Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1548: The surging ancient sanctuary

Under such circumstances, could my mother actually open a space channel?

But no one actually noticed this situation?

Moreover, looking at my mother's posture, she seems to be very skilled, which shows that she has done it many times.

This shows that my mother's strength is far stronger than I thought.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was finally convinced in his heart.

My parents are far from that simple!

When Qin Shaofeng came back to his senses, the spatial opening had completely disappeared.

My mother has left this place.

However, when his mother left, this little pavilion once again showed an extra figure, which looked like Qin Shaofeng's mother Jiang Yuxi.

This let Qin Shaofeng know why no one noticed the strangeness of his mother after so many years.

This phantom-like figure really couldn't even see Qin Shaofeng.

In response, Qin Shaofeng could only shook his head slightly.

My parents have too many secrets, I'm afraid I can only find out later.

Since his mother had already left, Qin Shaofeng naturally planned to leave here too.

At this moment, the door of the small courtyard suddenly creaked, opening a crack in the door.

At the next moment, a small head melon seed poked in through the crack of the door.

Jiang Mengfei!

It's this little girl!

Qin Shaofeng already knew about his sister from his mother.

It was their sister who was born after they left Lanjiang City and their father and mother met again.

At that time, Qin Shaofeng's mother said that his father hadn't been very powerful yet, and indeed was really caught by the Jiang family.

However, in the end, Jiang Mengfei's awakened bloodline was very powerful and was valued by the Jiang family.

Then, their mother and daughter stayed in Jiang's house safe and sound.

After the little girl came in and took a look, her eyes fell on the figure behind Qin Shaofeng, and she was happy, and she immediately slipped in like a loach.

Then, the little girl immediately came to Qin Shaofeng's side and said to Qin Shaofeng: "My mother, let's go!"

Upon seeing this, Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched slightly.

It seems that my sister, I am afraid that she knows more about their parents than she does.

"Yeah!" Qin Shaofeng nodded.

"Huh, that's it!"

After receiving Qin Shaofeng's affirmation, the little girl exhaled. It was obvious that Jiang Yuxi's usual education for this girl should be very strict, which made the little girl look a little awed towards her mother.

However, it's not that Jiang Mengfei doesn't like her mother. On the contrary, she likes her mother very much.

It's just because of the naughty personality that this kind of "sneak" behavior!

Upon seeing this, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, but the next moment, this girl's words made Qin Shaofeng a little bit dumbfounded.

I saw that the little girl looked at Qin Shaofeng for a few times before asking, "Are you my brother?"

What do you call me your brother?

Didn't your mother tell you about me before?

"Well, I am your elder brother!" Qin Shaofeng nodded in a dubious manner.

"Oh, let me just say it!" The little girl nodded and said in a very positive tone, "I saw you before, and I thought you were familiar with it, so you really are my brother!"

"Have you not heard your mother mention me?" Qin Shaofeng asked.

"I mentioned it!" The little girl nodded naturally, "but many times, it makes me jealous."

The words of the little girl made Qin Shaofeng feel warm.

But the little girl's next sentence made Qin Shaofeng wonder again.

"However, every time my mother talks about you, she doesn't say your name. I don't even know who is my brother. I just know that there is such a person!"

Such a person?

Qin Shaofeng was speechless for a moment, but Qin Shaofeng also seemed to be aware of it. He didn't seem to know the reason. His mother rarely mentioned herself in front of her sister or even other people.

Jiang Mengfei, the girl, seemed to know that Qin Shaofeng was her brother herself, she was no stranger to her, and her little mouth was almost endless when she started talking.

However, Qin Shaofeng quickly learned something that surprised him from her words.

"Have you never met our father?"

Qin Shaofeng found out that his sister didn't seem to see their father, so he asked.

"Well, I can't say no!"

The little girl tilted her head, and then after thinking about it, she said, "I just saw my father's clone and some incarnations."

Qin Shaofeng frowned and asked again: "Then do you know where our father is and what he is doing?"

"Not sure!"

Jiang Mengfei shook his head and said, "My mother just told me that my father is doing a big thing. He will come back only if it succeeds!"


Qin Shaofeng was even more puzzled about this, because next he asked his sister something, but the answers he got were very vague.

It wasn't until the second clan elder of the Jiang family appeared again to remind Qin Shaofeng that the time was up, the two were interrupted.

The second clan elder of the Jiang family didn't seem to want to let Qin Shaofeng stay with Jiang Mengfei, he took Jiang Mengfei away directly.

Qin Shaofeng didn't say anything, because he knew in his heart that it was useless to say more with his own strength now.

However, when Jiang Mengfei left, Qin Shaofeng gave this girl the first time, and the ability to trace back three times was sealed in the eyes of the little girl.

As for the recovery of the gods, Qin Shaofeng didn't give this little girl.

Because now Qin Shaofeng knew that her own sister was amazing, she was the second person in the history of the Famo clan to awaken, and the second person of the Nafamo clan to return with powerful bloodline abilities.

