Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1496: Bai Nishang enters the world of brutal beasts

Chapter 1496 Bai Nishang Enters the Beast World


Seeing Qin Shaofeng just like this, he pierced a three-inch knife into his heart, listening to the sound of his heart being pierced, Jakui's expression was astonished and even confused.

What happened to this?

Why was I killed like this?

Jakui's eyes were full of confusion and incomprehension, but even more still unwilling.

Only then did he display the possession of a wild god, and he began to prepare to fight Qin Shaofeng's last stand and fight to the death.

But he was only ready. Before he could make a move, Qin Shaofeng suddenly approached him when he was ready?

Even if the barbarians reach the realm of the ultimate warrior with a hundred barbaric patterns, their heart is still their weakness.

Once destroyed, it will definitely die!

Jakui's words are a bit special, because the power of the law in the body has become different because of the integration of the pattern of the great road.

Even Jakui's body, as well as the organs in his body, have been transformed by his own new force of law.

Once the transformation is completed, even if the heart is broken, Jakui can save his life.

But that has to be done after the transformation!

At present, Jakui's body has undergone a preliminary transformation at best, and even if it is completely transformed, it is estimated that it will probably be hopeless.

Because Qin Shaofeng finally used the flying feather knife that pierced into the heart of Jakui, but once again burst out a strong pill fire.

Under the fire of this god's pill, Jakui's internal organs were instantly burned clean.

And with the power of Qin Shaofeng's top god's pill fire, even if Jakui had completely transformed his internal organs, it would still be unstoppable.

Unless he uses the power of his own new law to rule his internal organs, in this case, it is still possible to withstand Qin Shaofeng's blow and not die.

However, there are not so many ifs. In fact, Chikui died.

Qin Shaofeng was not surprised by this result. If Chikui weren't killed by him like this, then he could kill himself directly.

Not to mention the state of the gods and demons, once this is displayed, Qin Shaofeng can temporarily gain the strength equivalent to the realm of the title of the first emperor.

In this state, using the power of the gods and demons gave Qin Shaofeng an absolutely terrifying power.

However, what I am most afraid of is that at that moment Qin Shaofeng cast a magic shadow of divine power, and then at the same moment, all the shadow clones projected out forcibly burst out all the power, forming a stream of pure power.

Then, Qin Shaofeng poured all the power formed by these shadow clones into the Feiyu Knife, which gave Feiyu Knife the power to pierce Jakui's body directly.

Jakui is a superb warrior with hundreds of savage patterns among the barbarians. His own defense is absolutely amazing. If it weren't for the power of Qin Shaofeng's formation of several shadow clones, it would be difficult to kill Jakui with a flying feather knife.

Because even if the flying feather knife after the demonization of the gods can pierce Jakui's body, it will definitely be blocked by Jakui's own defense.

No matter how subtle these obstacles are, they can give Jakui some time.

With Qin Shaofeng and Jakui's realm, so little time, no matter how small, is also an opportunity.

In order to avoid such a situation, Qin Shaofeng directly put an end to it, using the power of the shadow clone of the magical shadow of the divine power to completely break the defense of Jaukui, leaving him no time to react.

Even for this, Qin Shaofeng used the magic flash that had been hidden.

When fighting with Jakui, Qin Shaofeng felt that Jakui was not comparable to Jakui Naya's character, so he hid some hole cards, and Shen Shan was one of them!

Sure enough, in the face of Qin Shaofeng, who was performing the magical flash, Chikui had no defense at all, and it could even be said that he had no defense at all in this regard.

Therefore, Jakui finally died, and he was still very frustrated and confused!

What is frustrated is that he has all exploded with the last hole cards, and his strength has improved by a bit.

But as a result, he didn't even break out completely, and he didn't even start his shot. He was killed by Qin Shaofeng.

Can such a method of death not be frustrated?

If you are confused, then it is even more needless to say, because until he died, Chikui didn't know how he died.

In fact, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng was also grateful, fortunate that he did not give Jakui a chance to break out.

Because at the moment when the Feiyu Knife was pierced into the heart of Jakui, especially when the Pill Fire of God was injected into Jakui's body through the Feiyu Knife, Qin Shaofeng had noticed that after Jakui had cast his Barbarian God Possession, he Compared with before, his strength has increased by at least ten times.

In this state, the jaw Kui, the general title of emperor, is not necessarily his opponent.

Fortunately, it's all over now.

Finally killed this jaw!


When Qin Shaofeng killed Jakui, Jawman, who was far in the depths of the beast world, immediately sensed the information that the golden ladybug female bug in his body had fed back.

Although the female of the golden beetle can only breed two golden beetles, there are actually some special golden beetles among the two golden beetles.

Jawman's own son's parasitic golden beetles are all very special golden beetles. Once something happens to the parasitized person, he can feel the first time through the mother insect in his body.

Therefore, at the moment Chikui died, Chiman felt it.

Then, Chiman knew that Chikui was dead.

After the younger son Chikui, his eldest son Chikui has also fallen!

