Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1484: Savage ambition

Chapter 1484

Barbarian King?

Jawman suddenly said this, making everyone present stunned for an instant.

On the contrary, a few outstanding warriors of the Jaw Tribe tribe were stunned for a moment, and then immediately recovered, and then sent out a battle posture one after another.

No matter what choice Jawman makes, they will support their leader.

Yaohu's face turned gloomy in an instant. He didn't expect that under such circumstances, this jaw would say such words.

The leader Yao of the Shun clan also understood Jaman's thoughts for a while.

"Jiman, what do you mean?" Yaohu asked in a deep voice.

"It's this time now, you still have the heart to do this?"

Jawman took a faint look, and sneered at Yaohu: "It is precisely because of this time that I made this decision, because in my opinion, only all the barbarians are completely unified and under the leadership of my Jaman After this catastrophe in the brutal world!"

The leader of the Shun clan Yao did not speak, but his expression was a little strange.

In fact, there was some recognition in his heart for Jawbarbarian, because he also discovered that despite the call of the three tribes, all the barbarians have now united to cope with the immediate crisis.

But in fact, because of the disputes between the three tribes over the years, this time the union has caused a lot of friction.

For example, if the dispatched team is composed of several tribes, then the selection of the leader of the team is a problem.

This is to take the three tribes as an example. Which tribe should be led by the powerful army of the three tribes of Shun, Yao, and Jaw?

If you choose the powerhouse of the Jaw tribe, the Yao clan will definitely not be happy. On the contrary, if you choose the Yao clan, the Jaw tribe will certainly not really follow orders.

Even if you choose the Shun tribe, then even the upper jaw tribe and the Yao tribe will not say anything?

But once there are some orders, they are mostly perfunctory.

Even if there is a dangerous order, I am afraid that some people will jump out of it.

This situation has actually happened.

Therefore, the situation on the entire battlefield at this moment is led by the three tribes to fight the invaders of the ancient sanctuary.

But in this way, it can be regarded as fighting each other.

As a rare wise man among the barbarians, the old leader of the Shun clan knew that this time the invasion and attack of the ancient sanctuary was definitely a big crisis, and it was only possible for all the tribes to work together to survive.

In the case of fighting separately, this is very unfavorable to the barbarians.

And if all the barbarians are to be united in one mind, there must be some special circumstances.

For example, what the jawman said at this moment unifies all the tribes of the barbarian and introduces a king of the barbarian-the barbarian king!

Then, all orders are issued by the Barbarian King, so I am afraid there will be no other voices.


His eyes flashed, a strange light flashed in the eyes of the old leader of the Yao clan, and the whole person became even more silent.

Barbarian king!

This is the king of all barbarians, and he is also very tempting.


It's really an obsessive thing, even if it is a big crisis in front of power, it can still be left behind.

"Under your leadership, can you survive this crisis?"

Yaohu smiled coldly, looked at Jawman with disdain, and said: "Jawman, you value yourself too much, who do you think you are? How dare you say that!"

Yaohu could not always look at Jaman, because in his eyes, Jaman has always been a brave man.

Such a person still wants to be the king of the barbarian?

This is simply a joke!

"Why don't I dare to say?" Jaman gave Yaohu a light look, his voice very calm.

"Because you are not worthy!" Yaohu directly expressed his thoughts without hesitation.

Indeed, in his opinion, the position of this wild pattern is simply not competent for the jaw.

In Yaohu's view, as a king, you don't need absolute strength, just have absolute wisdom.

In fact, Yaohu's strength is not the strongest among the Yao tribe. On the contrary, the strength of the Yao tribe is stronger than his, but there are a few more.

But he can become the leader of the Yao tribe, so that those Yao tribe warriors who are stronger than him are completely at his disposal.

Therefore, in Yaohu's view, as long as a king knows how to use the power of his subordinates, it is enough.

Your own strength, as long as it is stronger, you don't need to be the strongest.

"I do not deserve?"

Jawman smiled, and then the next moment, his figure shook slightly, and with a scream, he disappeared completely.


With a loud bang, Yao Hu, who was still standing a moment ago, was blasted off in an instant, and then smashed to the ground fiercely.

This shot was naturally Jawman, but in an instant he knocked Yaohu down.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, Yao Hu was hit hard in an instant, his heart was furious, and his heart was shocked.

Because he hadn't seen the jaw man's movements clearly, he hadn't avoided, and couldn't escape.

And it was just a punch, Jawman's punch, which seriously injured him, Yao Hu had already felt that his internal organs had been damaged.

If it weren't for his own strength and a realm of 116 barbaric patterns, I am afraid that this punch of Jaw Man would be enough to kill him with one punch.

This shocked him and felt incredible, but compared with this, Yaohu's anger in his heart was even stronger.