Regarding the ability to return to spirits, compared with Qin Shaofeng's God's recovery, persistence is almost the same.

And the most important thing is the rebirth, there is no so-called frequency and time limit.

As long as the spiritual power, that is, the soul power, is sufficient, it is completely possible to maintain the state of spiritual return.

Qin Shaofeng's divine resurrection couldn't do this.

However, in addition to the three times of backtracking, Qin Shaofeng gave the remaining fairy beans to his sister after leaving ten for himself.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng's remaining fairy beans were not too many.

After all, entering the Demon Cavern this time, whether it was the riot of Demon Demon Qi or entering the Demon Demon Sacred Fire Sea, Qin Shaofeng consumed a lot of fairy beans.

Qin Shaofeng originally had three hundred immortal beans, but after coming out of the Demon Cave, the remaining immortal beans were less than a hundred, only seventy or eighty.


After separating from his mother and younger sister, Qin Shaofeng was told by the Momo Clan to leave the Momo Clan as soon as possible.

For Qin Shaofeng, who had seen his mother and knew many things from his mother, he didn't want to stay with the Momo clan anymore.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't seem to notice anything from the beginning to leaving.

That is his attitude towards his mother and sister.

Qin Shaofeng hadn't forgotten that he was the soul that came through, not the real Qin Shaofeng in this world.

Although Qin Shaofeng and Qin Shaofeng's souls in this world are completely fused together, they no longer distinguish each other.

But the consciousness that dominates Qin Shaofeng's soul will is still passing through.

But under such circumstances, when Qin Shaofeng saw Jiang Yuxi, there was no slightest discomfort, and he completely regarded the other party as his mother.

But Qin Shaofeng himself hadn't noticed this. If he had noticed it, Qin Shaofeng himself would probably find it incredible.

But he couldn't, as if he had forgotten, and as if everything was taken for granted, without any discomfort.

Qin Feiyang is his father!

Jiang Yuxi is her mother!

And that Jiang Mengfei is her sister!


Soon, Qin Shaofeng followed his big brother Fu Changsheng, left the Momo clan, and returned to the Longevity Hall, the main hall of Lei Dun Two Halls and Three Sects.

It is worth mentioning that the lord of this longevity hall is Qin Shaofeng's big brother Fu Changsheng.

In fact, the Hall of Longevity was named after Master Qin Shaofeng's brother Fu Changsheng.

After Qin Shaofeng returned to the Hall of Longevity, soon a news spread among the ancient sanctuary.

Master Baidi, the master of the two halls and three sects, and the inherited disciple Qin Shaofeng, was actually a member of the Momo clan.

Moreover, he was also the son of Jiang Yuxi, the former princess of the Slasher clan, and Jiang Mengfei, the current princess of the Slasher clan, was the sister of Qin Shaofeng.

For a time, such news was a sensation.

But this also made many forces understand one thing.

Why, in the all-around competition, and in the brutal beast world, Qin Shaofeng this player will have such dazzling results.

It is estimated that the opponent must have awakened, and the powerful bloodline of the Famo clan possesses some special power.

After all, the bloodline power of the Famo clan was notoriously powerful and special in the ancient sanctuary.

With a powerful bloodline of the Famo clan, and with a master like Baidi, Qin Shaofeng has such an outstanding performance, so naturally there is nothing wrong with it.

Even after knowing this matter, whether it was Young Master Ling or Prince Demon and other Tianjiao, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Because they lost to such a Qin Shaofeng, they didn't feel ashamed and couldn't afford to lose.

If you lose to Qin Shaofeng who doesn't have a strong bloodline, even if the opponent is a disciple of Baidi's inheritance, then it is an unacceptable fact for them.

But if Qin Shaofeng had a strong bloodline, it would be different!

In the final analysis, this is nothing more than finding a fig leaf.

In general, the exposure of Qin Shaofeng's identity is a very surprising thing.

After all, Qin Shaofeng's surname is Qin, not Jiang!

Even if you want to live with a woman who is married to another tribe, unless it is a tribe like the ancient holy tribe, otherwise, it is impossible that the children born to the Jiang family will not be named Jiang.

Needless to say, Qin Shaofeng is still the son of Jiang Yuxi, the last princess of the Famo clan.

This actually sees the very subtle reason for possession, which makes many people very concerned.

Even in places like the Ancient Sanctuary, gossip is still of interest to many people!

However, not many people soon paid attention to Qin Shaofeng.

Because at this time, the ancient sanctuary finally broke out, about the real reason for attacking the brutal beast world.

There is an even more amazing news that instantly swept the entire ancient sanctuary.

There is a great road ladder in the wild beast world!

The real purpose of the ancient sanctuary attacking the brutal beast world was not because the brutal beast world had any threat to the ancient sanctuary, nor was it because the brutal beast world had countless unexplored treasure lands.

The real reason is that there is a special place in the savage beast world-Dadao Ladder!

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