Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1516: What's the special situation?

Chapter 1516 What is this special?

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing the barbarian king Jawman and meeting the requirements of the twelfth-star mission of'Unlimited Kills', and the twelve-star mission of'Unlimited Kills' is completed!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for completing the 12th star mission of'Unlimited Kills' and successfully unlocking the 13th star mission!"

With the appearance of two system prompts, Qin Shaofeng's "Unlimited Kills" mission's twelfth star target was completed.

It succeeded!

He actually successfully killed Jawman and fulfilled the twelfth star index requirement of the ‘Unlimited Kill’ mission.

To be honest, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng still didn't believe it, he didn't believe that he actually did this.

It is true that Qin Shaofeng's current strength is no longer what it used to be.

The power of the law in his body has reached a full 100,000, and the number of thousands of star formations in the inner world has reached one hundred, which makes Qin Shaofeng equivalent to entering the realm of the title of emperor.

When he had 97 thousand-star Dao formations, Qin Shaofeng's strength was already comparable to a strong person with two hundred Dao Dao patterns.

After possessing a hundred thousand star formations, Qin Shaofeng's strength has improved even more.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng didn't have the confidence to compare with Jawman.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng had long given up on this ‘unlimited kill’ task, because in his opinion, he could not complete the twelfth-star target.

It was already very good for Qin Shaofeng to be able to escape from the chasing and killing of Jawman.

But this is the end!

Because of the appearance of Bai Nishang and Jiang Qiankun, and then a series of battles, Qin Shaofeng finally completed this task.

Five hundred skill points can be exchanged for 300 million system points!

Such rewards, Qin Shaofeng felt excited when he thought about it.

Qin Shaofeng, who was in excitement, didn't notice that when he was excited, there was a change in the jaw-man's body not far away.

Jawman is now completely dead, and his body has logically turned into a corpse.

But what must be weird is that the hundred special savage patterns on Jabman's body at this moment are still swimming.

They are constantly swimming, like little snakes with lavender brilliance.

In the end, it seemed that something was confirmed. In the next moment, the hundred lines of wild patterns resembling small lavender snakes surged in an instant, leaping up from the corpse of the jaws.

That's right, it was completely separated from the corpse of the jaws, and flew directly into the air, and the direction they flew was surprisingly Qin Shaofeng himself.

In almost an instant, Qin Shaofeng noticed the abnormality.

"What is this?"

Seeing these little snakes, Qin Shaofeng was startled, and subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

But the strange thing is that in the next moment, these little snakes with wild patterns flashed, they came directly to Qin Shaofeng, and at the moment Qin Shaofeng's divine flash was about to start, they all shot into Qin Shaofeng's body.

It's not just staying in change, these little snake-like savage patterns have directly entered Qin Shaofeng's inner world.

not good!

Although Qin Shaofeng didn't know what was going on in this situation, the most likely guess in his mind was some of the methods that Jawman used before he died.

In this case, it is naturally not very good.

For the first time, Qin Shaofeng wanted to expel these savage patterns from his inner world.

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng felt it fiercely, his inner world burst out with a bang, and then an unimaginable force of law came out from his inner world violently.

However, the power of these laws that burst out suddenly did not break through Qin Shaofeng's body, but burst out from the inner world, then turned around Qin Shaofeng's body, and then went back again.

After that, Qin Shaofeng's body returned to calm, and there was no sign of the power of the law in the inner world.

However, before that, Qin Shaofeng was unable to withstand the impact because of the huge, unimaginable force of the law, and he fainted directly.


Shortly after Qin Shaofeng fainted, a figure flashed and appeared in this place.

"Uh, is it still late?"

The master of that figure, seeing the corpse of Jawman on the ground, Qin Shaofeng who had fainted, let out a helpless voice.

The figure that appeared suddenly had an extremely powerful aura, incredibly powerful, and even the aura of the jaws was far from being so powerful.

As for Jawman, although there are only a hundred wild patterns on his body, his strength is very powerful.

Not only can easily kill the strong with more than five hundred avenue patterns, even the Demon Slash that Jiang Qiankun uses like that, can't kill Jaw Brute.

In fact, the strength of Jaw Man is definitely much stronger than most of the powerhouses in the realm of the title of emperor.

If you are stunned to say a degree of accuracy, then the realm of Jawman's strength is already equivalent to having more than eight hundred avenues, close to or even equivalent to the realm of nine hundred avenues.

However, that is the case, compared with the presence of this breath, even if it is deliberately suppressed, it is extremely violent, the jaw barbaric is still somewhat weak.

And the owner of this figure is the one who sent Bai Nishang and Jiang Qiankun a signal for help from the beginning.

Tantai Kuangyun!

At this moment, the person who suddenly appeared was the second senior brother of Qin Shaofeng and Bai Nishang, the second disciple of Emperor Bai, and Tantai Kuangyun known as the mad disciple Emperor Dao!

Upon receiving the distress signal from Bai Nishang and Jiang Qiankun, Tantai Kuangyun, the madman, the sword emperor knew that something was wrong.

