in the ancient sanctuary of Nirvana, once possessed the power of the law, it is easy to have the strength equivalent to a lower barbarian warrior with a barbarian pattern.

And this is not the point, the point is that the formation pattern can finally be used in the brutal beast world.

Although the **** pattern cannot be used yet, some simple formation patterns can already be used freely.

It can be seen that the erosion of the ancient sanctuary to the brutal beast world is still very smooth.

Faced with such a situation, the senior members of the barbarian side began to be anxious.

More and more barbarian warriors were sent out, and a lot of battles began.

In this case, it is also extremely beneficial to some Tianjiao who have status and status.

For example, people like Lord Ling and Demon Prince, they are different.

Because of the army entering the brutal beast world again, there are many people from the ancient saints and the ancient demons, and many of them obey their orders.

In such a situation, with a large number of people who obey their orders, their points will naturally increase more quickly.

I don't know why, according to the current situation, the theme of the Almighty Tournament has been transferred to the war between the brutal beast world and the ancient sanctuary.

The situation between Qin Shaofeng and Ling Gongzi and the others, the points competing for the place should no longer be important.

But in fact, for this situation, the competition has become more intense.

Even the demon **** prince and the young master of the savage beast who have already exited the brutal beast world have entered the brutal beast world again, and they don't know what happened, they can compete again when they enter the brutal beast world again.

They hunted down the barbarian warriors, and they can still get points, but the previous points have been cancelled, and everything is starting from the beginning.

But for them with a large number of subordinates, even if they start from scratch, it is still easy to catch up with the points.

Faced with such a situation, I am afraid that even people who don't know it will know that this invasion and taking down the brutal beast world is not really that simple.

In fact, many people in the ancient sanctuary, after discovering that the ancient sanctuary began to launch such an attack on the brutal beast world, they all thought that the almighty competition was just a cover.

The real purpose of this almighty competition is the war that dominates the savage beast world.

However, when seeing those Tianjiao's points are still soaring crazy, many people feel that in fact it is not the case, I am afraid that there are still some special circumstances in the all-around competition.

And in this situation, all the players who entered the brutal beast world received a message from the jade talisman they refining.

To be able to win the jade talisman to inform all the players, that is naturally the hand of the organizer of the almighty competition, in other words, the message comes from those who dominate the supreme.

The content of the message is very simple, that is, the points obtained in this all-around competition can be exchanged for a large number of treasures in the exchange table.

This so-called redemption table also appeared with this information. It was a table for redeeming points.

But the content of the door-to-door exchange has made countless players go crazy.

Because the items on the exchange list are a treasure house jointly built by many big forces and can be exchanged for countless treasures.

Of course, the premise is that the points are enough. As long as you have enough points, you can redeem the treasure you want, as long as the treasure house can be obtained.

And there are so many things in this treasure house.

Even treasures that make people directly promoted to the dominance realm still exist in this treasure house.

Put it this way!

If a player in the Nirvana Realm can earn 10 million points, then he can use these 10 million points to redeem enough treasures to raise his own cultivation realm to the dominant realm.

The Domination Realm is very difficult to break through. Usually 10 million Nirvana Realms can give birth to a master of the Domination Realm, which is already very rare.

Don't look at this time because of the attack on the brutal beast world, a large number of masters of the dominance have appeared.

But these masters who dominated the realm were all cultivated by many forces in the ancient sanctuary after a lot of time.

Therefore, such a reward is very exciting.

With 10 million points, you can become a master of dominating the realm. Although it is only the first stage of the first step in the dominating realm, many people are still crazy about it.

And if you can get more points and continue to break through, it will not be impossible.

If you have one billion points, you can become the supreme master.

Even with enough points, even if it is a strong person who wants to reach the realm of the title of emperor, it is not impossible.

However, the points needed for this are too much.

Moreover, this is only the case of points. According to the content of this information feedback, if the top ten players in the points ranking are completed by the time the competition is over, they will receive a very rich reward and a very mysterious reward.

As for this mysterious reward, what kind of reward it is, this information was not indicated on the feedback.

But I don't know when it started, but a news spread among the players.

That is the mysterious reward of the top ten. It is a very special opportunity.

And this opportunity is a great opportunity, a great opportunity that can only be obtained by a few strong people in the entire ancient sanctuary.

