Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1549: Conspiracy of the ancient demons

Avenue ladder?

For most people in the ancient sanctuary, this is the first time they have heard such a term.

However, soon news came, what this avenue ladder is.

The Dao Ladder is a very special place. After entering, you can fully comprehend the power of Dao Law without practicing, and then improve your own cultivation level.

This situation is very exaggerated.

Many people didn't believe it at first, but in fact it was.

In the end, it was worth a ruler to speak out personally. After the benefits of this avenue and ladder, everyone believed it.

Then, the entire ancient sanctuary was boiling.

No need to practice, as long as you understand, can you improve your own strength?

This avenue ladder actually has such benefits!

And in the end, there are even rumors that this kind of comprehension does not require much talent or savvy.

Because the avenue ladder can rely on luck, as long as luck climbs to a certain ladder, the cultivation level can be improved.

Even if it is promoted to the realm of dominance, it is possible!


After such news came out, the entire ancient sanctuary went crazy.

Who wouldn't want to enter such a good place?

When Qin Shaofeng heard the news, he was also drunk.

Perhaps in these news, there was nothing wrong with the situation that the Dadao Ladder could improve the cultivation level.

But it does not need much talent and understanding to dominate the supreme realm?

Is this more reliable?

Qin Shaofeng also knew about this great road and ladder. Because of this, he had already obtained comprehensive and detailed information from his senior brother Fu Changsheng.

Dadao Ladder can indeed unconditionally raise the realm of cultivation, even without the slightest side effect, it may be better than the realm that he has cultivated.

But the problem is that if you want to get the promotion of the realm, you must climb the avenue ladder, as long as you climb to a certain ladder of the avenue ladder, you can get the promotion of the realm of cultivation.

Qin Shaofeng doesn't know how many steps there are on this avenue ladder, because his elder brother and even his master Baidi do not know very well.

But according to estimates, there are at least more than 10,000 steps!

But among these ten thousand ladders, I am afraid that most people cannot climb one hundred of them.

This avenue ladder is very special, no matter who it is, even the powerful sovereign supreme will climb from the first ladder.

And the more stairs you climb, the more promotion you get.

However, the same ladder, I am afraid that for everyone, there is the same special difficulty, and it will not be easier because of the level of the cultivation level.

Of course, for people with a higher level of cultivation, only by climbing to a higher ladder can they get an improvement in their cultivation level.

The higher the realm, the higher the ladder is needed to get promotion.

However, the higher the level, the better. After encountering a ladder that can improve one's level, the difficulty of climbing is relatively easy.

As for how much realm can be improved, it depends on the individual's own situation.

In short, it is impossible, like the news circulating in the ancient sanctuary, as if entering the Dadao Ladder can become the sovereign supreme.

As for how such news spread, Qin Shaofeng was a little curious.

To know that the Great Dao Ladder exists like this, if Qin Shaofeng hadn't learned something from Lord Tiger in advance, he probably didn't know what this Great Dao Ladder was.

This time, the ancient sanctuary made its move on the brutal beast world, although it was for the Dadao Ladder, but it could be started in advance, except for the Baidi and the masters, no one knew about it.

Therefore, it stands to reason that it is impossible for the news to leak out like this.

In fact, it was true. Qin Shaofeng soon knew why this happened.

This is all caused by the allocation of places.

Although the avenue ladder allows anyone to enter it, there is always a restriction.

This restriction is that the Dao Ladder will be there, and after it has improved the realm of a certain person, it will return to the Dao Law again.

Generally speaking, such a situation is actually not difficult, because the avenues and ladders are only returning, but not really disappearing.

As long as the avenue ladder is revealed again after a period of time, it can be climbed again.

But the problem is that the Great Dao Ladder that appeared this time is the Great Dao Ladder of the Barbarian Beast World, and 90% of the Great Dao Law in the Barbarian Beast World has been eroded by the ancient mainland Dao law.

It has been eroded to such an extent, unless it is to allow the Great Dao Law of the Ancient Continent to withdraw from the Brutal Beast Realm, only then can the Dao Law of the Brutal Beast Realm slowly recover.

But the time required for recovery is very long, and this is only the recovery of the law of the Great Beast Realm.

After the avenue law is restored, it still takes a lot of time for the avenue ladder to recover. This is another long time.

Therefore, after this time, it would take a long time to wait for the savage beast world to show the Dadao Ladder again.

In this case, there are some restrictions on the number of places to enter the Dadao Ladder.

There is no reason for anyone to wait until the next level, when the avenue and ladder of the brutal beast world appears again.

Because it is too long, what happens during the long period is very possible.

Therefore, before attacking the brutal beast world, all the forces in the ancient sanctuary had an agreement.

