Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1517: The end of the barbarian

Chapter 1517 the end of the barbarian

When Qin Shaofeng regained consciousness again and his whole body woke up, it was already three days later.

Qin Shaofeng, who woke up again, was already in a camp.

The first time Qin Shaofeng woke up, he saw Du Meng, Tang Qijian, and Tantaiyi. As for his little sister, Bai Nishang, she had already left the world of brutal beasts.

Because Jiang Qiankun was injured too badly, even though he had been dealt with by Tantai Kuangyun, he was still in a faint state and could only be sent out of the brutal beast realm to get him back to Jiang's house for treatment.

Bai Nishang's words followed.

All these things Qin Shaofeng knew from Tantaiyi.

Tantaiyi also told Qin Shaofeng that what happened after he was in a coma, at that time it was his second senior brother Mad disciple Sword Emperor who arrived.

However, Tantai Kuangyun didn't seem to say that Qin Shaofeng killed the Jaw Man. This was what made Bai Nishang think that his second senior brother killed Jaw Man and brought Qin Shaofeng back.

After all, when Tantai Kuangyun brought Qin Shaofeng back, Qin Shaofeng was still in a coma!

Then, the misunderstanding came in this way, and the entire battlefield soon recognized that it was the second disciple of the White Emperor who had killed the king's jaw of the barbarian.

For a while, this greatly boosted the morale of the ancient sanctuary, and exploded twelve points of combat power.

As for the barbarians, they couldn't bear such a blow, their morale plummeted for a while, facing the attack of the ancient sanctuary, it could be described as retreating steadily!

Regarding this situation, Qin Shaofeng didn't say much, nor did he explain to Tantaiyi that he killed Jawman himself.

These are all indifferent things, anyway, he killed Jawman, and the twelfth star of his ‘unlimited kill’ mission has been completed.

And to be honest, these things were evaded to his second brother, but it was a good thing for Qin Shaofeng himself.

Because I am afraid that not many people would believe that Qin Shaofeng killed the jaw man.

If it had been the case before, I am afraid there are still people who believe that Qin Shaofeng has such ability.

But after the jaw barbarian killed more than five hundred avenues of the ancients, especially the genius like Jiang Qiankun, who was severely injured, no one thought that the jaw barbarian was a mere Qin Shaofeng who could deal with it. of.

That's right, many people have to admit that Qin Shaofeng is very good, even the princes of the spirit clan and the demon princes of the ancient demon clan would be inferior to Qin Shaofeng.

But if Qin Shaofeng was more powerful than Jiang Qiankun, no one would believe it. As for killing Jawman, it would be even more impossible.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng's current strength was actually a lot worse than Jiang Qiankun.

However, if it is a real life struggle, I am afraid that Jiang Qiankun will be killed, he will not fight Qin Shaofeng.

He had personally experienced Qin Shaofeng's ability to look back and recover from the gods.

I am afraid that Jiang Qiankun is absolutely absolutely, fighting Qin Shaofeng, he will be attrition warfare by Qin Shaofeng, and he will be hard to wear to death.

Although it is unbelievable, it is true.

But no one knows about such things.

Now, apart from Tantai Kuangyun and Qin Shaofeng himself, no third person knows whose hand the jaw man died!


After being sober, Qin Shaofeng felt that he was a little bit idle.

The ‘unlimited kill’ mission, after completing the twelfth-star target, the thirteenth star has been unlocked.

But when Qin Shaofeng saw the content of the thirteenth star index, he instantly lost the idea of ​​completion.

Unlimited Kills: Special missions, special missions that are only triggered in certain places after the player completes some special missions and obtains special rewards.

The current ‘Unlimited Kill’ quest is a person who is rewarded by the ‘Almighty Champion’ quest and triggered after entering the savage beast world.

Task content: This task is a special trigger task, and there is no star-level completion evaluation. According to the player's progress, each star-level task is unlocked. Each time you complete a star-level task, you will get a certain reward. The higher the reward, the bigger the reward!

(Note: This "Unlimited Kill" task unlocks unlimited stars, but there is a time limit. Once the time is reached, this task will end. After the task is over, the player can complete all the star tasks and make an evaluation. Get additional rewards again! The duration of the "Unlimited Kills" mission: three months!)

Current progress: unlock twelve stars!

One star: Completed!

Two-star: Completed!

Three-star: Completed!

Four-star: Completed!

Five-star: Already made!

Six-star: Completed!

Seven-star: Completed!

Eight-star: Already made!

Nine-star: Over!

Ten-star: Completed!

Eleven-star: Completed!

Twelve-star: Completed!

Thirteen-star: Complete the complete conquest plan in the barbarians world, let all barbarians surrender! Reward 1,000 skill points and 1 billion system redemption points!


One thousand skill points, and 1 billion system exchange points!

Such a reward made Qin Shaofeng extremely jealous.

But in the end, Qin Shaofeng thought about it and felt it was over.

Complete the complete conquest plan in the brutal world?

Let all the barbarians surrender themselves?

I circled a cross, dare the system release one, let me submit to the task of the ancient sanctuary?

