Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1558: Special task-unlimited practice

It can be said that the'Great Soul Ring' has a strong attraction to Qin Shaofeng.

With this ‘Great Soul Ring’, he can enter the next step world and obtain a place more suitable for his cultivation.

Qin Shaofeng can still buy two training cards now, so that he can have 30 years of cultivation speed for a hundred years.

And the deeper this stepped world goes to higher levels, the better the environment for cultivation will naturally become.

Considering that this can speed up his own soul cultivation speed and quickly improve his cultivation base, Qin Shaofeng really wanted this ‘Great Soul Ring’.


As soon as his gaze turned, Qin Shaofeng's attention was focused on the last item of the three super **** ranks-the super **** chess piece! ~

The succinctness of this ‘Super Demon Chess Piece’ is actually very simple, but one piece of information allows a thorough understanding of what kind of props this ‘Super Devas Chess Piece’ is.

Has similar abilities to "Super Devil Chess Piece"~!

Just this sentence is enough to explain everything.

Qin Shaofeng already knew a lot about the super devil chess piece.

With the super devil chess pieces, Qin Shaofeng has many powerful family members, and Qin Shaofeng has a better decision for the remaining super devil chess pieces.

That is to refine some incarnations of dependents, which can also improve his own strength a lot.

It is worth mentioning that the indestructible incarnation of Qin Shaofeng's "Three Eyes of Divine Eyes" with Xuan Changfeng has been completely transformed and has become another incarnation of Qin Shaofeng's family.

At this moment, that avatar had been left in the Two Halls and Three Sects by Qin Shaofeng for retreat practice.

Qin Shaofeng has not forgotten that his eyes of gods and demons have awakened a very special skill-the incarnation of gods and demons! ~

God and Demon Incarnation: One of the exclusive skills of the Super God-level skill, God and Demon Eye, is a special active skill that can be cast once. After casting, all the players themselves can be transformed into God and Demon.

This avatar of the gods and demon can be used to transform all the avatars of Qin Shaofeng himself.

Demonization is the special ability of Qin Shaofeng's Eyes of Gods and Demons. How effective is that Qin Shaofeng has already demonized the Flying Feather Sword God from the soldiers of the Gods and Demons.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng hesitated.

Obviously, if he owns this'super **** chess piece', then he can once again have 16 chess pieces, even if it is a chess piece of the'king' profession apart from the chess pieces, Qin Shaofeng can once again have fifteen super gods to be his dependents. piece.

In other words, he can create fifteen family incarnations.

For some reason, after the first incarnation of the family members appeared, Qin Shaofeng felt a little bit in his heart, feeling that the larger the number of incarnations of his family members, the better it would be for him.

Although it was just such a feeling, Qin Shaofeng chose to believe it in his heart.

This is why, for the few pawns and chess pieces left, Qin Shaofeng basically chose to create an immortal incarnation of his family members, and it was not used to conquer others for his family members.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng hesitated now.

Although this'Dao Soul Ring' is very suitable for him now, Qin Shaofeng is hesitant about the super god-level props of this'super **** chess piece'.

As for the so-called'Law of God', the super god-level item, Qin Shaofeng has already rejected it.

Qin Shaofeng did not intend to exchange for such super god-level items with unknown abilities.

"Oh, forget it, the products refreshed this time have a cooling time of one hundred days, I will check it out when that time comes!"

Qin Shaofeng hesitated greatly whether it was the "Great Soul Ring" or the "Super Celestial Chess Piece", and Qin Shaofeng couldn't decide for a while.

In such a situation, Qin Shaofeng intends to leave it alone for the time being. He will make a decision when the system store is to be refreshed again when the cooling time of the last hundred days has passed.

Shaking his head slightly, Qin Shaofeng turned his eyes to the rest of the merchandise.

But Qin Shaofeng was very helpless. Among the hundred products, there weren't any products that could directly raise the level of cultivation.

Although there are, the commodities that appear among them do not have much effect on Qin Shaofeng.

For example, one of the medicines called Faze Dao Dan, in terms of its level, is almost the same as Dao Dan.

Moreover, the effect of the Dao Dan of this law is not low. If you take one, even the cultivation level of the realm below Nirvana can instantly rise to the title of the emperor with the pattern of the Hundred Dao Dao Dao.

If this is placed on the ancient sanctuary, it is definitely a supreme pill.

Because if there is such a pill, it is enough to shorten a long period of time, and the younger the body, it will have great benefits if it enters the realm of the title of emperor as soon as possible.

Because if you have the pattern of the Hundred Dao Dao Dao, your body will receive the power that the Dao law must bestow to transform or strengthen the body.

This kind of transformation and strengthening, the younger you are, the more you can get.

In a way, this is a reward for some geniuses from the Law of the Great Way.

But for Qin Shaofeng now, this thing is not effective.

Qin Shaofeng tried to spend 10 million points in the system exchange point, and bought a Rule Dao Pill, only to add ten rule patterns to him.

