Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1503: Deep in crisis

Chapter 1503

Despite a lot of opposition, Jiang Qiankun didn't care.

When he first saw Bai Nishang, Jiang Qiankun recognized the other party.

If not, he would not have followed Bai Nishang to this brutal beast world.

With Jiang Qiankun's talent, his status in the Jiang family is very high, so he also knows the real reason why the ancient sanctuary took action against the brutal beasts this time.

It stands to reason that he only needs to wait until the end, and after the matter is completely over, it is enough to enter the Dao Ladder cultivation in the brutal beast world.

But because of Bai Nishang's situation, he chose to enter the brutal beast world in advance.

However, even though Jiang Qiankun was so enthusiastic about Bai Nishang, Bai Nishang didn't care at all.

Bai Nishang knows how Jiang Qiankun feels towards her, but she doesn't like Jiang Qiankun. To be precise, she doesn't know what liking is.

Even Bai Nishang is a famous saying many times that he will not become a Taoist couple with Jiang Qiankun.

Because she didn't know, she refused.

In Bai Nishang's view, the Daoist is nothing more than a state of union because it can speed up the progress of cultivation.

But she doesn't need to speed up the progress of her cultivation, so what else does she need to do?

Jiang Qiankun also knew how Bai Nishang viewed himself, but he didn't care, because he believed that as long as he persisted, Bai Nishang would accept him one day.

At the very least, Jiang Qiankun was much better than the others.

Because Bai Nishang doesn't hate staying with him.


Seeing Jiang Qiankun talking like this, Bai Nishang rolled his eyes and opened his mouth as if to say something.

But the next moment, Bai Nishang suddenly sensed something, and her small open mouth suddenly closed, and her eyebrows frowned for the first time.

Unlike other supreme masters, as a white dress with nine-color divine body, in fact, the suppression in the brutal beast world is even greater.

Because her Nine-Colored Divine Body is completely dependent on the Dao Law of the Ancient Continent, changing the Dao Law of another place will naturally greatly suppress her Nine-Colored Divine Body.

However, because of the Great Dao Law of the Brutal Beast Realm, the Great Dao Law of the ancient continent has eroded as much as 70%, so Bai Nishang will not be suppressed so much.

Even now, there is a special situation, and that is because of the great laws of the ancient continent, and now seriously, it has invaded 70% of the great laws of the barbaric beast realm.

Then, it appeared on Bai Nishang, her perception ability in the brutal beast world was much stronger than other supreme masters.

In terms of realm, Bai Nishang is not as good as Jiang Qiankun, and the scope and sensing ability of divine sense detection is not as good as Jiang Qiankun.

But now in the savage beast world, Jiang Qiankun is not as good as Bai Nichang.

Therefore, when Jiang Qiankun hadn't noticed it, Bai Nishang felt it, and there seemed to be a very powerful aura far in front of him.

This breath is not the breath of the cultivator of the ancient sanctuary, so it can only be the barbarian.

Suddenly sensing such a powerful atmosphere of the barbarian, this made Bai Nishang suddenly interested.


Did not say much to Jiang Qiankun, Bai Nishang was a flash, rushing to that powerful breath.

"What's wrong with neon clothes?"

Upon seeing this, Jiang Qiankun hurriedly followed.

Bai Nishang said without turning her head: "I found a good breath, I plan to go see and see!"


With Bai Nishang's words, Jiang Qiankun's brows wrinkled slightly, good breath?

I felt it subconsciously, but Jiang Qiankun didn't notice any powerful aura, but soon he didn't care.

Because no matter what the breath Bai Nishang feels, no matter what kind of barbarian powerhouse he is, Jiang Qiankun is not afraid.

Because according to the information Jiang Qiankun knew, he didn't think that the barbarian warrior who had been eroded by the laws of the ancient continents would appear to make him helpless.

It's just a pity. If it is normal, Jiang Qiankun's thoughts are correct, but this time, it is not normal.

And Jiang Qiankun didn't keep in touch with other people either. When he was with Bai Nishang and didn't need any interruption, he didn't even know how much shock the ancient sanctuary was due to the strength of Jawbarb.

But soon Jiang Qiankun realized that he was wrong, and it was very wrong.

Because after flying a distance at full speed, Jiang Qiankun felt something was wrong.

He also sensed the breath that Bai Nishang said.

But when Jiang Qiankun sensed the breath, he became alert for the first time.


The owner of that breath is dangerous!

Although I don't believe it very much in my heart, there will be barbarians in the world of brutal beasts that make them feel dangerous.

But the breath in the distance ahead is real.


Very strong!

Jiang Qiankun, who was so powerful that he also possessed arrogance in his heart, also felt dangerous.


After sensing the strength of that breath, Jiang Qiankun slammed and chased directly in front of Bai Nishang, and then grabbed Bai Nishang's little hand, his face solemnly said: "Nishang, you can't move on, the owner of that breath is too dangerous. !"

Actually, without Jiang Qiankun's warning, Bai Nishang has already noticed the power of that breath.

Although she was reluctant in her heart, Bai Nishang was not an unreasonable kid.

Although sometimes, she is very willful in white neon clothes, but if she really faces some things, she can still recognize it.

For example, this is the situation at this moment.

