Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1538: Open the magic hole

Qin Shaofeng had asked his master Bai Di before about the whereabouts of his father.

But Baidi didn't know about this. Baidi only knew that after Qin Shaofeng's father was captured by the Jiang family elder himself, he brought it back to the Magic City.

Then, there was news that Qin Shaofeng's father was suppressed by the Momo clan, and then he did not know where he was detained.

But now Qin Shaofeng knew that his father was actually held in the depths of the Famo cave by the Famo clan!

Qin Shaofeng didn't think the Jiang family veteran would deceive himself on this matter, because there was no need for it.

Even thinking about it seriously, this imprisonment in Fa Modong is probably the biggest and most painful torture for his father.

Qin Shaofeng knew now, it seemed that the bloodline of the ancient demon race awakened by his father was not simple.

Not only was he very powerful, but in a short period of time, his father had cultivated to the realm of sovereignty.

If this is not the case, you can't make a mistake, and send people like the old Jiang family to deal with your father.

As for the situation of the Demon Cavern, the Domination Supreme could not enter.

Once Domination Supreme entered, it would be subject to the powerful repulsive force of Fa Modong at all times.

Under normal circumstances, a powerful person who dominates the Supreme, forcibly enters the Demon Cave, at most it can stay for two or three days. If it is more, it will be injured due to the strong repulsion of the Demon Cave. .

And Qin Shaofeng absolutely imagined that his father was being held in such a place, that his father was suffering tremendously all the time.

This caused Qin Shaofeng's heart to be very angry, anger towards the demons, and anger towards himself.

If he were stronger at this moment, then he would be able to rescue his father.

But now...

Now I can only wait!

Qin Shaofeng had already thought about it, this time no matter what, he would enter the depths of the Demon Cavern and rescue his father.

Facing Qin Shaofeng’s determination, even if it was the Baidi who had been informed by Fu Changsheng and knew what had happened, he immediately asked Fu Changsheng to dissuade Qin Shaofeng, saying that it was his master’s intention that he would not allow Qin Shaofeng to enter the depths of the Demon Cave. Up.

This also let Baidi know that his little disciple was determined this time.


In the savage beast world, after learning what happened, the Baidi immediately questioned the Heavenly Emperor Jiang Hengtian beside him.

This time, Emperor Jiang Hengtian didn't say anything, and Baidi still vented his words.

It wasn't until Bai Di finally stopped that he sighed slightly, "Brother Bai, do you think I want to see such a situation? Do you think I don't feel sorry for Xi'er?"

At this moment, only the Heavenly Emperor Jiang Hengtian and Bai Di were left in this place, and Jiang Hengtian had no scruples and spoke his own inner thoughts.

Baidi is silent!

In terms of generation, Qin Shaofeng's mother is Jiang Hengtian's granddaughter!

He actually knew that Jiang Hengtian loved Qin Shaofeng's mother very much. After all, when he went to find Qin Shaofeng's clan, he could see Qin Shaofeng's mother almost every time.

The Baidi knew very well that what happened to Qin Shaofeng's mother now was not what he wanted to see.

Even if it hadn't been for Qin Shaofeng to show enough talent or even strength before, he would never let go and say anything to test Qin Shaofeng.

Because Emperor Bai knew that this was a way for Jiang Hengtian to protect Qin Shaofeng.

But precisely because of this, Baidi's heart became more annoyed.

"No? Distressed? Then why do you allow this to happen?" Baidi angered.

Emperor Jiang Hengtian did not immediately respond. It was not until a long time later that he spoke: "He is my master!"


Baidi naturally knew who he was in Jiang Hengtian's mouth, wasn't he just the elder of the Jiang family?

But for this, the Baidi smiled coldly, and said disdainfully: "So what? You know that Jiang Hengtian is the emperor of the demon clan, not him!"

"You don't understand!" Tiandi Jiang Hengtian shook his head.

But it was the actions of Emperor Jiang Hengtian that made Baidi annoyed.

"Forget it, I'm struggling to tell you, don't say it!"

After finishing speaking, Baidi suddenly disappeared.

Jiang Hengtian, the emperor of the sky, finally sighed softly.

He knew Baidi's dissatisfaction with him, but he also had his own difficulties.

The Jiang family is always his teacher, but he was brought up from a young age, and he was considered a fatherly existence.

This is why, even if his strength is stronger than that of the Jiang family, the emperor Jiang Hengtian still calls him the master, respecting him very much.

And most importantly, the Emperor Jiang Hengtian knew a truth in his heart.

Although his master is a bit unsympathetic, his old man is in the interests of the demons.

I don't know how many years, my master has paid for the prosperity and growth of the demons.

As such a person with status and identity in the Famo clan, he did not marry a wife and have children, leaving the slightest blood in the Famo clan.

Just because I am afraid that I will show some favoritism because of my descendants, which is not good for the Clan Demon.

It's that simple reason!

No one knows better than Jiang Hengtian how much his master has paid for the demon clan.

Therefore, the Emperor Jiang Hengtian will choose to support his master's decision!

Even if the other party's decision will cause him pain, he will continue to choose to support it!


Facing the Devil City, Qin Shaofeng's residence.

Looking at Jiang Qiankun who was leaving, Qin Shaofeng felt grateful.