And soon Jawman also learned from the golden ladybug in Parasitic Jakui that Jakui, like Jakui, died in Qin Shaofeng's hands.

This made Jaman's anger finally reached its limit.


There was a loud bang, and the next moment, the jaws rose up into the sky, exuding an extremely terrifying aura, rushing to the extreme distance.

In fact, in Chiman’s heart, although he is more inclined to be with his younger son, Chikui, because Chikui is his first son, he pays a lot of attention to Chikui and puts a lot of effort into it.

And the most important thing is that after the death of Jaw Kuan, among the sons who satisfied Jai Kui the most, only the eldest son Jai Kui is the eldest son. Although the other sons have good talents, they really meet Jai Man’s heir. My son is now Jakui.

But now Chikui was actually killed, and he died in the hands of the same invader just like Chikui. This made Chiman finally couldn't help himself and came to chase Qin Shaofeng by himself.

However, although Jawman left, the barbarian warrior who cultivated the pattern of the fusion road did not end because Jawman left.

At this moment, the old leader of the Shun tribe has initially grasped that this kind of calculation of merging the pattern of the avenue can replace the jaw man and help other barbarian warriors in the fusion of the pattern of the avenue.

Of course, the reason for this situation is that the great laws of the ancient continent have eroded the great laws of the brutal beast world more.

But at this moment, neither the old leader of the Shun clan nor the Jaw Man who had just become a barbarian king paid attention to this.

In fact, after discovering the laws of the Great Dao in their brutal beast world, the more they were eroded, the easier it was for their barbarian warriors to integrate the power of the Great Dao.

After discovering such a situation, after discussing with the old leader of the Shun clan, Jawman absolutely temporarily let go of the Dao rules of the ancient continent, which would erode the Dao rules of their Barbarian Beast Realm.

Because this allows them to cultivate a greater number of barbarian warriors that merge with the pattern of the avenue.

As long as they keep the last 20% of the Great Beast Realm Dao Law and not be swallowed up by the ancient Continental Dao Law, there will be no major problem.

Because if there is still 20% of the power left, it can definitely resist the supreme masters of the ancient sanctuary to enter the barbarian beast world.

As long as those ancient sanctuary masters cannot enter the brutal beast world, then their brutal beast world is safe.

Jawman thinks this way, and the old leader of the Shun clan also thinks after experiencing the strength of Jawman.

Therefore, even if the Dao Law of the Brutal Beast World had been swallowed by as much as 70%, they still did not stop it.


Their goal is only to keep the last 20%.

But neither the Jawman nor the old leader of the Shun clan had personally experienced the power of the Supreme Masters.

That kind of power is simply not the power they can calculate, the power that the sovereign supreme who builds the foundation of the Dao has, but can represent the law of the Dao!

It is a pity that some people are very arrogant, self-righteous, and sure of everything they think.

For example, Jawman is like this, he thinks he will definitely not be the opponent to dominate the supreme.

However, he felt that no matter how strong the Domination Supreme was, it would not be so strong.

It won’t be long before Jaman will soon feel naive and despair of thinking like this!


At the same time, when Jabman started to hunt down Qin Shaofeng and protect the death of his two sons, at the entrance of the ancient sanctuary that Nirvana Realm and Brutal Beast Realm, this special team was gathering at this moment.

The reason why this team is also special is because their number is really too small, that is, the number of 70 or 80 people.

But if you can detect the breath of these seventy or eighty people, I am afraid that countless people will be shocked and speechless.

The title of emperor!

That's right, these people are all powerhouses with the realm of the title of emperor, in other words, these seventy or eighty people are powerhouses with more than a hundred realms in the pattern of the Great Dao.

After the Great Dao Law of the Ancient Continent eroded 70% of the Great Dao Law of the Brutal Beast Realm, the powerhouse with the title of Emperor can finally enter the Brutal Beast Realm.

Although for these powerhouses in the realm of the title of emperor, if they enter the brutal beast world at this moment, their strength will be suppressed.

But even in the case of suppression, the last barbarian superb warrior who had more than a hundred barbaric patterns, but did not integrate any avenue patterns, could easily win.

Seventy or eighty!

Such a quantity is really terrible!

You must know that once a strong man in the realm of the title of the emperor shows up and is still on the battlefield, it is a world-shattering event.

However, there are now seventy or eighty!

Seeing this scene, many people have a thought in their hearts, the brutal beast world is over!

At this moment, at the forefront of this special team of strong men, a petite figure is urging a young man at the entrance.

"Hey, I said yes, I can go in now!"

The young man was helpless. As the strongest genius of the Jiang family, he was not timid even in the face of some supreme masters.

But in front of this one, he could only sigh.

"Wait again, neon clothes, this is just over 70% of the state, wait for stability, we will..."

Before he could finish speaking, the petite figure in front of him flashed directly into the entrance, and then left him a very impatient sentence.

"It's 70%, what are you doing crookedly? I'm in!"

The young man's face twitched, but he didn't move slowly. With a flash of figure, he immediately caught up with him.

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