Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1533: Jiang Luo's method

call out!

Silver light flashed, and the sword light flew out!


In the end, a blade of silver light shot from Qin Shaofeng's right hand, which completely destroyed the demon that Jiang Luo had cut out.


This time it was Jiang Luo's turn to be surprised, because he never expected that Qin Shaofeng would still be able to stop him facing his Xiaoshu Demon Slash.

Is it a fluke?

Jiang Luo's heart moved, and his eyes became cold.

No matter if it's a fluke or something else, I can't do you a mere Qin Shaofeng, but you can still take my second move, Xiaoshu Mozhan!

"Small cut!"

With another violent shout, Jiang Luo unexpectedly cut out a small demon cut again.

However, this time Qin Shaofeng had already prepared.

With a bang, the golden red flames of Qin Shaofeng's profound fire book burst out again.

And with the golden red flame of the Profound Fire Book, ten shadow clones appeared instantly.

And because of the preparations in advance, at the moment when the ten shadow clones appeared, Qin Shaofeng slightly solidified the ten shadow clones.

In this way, the power of the ten shadow clones that burst out and exploded in the next moment became even stronger.

Even after the self-detonation of ten shadow clones this time, Jiang Luo's Xiao Fa Demon Sword Qi was actually weakened by 70 to 80%!

And this time, without waiting for this small cutting demon to slash to the golden red flames of Qin Shaofeng's profound fire book, it was the flying feather knife thrown by Qin Shaofeng that was directly smashed.

how come?

Such a scene not only made Jiang Luo feel incredible, but even the three elders of the Jiang family outside the square were shocked in their hearts.

This Qin Shaofeng is really not easy!

Jiang Luo's eyes flashed, and he no longer thought that Qin Shaofeng's takeover of his own Xiaoshu Demon Slash was a fluke.

In fact, when Qin Shaofeng was being tested, the Jiang family analyzed Qin Shaofeng's strength. Of course, most of the information was provided by Jiang Qiankun.

Even if Jiang Qiankun didn't tell the senior Jiang family about the situation of the backtracking and the recovery of the gods, the senior Jiang family still figured out that Qin Shaofeng has the strength of a realm powerhouse no less than the title of ordinary emperor.

But now it seems that this is only the realm of the title of ordinary emperor, even if it is the title of emperor who generally has the realm of three hundred avenues, it is probably not Qin Shaofeng's opponent.

If it was at this moment that the senior Jiang family knew that Qin Shaofeng was now in a state of God's recovery and could use the power of the gods and demons in the current realm, I would be even more surprised.

But since this time he was promoted, Qin Shaofeng was able to completely hide the aura of the state when he was performing God's Recovery with his first-level realm in the late Law Realm.

Therefore, even the three elders of the Jiang family who were present this time did not notice Qin Shaofeng's physical condition.

Otherwise, the three of them would be shocked to determine that Qin Shaofeng also has the ability to return to spirits.

And because of Jiang Mengfei's example, the three Jiang families were always afraid that it would be easy to determine that Qin Shaofeng possessed the ability to return to spirit.

There is no such feeling now. Like Jiang Luo, the three clan elders first thought that Qin Shaofeng was lucky enough to take over Jiang Luo's small cut.

However, after seeing that Qin Shaofeng took over Jiang Luo’s Xiaoshu Mozhan safely for the second time, whether it was the three elders of the Jiang family or Jiang Luo who fought with Qin Shaofeng, they thought that Qin Shaofeng had exerted a great power of law. Moves.

According to this situation, Qin Shaofeng might not last long.

Even Fu Changsheng thought this way.

Therefore, in the next moment, Jiang Luo fiercely slashed Qin Shaofeng again.


Bang bang bang!

As if repeating the previous action, another shadow clone blew itself, and then the silver light of the flying feather knife flashed.

Jiang Luo's Xiao Fa Mo Zhan was once again crushed by Qin Shaofeng.

But this time, Jiang Luo didn't have any words. He just looked at Qin Shaofeng with cold eyes, and then raised the top of his head with both hands again, and cut out a small demon sword.

Jiang Luo is planning to engage in a war of attrition!

It seemed that after seeing Jiang Luo's plan, Qin Shaofeng was speechless.


Fight attrition with me?

Are you stupid?

Qin Shaofeng was really drunk, but this situation made Qin Shaofeng a lot easier.

Because of such a war of attrition, it is more advantageous to him.

Qin Shaofeng's current ten-star **** and demon body refining Dafa, although the ten-star ability has not yet been awakened.

But only the nine-star ability can enable Qin Shaofeng to perform ten times of God's revival in a day.

And most importantly, this time it is God's resurrection but it can support ten minutes.

Today, Qin Shaofeng was using God's Recovery for the first time.

Well, there are nine times left, ninety minutes!

Don't say ninety minutes.

According to Qin Shaofeng's calculations, the consumption of Jiang Luo himself by this small Demon Slash was probably not small.

I am afraid that there is no need to wait for the very time for this time of God's recovery state to end, this Jiang Luo can't hold it anymore.

Qin Shaofeng's guess was not wrong, Jiang Luo's face changed completely after more than a dozen small cuts were cut one after another.

Because up to now, the power of the law in his body has been exhausted.

But the opposite!

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's face slightly changed and his aura still full, Jiang Luo's face was extremely ugly.