"Hmph, what's the danger, isn't that breath stronger!"

Bai Nishang said dissatisfied, but her body stopped.

Now that the distance is close, she feels the breath more clearly, and then she also senses the strength of the breath.

That kind of powerful existence might be something she cannot contend with.

Bai Nishang is not stupid, nor is it a fighting freak. Knowing the disparity between the strengths of the two sides, she is the weaker party. Is it possible for her to run over and be abused?

What Bai Nishang said, let Jiang Qiankun breathe a sigh of relief, because he was afraid that Bai Nishang would rush up and ran over. In that case, it would be very troublesome.

Fortunately, such a situation did not occur, which made Jiang Qiankun very relieved.

But it seemed that for fear that staying here for a long time would make Bai Nishang repent, Jiang Qiankun immediately grabbed Bai Nishang and was about to leave here.

"Okay, then let's leave here first, and meet Big Brother Kuangyun and the others!"

After the title of emperor was able to enter the barbarian beast world, Tantaiyi's father, Qin Shaofeng's second senior brother, Tantai Kuangyun, had also entered the barbarian beast world.

And this time, the person who is in charge of all the realm powerhouses with the title of emperor is the madman sword Emperor Tantai Kuangyun!

Now suddenly realizing that there is such a powerful existence among the barbarians, Jiang Qiankun felt that such a thing would be reported at last.

Otherwise, once something happens, there may be a lot of casualties on the side of the ancient sanctuary.

But when Jiang Qiankun pulled Bai Nishang away like this, he found that he did not pull Bai Nishang.

"Uh, what's wrong with you, neon clothes, let's go quickly, or wait for the other party to find out, it will be bad."

Jiang Qiankun was in a hurry. He thought that Bai Nishang was a little bit repentant, so he couldn't help pulling Bai Nishang's strength and increased it a bit, trying to drag Bai Nishang away.

At this moment, Bai Nishang was clumsy and suspicious in his eyes.

Because at this moment, she felt another breath, and this breath was still familiar to her.

this is?

Suddenly, it seemed that the owner of another breath had finally been determined, who was it, but that was the case, Bai Nichang was anxious.

Because she discovered that this other breath was being chased by that powerful breath!


With a fierce force, Bai Nishang directly broke free from Jiang Qiankun's hand, and suddenly turned into a long rainbow towards the place where the two breaths were, and flew quickly.

"What are you doing with Nishang?" Jiang Qiankun was completely dumbfounded when he saw Bai Nishang's appearance.

But he didn't move slowly, and he caught up with Bai Nishang with a flash, intending to hold Bai Nishang again.

And this time Jiang Qiankun also made up his mind, after grabbing Bai Nishang, even if it is strong, he will take away Bai Nishang.

Now that breath is getting closer and closer, but at the same time it makes Jiang Qiankun more and more uneasy.

Therefore, even if Bai Nishang hates him, he has to take him away.

But the next moment, as if he could see through his mind, Bai Nishang directly said: "The surname Jiang, you better not hinder me, I feel the breath of the younger brother, that powerful barbarian is chasing down my younger brother!"

What, Junior Brother?

Jiang Qiankun was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously said, "Is it Qin Shaofeng?"

"Yeah!" Bai Nishang nodded, "Although there have been some changes, I can be sure that it is the breath of the younger brother, he is being caught up, and I can't ignore it!"

After the words, Bai Nishang's speed rose, and instantly escaped extremely far.

"Damn it!"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Qiankun's heart is extremely complicated.

He knew about Qin Shaofeng's existence, and unlike other people, he knew Qin Shaofeng's another identity, his identity in the Jiang family of their clan of demons.

To be honest, Jiang Qiankun did not have a good impression of Qin Shaofeng's appearance.

But when he thought of some people, he finally gritted his teeth and directly caught up with Bai Nishang.

"Forget it, just treat it as aunt and Feifei!"

Of course, even if it’s not for others, just watching Bai Nishang rush forward so stupidly, Jiang Qiankun will not wait for him!


"I circled a cross and can't get rid of it?"

Looking at the arrogant figure behind him, Qin Shaofeng felt a little desperate.

Qin Shaofeng has persisted for ten minutes since being discovered by Jawman.

To be precise, it is already twelve minutes.

In these twelve minutes, Qin Shaofeng did everything possible, but he couldn't get rid of Jabman's pursuit.

In fact, speaking of it, being able to chase and kill at full speed with Jawbarb can persist for twelve minutes. If such a record comes out, I am afraid it will cause a sensation.

After all, even the powerhouses with more than five hundred avenue patterns before, all died under the jaws of man. Qin Shaofeng has not been caught up by the jaws for so long, naturally it is very remarkable.

However, after these twelve minutes, Qin Shaofeng had also reached the point of exhaustion.

Heaven-shading Hand, Black Demon Slash, Profound Fire Treasure, Saint Hand of Buddha...

The power of gods and demons, reincarnation eye pupil technique, **** hidden, magical, top **** pill fire...

He used all the moves and skills that Qin Shaofeng could use, but at best it could stop Jaw Man a little.

Now Qin Shaofeng has performed the last God's recovery, and now there is only less than three minutes left.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was already in absolute crisis.

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