Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1537: Where is my father?

Under the pressure of the elders of the Jiang family, Fu Changsheng was shocked.

Originally, he thought that after he was promoted to the realm of dominating the supreme, with the exception of characters like his master and the heavenly emperor Jiang Hengtian, even if the other supreme dominating were stronger than him, it would not be a big deal.

Even if it is strong, it is not much stronger!

But at this moment, under the pressure of the old atmosphere of the Jiang family, Fu Changsheng finally understood how shallow the thoughts in his heart were.

Where is it?

At this moment, Fu Changsheng had a feeling in his heart that if the Jiang family elder really wanted to kill himself, it was no longer a question of whether he could escape.

And he can stick to a few tricks under the opponent's attack!

The old Jiang family is too strong.


Seeing that Fu Changsheng was suppressed by himself and couldn't say a word, the old Jiang family snorted coldly.

However, the elder of the Jiang family did not really intend to attack Fu Changsheng.

After all, the other party was Bai Di's disciple, although he didn't want to admit it in his heart, Bai Di's strength was really much stronger than him.

Even the Scarlet Emperor Baidi beside him was not inferior to him in strength. It was really good for Fu Chang, which would not do any good to the Demon Clan.

And this time, but at an extremely delicate time.

Because the savage beast world has already been won, now it is time to reap the results of the ladder of the savage beast world.

But not everyone can enter the avenue and ladder of the brutal beast world, and it is not deliberately unlimited to enter many people.

People who can enter the ladder of the savage beast realm not only need a certain realm, but also have a limited number.

Regardless of when attacking the brutal beast world, the forces of the ancient sanctuary were all working together.

But if it waits for the allocation of the places to enter the ladder of the barbarian beast realm, I am afraid it will be scattered again and fight separately.

Even when the time comes, even if it is a big fight, it is not impossible that it will not happen.

Therefore, the Jiang family elder only slightly expressed his dissatisfaction with Fu Changsheng's ‘insolent speech’, and soon he took away his breath.

After the pressure disappeared in an instant, Fu Changsheng felt his body lighten up, and then came to Qin Shaofeng's side for the first time to protect Qin Shaofeng.

Seeing Fu Changsheng's "doing one more thing", the Jiang family elders suddenly felt dissatisfied.

Hmph, if the deity wants to attack that Qin Shaofeng, can you stop it with Fu Changsheng?

But the Jiang family elder didn't care, instead he turned his attention to Qin Shaofeng, and then said, "Are you Qin Shaofeng?"

In fact, Qin Shaofeng was tested, although the Jiang family always wanted to obliterate the other party.

But in the eyes of the old Jiang family, Qin Shaofeng couldn't let him come in person.

But what made the Jiang family veteran never expected was that Qin Shaofeng actually defeated Jiang Qiankun.

What's more, what shocked the Jiang family elders the most was that Qin Shaofeng had actually cultivated the emperor Jiang Hengtian's peculiar Buddhist saint hand to the highest level.

You must know that the Buddha of the Buddha, even if he was a big clan veteran, it took hundreds of years to cultivate the Buddha of the Buddha to the highest level.

And besides him, the entire Clan of Demons who can cultivate the Buddha Sage Hand to the highest level can be counted by a slap.

This is a pity for the Jiang family. He actually secretly probed Qin Shaofeng's bloodline, but the other party did not show the slightest sign of the bloodline of the demon clan.

This is why the old Jiang family wanted to put Qin Shaofeng to death.

They have the blood of the Momo clan, but they have not awakened the blood of the Momo clan, not even the breath of Momo blood.

This Qin Shaofeng is completely someone who does not belong to the demonic clan!

Recognizing that such a person is a disciple of his own demonic clan, this is not allowed by the Jiang family.

But now Qin Shaofeng has passed the three tests set by the Jiang family, which is a bit difficult.

Although the atmosphere of the old Jiang family is very terrifying.

But Qin Shaofeng still replied neither humble nor overbearing: "The kid is Qin Shaofeng!"

Looking at Qin Shaofeng again, a trace of pity flashed in the old eyes of the Jiang family, and finally waved: "Since you have passed these three tests, then my demon clan will recognize your identity."

"Well, you can go now!"

Speaking of the last, the Jiang family elders issued an order to chase away guests.

But this caused Qin Shaofeng's brows to frown slightly, and he said directly: "Then I can see my mother and sister now!"


The elder of the Jiang family, who was planning to leave, suddenly frowned when Qin Shaofeng asked.

This time, before the Jiang family elders could speak, the Jiang family six elders sneered.

"Qin Shaofeng, don't have to do anything about it. If we can recognize your identity, Qin Shaofeng will already show favor to you out of law. As for other things, don't think about it!"


Qin Shaofeng was furious, and it was not until this time that he knew that this demonic clan had actually said that.

That's right, before the test, the other party did say it, just acknowledging his identity, and did not say that he could see his mother.

At this time, Fu Changsheng couldn't stand it anymore.

"The old man!" Fu Changsheng stepped forward and said with a fist to the old man of the Jiang family, "This matter is discussed by my master and the master of the demon clan, now..."