He never expected that the competition was exhausted, but he actually lost.

You should know that when the realm could not be improved, and the pattern of the great road in his body could not be increased, Jiang Luo had tempered the law of the pattern of the great road in his body time and time again, and then refined it again and again.

Although Jiang Luo is the realm of the three-hundred avenue pattern, in fact, Jiang Luo has the power of the law, even if it is a strong person with four or five hundred avenue patterns, it cannot be compared with him.

But now he was actually losing out to Qin Shaofeng in the competition.

And most importantly, Qin Shaofeng's realm is far inferior to him!

Qin Shaofeng's current realm is difficult for ordinary people to see, even some dominating supreme ones, at best, would regard Qin Shaofeng as a realm with a hundred lines of patterns.

This is the case with Fu Changsheng, Qin Shaofeng's big brother. He couldn't understand Qin Shaofeng's true state.

But in the Jiang family of the Famo clan, there are people who can thoroughly see the realm of Qin Shaofeng, that is, the big elder of the Jiang family.

However, even the Jiang family elders, he could see that Qin Shaofeng now has one hundred and seventy avenues, and he did not see through Qin Shaofeng's real situation.

But as long as you see Qin Shaofeng's realm, that's enough, that's enough to arrange everything.

In fact, these three tests, Jiang Yun, who was the first to have the pattern of the Hundred Dao Dadao, were only deliberately lowered by the high-level Jiang family in order to deal with the Baidi.

Of course, if Jiang Yun could kill Qin Shaofeng, that would be great.

However, the senior Jiang family did not place their hope of killing Qin Shaofeng on Jiang Yun.

Otherwise, Jiang Luo wouldn't appear.

Jiang Luo is the real opponent the Jiang family prepared for Qin Shaofeng, an opponent who can kill Qin Shaofeng.

However, seeing the current situation, the three elders of the Jiang family looked different.

The five clans of the Jiang family were okay. Although he was at odds with the Emperor Bai, he did not have the intention of killing Qin Shaofeng.

But the faces of the second and sixth races were extremely ugly.

They hoped that Qin Shaofeng would die, but now they seemed to see that Jiang Luo seemed unable to kill Qin Shaofeng.

But at this time, Jiang Luo in the square suddenly stopped.


Seeing Jiang Luo stopped, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved slightly, and he immediately smiled.

"Why don't you continue?"

Jiang Luo looked at Qin Shaofeng, did not speak, just watched.

After being optimistic for a while, Jiang Luo suddenly smiled.

"Hahaha, interesting, Qin Shaofeng, you are really interesting! But ah..."

With a cold look, Jiang Luo's face suddenly became extremely cold.

"This makes me want to kill you even more!"

This last sentence was transmitted to Qin Shaofeng's ears by Jiang Luo, and he did not speak directly.

Jiang Luo didn't forget that he was paying attention to Fu Changsheng here at the moment outside the square. He didn't want to let Fu Changsheng stop him in the end because of these words.

"kill me?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, and also began to speak: "I'm sorry, I'm afraid you can't do it!"

Jiang Luo didn't speak, but the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and his eyes looked at Qin Shaofeng very strangely.

Then, suddenly he said: "Do you know Qin Shaofeng? As a genius who is standing still at 30,000, if he can persist, some realms can actually be improved, and it can be improved a lot, for example... "


not good!

Hearing Jiang Luo's words, Fu Changsheng outside the square suddenly felt bad.

Yes, he remembered.

Although Jiang Luo's cultivation realm at this moment is only the realm of the pattern of three hundred avenues.

But if you feel it carefully, you can discover that Jiang Luo's soul realm at this moment is extremely high.

Although it has not yet reached the realm of the soul golden body, it is the realm of the condensed peak, and it is not far away from the soul golden body possessed by the supreme realm.

Obviously, Jiang Luo's soul realm has been very strong after so many years.

If it wasn't that Jiang Luo was really eager for success at the beginning, and eventually went crazy, he might also be promoted to the realm of dominating the supreme today.

However, it is now in trouble.

Jiang Luo's soul realm is close to the realm of the soul golden body. If it is a soul attack, then...

Then I'm afraid it's simply not something that my junior brother can bear.

After realizing this in his mind, Fu Changsheng did not hesitate anymore and took the action immediately.

But at the moment he shot, the six elders of the Jiang family, who seemed to have been prepared, were also moved.


Only for a moment, the six veterans of the Jiang family stopped Fu Changsheng.

"What do you mean by the sixth family?" Fu Changsheng asked coldly.

"It doesn't mean anything!" said the old Jiang Family Six Clan coldly, "It's just that the assessment is currently underway, so you still don't want to interfere!"


Fu Changsheng looked angry and couldn't help but fight.

He would rather fail Qin Shaofeng's test this time than let Qin Shaofeng have an accident.

But at this moment, an accident happened on the square.

When Jiang Luo called out the word soul, he shot it.

This time, Jiang Luo's attack was entirely a soul attack from his own powerful soul power.

As if it was a powerful shock on the soul realm, it burst out from Jiang Luo's body and swept away directly towards Qin Shaofeng.

But the next moment, Jiang Luo's face changed drastically, becoming extremely horrified, as if he had encountered something unbelievable, and finally let out a scream.


"How come? You are a junior, how can you have a soul golden body?"

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