Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1502: Powerful jaw

Chapter 1502

who is it!

Actually possess such a powerful breath!

Feeling this sudden breath, Qin Shaofeng's heart trembled.

Because the other party's breath is really too strong, even if it is still far away, Qin Shaofeng seems to be overwhelmed by the other's breath.

Such existence is really terrible!

However, Qin Shaofeng soon learned the identity of the other party.

Because at this moment, the entire sky is covered with purple lights, and these lights are all telephone calls from thunder and lightning.

The purple light is dazzling, the lightning is amazing!

Qin Shaofeng is very familiar with such power, because it is not the first time he has seen it.

Because he had seen such power from Jakuang and Jakui a long time ago.

What is worth mentioning is that, because of Qin Shaofeng's sudden move, he killed the opponent directly, which caused the jaw to have time to use the purple light power that his father gave him.

Well, this way of death is very frustrated.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng has only seen such purple power twice.

However, even if it was only twice, the impression that this purple power left in Qin Shaofeng's heart was very deep.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng immediately knew who the strong man who appeared suddenly at this moment was.

Jaw barbarian!

It's jaw man!

I circled a cross, it's a big trouble!

From the other party's roar, Qin Shaofeng immediately understood that his own killing of Jakuang and Jakui must have been exposed.

Now that the jaw barbarian appeared, that absolute force was avenging his two sons.


Without hesitation, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng used his magic flash and fled directly.

Nonsense, can you not escape?

After personally experiencing the aura of this Jawman himself, Qin Shaofeng had no idea of ​​resistance in his heart.

too strong!

Although the purple light power from the jaws and the jaws made Qin Shaofeng know that the strength of the jaws is absolutely powerful.

However, even so, Qin Shaofeng still had some confidence in his heart.

He owns the eyes of gods and demons, and now the inner world in his body has already laid out ninety-seven thousand star formations.

And as one's realm improves, whether it is strength or other things, it has been strengthened.

It can be said that in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, the general title of emperor is nothing more than that.

Therefore, before Qin Shaofeng felt that no matter how strong the jaw barbarian was, there was a limit to it.

Even if he is invincible, the opponent will not be able to kill him easily.

But at this moment, after experiencing the breath of the other party personally, Qin Shaofeng instantly overturned his previous thoughts.

Nima, what are you kidding about, such a powerful existence among the barbarians?

It was just the moment when he felt the savage breath, Qin Shaofeng knew that the other party was definitely an existence he could not contend.

The aura was so strong that Qin Shaofeng felt like facing his master Baidi in his heart.

That's right, Qin Shaofeng felt the aura of existence that dominates the supreme.

Of course, this is not to say that this jaw has the power to dominate the supreme.

This can only be said that facing the upper jaw, Qin Shaofeng has the feeling of facing the existence of the sovereign.

Very weak feeling!

Absolutely uncontestable feeling!

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng chose to escape immediately!

And he still used the **** flash to its limit, fleeing away crazy.

"Want to escape?"

Seeing Qin Shaofeng, who had suddenly disappeared from the place because of his dazzling flash, a sneer of disdain appeared on his face.

"This king wants to see where you are, a little thief who knows nothing about fleeing!"


The next moment, Jawman's figure flashed, and he disappeared directly.

In the savage beast world, a barbarian warrior who cultivates the power of the avenues of the savage beast world, even if it is an extremely powerful warrior, cannot teleport.

It seems that the Great Beast Realm's Dao law is impossible to cultivate the ability to teleport.

However, he inherited from his mother, the jaws of a large number of spiritual cultivation methods will naturally teleport.

But before, even if you mastered the method of teleport in the savage beast world, you could not teleport.

Jaw Barbarian was also in the recent period when the Great Beast Law of the Barbarian Beast Realm had been eroded by more than half, and his own realm had been greatly improved again before this could be teleported.

However, it seems that teleportation has only been mastered for a while, which causes even the jaw barbarian realm to far exceed Qin Shaofeng, the distance he teleports once will not allow him to teleport directly in front of Qin Shaofeng.

This gave Qin Shaofeng a chance to escape, teleporting again and again with the help of Shenxian.

It's just that even if you can't see it, Jaw Man uses a teleport, the distance it can teleport once is farther than Qin Shaofeng's teleport.

And with the teleportation time and time again, Jawman actually became more and more comfortable with teleportation, becoming more and more skilled.

This caused Jawman to get closer and closer to Qin Shaofeng. Facing such a situation, Qin Shaofeng became impatient.

But now Shen Shan and being used by him to the limit, this is already his fastest speed.

And because of the limit to display the magic flash, the power of the magic flash consumed by Qin Shaofeng in one flash is also very amazing.

This caused him to enter the state of God's recovery.

Although Qin Shaofeng's current **** and demon body refining method was promoted to a 6-star level, he could perform the revival of the gods five times in a day, and each time he could have the power of the gods and demon for five minutes to maintain a state of complete victory.