Without giving Fu Changsheng a chance to finish speaking, the elders of the Jiang family said impatiently: "Boy, don't say more, now even if your master is present, the elders of the family also mean this!"

With that said, the Jiang family elder looked at Qin Shaofeng and said calmly: "Acknowledging your identity as Qin Shaofeng is already the biggest concession of my demonic clan. Jiang Yuxi is the sinner of my demonic clan. It is impossible for ordinary people to see her. !"

Jiang Yuxi was Qin Shaofeng's current real name, and Qin Shaofeng couldn't help it at the first time when he heard the Jiang family veteran that his mother was a sinner of the demon clan.

But it seemed that this scene had already been expected, and Fu Changsheng directly pressed Qin Shaofeng's shoulders and suppressed Qin Shaofeng firmly.

"Don't be impulsive, if you are impulsive now and let the other party grasp the handle, your previous three tests will be in vain, and you may even cause more unfavorable trouble!" Fu Changsheng secretly transmitted.

The words of Senior Brother Fu Changsheng calmed Qin Shaofeng.

Signaling the elder brother to let him go, Qin Shaofeng stared at the elder of the Jiang family and asked coldly: "Then, dare to ask the elder of the Jiang family, how can I see my mother?"

The elder of the Jiang family hadn't spoken yet, the elder of the six Jiang family said in a cold voice: "Don't be delusional, they all said this is impossible, Qin Shaofeng, you finally..."

But before the six elders of the Jiang family had finished speaking, the elders of the Jiang family waved their hands to stop the other party.

Then, the Jiang family elder calmly looked at Qin Shaofeng, his eyes flashed a little strangely, and then he said: "Do you really want to see that sinner?"

The old Jiang family said his mother was a sinner, which made Qin Shaofeng feel more and more angry.

But he finally held back, nodded and said coldly: "Yes!"

"That's good! The old clan is as you wish!" The elder Jiang family nodded suddenly, "As long as you can pick a demon-slashing holy fire this time when the magic cave is opened, the elder of the clan will let you See your mother!"

Demon Sacred Fire?

As soon as the Jiang family's old saying was uttered, everyone on the scene was shocked.

This is natural, because this sacred fire is not so easy to pick.

Because he wanted to enter the Demon Cavern, Qin Shaofeng had already made some understanding of this Demon Cavern.

Then, he also knew what the Sacred Fire was.

This demon-cutting sacred fire is a special power in the demon-cutting cave. Although it is said to be fire, in fact it is the existence of the demon-cutting aura that is concentrated to a certain extent.

Although it is not a flame, its power is a thousand times more powerful than the strongest flame!

Because this demon sacred fire directly affects the soul!

If the realm is insufficient, and the soul realm has not reached the golden body realm, let alone picking, even if it is close to the demon-defying sacred flame, it will cause its own soul to be burned with heat.

Even a strong man like Jiang Luo whose soul realm is infinitely close to the soul's golden body, once he is contaminated with a little demon sacred fire, his soul will be ignited in an instant, and then completely burned out.

If the realm is not enough, to contaminate the demon-defying sacred fire, it is undoubtedly a dead end.

It was just that Qin Shaofeng recalled the information about the Sacred Fire Slashing Demon in an instant.

But at this time, Fu Changsheng stopped Qin Shaofeng for the first time, and whispered in secret: "Little Junior Brother, don't be impulsive, this matter should be discussed in the long term. Let's go back and discuss with Master first..."


Qin Shaofeng suddenly interrupted Fu Changsheng's words, then gently shook his head, and said, "Don't worry, I have confidence in my heart!"


Are you sure of a fart?

That's the sacred fire of killing the devil!

It's not that you have a golden body of soul, so you don't have to fear the demon holy fire.

That would be regarded as possessing a golden body of soul, and the Demon Sacred Fire is still a terrible thing.

Qin Shaofeng looked up at the Jiang family elder, and asked calmly: "Did I bring back a sacred flame of Slashing Devil, and you will let me see my mother?"

Oh, this Qin Shaofeng is really ignorant!

When Qin Shaofeng asked, the Jiang family laughed.

Nodding, the old Jiang family said: "Don't worry, as long as you can bring back a demon-defying sacred flame, the old family will do what you say!"

Having said that, the Jiang family always turned and left.

But at the moment when the old Jiang family turned around, no one noticed that his lips moved slightly.

After the Jiang family elders left, the three Jiang family elders led everyone and left soon.

"Little brother, you..."


After the Jiang family left, Fu Changsheng finally couldn't help but became a little angry with Qin Shaofeng.

But in the end, he didn't have much, just sighed helplessly.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about his big brother, and his mind at this moment was all focused on another matter.

Because at the moment the Jiang family elders left, he said a word to Qin Shaofeng.

And it was these words that made Qin Shaofeng fall into the state of the moment.

What the old Jiang family said is: "Qin Shaofeng, tell you the truth, your father Qin Feiyang was suppressed in the depths of the demon cave by my demon clan. If you really went to harvest the demon sacred fire, you might see it. To your father!"

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