Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 153: Little Princess Lian Yufeng

Upon hearing Zhao Yun'er's words, Qin Shaofeng's face immediately showed such an expression.

As he had guessed before, this ladder is completely based on each person's respective cultivation level, imposing different levels of mental power tests.

Zhao Yun'er bears the spiritual power of the junior alchemist's mid-stage, but he himself is the spiritual power of the junior alchemist's early-stage.

If it were changed to those acquired martial artists, I am afraid it would be even lower.


Looking up, Qin Shaofeng understood that there were as many as thirty steps in front of him. Even if everyone was subjected to different spiritual tests, he was afraid that it would not be easy to complete these thirty steps. Thing!

The thirty steps of this ladder are not small, each of them is half a meter wide. Feeling that the mental power is not so much pressure on him, Qin Shaofeng didn't delay anything, and went straight to the second step.

As I had guessed before, it has relatively entered the second stage, and the mental pressure mentioned by this has increased a bit.

But it was only a few, Qin Shaofeng estimated that it was about one-tenth of the first step.

Does each of these steps increase the pressure of 10% mental strength?

Qin Shaofeng had guesses about this, and then his pace quickened.

Sure enough!

After crossing three steps in succession, Qin Shaofeng was sure in his heart, feeling the increased mental pressure.

It is really a step to increase the mental power by 10%.


Slightly raised his head and looked at the two dozen steps above his eyes, Qin Shaofeng smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Just as I guessed, if this is the case, then with his mental power, these steps in front of him are completely pressure-free!

Missing this, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help speeding up.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng couldn't do it without speeding up. At this time, Zhao Yun'er seemed to have figured out the basic situation of the steps. Together, they just said to Qin Shaofeng to keep up and move quickly.

Zhao Yuner knew that Qin Shaofeng was a senior alchemist who could refine prefecture-level three-star pill, so she guessed in her heart that this step was definitely not difficult for Qin Shaofeng, so she accelerated her pace.

Qin Shaofeng shook his head slightly but still hurriedly followed.

It was just a short while before Qin Shaofeng reached the eleventh step, and then a wave of mental power spread, and the pressure Qin Shaofeng felt became the middle stage of the junior alchemist.

Now Qin Shaofeng is completely certain that as long as anyone possesses the spiritual power of a junior alchemist in the later stage, he can completely pass this ladder.

And even if you are not an alchemist, if you have an innate seven or eight levels of cultivation realm, this mental power is enough.

However, as for those acquired martial artists...

Qin Shaofeng slightly lowered his head and looked behind him, but at this look, he was slightly surprised.

Because at this moment, many acquired martial artists have already caught up.

How is this going?

Although Qin Shaofeng knew that the acquired martial artist was subjected to the spiritual test, it was definitely much lower than himself.

But there seems to be something wrong with the current situation!

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng saw that one of the martial artists of the Ninth Stage of the acquired day had a bad breath in his body, and then he understood something.

Is it possible to resist mental stress with inner energy?

With a slight movement in his heart, Qin Shaofeng's whole body was covered with a layer of pale white inner Qi.

Qin Shaofeng lightened his whole body as soon as the internal energy came out, and finally understood.

It seems that the mental power on this step can still resist weakening with inner qi, just as his current mental power has been reduced by half.

After informing Zhao Yun'er of this discovery, Zhao Yun'er immediately swallowed her internal energy, and then she was filled with internal energy like a gust of wind, and instantly flashed across a step and reached the last step.

Approaching, when reaching the last step, Zhao Yun'er's figure flashed lightly, and then disappeared instantly.

Was teleported away!

Upon seeing this, Qin Shaofeng smiled bitterly and shook his head again, and sighed in his heart: This Miss Zhao is really a hot temper.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't delay anything.

Originally, this step was completely useless for him. Now that there is internal energy resistance, it is extremely relaxing.

After just a few breaths, Qin Shaofeng reached the thirtieth step, and disappeared.

Just like entering the cave before, Qin Shaofeng felt like he had passed through a light film again, a spatial pulling force came out, and there was a flash in front of him before he appeared in a place again.

This is a big hall, a big hall, accommodating tens of thousands of people is not a problem.

However, at this moment in this hall, there are only a sparse number of less than two hundred people.

But every sentiment is extremely difficult.

They are all innate martial artists, and most of them are in the ninefold and tenfold realm.

As soon as Qin Shaofeng, the innate five-tiered martial artist, appeared, all those people were visually inspecting it, and finally they felt relieved when they saw the Qi surrounding Qin Shaofeng's body.

Obviously, Qin Shaofeng was regarded as a person who relied on his internal energy to resist the pressure, rather than a group like them who relied on their own strength to break through forcibly.

Qin Shaofeng seemed to know that he was more eye-catching, and finally walked up to Zhao Yuner honestly.

At this moment, Zhao Yun'er had only been here for a short time, but many people had gathered around her.

Not many people know Zhao Yun'er’s identity in Lianyang Academy, but those who enter this hall at this moment are all talents with outstanding qualifications. Most of Lianyang Academy has worshipped the masters of the college as teachers. Some of Zhao Yun'er's identities also knew that Zhao Yun'er's strength was not simple, so they gathered around Zhao Yun'er one by one.

