Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 154: the last time?

This little princess, even Yufeng, was extremely difficult. Although she was only fifteen or sixteen years old, the aura radiating from her body at this moment was innately tenfold.

And compared to the general martial arts masters with ten levels of innate, the aura on the little princess Lian Yufeng was actually much stronger.

"It's really her!"

After getting a definite reply, the little princess's beautiful eyes flashed with a strange light, but soon her gaze fell on Qin Shaofeng who was beside Zhao Yuner.

"That person is Qin Shaofeng?" The little princess asked again suddenly.

"Yes!" the black guard replied.

The little princess frowned slightly, ignoring the black guards around her, and whispered secretly.

"Five levels of innate realm? Didn't the emperor say that Qin Shaofeng is the three levels of innate realm? It has only been less than a month since he was out of the Spirit Garden, Qin Shaofeng has actually risen twice in a row?"

A little puzzled, an expression of interest suddenly appeared on the little princess's face.

"Interesting, interesting, this Qin Shaofeng is really interesting! It's okay, it's not in vain that the princess came out specially once, so it's fun!"

While she was talking, the little princess looked at Qin Shaofeng's gaze, as if she had seen some funny toy, and her interest in the sky increased for a while.

With such an expression, the eight black-clothed guards around her couldn't help but shudder, and then gave Qin Shaofeng a sympathetic look.

The poor baby actually made the little princess playful. This time, Qin Shaofeng was afraid that it would be miserable.

Not far away, Qin Shaofeng, who had been standing next to Zhao Yun'er and kept silent, suddenly shuddered and shivered all over his body, even if he was entangled in something bad.

Subconsciously, Qin Shaofeng was about to turn around and look around to see if anyone was targeting him.

But before he turned around, there was a sudden change in the hall.


A shock reverberated, and the hall suddenly appeared to the sound of a huge bell, and it shook completely in the hall.

Immediately afterwards, as the shaking hall suddenly lit up, the phantom of the old alchemist appeared again.

"Little guys."

As soon as the phantom of the old alchemist appeared, he smiled slightly and turned his eyes as if he was really here. He took a look at the audience and said affectionately: "You are very lucky!"

As soon as the phantom of the old alchemist appeared, the crowd in the main hall was agitated. When the old alchemist said, ‘you are very lucky’, it kept quiet.

"This time my mansion is opened for the last time!" The phantom of the old alchemist smiled lightly.

But his words shocked everyone present.

Last time to open?

What does it mean?

Could it be that this alchemy mansion will no longer be opened, or will it simply disappear?

Without caring about the scene, the phantom of the old alchemist continued to smile and said: "The mansion I left behind, according to my layout, will only appear seven or seventy-nine times, and it will probably exist for a thousand years. This is the last time!"

"However, although it is the last time, this is the most and greatest opportunity among the forty-nine times. If you are willing to work hard, I believe that the gain will not be small. As for what is going on, you will know later!"

As he spoke, the phantom of the old alchemist had slowly blurred.

At this time, the phantom of the old alchemist shook suddenly, and the blurred eyes burst out with a terrifying light. The phantom of the old alchemist also used an extremely powerful The momentum, the voice rises mightily.

"Alchemy! Alchemy! What is a pill? What is a teacher?"

After this sound, the phantom of the old alchemist suddenly sighed slightly, and his voice turned low.

"Hey, life is outstanding, once in a while, even if you are powerful, you can't escape that in the end..."

The voice of the elderly alchemist changed from loud and bright to deep, and the voice became smaller and smaller, and finally it was inaudible.

Before a word was finished, the phantom swayed gently and disappeared in an instant.

But at the moment when the phantom of the old alchemist finally dissipated, Qin Shaofeng said that he suddenly saw the face of the old alchemist.

One point of regret, one point of melancholy, one point of helplessness...

But more is relief.

What is the situation?

Qin Shaofeng couldn't understand it anymore, and Qin Shaofeng wanted to know the last words the old man alchemist said.

Can't escape?

What can't be escaped?

From the aura of the last phantom, Qin Shaofeng felt a great aura, he was sure that the strength of this old alchemist was absolutely monstrous.

At this point, even when I first saw Meng Xin'er, the giant eagle I saw was far inferior to this old alchemist.

Such a strong man actually said he could not escape in the end?

What a terrible thing is that?

Qin Shaofeng was shocked.

As for the others, Qin Shaofeng didn't think so much, because they were completely attracted by the words of the old alchemist.

The last time was the one with the most opportunities and the greatest?

Hearing this news, everyone was excited.

Every time the alchemy mansion appeared in the past, when the opportunity was greatest, three heaven-level five-star pills appeared, as well as many other-level heaven-level pills.

And listening to the old alchemist's words, I am afraid that there will be more heaven-level pills this time.

How can this not make people excited?


When people were very excited, there was a sudden flash on the front wall of the main hall, and suddenly a light curtain appeared.

The light curtain was a hundred meters wide and more than 300 meters long, spanning in front of everyone.