For the final quota allocation, all forces have a minimum amount, and above this, the final ranking of players like Qin Shaofeng in the brutal beast world determines the quota.

In the beginning, this distribution was unanimously approved by all forces.

But the final result was, but it was a big surprise.

Qin Shaofeng, the dark horse that suddenly appeared, took the first place, giving the Two Halls and Three Sects a large number of places.

Forget it, even if the other forces are not reconciled, it can only be blamed on the Tianjiao of their own forces for not being able to keep up.

But among these forces, there is a big force that cannot accept such a result.

This force is the ancient demons!

Because they ranked the most important demon prince, but was killed by Jaw Brute, and fell directly once.

Although the demon prince was finally resurrected, this is not the point.

The point is that at the moment of his fall, the Demon Prince's points were instantly emptied.

However, considering the unwillingness of the ancient demons and what troubles might occur, in the end, the leaders of the major forces decided to count the points of the demon prince.

But even if counted, the Demon Prince's points were completely settled at the moment he fell.

After the demon prince was resurrected, he did not immediately return to the savage beast world, but to nurse his body.

As a result, the final points ranking of the devil prince fell into a very backward situation.

Because they wanted to fight for the first place, the ancient demon clan completely pressed Bao on the demon prince, and sent a large amount of troops to help the demon prince gain points.

In the end, this led to the fact that although the geniuses of other ancient demons had a lot of points, they often ranked behind 30 or 40.

Even if the demon prince finally fell, the ancient demon clan re-selected a genius to accumulate points.

But at that time, Jaw Man had fallen, and the beast world was defeated, and there was no time to get more points.

In the end, the points of that genius of the Ancient Demon Race was only ranked 27th.

Therefore, the number of places allocated by the ancient demons is a little bit higher than the average bottom line.

Faced with such a result, the ancient demons naturally quit.

But this is an absolute matter for all forces. No matter how unwilling the ancient demons are, they dare not stand against the other major forces.

But in the end, the ancient demon race still paid other attention, which was to completely open the avenue ladder.

Let the ancient sanctuary make a fuss and persecute those big forces.

In the end, the ancient demons succeeded.

Because the Dao Ladder was rumored by the ancient demons, it was related to the chance of being promoted to dominate the supreme, which caused countless people in the ancient sanctuary to lose their eyes.

I even forgot that the terrible ruler of the Supreme, unexpectedly began to surround the Nirvana Realm, planning to enter the barbarian beast realm forcibly, to climb the Dadao ladder.

In the face of such a situation, there is the supreme ruler and the killing of a group of people to frighten them.

But a discerning person can see that in the current situation, the murder deterrence may not only not work, but it will even have a counterproductive effect, triggering more riots.

For this reason, they finally made a decision after some deliberations that dominated the supreme.

That is to swallow the final part of the Great Beast Realm's Great Dao Law, and also let the Great Dao Law of the Ancient Continent be completely swallowed.

Then, the avenue and ladder of the brutal beast world was thoroughly revealed.

In this way, in this certain period of time, no matter how many people enter the Great Beast Ladder, it can withstand it.

However, when the time is up, the Great Dao and Ladder of the Brutal Beast World will probably disappear completely.

One-time consumption!

Facing the conspiracy of the ancient demons, this time the leaders of the great forces in the ancient sanctuary made the killing of chickens and eggs.

This is also a last resort, and even this is the premeditated plan of the ancient demons.

Even Qin Shaofeng listened to what his senior brother said, almost facing the conspiracy of the ancient demon clan, the ancient holy clan almost fought against the ancient demon clan again.

However, directly exploding the ladder of the savage beast realm at once, which not only no longer limits the number of people.

Even the high-level leaders of the big powers directly stated that after the great laws of the ancient continent have completely swallowed the great laws of the brutal beast world, they will drag the great beast ladders directly out and integrate into Nirvana. In the world.

At that time, I am afraid that the entire Nirvana Realm is within the scope of the Great Beast Realm.

Once such news was released, the entire ancient sanctuary became more lively.

Because in this way, anyone can enter the avenue ladder.

Although the Great Dao Ladder had already appeared in the Beast Realm at this moment, it had not yet integrated into the Nirvana Realm, and it would take some time.

Qin Shaofeng took advantage of this period of time to start cultivation.

He wants to reach the realm of the pattern of a thousand laws in the shortest time, because only in this way can he see his father as soon as possible.

However, there is one more thing Qin Shaofeng needs to do before again, and that is to let his Flying Feather Knife completely refining and swallow the Great Meteorite Iron he got from his mother.

Qin Shaofeng already knew what the meteorite iron of the Great Dao was. According to his senior brother, it seemed that the meteorite iron of the Great Dao came from the Great Dao Ladder and was part of the Great Dao Ladder.

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