But no one can say exactly how it is.

Not enough, this situation has caused the fierce competition between the players to hunt and kill the barbarians.

In such a fierce situation, the barbarians suffered severe losses for a while.

In the beginning, the team of 100 people sent by the old leader of the Shun and Yao, the leader of the Yao, that is, the team led by the old leader of the Shun and the younger brother of Yaohu, at the beginning, the tendency to slaughter the players of the ancient sanctuary became Countless ancient sanctuary players led a large number of people to hunt down.

At the end of the one hundred-strong team, three or five people survived, and even the son of the leader of the Shun clan Yao died here.

Although Yaohu's younger brother barely saved his life, he was missing an arm.

The barbarians are different from the practitioners of the ancient sanctuary. Their focus is on the body, and the body of the barbarian is still very special. Once damaged, it is difficult to recover, or even impossible to recover.

Therefore, for the rest of his brother Yaohu's life, he can only be a one-armed man.

In fact, if it weren't for the three major tribes of the Barbarian tribe to arrive at the battlefield with reinforcements, I am afraid that Yaohu's brother would not even be able to do it.

But then again, the so-called battle of the barbarians did not really come out.

At the very least, the wizards of the barbarians have gathered in the Shun tribe. Their task is not to fight, but to stop the Dao Laws of the ancient continent, and to devour the Dao Laws of their barbarian world, which is the so-called savage beast.

In this case, protecting these wizards is naturally very important.

In fact, a large number of true masters from the three major tribes of the barbarians have gathered in the Shun tribe.

Although there are few barbarian warriors here, they are very powerful. The barbarian pattern has more than 90 high-ranking warriors, at least three hundred people.

As for the superb warriors with more than a hundred savage patterns, there are more than 30 people. This number is the total number of the three tribes and many other tribes.

These superb warriors are the real power of the barbarians, and their strength is completely comparable to those of the supreme masters in the ancient sanctuary who have the title of emperor.

At this moment, the old leader of the Shun clan and Yaohu, the leader of the Yao clan, have gathered here with a large number of powerful men.

In order to cope with what can be said to be the catastrophe of the brutal beast world, they all gathered together to discuss a solution.

However, at this time, Jaw Man, the leader of the Jaw tribe, has not yet arrived. The Jaw tribe has only a savage pattern with more than a hundred representative warriors.

Faced with this situation, the old leader of the Shun clan raised the matter again.

I saw him looking at the outstanding warrior of the Jaw tribe at this moment, and asked: "The leader of your Jaw tribe, what on earth are you doing, people haven't arrived yet?"

The Jaw tribe warrior, not afraid of the old leader of the Shun tribe, directly said calmly: "My leader is now at the critical point of cultivation and can't get away for a while!"

"The key to practice?"

A sneer sounded, and his own Yaohu stepped forward and smiled coldly: "This jaw is really elegant. Under such a situation, he still has the heart to practice?"


The moment Yaohu finished his sneer, there was a bang not far away, and then a majestic breath came here instantly.

Immediately afterwards, a loud laugh instantly rang in Yaohu and others' ears.

"Haha, Yaohu, you are wrong. The more under such circumstances, the more naturally I will cultivate, because as long as I am strong enough, I will be able to face all crises!"

Accompanied by a confident and arrogant voice, a figure appeared in front of everyone instantly.

The figure that suddenly appeared was naturally Jaman himself.

When Jawman appeared, Yaohu subconsciously wanted to ridicule him twice.

What does it mean that as long as your jaws are strong enough to face all crises?

Are you a savage **** as your jaw?

But the next moment, when he felt the aura on Jaman's body strong enough to sweep away everything, Yaohu was startled, and finally he couldn't say a word.


So strong!

Incredibly strong!

This was Yaohu's only thought after feeling the breath of Jaman.

Could this jaw be so powerful?

With just such a brutal aura, Yao Hu knew that he couldn't be the opponent of the jaws.

But that was the case, this was what surprised Yao Hu the most.

How long hasn't seen this before, this jaw barbarian possesses such strength?

But what surprised him even more was still to come, because in the next moment, the jawman burst into a more powerful aura.

Then, he heard Jaman's arrogant voice sounding again.

"Well, from now on, everyone in the room needs to surrender to me and treat me as the barbarian king of the barbarians!"

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