He did not expect that under such circumstances, this jaw would dare to attack him.

"Jiman, how dare you..." Yaohu roared, his whole body struggling to stand up.

But the next moment, with a scream, the eyes went dark.

Yaohu felt it instantly, his heart sank, as if he had suffered a huge attack, and he was in close contact with the ground again.


With a crash, Yaohu's back hurts, and his heart is extremely dull. Compared with the wounds on his body, what makes him most angry at this moment is another thing.

He was actually stomped under his jaw.

At this moment, Jawman had arrived in front of Yaohu, and his right foot stomped on Yaohu's heart, stomping Yaohu on the ground fiercely without any movement.

Such an encounter was an absolute shame to Yao Hu.

But compared with shame, Yao Hu soon discovered something that shocked him.

That's right now he can't resist Jaw Man!

Yaohu, who was stepped on the ground, suddenly felt an extremely terrifying force emanating from the jaw man, and it was this force that pressed him against the ground fiercely, without the slightest possibility of moving.

Even at this moment, Yao Hu was even suppressed, unable to even speak.



Seeing this scene, Yao Hu's two personal guards finally reacted, and instantly rushed to the jaw man with an angry rage.

But before they could get closer, Jaman sneered and stretched out his right hand.

Then, Jawman made a fist lightly, and slammed the two of them in the air.

Bang! Bang!

With just two simple punches, the two guards were blasted out, and the appearance of Yaohu, who had been trampled under his feet, was much more serious.

This scene happened for a very short time, just a few breaths, Yaohu fell to the ground and was stepped under his jaw, and his two guards were also badly injured.

At this moment, Yaohu's heart was extremely shocked.

He knew his own strength, only the realm of more than one hundred and ten savage patterns.

If it were a simple contest, he would definitely not be the opponent of Jawbarb, which Yaohu knew very well.

But if he was given some preparations and used some methods, Yao Hu believed that he would be able to deal with the jaws for a while.

No matter how bad he is, he can escape calmly. This is Yaohu's idea, and his idea has always been.

Even if Jabman stepped on his feet, Yaohu thought it was Jabman's sudden attack on him, leaving him without a trace of defense, and Jabman succeeded.

After all, how to say that the strength of Jawbarb is stronger than his strength.

But in any case, this is too strong to be strong.

But after seeing the fate of his two guards, Yao Hu's thoughts that had been in his heart were finally completely shattered.

His two personal guards are not only the attributes of his right-hand man, but also the two strongest subordinates of his Yao tribe.

The two of them were not only superb warriors, but also had more than 130 wild patterns.

But these two superb fighters were defeated so easily by Jawbarb?

And is it just one or two punches that can not afford to hurt both of them directly?

How could this jaw be so powerful?

Yaohu didn't believe him, and the old leader of the Shun clan who remained silent like him was shocked at this moment.

This will have such strength?

Two superb warriors with more than one hundred and thirty brutal patterns were defeated so easily?

When did this jaw barbarian possess such strength?

Seeing the shock in the eyes of everyone present, the jaw man was also proud of his heart. In fact, before that, he had never expected that his strength could be improved to such a level.

Very early, Jaw Man had discovered that no matter how he swallowed the brutal patterns of other barbarian warriors, his own strength would be difficult to improve.

However, this time the brutal beast world was invaded by a large number of ancient sanctuary cultivators, and by accident, the Jaw Tribe caught a spiritual disciple, which made Jaw Man a little interested in his heart.

After all, his mother was a direct disciple of the Spirit Race, so Chiman wanted to meet other disciples of the Spirit Race.

But that disciple of the Spirit Race was an ordinary disciple of the Spirit Race, and Chin Man was quickly disappointed.

But Jawman found it in the opponent. One thing that excites him is that he can absorb the law of the opponent.

And this absorption has greatly improved his strength, and Jaw Man instantly understands that his special savage pattern is a fusion of the savage beast world's great dao law and the great dao law of the ancient continent.

And because of this, if the savage patterns on his body want to continue to improve, then they must maintain the strength of both sides to improve together.

The savage patterns absorbed by Jawman in the savage beast world are already enough, and it has reached the limit of the strength of the special savage patterns on his body.

But the limit to withstand the power of the avenue pattern was far from being reached.

The invaders of the ancient sanctuary gave Jaman a hope for improvement, which is why Jaman advocated starting a war from the beginning.

During this period of time, Jawman has been studying the reason, so that the Jaw tribe warriors who went to the battlefield will bring back the dead invaders of the ancient sanctuary.

This is to provide him with enough power to absorb the avenue pattern.

Not long ago, Jawman finally felt that the special wild pattern on his body was finally completely saturated, and he couldn't continue to absorb it no matter it was the wild pattern or the pattern of the great road.

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