Although Jiang Qiankun did not say anything to Qin Shaofeng because of the presence of the Jiang family elders and others.

But after returning, Jiang Qiankun couldn't care about his weak state at the moment, so he came to Qin Shaofeng for the first time.

Jiang Qiankun came to Qin Shaofeng not for other reasons, but to dissuade Qin Shaofeng from entering the depths of the Demon Cavern.

For this reason, Jiang Qiankun even said, a piece of information that Qin Shaofeng didn't know before.

In the depths of the Demon Cave, not only possessed such a terrible thing as the Demon Sacred Fire, even the road through the depth of the Demon Cave was extremely difficult.

One of the most dangerous situations is the riot of the Qi Demon Qi.

The deeper the Demon Cavern, the more Demon Demon Qi possessed.

But when the demon-slashing aura is strong to a certain extent, because a large amount of the demon-slashing aura gathers together, it is easy to collide.

When these collisions reach a certain level, they can cause a big explosion.

For this reason, Jiang Qiankun even told Qin Shaofeng that the former four elders of the Jiang family had gone to pick the demon sacred fire.

But in the end, he was extremely unlucky, and encountered a riot of demon-killing energy on the way.

Then, one was accidentally bombed and seriously injured.

Fortunately, the elders of the Jiang family's four clans reacted and chose to avoid them immediately, but were not completely hit.

Otherwise, the elders of the Jiang family's four clans may have once again increased the number of Domination Supreme who died in the Demon Cave for the Demon Clan.

That's right, even the Momo Clan who are so familiar with Momo Cave have also appeared in Momo Cave, and the dominance of the supreme has fallen.

This shows how dangerous this magic hole is.

Even if it was lucky to escape the riot of the Qi of Demon and was not killed by the riot, the riot was an explosion of the Qi of Demon.

Therefore, a special power will be generated. Once this power enters the body, it will cause a certain amount of damage to the inner world and even the golden body of the soul.

The elders of the four clans of the Jiang family are still performing this retreat for the injuries suffered during the last time he entered the Demon Cave, even if seven to eight thousand years have passed.

But even if Jiang Qiankun gave such an example, Qin Shaofeng still did not waver in his heart.

He will definitely enter the Demon Cave, and he will definitely enter the depths of the Demon Cave.


Finally, the day to open the Magic Cave has finally arrived.

Although Jiang Qiankun's injury healed, the Famo clan definitely opened the Famo cave.

And during the period before the opening, more and more geniuses, brought by the powerful of their respective forces, came to the Magic City of the Magic Clan.

The Tianjiao that Qin Shaofeng was familiar with, such as Lord Ling and Demon Prince, also appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng again.

The only pity is that the ancient Tianjiao Gu Bo couldn't come.

Gu Bo is not a spirit clan, his soul is not entrusted to the altar, nor does he possess the means of resurrection like the demon prince.

He has fallen completely!

And not only these conditions, Qin Shaofeng also discovered that his indestructible incarnation of the Demon King and his dependent Xuan Changfeng have also arrived.

As for Du Meng and Tang Qijian, it goes without saying that the two of them have also come here, and they are staying with Tantaiyi and other disciples of the Two Halls and Three Sects.

Qin Shaofeng was standing next to his elder brother Fu Changsheng, and in front of Qin Shaofeng and the others was a round stone gate made of the stone of enlightenment.

It is estimated that only the Famo clan is so rich with the enlightenment stone to build the entrance stone gate of the Famo cave.

If other forces had obtained so many Enlightenment Stones, they would have used them for cultivation and enlightenment.

It is worth mentioning that the Chi Lei bracelet that Qin Shaofeng had put away has now fallen into Fu Changsheng's hands.

There was something like that in the previous test, and Fu Changsheng distrusted 10,000 people from the Jiang family of the Clan Demon Clan.

Since this time the Clan Demon Clan opened the Demon Cave and needed the power of the Red Thunder Bracelet, Fu Changsheng could still use this to help Qin Shaofeng.

After all, he is dominating the realm of supreme, if he uses the red thunder bracelet, he can do a lot of things secretly.

The Demon-cutting hole of the Demon-cutting clan is in the Demon-cutting city.

In fact, the Famo city of the Famo clan was built around the Famo cave.

In the end, under the circumstances that everyone was looking forward to, Fu Changsheng held a red thunder bracelet and burst out with a force of the law of positive attributes, directly sinking into the stone gate at the entrance of the Demon Cave.

At the same time, the well-prepared one hundred emperors of the demon clan, under the leadership of the second, fifth, and sixth family members of the Jiang family, broke out with a certain mysterious force. The power of the law is also used for the stone gate at the entrance of the Nafa Demon Cave.

A powerful person in the realm of the title of a hundred emperors, and also a powerful person in the same power group, I am afraid that it can only be seen by a powerful force like the Famo clan.

After receiving a large amount of power of the law, the stone gate at the entrance of the Demon Cave shook slightly.

Then, the stone gate suddenly lit up suddenly, as if transformed into a water-like light curtain, rippling gently.

Then, a wave of space force rippled out of it.

Seeing this scene and feeling the power of space, everyone understood.

At this moment, the magic hole opens!

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