Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1536: Jiang family

Jiang Qiankun actually considered it very clearly, and in fact, he helped Qin Shaofeng by using Demon Slash.

Because Qin Shaofeng with backtracking, even if he couldn't take him this time, the other party would definitely be fine in the end.

Even if something happened, Qin Shaofeng was able to recover instantly as soon as the traceback was triggered.

And no matter how bad, isn’t there a fairy bean?

Jiang Qiankun had this kind of thought, and it was only then that he unscrupulously exploded the Demon Slash on Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng also understood Jiang Qiankun's approach, because Qin Shaofeng understood it instantly when the other party showed that wink.

To be honest, Qin Shaofeng was very touched, and very grateful to Jiang Qiankun for doing all this for himself.

But in fact, Qin Shaofeng still has his own ideas.

Let this Mozhan kill himself once?

Do not!

Qin Shaofeng didn't have such cowardly thoughts.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

At the moment when the brilliant light of the holy light sword erupted, the three shadow clones that Qin Shaofeng had prepared for a long time rushed out.

Then, with three huge explosions, the three shadow clones blew themselves instantly.

The three were solidified by Qin Shaofeng with divine power, and stored shadow clones that could be fifty times their current power of the gods and demons, so that they all blew themselves together, the power was extremely terrifying.

Qin Shaofeng believes that even the Jaw Man who originally encountered this trick, would probably choose to dodge as soon as possible.

But even with such a powerful self-detonation force, it hadn't even polished off that dazzling sword light like a holy light.

At most it seems to be offset by a third!

But seeing this situation, Qin Shaofeng's mouth turned slightly.


With a secret cry in his heart, Qin Shaofeng's power of the gods and demons suddenly surged into the sky, and Qin Shaofeng gave a loud shout.

"Sacred Hand of the Buddha!"

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng broke out a nine-star martial arts saint hand of the Buddha, this saint hand of the Buddha was originally the stunt of Jiang Hengtian, the emperor of the demon clan.

After Qin Shaofeng got it, he not only succeeded in his cultivation very soon, he even cultivated to the purple-golden realm when he was still in the Beast Realm.

In the eyes of ordinary powerhouses, the purple-golden Buddha Hand is already the most powerful realm of the Buddha Hand.

However, this time, Qin Shaofeng blasted out the palm prints of the giant Buddhist saint hand with countless colors.

Sacred Hand of the Color Realm Buddha?

Seeing this scene, the elders of the second, sixth, and fifth families of the Jiang family outside the square were instantly stunned.

As the clan elders of the Jiang family, they knew the stunt of their own heavenly emperor's stunts, and they knew very well.

At the same time, the three of them also knew that the best realm of the Buddha of the Buddha was not the purple-gold realm, but the colorful realm.

The ability to make colorful palm prints of the Buddha's hand is to cultivate the Buddha's hand to the highest level.

No one was surprised that Qin Shaofeng was able to master the Buddha of the Buddha, because as early as the Almighty Competition, they knew that Qin Shaofeng had successfully practiced the Buddha of the Buddha.

However, this situation was far beyond their expectations for the Saints of the Buddha who had cultivated to the color realm.

Because the saint hand of the Buddha in the color realm, in terms of power alone, is not weaker than the one of the three profound meanings of "The Devil's Book"!

The three elders of the Jiang family who were present at this point couldn't be more clear.

Fu Changsheng also knew this situation.

Therefore, when Qin Shaofeng broke out with such a realm of the Buddhist saint hand, the three clan elders of the Jiang family and Fu Changsheng knew that the battle was over.

However, the difference is that the five elders of the Jiang family are okay, and their faces are at best surprised and shocked. As for the second and sixth elders of the Jiang family, their faces are very ugly.

On the contrary, Fu Changsheng's face at the moment showed a hint of joy.

Because Fu Changsheng knew that Qin Shaofeng had won this battle.


Sure enough, the next moment, just as Fu Changsheng and the three elders of the Jiang family had guessed, after a loud noise, Qin Shaofeng's colorful buddha sacred hand blasted Jiang Qiankun's demon slash directly.

In fact, in terms of the power of the moves used, whether it is Qin Shaofeng or Jiang Qiankun, they are all half a catty.

The only difference is that Jiang Qiankun's realm is much higher than Qin Shaofeng's.

In truth, Jiang Qiankun's strength was stronger than Qin Shaofeng's current strength.

Of course, if Qin Shaofeng could use all the patterns in his body at this moment, it would be impossible to say which of the two is strong or weak.

The reason for this situation was that Qin Shaofeng blew the three shadow clones before, and weakened the Demon Slash that Jiang Qiankun had cut out.

In the end, the sacred hand of the Buddha, slaying Jiang Qiankun's Demon Slash, was abruptly exploded.

But after everything calmed down, a wry smile appeared in the square.

"I lost!"

Looking at Qin Shaofeng in front of him, Jiang Qiankun felt uncomfortable.

Despite this result, it is the final result.

But Jiang Qiankun never expected that Qin Shaofeng would stop him with such a full-out burst of Demon Slash.

However, Jiang Qiankun soon gathered the complex feelings in his heart, raised his head and smiled at Qin Shaofeng, and said sincerely: "Qin Shaofeng congratulations!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, nodded to Jiang Qiankun, and then turned his gaze to the three elders of the Jiang family outside the square.

