Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1556: Use special exchange

Thirty-third no, three days!

In the end, Qin Shaofeng seemed to have completely adapted to the pressure of this thirty-third step world.

Starting from the 33rd step, basically one step can be taken in three days.

This situation shocked the Jiang family.

You must know that with his realm, it took a full three months. This was only one step a day, and then it was now the ninety-ninth step.

However, the Jiang family elders can only stop here.

It was not that he could not take the hundredth step, but that he knew that once he took the hundredth step, he would reach the thirty-first step world.

This thirtieth step world, with such pressure, is somewhat reluctant for him in the tenth realm of soul golden body in the later stage.

Therefore, the elders of the Jiang family did not intend to take the 100th step to enter the next level of the thirty-first stepped world.

Because he was worried that he could not bear the pressure, this Jiang family elder had always been cautious, and it was precisely because of this that he lived such a long time.

But Qin Shaofeng's approaching step by step made the Jiang family veteran heart shake, and he wanted to take the last step in this stepped world.

But in the end he held it back.

However, in order to prevent himself from being affected by Qin Shaofeng, the Jiang family elders unexpectedly chose to close all their perceptions and enter a state of retreat.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know the activities in the hearts of the Jiang family.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng is able to take one step in three days. This is not to say that his soul realm has been improved.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng's soul realm has not been improved. The reason for this situation is entirely because of Qin Shaofeng's cultivation of "Golden Body Decision", it seems that because of the pressure of the 30th step world, it has gone further.

Then, because of the breakthrough of "The Golden Body", Qin Shaofeng's soul felt the light of the golden body more powerful.

This also allowed Qin Shaofeng to adapt to the pressure of this stepped world.

However, adaptation is an adaptation, but Qin Shaofeng's soul realm has always been different from the realm corresponding to this level by a whole stage.

Qin Shaofeng still couldn't speed up, and one step in three days was already his current limit.

After more than six months, Qin Shaofeng finally reached the same position as the Jiang family elder.

Go to the ninety-ninth step of the 30th step world!

During this time, Qin Shaofeng's soul realm has improved a lot.

This was not because it was all due to the influence of the 30-level ladder world, although this ladder world did not once again have that effect on Qin Shaofeng's soul realm.

But it was a lot of improvement to Qin Shaofeng's own magical power.

As soon as the power of the gods and demons in his body increased, Qin Shaofeng added some patterns of laws.

Now, Qin Shaofeng's cultivation level has reached the realm of 950 laws.

In more than six months, the progress of one step in three days gave Qin Shaofeng a lot of time to practice.

This made the pattern of his own law increased a lot, and later with the increase of the pattern of law, Qin Shaofeng's soul realm was also improved.

But no matter how he improved, Qin Shaofeng had only risen to the tenth peak of the mid-term soul golden body.

Although it was only a short distance from the late soul golden body, Qin Shaofeng estimated that it would be difficult for him to reach that state.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng planned to fight.

Looking up at the thirty-first floor that seemed to be close at hand, a trace of firmness flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

He intends to use the moment of stepping into the thirty-first level of the ladder world, to obtain the rewards of the Dadao Ladder, so that his soul realm will be promoted to the level of the late soul golden body.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng was not reckless, he was already prepared.

Not to mention the recovery of the gods, even the fire of the gods and demons was displayed by Qin Shaofeng.

Because God and Demon Daohuo possesses the attack power of the soul, it can also be used by Qin Shaofeng to defend the soul.

Even Qin Shaofeng's skills in all states were displayed.

But after all the preparations were completed, Qin Shaofeng stepped on his feet and took the last step of the thirtieth floor.

At the same time, this step of Qin Shaofeng has been paid attention to by those strong and tianjiao present.

When Qin Shaofeng entered the 30th-level ladder world, he had already caused these powerhouses and Tianjiao to talk a lot.

Especially when Qin Shaofeng got closer and closer to the old Jiang family, it made them even more enthusiastic.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng took this final step, which made everyone even more concerned.

"Isn't it! Qin Shaofeng actually intends to enter the thirty-first step world?"

"My grass, this Qin Shaofeng bunker is now, the thirty-first stepped world, but even the elders of the Jiang family dare not step into it, he actually went in!"

"Tsk tusk, is this step a success? Or is it unsuccessful?"

"I don't see much hope. After all, according to the stairs of this avenue and ladder, the 30th level of the world. I am afraid that it needs a soul cultivation base that exceeds the later soul golden body to step into it. Qin Shaofeng can't do it!"