But today, Qin Shaofeng used the magic shadow of the divine power to kill the supreme warrior among the barbarians, but he performed the revival of the gods twice.

This, plus this time, is the third time, and there are only two remaining.

This means that the time left for Qin Shaofeng now is less than fifteen minutes.

And Qin Shaofeng must completely escape from Jaw Man within these fifteen minutes, otherwise, he would be in danger.

But in the current situation, Qin Shaofeng deeply realized that even if he used his full strength to display the magic flash, he could not escape the chasing of the jaws.

Casting continued in this situation, not to mention fifteen minutes, as long as five or six minutes he was likely to be caught up by the jaw.

The situation is getting more and more dangerous!


"Hey, it's really boring, these barbarian warriors are too weak!"

Somewhere on the main battlefield, Bai Nishang looked boring and even yawned.

At this moment, not far from her feet, there are the corpses of several barbarian warriors.

If someone were here at this moment, you would be surprised to find that the corpse of this barbarian warrior was actually a powerful man among the barbarians who reached the level of the supreme warrior.

Judging from the wounds on the bodies of these top soldiers, they all died by one person.

It is conceivable that they all died under Bai Nishang's hands.

Bai Nishang had long wanted to come in and take a look at this peculiar place in the brutal beast world.

But what was helpless was the previous brutal beast realm, but there was a strong suppressing force, which made it impossible for a strong person like her to enter.

Now it is hard, because the ancient sanctuary launched an attack on the brutal beast world, which allowed Bai Nishang to finally enter the brutal beast world.

But soon Bai Nishang discovered that after entering the brutal beast world, the situation in the brutal beast world disappointed her.

Bai Nishang originally thought that this savage beast world was so special that he could give him the attention that his master daddy and many masters of the supreme powerhouse would pay attention to, and that would definitely not be simple.

But after entering, she discovered that the brutal beasts in the brutal beast world were so weak.

Even a nine-star high-ranking brute beast is not her opponent, and she can even kill a nine-star high-ranking brute directly with just a few moves.

Savage beasts can't do it, as the native barbarians in the world of brutal beasts, there should always be some strength!

With this expectation, Bai Nishang entered the main battlefield of the brutal beast world and the ancient sanctuary.

But in the end, it disappointed her even more.

Because the barbarians are not very powerful, this can be explained by the dead bodies of the top soldiers among the barbarians at her feet.

"Ha, it's not that these barbarian warriors are too soft, it's all because of Nishang you are too strong!"

When Bai Nishang looked disappointed, someone beside her replied.

This person is the genius of the Jiang family who entered the brutal beast world with Bai Nishang. Because the avenues of the brutal beast world have been eroded a lot, people who enter the brutal beast world will basically not be separated. .

This Jiang family genius is an extraordinary genius. In terms of age, he is not considered a contemporary young generation.

The opponent is now over three hundred years old, but because he has awakened the special bloodline in the bloodline of the Jiang Family Famo clan, he is even three hundred years old.

But in fact, for him with a special bloodline, it was the equivalent of twenty years old.

Although not as exaggerated as Bai Nishang, it is also a rare example.

Because of the special bloodline, this Jiang family genius has already reached the realm of the title of emperor.

Even now, he has cultivated more than five hundred patterns of the Great Dao.

Even among the seven powers of the ancient sanctuary, those who have the title of emperor belong to a powerful existence. Basically, they can only reach the realm that can only be achieved by the old antique-level figures who exist in the ancient years.

This is Jiang Qiankun's first genius!

As the first genius of the Jiang family, and also awakened the special bloodline in the Famo clan, Jiang Qiankun was not arrogant in nature, but his vision was still very high.

It is difficult for ordinary people to catch his eyes, and there are very few people who can be called friends by him. Otherwise, he would not have no Taoist companions so far.

Such a situation, with Jiang Qiankun's status and talent cultivation base, is a very rare situation among the seven forces of the Ancient Sanctuary.

After all, in many cases, if you have a good Taoist companion, both parties can fully carry out double cultivation, speeding up the improvement of both sides.

This is not someone Jiang Qiankun doesn't like, the person he likes is Bai Nishang.

In fact, Jiang Qiankun's ideas still encountered opposition from many Jiang family elders.

Because in the eyes of those elders, although Bai Nishang is the adopted daughter of Baidi, in fact, Bai Nishang's own blood is not strong.

Bai Nishang's current situation is only because of the nine-color divine body she owns.

But Jiucai Divine Body is a special physique and cannot be passed on to future generations, and even the help of the blood of the descendants has no effect.

Therefore, not only in the eyes of the elders of the Jiang family, but even in the eyes of many forces, the white neon clothes after the nine-color divine body is no different from ordinary people.

And because of the special nature of the Nine-Colored Divine Body, people who possess the Nine-Colored Divine Body have a good level of cultivation in the early stage, but the more difficult it is to improve as their realm rises.

This is not in line with being a candidate for blood inheritance!

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