Although it was only ten, it was not a small improvement for Qin Shaofeng, who now had more than nine hundred laws.

The realm of the grain of a thousand laws is getting closer and closer.

However, Qin Shaofeng only bought one Dao-rule Dan in the end, even if it was the same as Dao Dan, the purchase limit was three.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't continue to buy it either, because he felt that the Dao Pill of this rule seemed to be taken only once, and if it was taken the second time, there would be no effect.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Ten levels in the late stage of the law realm (seventh level in the late soul golden body)

Experience value: 0%

Occupation: Devil

Rule pattern: 923/1000 (A thousand rule patterns can be cultivated in the later stage of the law realm!)

Innate Spirit Root: Body of Gods and Demons

Skills: Blessing of the King, Eyes of Gods and Demons, Pills of Gods and Demons, Great Law of Gods and Demons Refining Body, Copy of Gods and Demons...

Special skills: Planting, Golden Body Jue, Buddha Hand

Envoy: Gong Qingzi, Leng Yaxuan

Equipment: Nine Profound Sacred Sword, Flying Feather Knife, Demon Cloud

Task: None

Skill points: 73

System exchange point: 364256600

Props: None

Family members: Meng Xiner, Qin Yueer, Zhao Yuner, Bai Xue, Geng Qiutong, Lian Yufeng, Tang Qijian, Du Meng, Hu Ye, Xiang Chengfeng, World Incarnation, Yan Yang (Indestructible Incarnation), Leng Ruqing (Indestructible Incarnation)


"Hey, can I only rely on me to cultivate for the remaining seventy-odd laws?"

Qin Shaofeng sighed in his heart when he saw the number of his own law patterns.

But the words in front of him made Qin Shaofeng the only choice.

However, before starting to practice, Qin Shaofeng still purchased a commodity item.

This is the task trigger card!

However, this time the task trigger card that appeared in the system store is a special task trigger card, but it is worth 10 million system redemption points!

Special task trigger card: special item card, consumption item. After use, according to the player's current situation and conditions, 100% of the system's special tasks can be triggered, and generous rewards can be obtained. Value of 1000 system exchange points!

100% trigger system special tasks!

This made Qin Shaofeng very concerned, because the previous mission trigger card was just ordinary, but because Qin Shaofeng was lucky, he triggered a special mission-"Unlimited Kills"!

It was precisely because of the mission of "Unlimited Kills" that Qin Shaofeng received a large number of skill points and system redemption points.

Now, but a special task trigger card can trigger 100% of the system's special tasks, and it also indicates the rich reward information.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng bought 10 million points directly.

It's just a pity that there is only one piece of this stuff. If there is a three-time purchase limit with Dadao Dan, it is estimated that Qin Shaofeng will buy three directly.

In the end, after purchasing this special task trigger card, it was directly used by Qin Shaofeng.

Then, a special task appeared in Qin Shaofeng's task bar again.

Unlimited training: special tasks, special tasks inspired by special props ‘special task trigger card’.

Task content: This task is a special trigger task. There is no star-level completion evaluation. It is based on the player's progress to unlock the qualified star-level task indicators. If you fail to complete a star-level task, you will get a certain reward. The higher the level, the more generous the reward!

(Note: This ‘Unlimited Cultivation’ quest unlocks unlimited stars, but now there is time. Once the specified time of the quest is reached, this quest will end here! The ‘Unlimited Cultivation’ mission time is: one hundred days!)

Current progress: Unlock one star.

One-star: within one hundred days of the avenue ladder, cultivate the pattern of ten rules! The reward system redemption points 100 million points!

Two-star: Unlock after completing the one-star mission indicators!


Looking at the special tasks triggered by the special task trigger card, Qin Shaofeng felt very good.

Because of this, you can get more system exchange points.

After all, just a one-star reward is already a 100 million system redemption point.

It is conceivable that the rewards for the two-star and subsequent star-level tasks will definitely be more system redemption points.

However, Qin Shaofeng felt helpless in the face of the requirements of a one-star mission index.

Raise the pattern of the ten laws?

I circled a cross. Why didn't I buy this special mission trigger card earlier?

Or, why didn't he take that Dao Dan later?

Otherwise, this star can be directly completed, and the 100 million system exchange points can also be directly obtained.

Facing this task requirement, Qin Shaofeng regretted it for a while.

"Oh, forget it, regret is useless, let's start!"

This ‘unlimited practice’ only lasts a hundred days, and Qin Shaofeng dare not delay.

If it had been the case before, it would be difficult for Qin Shaofeng to cultivate the pattern of ten laws within one hundred days.

But now it is different.

Now Qin Shaofeng is on this avenue ladder, in the 31st step world of the last 33 steps, the cultivation environment here is countless times better than the outside world.

If you cultivate here for one day, it is definitely equivalent to adding thousands or even tens of thousands of days.

Moreover, it goes without saying that Qin Shaofeng also used a training card that increased the training speed by a hundred times.

Cultivating in this state, Qin Shaofeng's cultivation speed is almost flying.

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