Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1557: Three Great God Tools

No more, no less, a hundred items!

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng also discovered that all of these hundreds of commodities exist for a certain period of time.

That is the retention time of one hundred days!

Although this will make the system mall a hundred days later, it will be beneficial to Qin Shaofeng.

Because of this, these hundred items can be chosen slowly.

The most important thing is that it seems to be due to the special exchange opportunities of the system, which caused the items refreshed this time to be very useful to Qin Shaofeng.

For example, Qin Shaofeng had always needed a pro skill point card before. This time there were not only several of the 100 products, but the skill point cards that appeared here were very different.

Originally, a skill point card was worth 30,000, which could add 10 skill points.

But now Qin Shaofeng's one hundred products, among them, there are two more advanced skill point cards.

Skill point card: special item card, consumption item. After using it, you can get 100 skill points! Value of 500,000 system exchange points!

Skill point card: special item card, consumption item. After use, you can get 1000 skill points! 10 million system exchange points!

One is a skill point card that is worth 500,000 points of system exchange points and can add 100 skill points.

There is also a skill point card that is worth 10 million system exchange points, which can directly charge 1,000 skill points.

These two kinds of skill point cards, which were worth 30,000 points and could only add 10 skill points, were much more expensive than those purchased by Qin Shaofeng before.

But this is a good thing for Qin Shaofeng. After all, it is difficult for the system to generate such skill point cards, and even the skill point cards that increase 10 skill points have appeared twice.

Although these two skill point cards are a lot more expensive, for Qin Shaofeng, who has only 73 skill points left, if it is purchased, although it will cost multiple points, it is very worthwhile.

But Qin Shaofeng's gaze did not stop here, what he needed now was not skill points, but props for his special realm.

Whether it is the realm of cultivation or the realm of soul, he needs it.

Qin Shaofeng hopes that he can find suitable products from the hundred products.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng really found it!

Training card: special item cards, consumption items. After use, the training progress will be increased by a hundred times, and it will last ten years! System exchange points worth 10 million points!

After seeing this product, Qin Shaofeng almost chose to buy it without hesitation.

Ten million system exchange points can be exchanged for a hundred times the speed of cultivation, and whether it is in the cultivation level or the progress of the soul realm, it can be improved.

For Qin Shaofeng, this is an excellent prop at the moment, so naturally he will not miss it.

However, what Qin Shaofeng cares most about is a very special pill.

Dadao Pill: Special pill, after taking it, it can enhance the soul realm! Value of 30 million system exchange points!

This one!

That's it!

After seeing this Dao Dan, Qin Shaofeng was instantly excited.

It's great to finally see the pill that can directly improve the realm of the soul.

Without hesitation, Qin Shaofeng directly chose and bought this Dao Dan.

And what made Qin Shaofeng even more pleasantly surprised was that there were three Dao Dans in the 100 products that were refreshed.

buy! buy! buy!

In just an instant, Qin Shaofeng's system exchange points decreased by 90 million points.

In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng was not looking at other products, but snapped the fairy beans in his mouth for the first time. Taking advantage of the fairy beans to recover his body, Qin Shaofeng swallowed a Dadao Dan.

The pill melted in the mouth, and Qin Shaofeng immediately felt it, and his body felt cool, and his soul seemed to numb.

After that, Qin Shaofeng got a system prompt.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for successfully taking the Dao Dan, and his soul level has been raised to the fourth level of the late soul golden body!"


After getting the system prompt, Qin Shaofeng was stunned for the first time.

Four levels of soul golden body in the later stage?

This means that a Dao Dan actually raised the triple realm of himself?

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng finally felt that after the soul realm had risen to the fourth stage of the late soul golden body, he could barely bear the pressure of this thirty-first step world.

Then, Qin Shaofeng no longer hesitated, and immediately swallowed the remaining two Dao Dan.

Ding Dong!

Ding Dong!

Two system prompts sounded, and Qin Shaofeng's soul realm was improved again.

However, the two Dao Dans at the back were obviously not as effective as the first one, and the number of them allowed Qin Shaofeng to increase his triple strength.

But in this way, Qin Shaofeng's soul realm has reached the seventh realm of the later soul golden body.

This one after the other, it is only a dozen or twenty breaths!

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng had completely adapted to the pressure of this thirty-first step world.

Although it is just adapting, it is still difficult to continue climbing.

But this is much better than the previous sad situation where the body was crushed with countless injuries and the whole person could not move at all.

Under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng was finally relieved a lot.

And then, Qin Shaofeng changed and began to practice "Golden Body Decision", with the help of the improvement effect of the training card, he practiced to improve his soul realm, even the realm of cultivation.

On the other side, Qin Shaofeng opened the system mall again and began to check other products.

