Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1495: Jaw Kui falls

Chapter 1495

That's right, now under the protection of that layer of purple light, no matter what kind of attack Qin Shaofeng broke out, he couldn't hurt Jakui.

In short, Qin Shaofeng's Najakui couldn't help it.

But similarly, in the face of such a powerful Qin Shaofeng, Na Chikui was equally helpless.

The defense is enough, but how about attacking?

Ever since Qin Shaofeng broke out of the Saint Hand of the Buddha, Najakui has been under passive attack!

Under the absolute protection of Ziguang, Jakui did not launch any attacks.

This is probably because Jakui himself understands that Qin Shaofeng's attack cannot be countered, because in the face of such an attack, no matter how he explodes, he will eventually be destroyed by Qin Shaofeng's attack.

This is not as good, it is better not to attack!

Master Tiger also saw this, and then he no longer worried about the master Qin Shaofeng.

Because even if there was any danger, Lord Tiger knew that with the strength of his boss, he could still leave calmly.

In this way, the effect of his staying here is no longer great.

Since there is no need to stay here anymore, you can leave.

But Lord Tiger knew that hunting down barbarian warriors and getting more savage patterns was also very important to his boss.

Therefore, Lord Tiger, who had made a decision, quickly left here with his brutal beasts.

It seemed that he had sensed the departure of Lord Tiger, and Chikui, who was being bombarded by Qin Shaofeng's Buddhist saint hand, frowned slightly.

Damn, has the wild tiger king left?

In fact, when he first saw Lord Tiger, Jikui planned to capture Lord Tiger alive!

If it was the previous strength of the fantasy clan, he would not even dare to think of such an idea.

But now it's different!

The savage pattern has been improved by a hundred times, and after the pattern of the avenue has been integrated, this has given Jakui a sense of confidence.

But this kind of confidence was completely broken up when facing Qin Shaofeng.

At this moment, Jakui really sighed.

Because Qin Shaofeng's strength really surpassed his expectations, he actually let him use the life-saving hole card left by his father, which simply made him feel a little aggrieved.

At the same time, this situation made Chikui even more painful to Qin Shaofeng.

However, he is not in a hurry, he is waiting.

He waited for Qin Shaofeng to be almost consumed, and then took action, striving to kill Qin Shaofeng instantly.

Jakui didn't believe that Qin Shaofeng continued to burst out such powerful attacks and could continue to support it like this.

Therefore, in the eyes of Chikui, it will be a matter of time before Qin Shaofeng is finally killed, or even taken directly.

And he wasn't in a hurry, because this layer of purple light on him could persist for a long time, even at the rhythm of Qin Shaofeng's attack, for two or three days.

Well, he is really in no hurry!

However, he was not in a hurry, but Qin Shaofeng was a little anxious at the moment.

I circled a fork, this is really a turtle shell!

Qin Shaofeng cursed in a low voice after another burst of tricks from the saint hand of the Buddha.

Now he felt that the chiefs of this Jaw tribe belonged to the tortoise clan, and Du Te Niang had a tortoise shell.

Forget it for Chikui, and the same is true for Chikui now, and a tortoise that is not even better!

No, it should be that their father Jawbarb is just an old turtle!

I circled a cross, I have had enough!

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng stopped and did not attack Jakui anymore, because he had already noticed it. Even if it takes two or three days to attack the tortoise on Jakui's body, he may not be able to attack the turtle. The shell is broken.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's sudden stop, Chikui seemed to be taken aback, and then thought of something, he smiled coldly and said, "What's the matter, Qin Shaofeng, you don't continue? Tell me that you plan to give up!"

Jakui had a proud face. After speaking, he didn't wait for Qin Shaofeng to respond, and then he laughed again: "Haha, Qin Shaofeng, do you feel that you are helpless facing me like this?"

"If you really think like this, then I will persuade you, and now I will be able to catch it with my hands. In this case, I can guarantee you a good time!"

Faced with such a proud Chikui, Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly: "Oh, Chikui, do you really think I can't deal with you?"


Qin Shaofeng's words made Chikui a little stunned, but then he just sneered, and snorted disdainfully: "Huh, don't talk too much. I don't believe you have the means to hurt me now, and if I read it correctly If so, you should have cast some kind of secret technique on your ancient continent now, and only then have so many powerful attacks erupted, right?"

"Don't even try to hide it. I can feel your realm. It hasn't reached the realm of the Hundred Dao Dadao Patterns at all, but you can burst out such a powerful attack. This is obviously using some means!"

Jakui's tone was very confident, as if he had seen through Qin Shaofeng's glance, he was extremely confident.

"So, Qin Shaofeng, don't play mystery anymore, because you can't hurt me anyway. When your secret technique or the power of your law is exhausted, you will be dead!"


Qin Shaofeng smiled and shook his head lightly. Qin Shaofeng decided that Jakui was really thinking too much.

Then, Qin Shaofeng spoke again, but this opening made Jakui suddenly angry.

"Zhikui, do you think that if you hide in this tortoise shell, Qin Shaofeng can't help you?"


