Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1534: Soul Golden Body

Originally, Jiang Luo's infinitely close to the realm of the soul's golden body, if this broke out of a soul attack, the absolute power is not small.

Moreover, at this moment, Jiang Luo wanted to put Qin Shaofeng to death.

Therefore, his burst of soul shock, but it broke out completely, without any scruples at all.

And such a complete eruption was definitely an extraordinary attack for Jiang Luo. He no longer cared about the side effects of such an explosion of his soul.

With such an outbreak, even if he can successfully kill Qin Shaofeng, at least the power of the soul will be reduced and the realm will drop a little.

If the attack was eventually blocked by Qin Shaofeng, or some other situation occurred, then Jiang Luo might suffer more serious side effects.

In order to kill Qin Shaofeng, he has ignored everything.

But it is precisely because of this that Jiang Luo paid a heavy price for his recklessness.

Soul state?

Qin Shaofeng smiled at the moment Jiang Luo burst into a soul attack.

What he laughed was that Jiang Luo was so self-conscious.

Qin Shaofeng's realm of soul cultivation had already reached the realm of solidification.

And after the battle with Jawman, Qin Shaofeng's soul realm has risen to a higher level, and has reached the realm of condensed peak.

Under this prerequisite realm, Qin Shaofeng completed the system's ultimate upgrade task, and his level was upgraded, reaching the first stage of the late rule realm.

You must know that before Qin Shaofeng, he had been at the pinnacle of Nirvana. This reached the first level of the late rule of law at one time, but it crossed many realms in the middle.

Because of the increase in level, Qin Shaofeng's other realms have also improved a lot.

The realm of divine consciousness has improved!

His own defense and power realm have also improved.

As for the soul realm, Qin Shaofeng's soul realm has naturally improved, and this improvement has instantly crossed a large barrier.

In the ancient sanctuary, in fact, many powerful people with the title of emperor have already cultivated to the peak state of condensed form in the realm of soul.

But if you want to be promoted to the realm of soul golden body, it will be very difficult.

Qin Shaofeng reached the realm of soul golden body with the help of the power of the system.

Facing such a situation, Qin Shaofeng didn't need to worry about the soul attack from Jiang Luo.

Even when Jiang Luo launched a soul attack on him, Qin Shaofeng knew in his heart that this battle was completely over.

The reason is very simple, that is, when one's own soul realm reaches the realm of soul golden body, it will have a powerful defense ability.

This kind of defensive ability can form a powerful soul counterattack when withstanding attacks from other souls.

If the right soul realm is also the golden body realm, then this counterattack force can cancel each other out.

But if not, then...

Then it's a tragedy!

For example, Jiang Luo at this moment!

After screaming, Jiang Luo was the first to bear the counterattack force from Qin Shaofeng's soul, and his entire soul was hit hard.

In the end, Jiang Luo only had time to scream and fell into a coma.


Soul golden body?

At this moment, even the elder of the Jiang family, who had always been calm on the surface, finally couldn't calm down, and was completely shocked, with a look of surprise and disbelief.

Has Qin Shaofeng's soul realm reached the golden body realm?

how can that be?

For a while, the old man of the Jiang family's second tribe's expression turned gloomy.

When the soul state reaches the golden body state, that's different.

Let's put it this way, under normal circumstances, the realm of cultivation of a hundred avenues is the possibility of attacking the supreme realm.

But unless it is the world-shattering geniuses such as Baidi and Tiandi Jiang Hengtian, who can attack and dominate the Supreme with the pattern of the Hundred Dao Dadao, and eventually succeed, it is difficult for other people to succeed.

It's not that the more lines of the Great Dao you have, the more powerful you will become after the success of the assault and dominance.

In fact, this is the opposite.

The more the lines of the Great Dao cultivated, the weaker the strength after being promoted to Domination Supreme.

Of course, this is not absolute, Xiang Fu Changsheng is a master of supreme, but it is not within this.

Among the three Jiang family elders present, the second family is always the strongest, but he is possessing the pattern of the seven hundred avenues, and then he succeeded in attacking and dominating the supreme.

On the contrary, the weakest elders of the six races cultivated a thousand lines of avenues, which impacted the supreme success.

In fact, most of the masters of the ancient sanctuary today have cultivated the pattern of a thousand avenues, which impacted the master and succeeded.

And this kind of dominating supreme, and Baidi Tiandi Jiang Hengtian like dominating supreme, the strength is far behind.

In fact, there is another way that can be promoted to dominate the supreme as quickly as possible.

That is to cultivate one's own soul to the golden body state!

Possessing a golden body of soul is the pattern of the Hundred Dao Dadao, one of the indispensable conditions for promotion to the Supreme Master.

Only after bringing one's own soul to the golden body realm can it be possible to successfully attack the supreme realm.

There is even a saying in the ancient sanctuary that if you can cultivate the soul golden body, it is equivalent to stepping into the sovereign supreme with one foot.

Even as long as they fall prematurely, those who have a golden body of soul will sooner or later become the supreme master.

In other words, Qin Shaofeng in front of him has the possibility of becoming the Supreme Master!

No, that's not right!