At the moment when he saw the content of this indicator, Qin Shaofeng felt a spit in his heart.

Because such a task is simply impossible to complete.

Qin Shaofeng knew now that the ancient sanctuary appeared to the savage beast realm. The reason for this was the meaning of the supreme masters.

That is to say, it is the masters who let the barbarians surrender, and he is a junior who has good strength in the title of emperor, how can he compare with those masters?

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng completely gave up.

This is an absolutely impossible task, unless it is the sudden brain twitching of those who dominate the supreme, and after they have attacked the barbaric world, let all the barbarians surrender to themselves.

But is it possible?

is it possible?

is it possible?

Speaking of attacking, the current brutal beast world has reached the point of exhaustion.

In fact, many things happened during Qin Shaofeng's three days in a coma.

Because of the sudden fall of the jaw barbarian, chaos appeared on the barbarian side.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, the place belonging to the headquarters of the Barbarian tribe still had internal fighting.

Because after learning that his father was dead, the sons of Jawman, such as the second, fourth, fifth, sixth, etc., began to figure out how to sit on the top throne of the entire barbarian.

Even for this reason, in order to realize their ambitions, these ‘talents’ actually started to kill each other.

This is the reason that after the fall of the jaw barbarian, the barbarian clan stopped supporting the main battlefield and did not continue to send troops.

This extra force is used for internal fighting, how can it be supported!

Facing such a situation, the old leader of the Shun clan was completely heartbroken.

Because he knew that the barbarians were completely hopeless, and he even summoned all the Shun fighters, ready to begin surrendering to the ancient sanctuary.

If you don't surrender, you can't. Otherwise, the Shun clan will probably be completely annihilated.

As for Yao Hu, the leader of the Yao clan, he summoned his staff and attacked the sons of the jaw man.

This is not to say that Yaohu is greedy for the throne of the barbarian king. With Yaohu's IQ, he naturally knows what will happen next.

But he only wanted revenge now, because after the jawman became the barbarian king, he issued a lot of orders for the Yao warriors to die.

This is why the Yao clan today is no longer the three powerful clans.

Today's Yao clan powerhouse only has two or three kittens, and the weaker ones are far worse than before.

Therefore, Yaohu hated Jaman very much, but because of Jaman's strength, he could only endure it.

If the strength of the ethnic group is not strong, it is better than being completely annihilated!

But when he learned that Jawman had fallen, Yaohu couldn't help it anymore and took revenge on Jawman's sons.

In the end, Yaohu also died.

However, when he was dying, Yaohu also took the lives of his second son and his fourth son.

At the very end, the second king of the barbarian appeared, the sixth son of the jawman.

But his son, before sitting on the throne, was also bombarded and killed.

It was Tantai Kuangyun who shot and killed the second king of the barbarian clan.

At this moment, Tantai Kuangyun led the other powerhouses of this ancient sanctuary to kill the barbarian warriors on the main battlefield, and surrendered directly to the barbarian base camp.

And as soon as the Tantai mad cloud descended, countless barbarians surrendered directly in battle, including the old leader of the Shun clan.

When the old leader of the Shun clan saw the appearance of Tantai Kuangyun, and in an instant he killed the top warriors among the twenty or thirty barbarians, he completely cut off all thoughts in his heart and directly led the Shun clan. The man kneeled and surrendered.

Until this time, the old leader of the Shun clan knew how ridiculous he was before.

As long as the master of the ancient sanctuary does not enter the brutal beast world, their brutal beast world is absolutely safe?

What a joke, the Tantai Kuangyun in front of the strongest eyes is much stronger than the jaw barbarian in the eyes of the old leader of the Shun clan.

This is also the truth. Even after the Mandible God possesses his body, the Jaw Man's strength is barely equivalent to a strong man who happens to have a realm of nine hundred avenues.

But if compared with Tantai Kuangyun, there is a gap.

The pattern of the nine hundred roads?

Tantai Kuangyun had reached this state as early as tens of thousands of years ago.

Now there are already more than 980 lines in Tantai Kuangyun's body.

After the realm reaches the pattern of nine hundred avenues, every additional pattern of avenue, although not to say, will undergo earth-shaking changes.

But that can also represent an increase in strength. It can be nine hundred to the pattern of the avenue, and then the pattern of the ten avenues is the standard, and it is completely possible to distinguish several realms again.

There will be obvious differences in the strength between each of these realms, that is, the pattern realm of the Ten Dao Dadao.

Therefore, even if Jawman is still there, he will definitely not be Tantai Kuangyun's opponent.

And the moment he saw the mad clouds in Tantai, the old leader of the Shun clan knew that the barbarian clan had passed away.

From this moment on, the barbarians no longer belonged to the barbarians.

Facing such a powerful Tantai Kuangyun and such a powerful ancient sanctuary army, the barbarians had no choice but to surrender.

Basically, there were some individual fierce factions who chose to fight without surrendering.

But these barbarian warriors were quickly slaughtered.

Soon, no one among the barbarians rebelled against the ancient sanctuary.

The barbarians have completely ended.

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