Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1494: Purple light reproduction

Chapter 1494 Purple Light Reappears

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed as he looked at the huge thunder palm with countless lightning.

This time, Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate the power of the law in his body. There was an instant surge, and his hands immediately burst into flames.

"The Profound Fire Book!"

With a violent shout, Qin Shaofeng's hands were together, and a burst of fire burst into the sky.

Xuanhuo Baodian, Qin Shaofeng replicated the successful martial arts with gods and demons, and it was an eight-star martial arts.

This Profound Fire Treasure is a fire system technique, and among the exercise techniques of the power attribute cultivation of the fire system law, it can be regarded as the top technique.

If it weren't for the use of this Profound Fire Tome, it would consume a huge amount of power, I'm afraid this Profound Fire Tome could already become a nine-star technique.

However, if only talking about power, the power erupted by this Profound Fire Tome is definitely a proper nine-star power!

In the previous words, even if Qin Shaofeng had successfully mastered this Profound Fire Tome, it was difficult for Qin Shaofeng to display it because of the excessive consumption.

And even if it came on display, it was because of Qin Shaofeng's own lack of power of the gods and demons, the power that burst out was very limited.

But now, it's different.

Because now there are more than ninety thousand star formations in the inner world in Qin Shaofeng's body.

The power of the gods and demons possessed by Qin Shaofeng now, and his own realm, are enough for the Profound Fire Tome to explode with great power.


With a loud bang, a monstrous fire flooded the sky, but in an instant, two or two thunder palms of Jakui were burned to extinction.

Damn, how could this happen?

Seeing such a scene, Chikui was shocked, because the turbulent sea of ​​fire obviously exceeded his expectations.


With a low voice in the heart, Chikui yelled fiercely: "Damn Qin Shaofeng, don't think that you can fight my Chikui!"


It seemed that something had been hit, but in a moment, the sky exploded.

"Barbarian King Skill-Thunderbolt!"

With the angry roar of Chikui, the sky lit up, as if a crack exploded with light appeared.

It's just that the light is only purple, and it is accompanied by countless lightning.

And then from this crack swam out a very huge Thunder Dragon, the whole being composed of thunder and lightning.


When the Thunder Dragon swam, there was a roar, as if thousands of thunders exploded, and countless purple light thunder and lightning broke out.

Under these thunder and lightning, the countless flames like a sea of ​​fire that Qin Shaofeng erupted with the Profound Fire Tome was actually defeated.

A bolt of thunder and lightning took away a large amount of flames, which made the sky that was originally surrounded by flames instantly turned into surrounded by lightning.

Compared with Chikui, it is clear that this Chikui's thunderous force is countless times stronger.

In the blink of an eye, the countless flames in the sky completely disappeared, and all that was left was thunder and lightning.

"Hahaha, Qin Shaofeng now I see what you do!"

Seeing that the flame was completely dissipated by his own lightning, Chikui laughed at Qin Shaofeng.

However, in the midst of the laughter, Chikui's eyes flashed with killing intent, and a movement of his mind bombarded Qin Shaofeng with countless lightning.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng's face was still extremely calm.

Perhaps at this moment, if it is another person, even if it is Tiger Lord, facing the move of Jakui, he dare not recklessly, and will choose to escape the first time.

But Qin Shaofeng was different. He gently stretched out his right hand as he watched that huge Thunder Dragon carry countless powerful thunder and lightning.


At the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's right hand suddenly radiated brightly, and the surging purple-gold brilliance gushed out.

And the moment these brilliance appeared, they turned into a huge palm print.

Holy Hand of Buddha!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng didn't keep his hands, and directly exploded out a sacred hand of the Buddha.

Moreover, this time, Qin Shaofeng's Buddha Sacred Hand had already entered the third stage of the Buddha Sacred Hand. The huge palm print of the Buddha Sacred Hand was already completely purple and gold.

Even in order to play such a palm of the saint hand of the Buddha, Qin Shaofeng directly entered the state of God's recovery in the previous instant.

If it weren't, it would still be reluctant to use Qin Shaofeng's current realm to play such a powerful saint hand.

Moreover, fighting with Jakui before, consumed Qin Shaofeng not small. Although the 6-star God and Demon Body Refining Dafa had a good recovery speed, Qin Shaofeng still consumed a lot of God and Demon power.

Therefore, he directly chose to enter the state of God's recovery.

Anyway, the 6-star God and Demon Body Refining Dafa allowed Qin Shaofeng to perform five minutes of God's resurrection within one day.


There was a loud noise, as if the sky had fallen at this moment.

Suddenly, a huge palm print with an extremely huge purple brilliance appeared.

Then, in front of this huge palm print, Jaw Quina's full-strength thunderbolt thunder dragon was completely vulnerable.


It was just a crisp explosion, and the huge thunder dragon in the sky collapsed for the first time, and its fragile look, like a flower in the water, broke with one touch.

Of course, this is not to say that the thunder dragon that burst out of Jakui is really weak, extremely fragile, and it breaks with the touch.