Needless to say, Jiang Qiankun's identity was the first genius of the Jiang family of the demon clan, and it was very likely that he would be the next head of the Jiang family, an extremely important figure.

This time he entered the brutal beast world, the person in charge of this emperor's title realm was his Tantai Kuangyun, and Jiang Qiankun's departure from the large army was also approved by him.

If Jiang Qiankun had something wrong because of this, it would be troublesome. Even in his capacity, it would be difficult to bear the consequences.

Of course, this is second, because compared with Jiang Qiankun, Bai Nishang would have something unexpected.

It wasn't whether his Master Baidi slapped him with a palm, or Tantai Kuangyun himself would not forgive himself.

Therefore, after receiving the distress signal, Tantai Kuangyun rushed over at full speed.

But because the distance was so long, even in the realm of Tantai Kuangyun, when he arrived at full speed, it was already too late.

In fact, it has been a while since Tantai Kuangyun arrived here.

However, at the moment when Tantai Kuangyun arrived here, he happened to meet Jiang Qiankun, who was bombarded so far.

The first time he discovered Jiang Qiankun, Tantai Kuangyun felt that Jiang Qiankun's situation was very bad.

Not only was he injured countless, but when Tantai Kuangyun explored his body, he found that Jiang Qiankun's body had been injured in a mess, and his injuries were terrifying.

This is simply hanging by a thread.

For the first time, Tantai Kuangyun took out the best pill that made him very painful and took it to Jiang Qiankun.

Now the Great Dao Law of the Brutal Beast Realm has been swallowed by the Dao Law of the ancient continent, nearly 80%.

Under such circumstances, the pill of the ancient sanctuary, whether it has a **** pattern or a **** pattern, is no longer suppressed by the brutal beast world, and can fully exert its medicinal effect.

After taking Jiang Qiankun's pill, Tantai Kuangyun used his own law to force Jiang Qiankun to hang his last breath, waiting for the effect of the pill to be displayed.

I have to say that Tantai Kuangyun is doing bad things with kind intentions.

In fact, as long as Tantai Kuangyun took a step slower, or simply let Jiang Qiankun's injury be ignored, then at this time, Jiang Qiankun would have become lively and jumpy because of Qin Shaofeng's sealing back in his eyes.

But how could Tantai Kuangyun leave Jiang Qiankun alone, especially Jiang Qiankun whose life is hanging by a thread?

That's impossible!

Did he know Qin Shaofeng's ability to look back, and he hadn't seen it before. The first time he discovered Jiang Qiankun, he naturally chose to treat him.

After feeling that Jiang Qiankun's life could finally be saved, Tantai Kuangyun immediately acted and ran towards Bai Nishang.

In fact, after discovering Jiang Qiankun, Tantai Kuangyun subconsciously explored it with his spiritual sense, looking for the breath of Bai Nishang.

Compared with Jiang Qiankun, Bai Nishang is the most important person in Tantai Kuangyun's heart!

However, when he noticed the breath of Bai Nishang, there seemed to be no signs of injury, and Bai Nishang was still rushing towards him, Tantai Kuangyun was relieved, and then he began to treat Jiang Qiankun.

As for Qin Shaofeng's breath, Tantai Kuangyun naturally sensed it.

But unfortunately, Tantai Kuangyun didn't realize that it was Qin Shaofeng's breath.

There was no way, there were only a few things, Qin Shaofeng had exactly one thousand pill of laws when he entered the savage beast world.

What kind of realm is this!

At most, it was the realm equivalent to the pattern of a great road, and under Qin Shaofeng's deliberate concealment, when he was in the Nirvana Realm before, Tantai Kuangyun felt Qin Shaofeng's breath, and at most it was just a dominating realm of six or seven realms.

Therefore, facing a person whose breath was absolutely in the realm of the title of emperor, Tantai Kuangyun did not think about Qin Shaofeng at all.

Then, there is no more.

It's not someone he knows Tantai Kuangyun, so don't worry.

If the other party can hold on to him to rush over, then it's good for him to tell. His lunatic sword emperor will take action to save the opponent.

But what made Tantai Kuangyun's face changed drastically in an instant is that when he finally saw Bai Nishang, a word from the other party made his soul fly away.

Because when Bai Nishang saw him, the first sentence was like this.

"Second brother, hurry up! Hurry up and save the little brother, he is still fighting that jaw man!"


Junior brother?

Bai Nishang's words made Tantai Kuangyun burst into cold sweat instantly.

The enemy, even Jiang Qiankun was seriously injured like that, if he appeared in time, he would be dead.

And is such an enemy actually fighting Qin Shaofeng?

My grass, that kid Qin Shaofeng is too long to live!

Suddenly, Tantai Kuangyun said nothing, after handing Jiang Qiankun to Bai Nishang, he rushed over.

However, when he felt the scene of the battle, the scene before him made Tantai Kuangyun a little confused.

Because the enemy who severely injured Jiang Qiankun and almost died, has turned into a corpse.

And his younger brother Qin Shaofeng!

Well, the limbs are sound, although the breath is a bit wrong.

But people are alive and okay!


What's the special situation?

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