In fact, seriously speaking, this time even the leader of Yang Academy might have fallen on Zhao Yun'er.

Regarding this, even the leader of the first gang Uranus Party in Lianyang Academy was standing not far behind Zhao Yuner at this moment.

There are also people from some forces in the Yang Kingdom.

In such a similar situation, the forces of Black Martial Arts and Silver Moon in the other two countries also gathered behind Black Martial Arts Academy and Silver Moon Academy respectively.

All of a sudden, the crowd in this hall was divided into three parts, leading to the triumph of the Three Kingdoms.

But as time passed, the people who entered the hall just took a look, and they all joined one of the three groups.

In such a situation, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly as he saw his brows, and his heart felt solemn.

As far as the current situation is concerned, it is probably because of the loss of a few Spiritual Realm students from the three major colleges. This time in the alchemy mansion, the three major colleges' confrontation may be even more intense.

And once a confrontation arises, it will probably arouse all the forces of Lianyang, Heiwu, and Yinyue.

That kind of situation is a bit bad!

The more chaotic the original situation, the better for Qin Shaofeng, after all, fishing in troubled waters is more adept at himself.

But now the Lianyang State party is faintly headed by Zhao Yuner, which is not good.

Didn't you see that the leaders of the Black Martial Nation and Silver Moon Nation on the opposite side were staring at Zhao Yun'er at this moment?

And just because he was close to Zhao Yuner after all, he was actually taken care of.

This situation made Qin Shaofeng very depressed.

But the matter is over, Qin Shaofeng has nothing to say.

However, thinking of Zhao Yun'er's strength, Qin Shaofeng felt a little more settled.

But Qin Shaofeng remained vigilant deep in his heart.

Sister, now there are so many innate masters here, a large number of nine-fold and ten-fold realms, he should be careful with small arms and legs.

It was Zhao Yun'er's performance at the moment that made Qin Shaofeng a little surprised.

As if feeling the hostility of the leaders of the black mist and silver moon, Zhao Yun'er raised her eyebrows lightly, and actually took a step earlier. The deep natural energy in the body poured out, like a mountain like a mountain, to the two countries. The crowd pressed away.


The air in the main hall shook slightly, and it was shocked by Zhao Yun'er's deep inner energy.

As for the people of Heiwu and Yinyue, many people took a few steps back under the deep internal pressure of Zhao Yuner.

With the power of one person, the power of overwhelming many geniuses in the two big countries is simply amazing.

At this moment, Zhao Yun'er is full of heroism, and she has the demeanor of a woman.

Although the two young teenagers with the tenth peak of the congenital state led by the two countries were not shocked by Zhao Yuner’s inner qi, they felt Zhao Yun’er’s exaggerated innate qi, and their expressions changed involuntarily. They treated Zhao Yun’er’s unbridled provocation before. The breath suddenly converged a lot.

For a time, the two innate ten-fold pinnacle martial arts masters looked at Zhao Yun'er with incomparable wanton.

Zhao Yun'er accepts as soon as she sees it, and sees that the other party is not provoking herself unscrupulously, so she takes back her breath.

But in the scene just now, the people behind her from Yangguo were very excited and excited.

Among the crowd, after the king's party was there that day, a beautiful and beautiful girl who was fifteen or sixteen years old, saw Zhao Yuner's strength, but there was no excitement in her eyes. Instead, there was a trace of dissatisfaction and a trace of comparison. the trend of.

However, in the end the girl still remembered something, pressing down on the trace of comparison in her heart, anyone next to her asked, "Is she the daughter of Zhao Yixin Zhao Yuner?"

Zhao Yixin, Zhao Yun'er's father, deputy dean of Lianyang Academy, an unfathomable legendary powerhouse, has a very high status and status in Lianyang Academy and even the entire Lianyang Kingdom.

But this girl called her by name. Although there was a little respect for Zhao Yixin in her tone, she did not have the extreme respect and admiration for Zhao Yixin like ordinary Lianyang Academy students.

There were eight black-dressed guards beside this girl, all almost twenty years old, all of them ruthless, but the aura radiating from them confirmed the strength of these eight people.

Ten Inborn!

These eight people are all in the tenth congenital realm, the lowest of which is the mid-tenth congenital stage, and the highest one even reached the peak of the tenth congenital realm.

The most important thing is that the breath of the eight people seems to be in the same line. Standing next to the girl, they have a faintly guarding position. It can be said that there are eight people, even if they are facing an attack from a spiritual master in the first and second realm. , For a while, it couldn't hurt that girl.

Obviously, the identity of this girl is extremely noble and extraordinary.

As soon as the girl's voice fell, a black-clothed guard standing next to her replied respectfully: "Returning to the little princess, that girl is the only daughter of Master Zhao Yixin, and her mother is the sister of the contemporary dream family master. !"

This black guard is not the girl, but he didn't directly call Zhao Yixin's real name, and even when Zhao Yixin was mentioned, his tone revealed a trace of respect and admiration.

However, what he said was the identity of the girl.

Little princess?

Nowadays, even Yang Guo can act as the little princess, and I am afraid that only the youngest daughter of the current Lian Yang State lord.

Then the identity of this girl is ready to come out, it is the youngest princess in Lianyang Kingdom today-Lian Yufeng!

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