"Exceeding the golden body state of the later soul? Has anyone reached such a soul state?"

"I hope this Qin Shaofeng can bring some miracles!"

"That's right, only a miracle can make Qin Shaofeng enter the thirty-first floor!"

"Oh, it's a pity, the situation on the thirtieth floor seems to be invisible!"

"Yes, I don't know if Qin Shaofeng has succeeded like this!"

That's right, the thirty-first stepped world space cannot be seen, and even the thirty-second and last thirty-third stepped worlds are invisible.

If everyone could see clearly at this moment, in the thirty-first step world, then they would find Qin Shaofeng at this moment very miserable!

It's really miserable!

Because at the moment when he stepped into the thirty-first step world, Qin Shaofeng felt the pressure a hundred times stronger than the thirty-first step world.

so horrible!

It was almost instantaneous. When entering this thirty-first stepped world, Qin Shaofeng's body was instantly crushed.

This time not only the soul couldn't bear it, even Qin Shaofeng's body couldn't bear the pressure of this thirty-first step world.

The whole body was shattered in an instant, but some muscles and muscles were barely connected. As for Qin Shaofeng's entire body, he had already completed his human form.

Even if Qin Shaofeng had applied all the boosts to all the skill states, he still couldn't hold it.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng could only trigger his own retrospective ability and instantly recover himself.

However, after using the backtracking ability to restore himself to the peak state, Qin Shaofeng finally discovered that his soul realm had been promoted to the first stage of the later soul golden body.

This is the same as Qin Shaofeng imagined, but there is another situation that Qin Shaofeng never expected.

Even though the soul realm had been promoted to the first stage of the soul golden body in the later stage, Qin Shaofeng's soul still felt it, and the pressure seemed to be overwhelming.

Even Qin Shaofeng's body was once again cracked open due to the pressure here, and Qin Shaofeng was covered in blood in the blink of an eye.

As for Qin Shaofeng himself, he could no longer move.

I circled a cross, the pressure is still too great!

Qin Shaofeng smiled bitterly, and finally understood that he was still a little hasty.

If before entering the thirty-first step world, his soul realm had reached the first stage of the late soul golden body, then he is probably already in the second stage of the late soul golden body now.

In that case, I am afraid it will be much better than the current situation.

But now no matter what Qin Shaofeng thought in his mind, it was too late.

Although Qin Shaofeng could still end his ability to look back, and even the effect of fairy beans, he could recover again.

But Qin Shaofeng knew in his heart that even if he recovered in an instant, he might be like this again in the next instant.

So what should I do?

In the end, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed a little, and a decision was made in his heart.

Although his body is gone, Qin Shaofeng can still summon the system interface.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng's eyes fell on the system mall.

During this period of time, Qin Shaofeng's system mall was refreshed many times, but there were no items that satisfied Qin Shaofeng, and even the skill point cards for increasing skill points did not appear.

And the ten products that were refreshed at this moment, none of them can solve Qin Shaofeng's current crisis.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that this time the refresh of the ten products would produce products that he could use.

But Qin Shaofeng has not forgotten that he still has a very special reward!

A special system redemption opportunity: After using this opportunity, you can refresh it ten times for free in the purchase interface of the system store. Players can then redeem any one of them for free from all the products refreshed in these ten times.

Special system redemption opportunity once!

That's it. Qin Shaofeng has always kept this reward. He intends to wait for him to have enough points before using this reward.

Because of this, in addition to being able to redeem any of these products for free, if there are products that you look forward to, such as skill point cards, then Qin Shaofeng naturally wants to buy it.

Ding Dong!

Soon, a system prompt sounded.

"System prompt: Does the player Qin Shaofeng use the special reward ‘special system redemption opportunity’ to refresh the system mall ten times?"


Now Qin Shaofeng was speechless and could only convey his meaning silently in his heart.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng began to pray again in his heart.

System boss!

Be a little bit stronger this time!

There are more items that can enhance the soul realm!

It really doesn't work, it's also possible to upgrade your cultivation level!

Please! ! !

"Ding Dong!" At the moment Qin Shaofeng prayed in his heart, another system prompt sounded.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully using the'Special System Exchange Opportunity' once, and the system store refreshed ten times!"

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

The next moment, Qin Shaofeng's system mall interface refreshed ten times.

After ten refreshes, the system mall in front of Qin Shaofeng's eyes appeared dazzlingly with a large number of products.

No more, just a hundred!

And this time, Qin Shaofeng also suddenly discovered that under the interface of these products, a line of numbers similar to a countdown appeared.

99 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds!

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