At the same time, facing Jiang Qiankun's surrender, the three elders of the Jiang family were also silent for a while.

In this situation, even the elders of the Jiang family would not have much to say.

Why, I want to say that Jiang Qiankun released the water and deliberately let Qin Shaofeng win?

What are you kidding about, forcibly using Demon Slash, how can this be still water?


But do you really recognize Qin Shaofeng's identity?

For a while, the old man of the Jiang family was hesitant. This Qin Shaofeng was not Jiang Mengfei. He grew up in the Momo City of the Momo Clan and received the most orthodox education of the Momo Clan.

This, coupled with Jiang Mengfei's awakening, was the most outstanding and powerful soul-returning bloodline in the history of the Demon Clan. The Jiang family naturally accepted Jiang Mengfei's existence.

But Qin Shaofeng?

The other party was born in a remote and small space plane, and has not received the education of the Momo clan since childhood, and even apart from his mother, he has no relationship with the Momo clan at all.

This is completely an outsider!

Want to admit that such an outsider is a member of his own clan of demons?

Faced with such a situation, the old Jiang family naturally hesitated.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly spoke.

"Three elders of the clan, do I, Qin Shaofeng, now have the approval of your demonic clan?"

Qin Shaofeng's questioning made the Jiang family even more silent.

The five and six clans did not say anything, because the main person in charge of the test was the second clans of the Jiang family.

Fu Changsheng seemed to see this, he couldn't help but sneered when he saw the silence of the second clan of Jiang family.

"Why? Are you the demon clan planning to go back on the bill?"


As soon as Fu Changsheng's voice fell, an angry rebuke came.

However, it was not the Jiang family elder who made this noise, or even the five or six elders.

This rage came from the void.


The void shook, and the next moment, a figure appeared in an instant, and then came directly in front of the elders of the Jiang family.

This is an old man with extremely long hair, and that long snow-white silver hair almost dragged to the ground.

Even the old man's beard has grown abdomen.

As soon as the other party appeared, he looked at Fu Changsheng with a slight anger, and said in a cold tone: "What a yellow-mouthed kid, is there no one to deceive me and kill the demons? How dare to speak such crazy words? It seems that the Baidi kid The discipline of one's own disciples is still too casual."

The old man who appeared suddenly started to train Fu Changsheng when he opened his mouth, and even after talking about the Baidi, he even opened the mouth to call Baidi a kid.

But Fu Changsheng was silent about this.

In fact, Fu Changsheng won't be silent anymore, because he is now under intense pressure from the white-haired old man.

Qin Shaofeng in the square also noticed the sudden appearance of the strength of the old man.

No, horror is accurate!

Then the coercion was not aimed at Qin Shaofeng, but Qin Shaofeng could still feel the breath of this old man, which was very terrifying.

And such a character, Qin Shaofeng only thought of one of the demons!

The elder of the Jiang family, the demon clan!

Sure enough, the three elders of the Jiang family and Jiang Qiankun and others all bowed and shouted to the elder for the first time.

"Old Clan!"

Even the second, fifth, and sixth elders of the Jiang family are no exception, and they are very respectful.

It really is him!

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flickered, and there was something strange in his eyes.

Normally, the clan elders of the Jiang family, the slasher clan, are under the heavenly emperor Jiang Heng in terms of status and status.

But there is one exception in this, and that is the Jiang family's elder.

In terms of strength, Tiandi Jiang Hengtian's strength is definitely far superior to the Jiang family.

Even Jiang Qiankun's grandfather, the three elders of the Jiang family possessed a strength that was one point better than the elders of the Jiang family.

But both the three elders of the Jiang family and the Emperor Jiang Hengtian are very respectful to the old Jiang family.

The reason is simple, there are two.

For one thing, it was the long, long time that the Jiang family veteran had existed. For a long time, there was no one in the entire ancient sanctuary, and it was possible to know the age of the elder.

Even when the emperor Jiang Hengtian was born, the old man was already the old man of the Jiang family.

Secondly, the big clan elders are still the master of the heavenly emperor Jiang Hengtian, and even now all the clan elders and most of the strong in the Jiang family are under the guidance of the big clan elders.

As for geniuses like Jiang Qiankun, they were guided by the Jiang family's elders to cultivate since they were young.

This is also the reason why the Jiang family is always in the demon clan and has such a special status.

Even in the previous situation, Qin Shaofeng's parents have been pardoned by the Emperor Jiang Hengtian, and the two can be together.

After all, Qin Shaofeng's mother would have died long ago if it weren't for Qin Shaofeng's father and grandfather.

After the emperor Jiang Hengtian learned that Qin Shaofeng's mother had married Qin Shaofeng's father, he didn't feel anything. He also intentionally kept the two together in his heart.

But the Jiang family elder didn't think so, and eventually sent someone to force Qin Shaofeng's mother back.

In fact, if it weren't for the Jiang family elders to get in the way, I'm afraid there would be nothing like this series of things.

Qin Shaofeng learned about these things from his big brother Fu Changsheng.

Therefore, before seeing the Jiang family elder, Qin Shaofeng didn't have any favorable impressions of him.

At this moment, the moment the opponent appeared, it was so overwhelming, and it made Qin Shaofeng unhappy.

If it wasn't for the opponent's strength, it was too strong, Qin Shaofeng was ready to do it.

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