Before, Qin Shaofeng only saw more than a dozen products, and then he saw Dadao Dan and started to buy directly to improve his soul realm. As for the remaining products, Qin Shaofeng hasn't seen it yet!

Although there are only one hundred products in this system mall, in fact, all products add up to more than one hundred.

For example, the training card and Dao Dan purchased by Qin Shaofeng are actually just one commodity, but there is a limit on the purchase of these two commodities.

Both the training card and the Dao Dan can be purchased in three quantities, and after the three reaches the upper limit, the goods will disappear from the system mall.

At this moment, in the system mall in front of Qin Shaofeng, among the grids of one hundred products, the grid that belonged to the original Dao Dan has now completely turned off-white, and the image of the Dao Dan immediately disappeared.

Not only training cards and Dao Dan, but many products Qin Shaofeng saw next had three or ten purchase limits.

For example, the Dao Dan, which can increase the realm of the pattern of a law, is a quantity that can be purchased for ten.

And some masters, or special pills and so on.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng showed all a hundred commodities.

None of the commodities refreshed by the system's special exchange opportunities are useless, all are good things.

Of course, this is of course, the system exchange points required for this are also very much.

Almost all of them are system exchange points of millions, or tens of millions, hundreds of millions.

Among them, the lowest is the skill point card that can only add 100 skill points, but it only needs a system redemption point of 500,000 points.

But apart from this accident, the rest of the commodities are more than one million point system exchange points.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng finally understood that his own system of over 400 million exchange points seemed to be many.

But in fact, facing a hundred products, it is not enough!

Among the hundred commodities, many require hundreds of millions of system exchange points, and there are even commodities that Qin Shaofeng cannot afford.

Can't afford it?

Well, it's very simple, that is, the price of this product has exceeded 400 million system exchange points.

There are even items with more than one billion system exchange points, and what Qin Shaofeng cares the most about are the three super god-level items worth tens of billions of points.

The value of more than tens of billions of system exchange points is a super god-level item!

The Super God-level item "The Law of God" is worth 15 billion points in system redemption points!

The Super God-level item "Super God Chess Piece" is worth 30 billion points for system redemption points!

The Super God-level item "Dao Soul Ring" is worth 50 billion system redemption points!

The price of the third brother's super god-level items is dazzling one by one, which makes Qin Shaofeng look dumbfounded.

But what made Qin Shaofeng most tickled was that the system's introduction information for these three super god-level items was extremely concise.

Except for the super **** chess pieces, Qin Shaofeng had no idea about the other two super **** stage props.

At best, I just know that the super god-level item ‘the law of the gods’ is a special power. After obtaining it, you can have a kind of power of the ‘law of the gods’.

But this kind of information is too one-sided, what is the power of the ‘law of God’?

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng guessed that even if he gets the power of the so-called ‘law of god’, he probably still needs to cultivate and improve himself!

Because this'Law of God' is so easy, Qin Shaofeng regarded it as a skill.

As for the super-divine stage props ‘Dao Soul Ring’, there is a little more information.

It can be bound to one's own soul and integrate the imprint of one's soul into the avenue to reach the realm of'the avenue is immortal and the soul is forever'.

The avenue is immortal, and the soul is forever?

These eight characters are simply so awesome!

This meaning is very obvious, it is nothing but the supreme props to let one's own soul into the avenue.

The soul is integrated into the avenue, so as long as the avenue is not damaged, the soul will naturally exist forever.

In a way, this is all true immortality!

Because under such circumstances, unless it is to smash the avenue, otherwise, it is impossible to kill at all.

Even at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved.

Although this ‘Great Soul Ring’ requires a huge amount of system exchange points worth 50 billion yuan before it can be purchased.

But Qin Shaofeng is using it now, this special system is an exchange opportunity!

A special system redemption opportunity: After using this opportunity, you can refresh it ten times for free in the purchase interface of the system store. Players can then redeem any one of them for free from all the products refreshed in these ten times.

With such an opportunity, Qin Shaofeng can choose any product from the hundred products and exchange it directly for free.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng was completely able to exchange this ‘Great Soul Ring’ for himself to use.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng believed that once he had this ‘soul ring of the great Dao’, he would wait until he took advantage of the power of the ‘soul ring of the great Dao’ to let his soul blend into the Dao.

Then, under such circumstances, he can climb this avenue ladder at will.

Then, there is no need for any scruples at all, that is, he can enter the 32nd and 33rd floors of this avenue ladder unscrupulously.

Anyway, one's own soul can be integrated into the avenue without collapse at all.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng believed that when he reached the thirty-second and thirty-third level of the ladder world, he would be able to reach the realm of the rule of a thousand laws with the gift of the Dadao ladder.

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