Turtle shell?

Qin Shaofeng's words made Chikui's heart suddenly angry.

What is a tortoise shell? This layer of purple light on him, but his father's power is the life-saving card his father gave them.

Qin Shaofeng is now calling it a tortoise shell, which is simply unbearable.

But before he could get angry, Qin Shaofeng used it when he finished speaking.


With a slight trembling of his right hand, Qin Shaofeng refined the Feiyu Sword.

The flying feather knives refined from this sacrifice are directly demonized with the soldiers of the gods and demons.

Moreover, the demonization of the Flying Feather Blade God was only the first step. The next moment Qin Shaofeng surged all over, and immediately burst out countless hot flames all over his body.

God's Pill Fire!

The demonization of the gods alone was not enough. After the demonization of the Feiyu Sword God, Qin Shaofeng injected a burst of top-level pill fire into the Feiyu Sword!

If it weren't for the flying feather knife at this moment, it had already been transformed into the gods and devil's soldiers, I am afraid that they would really not be able to resist the fire of the gods, and most of them would dissolve after being injected.

The top-level own pill fire has reached a terrible point. If it were not for Qin Shaofeng himself, he would not be able to bear too much of the pill fire of the gods, and he could not control the pill fire of the gods freely. I am afraid that he had already controlled the pill fire of the gods as himself. One of the attack methods.

"Jikui, since you are so confident in you and even this tortoise shell, then let me break it!"

With a fierce shout, Qin Shaofeng had enough power of the gods and demons, and then instantly threw the flying feather knife.

call out!

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and the flying feather knife instantly turned into a light.

However, this time it is no longer the silver light knife light, because there is still a hot crimson in this silver light knife light, as if it can cut through the sky and melt the space.


There was a clear impact, but it broke out with a loud noise.

The Feiyu Knife slammed into the purple light protection cover on Jakui's body.

Suddenly, the protective cover formed by the purple light on Jakui's body was instantly overwhelmed, and the flying feather knife was blocked.

But while resisting, Chikui's whole person was blown into flight in an instant.

At the same time, Jakui, who was in the purple light protective cover, seemed to have been hit hard. He was dizzy and unable to stabilize the purple light protective cover for a while.

After finally stabilizing the protective cover and stopping in midair, Jakui immediately looked at Qin Shaofeng with an angry face, ready to shout something.

But when he turned his head, he saw a flash of silver light and red blade light, and then a sound of breaking through the air struck again.


There was another loud noise, and Chikui was blasted into the air again, and the whole was blasted to the ground.

This made him even more angry, but the next moment, Chikui, who suddenly sensed a certain situation, couldn't care about his anger.

Because at this moment, he clearly sensed that the energy of the purple light protective cover of his body seemed to begin to decline.

And quite a bit of decline, but a significant decline.

According to this degree of decline, at most, it will be bombarded for seven or eight times, and this purple light protective cover will be completely crushed.

"call out--!"

There was another sound of breaking through the air, and that special silver light and red sword light struck again.



Jakui only had time and shouted angrily, and the whole person was blown out again.

Jakui's face turned ugly for an instant, and what made his face ugly the most was that soon there was another cracking sound.

It's endless!

At this moment, Jakui finally understood why Qin Shaofeng was so confident before, that was because he really had the means to break the protective cover formed by the purple light on his body.

Moreover, that ray of silver light and scarlet blade light was not only incredibly powerful, but even the speed was so fast that Jakui could not match the dust.

You can't avoid it at all!

Jakui asked himself that he couldn't avoid that speed, and he couldn't do much.

"Damn it, in that case, then I..."

Under the circumstances of being so passively beaten, Jakui seemed to decide something. He gritted his teeth fiercely in his heart and suddenly roared.

"Qin Shaofeng, you forced me!"


Following the roar of Jakui, the purple light protective cover on his body suddenly shook and shrank in an instant.

But at the same time, the aura of Jakui's whole person suddenly rose.

Very God possessed!

Like Chikui, when Qin Shaofeng was driven into a desperate situation, Chikui used the last move-Man God possesses!

In fact, whether it was the former Chikui or the current Chikui, their cultivation of Barbarian God's possession is not very complete. It can be said that they are not prepared to be proficient, and they need to rely on their father's power to display Barbarian God's possession.

However, unlike Chikui, after Chikui displayed the possessive spirit, his breath soared to a terrifying state.

Jakui's strength at this moment was really strong, but in fact, Qin Shaofeng was waiting for this time.


In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng didn't give Jakui a chance to make a shot, and he immediately violently shot. Some skills that had been prepared for a long time burst out at this moment.

God and devil state!

The power of the gods and demons!

Magical Shadow!

The triple skill exploded in an instant, and then Qin Shaofeng was a divine flash, disappearing in an instant, and came directly in front of Jakui.

When he appeared in front of Jakui, Qin Shaofeng took out the flying feather knife that had been prepared a long time ago, and under Jakui's extremely surprised gaze, he fiercely plunged into Jakui's heart.

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