It's not possible, but certain, just the length of time.

Faced with such a Qin Shaofeng, the Jiang family elders and elders of the sixth family who were willing to put Qin Shaofeng to death, naturally looked unsightly.

On the contrary, Fu Changsheng who saw this scene burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, the younger brother is so good!"

Soul golden body!

Even Fu Changsheng had to sigh with emotion in his heart, thinking about how much effort he had put in to come down to give birth to a golden body.

In the end, it was with the help of his master Baidi that he could barely cultivate the soul golden body.

Moreover, Fu Changsheng was able to successfully break through to the realm of supremacy by relying on his own soul golden body.

Until this moment, Fu Changsheng felt relieved.

Because he felt that this time the Jiang family's test was no longer dangerous to his junior.

With a soul body, unless it is the power that dominates the supreme level, the power of other levels cannot be destroyed at all.

In this respect, having a golden body of soul means that the soul is immortal!

If the soul attacks, only the existence of the soul golden body realm can fight against the soul golden body.

Fu Changsheng didn't believe that the Jiang family would use the power to dominate the supreme level in this test.

In that case, I am afraid that my master will be very angry.

Fu Changsheng's guess was correct. Even if the Jiang family wanted to put Qin Shaofeng to death, to wipe out the stain of Qin Shaofeng, a clan of demons.

But they will never use the power of this level to dominate the supreme.

As a result, they couldn't hold back this face!

It doesn't matter if you deal with Qin Shaofeng deliberately, if you deal with Qin Shaofeng, you need power at the supreme level.

This spread out is definitely a big joke to the Jiang family of the Demon Clan.

Secondly, it is because they cannot do this. To be precise, they dare not do it.

Because of the three-level test of Qin Shaofeng, it was the agreement between Jiang Hengtian, the strongest of the Jiang family, and Baidi, the lord of the two halls and three sects.

The existence of Emperor Bai is absolutely powerful, and the opponent is also the master of the two halls and three sects.

The Famo clan is indeed powerful, but it will not erect such a powerful enemy for no reason.

And most importantly, the Emperor Jiang Hengtian also agreed.

If it is violated, the situation is also very serious.

Therefore, neither the six elders of the Jiang family nor the second elders of the Jiang family had any intention to act in person.

No way!

But in this way, they were embarrassed.

Can this be embarrassing?

Because the Jiang family didn't prepare a third opponent for Qin Shaofeng at all.

The reason is also very simple, that is, the Jiang family's senior management does not think that Qin Shaofeng has the means to defeat Jiang Luo, so there is no need to prepare a third opponent.

As long as Jiang Luo resolves Qin Shaofeng, the matter will be over.

No need a third opponent!

But now...

Sorry, Jiang Luo is the one who has been resolved!

Suddenly, the Jiang family fell into a deadly quiet state.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng raised his head to look at the three elders of the Jiang family, and asked aloud.

"So what about my third opponent?"


The Jiang family's side was immediately extremely quiet, and no one spoke.

But the next moment, the elder of the Jiang Family Six Clan suddenly thought of something, and directly spoke to Qin Shaofeng indifferently: "Qin Shaofeng didn't expect you to be really unexpected. If so, then you wait to accept our third A test!"

After speaking, the six elders of the Jiang family had a discussion with the second and fifth elders of the Jiang family.

However, during the discussion, Qin Shaofeng noticed that the face of the five clans of the Jiang family had changed, and had a dispute with the five clans.

It's just that the three of them are powerful masters of the supreme realm, so they have arranged the enchantment to discuss them.

Facing such a barrier, let alone Qin Shaofeng, even Fu Changsheng could not hear what the three elders of the Jiang family were discussing at this moment.

After the elders of the five nationalities of the Jiang family and six elders quarreled for a while, the elders of the second family of the Jiang family suddenly said a few words, and then Qin Shaofeng saw that the elders of the fifth family of the Jiang family looked ugly.

But despite this, the elders of the Jiang Family Five Clan said nothing more.

Eventually the enchantment dissipated. At this time, the second clan elder of the Jiang family suddenly spoke to Qin Shaofeng: "As long as Qin Shaofeng passes the third test we have put on you and defeats the third opponent we prepared for you, then we The Jiang family recognizes your birth and your identity!"

Have we finally negotiated?

A gleam of light flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and said, "If this is the case, let's start!"

"Don't worry, your third opponent will be here soon, and you can take the opportunity to rest and adjust your breath!" The Jiang Family Second Clan said with a smile.

Qin Shaofeng didn't answer, he didn't need to rest or something.

However, the words of the second clan elder of the Jiang family immediately made Qin Shaofeng feel that his last opponent was a bit difficult.

At the same time, Fu Changsheng became vigilant in his heart.

Even though his junior brother already had a soul golden body, he still decided that if the third opponent that appeared was too strong, he would still prevent this so-called test.

The strength of the soul golden body is only the realm of the soul.

But at the realm of cultivation, Qin Shaofeng was not very strong yet.

Qin Shaofeng didn't wait for a long time, and soon his third opponent appeared.

But when this opponent appeared, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with astonishment.

Because he never expected that his third opponent would be him!

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