There were palm-sized golden fonts on the light curtain. After reading it carefully, the people present realized what opportunities existed during the last opening of the alchemy mansion.

It was introduced on the light curtain that this last time the alchemy residence would open a teleportation formation, and the place where this teleportation formation went was the final test of the alchemy residence.

It's not so much a test, it's better to fight hard.

According to the light curtain, that secret place is an old alchemist, a special illusion arranged on the ground.

In that illusion, there were some strange monsters that were transformed by the power of illusion, and they were named medicine beasts by the old alchemist.

The medicated beasts were deliberately created by the old man of alchemy with the power of the illusion. However, unlike ordinary monsters, these medicated beasts are just a force at best. After killing, there is no inner pill of the beast, only a medicated beast spar.

And this time the final test of the alchemy mansion is to hunt down the medicine animal to obtain the medicine animal spar, and then exchange the medicine animal spar for the pill.

Correct! That's right!

It is to exchange the medicated animal spar for the pill. As long as you have enough right medicated beast spar, even the heavenly five-star pill can be exchanged for it.

At the moment, on that light curtain, there was the price of medicated beast spar exchanged for pill.

Ten o'clock medicinal power points can be exchanged for an earth-level one-star pill, and twenty o'clock can exchange for an earth-level two-star pill.

Even the prefecture-level three-star pill can be exchanged for one from the exchange window of this hall with only 50 power points.

The so-called medicinal power point is the unique power contained in the medicated animal spar, which was named the medicinal power point by the alchemist old man.

The medicinal beasts in the fantasy land are divided into three levels: low-level, middle-level, and high-level, corresponding to the three realms of acquired realm, innate realm, and spiritual vein realm.

One hundred medicinal beast spars of low-level medicinal animals are worth one medicinal power point, and middle-rank medicinal beasts are worth one to ten medicinal power points according to the tenth level of innate realm.

As for the high-level medicated beasts in the spirit vein realm, that one is also worth at least 100 medicinal power points.

If there are enough medicinal power points, you can choose even a heavenly pill.

One-star pills are worth 1,000 power points, two-star pills are 2,000 points, three-star 5,000 points, and four-star pills are 10,000 points.

As for the heavenly five-star pill with the highest redemption level, it would take 100,000 power points to exchange for one.


When I saw these, the people at the scene went crazy.

As the old alchemist said, as long as you work hard, you will gain a lot.

It's just killing the medicinal beast, which is no different from killing the monster beast!

And this time, there is no need to test any aptitude, evaluate any potential, nor need any fate, in order to be rewarded with some pills.

This time, everyone has the opportunity to obtain precious pill.

Whether it is a martial artist of the acquired first realm, or a martial artist of the innate ten realm, they are all on the same starting line.

Of course, even though they are at the same starting line, the difference in strength between the acquired martial artist and the innate martial artist is huge. Once the medicinal beasts are hunted, the innate martial artist will eventually gain more.

At this time, on the walls around the main hall, there were already three more windows with white light flashing, but it was the place where the medicine beast spar was exchanged for the medicine.

And on the wall opposite the light curtain of the main hall, an aperture of 100 meters in diameter suddenly flashed out, which was a teleportation array leading to the illusion.

At this moment, there are already many people who can't wait to run to the teleportation formation.

But it was said on the light curtain that this time the alchemy mansion was opened for only ten days.

After ten days, the alchemy mansion will completely disappear.

Time is limited, coupled with the appeal of elixir, not many people can bear it.

Even Zhao Yun'er, with a look of excitement at the moment, directly said to Qin Shaofeng: "Go, let's go and kill that medicine beast. I must change to 17 or 18 heavenly five-star pills. Look at it, my father What else to say."


Seventeen or eight?


Seeing the excited Miss Zhao, Qin Shaofeng's face was full of surprise, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Miss, a heavenly five-star pill, but it needs 100,000 power points.

Seventeen or eight are millions!

Qin Shaofeng was speechless, but at the same time he was a little excited and expectant.

The number of people who passed the test of the stairs outside and entered this hall before was seven or eight thousand.

The vast majority of them are innate martial artists, even if some are acquired martial artists, they are almost at the level of five or six levels or more.

At this moment, the teleportation array of the main hall flashed violently, but after a short while, half of the people had been teleported away.

By the time Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yuner set foot on the teleportation formation, there were already less than 3,000 people left in the entire hall.

It can be seen how strong the attraction of the day-level pill is.

Actually speaking, according to the light curtain, a medicated beast spar of a middle-level medicated beast is worth a little bit of medicinal power, so that only a good innate martial artist can get a thousand medicinal power in ten days. It doesn't seem to be impossible to order the medicine beast spar!

After ten days of hard work, one can obtain a heavenly one-star pill, or even a more advanced heavenly pill.

How can those innate martial arts masters be able to hold back?

As for the acquired martial artist, although he can't expect to obtain the heaven-level pill, if he works hard, he can still obtain a few.

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