If that were the case, I am afraid it would not be so easy to extinguish the flames of the Profound Fire Book that Qin Shaofeng burst out with all his strength.

The reason for this situation can only show that Qin Shaofeng's holy hand of the Buddha was too powerful.

The situation turned around in an instant. At this moment, Jakui was replaced by a crisis situation.

And at this moment, the breath radiating from the huge purple-gold palm print made Jakui feel an extremely crisis.

At this time, if you want to defend yourself, it is impossible.

And even if Chikui wanted to escape now, it was definitely too late.

Damn, there is no way.

In the end, a flash of anger flashed in Jakui's eyes, and then it seemed that something had been decided in his heart, and the next moment he roared fiercely.

"Damn Qin Shaofeng, I didn't expect you to be able to force me to use this trick. You are really good enough!"


As Chikui roared, his whole body burst into a burst of purple light.

Qin Shaofeng is no stranger to such purple light.

This is not Jakui's own power, but from the power of his father Jaiman.

Qin Shaofeng knew what this was for the first time, because of this situation, he had already faced this kind of purple light power once when facing Jakuang.

However, unlike Chikui, the purple light bursting out of Chikui's body was stronger.

Powerful enough to be under the protective cover formed by this purple light, Qin Shaofeng's Saint Hand of the Buddha didn't smash it to pieces, or even shake it.

There was a loud bang, and the hand of the Buddha Buddha slammed down, but the purple light on Chikui's body flashed fiercely, which protected Chikui's whole person safe and sound.

Qin Shaofeng was sure that if he were to switch to the previous jaw, even if the jaw had used the power of their father's jaw, he would definitely not be able to hold his hand of the Buddha at this moment.

But the purple light on Jakui's body was safely blocked by Qin Shaofeng's Stupa Sacred Hand.

The purple light on Jakui's body was stronger than the purple light that Jakui possessed, and it was still much stronger.

This is not that the jaw man is partial to the jaw Kui, it has given the jaw Kui even more powerful purple light power.

In fact, if the jaw is really partial, it is also the right jaw.

The reason for this situation is because the Jaw Man's own strength is too strong and too domineering.

The savage patterns that were completely integrated with the patterns of the Great Dao, the power of the law possessed, really speaking, in terms of power alone, were stronger than Qin Shaofeng's power of gods and demons.

But it is precisely because of this, because it is too strong, resulting in insufficient strength, and people who are not physically strong cannot withstand the excessive power of the jaw.

Therefore, even if Jawman wanted to bestow his younger son Jawkuan with more power to protect him, it was done taking into account the degree to which Jawkuan himself can bear it.

Jakui is different, he has more than ninety savage patterns in his own right, and he is naturally protected by Jaiman with stronger power.

And this time, after Chikui's strength increased, Chinman once again bestowed him with stronger purple light power.

It was precisely because of this powerful purple light power that Chikui passed through the unharmed Buddha under Qin Shaofeng's full burst of strength.

This purple light again!

Seeing the safe and sound Chikui, Qin Shaofeng's gaze fell on the purple light on Chikui's body, his brows wrinkled slightly, and his face was slightly surprised.

"Hahaha, are you surprised?"

Seeing Qin Shaofeng’s face slightly surprised, Jaw Kuihaha laughed loudly: “Qin Shaofeng, I admit that your strength is beyond expectations. But unfortunately, under my father’s strength, your strength is far worse. It's getting hot, just such an attack, it still can't help the purple light on my body!"


Jaw Quina smiled triumphantly, causing Qin Shaofeng's eyes to flash with a slight anger. Without holding back, he snorted in his heart and made another move.

boom! boom! boom!

This time, as soon as Qin Shaofeng made a move, he was still the saint of the Buddha, and three moves broke out one after another.

Anyway, in the state of the resurrection of the gods, Qin Shaofeng didn't need to worry about the consumption of the power of the gods and demons at all.




The purple-gold palm prints of the three huge Buddhist saint hands blasted violently, one after another, they hit Jakui's body.

But in the face of the palm prints of these three huge Buddha statues, the purple light on Jakui's body just dazzled, and it subsided again.

Still intact.

"Hahaha, Qin Shaofeng, are you tickling me?"

Jaw Quihaha laughed, and his voice was full of ironic questions.

"Come on, it's a good scratch, but the strength is weak, you should use more energy!"

Qin Shaofeng ignored the loud laughter of Chikui, he continued to attack Chikui without stopping.

It was still the saint hand of the Buddha, palm after palm, without stopping at all.

For a while, this area continuously flashed huge purple-gold palm prints, and then there was a constant rumbling of loud noises.

At this moment, all the savage beasts that Lord Tiger had led had withdrawn for a long time.

Under such circumstances, Hu Ye hadn't been able to cut in before.

However, Hu Ye is also clear at the same time, although the current situation looks very favorable for Jakui.

Because no matter how Qin Shaofeng attacks, he can't break through the purple light on Jakui's body and can't hurt Jakui himself.

But in fact, Tiger Lord saw clearly that such a situation was not absolutely beneficial to Jakui.

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