Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1565: The Great Way

Qin Shaofeng was very surprised that his father could create that technique.

After all, in Qin Shaofeng's opinion, that "Golden Body Jue" is probably at least a ten-star technique, even if it exceeds ten-star!

Qin Feiyang continued talking, and soon Qin Shaofeng knew that after his father created the "Golden Body Jue" on the spot, it didn't take long before he was in the sea of ​​demon sacred fire and cultivated his soul realm to the soul gold of Dzogchen. Body state.

Of course, the reason why Qin Feiyang was able to reach the realm of the Dzogchen soul golden body was because his original realm was the realm of dominating the supreme, and the soul realm had already reached the realm of the later soul golden body.

And speaking of this, Qin Feiyang couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Hey, Feng'er, you may not know, my Qin family used to be a powerful race of the gods and demons in ancient times!"

Gods and demons?

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, thinking of some introductions on his system, and he directly asked: "Father, does this family of gods and demons have anything to do with true demons and true gods!"

"Of course it's related!" Qin Feiyang nodded, "These so-called true gods and true demons are the gods and demons. In ancient times, there was no so-called ancient holy race and ancient demons, and there was no difference between gods and demons. Both sides are the same ethnic group, but there is no difference between good and evil!"

"Let's put it this way, whether it is the current ancient saints or the ancient demons, they are actually descendants of the gods and demons, but now they have the blood of the gods and demons, they are all very weak." Qin Feiyang Said again.

"And not only are the ancient saints and the ancient demons, in fact, there are still many descendants of the gods and demons in the entire ancient continent. When the blood is lonely, most of them are reduced to ordinary mortals!"

That's it!

Qin Shaofeng nodded clearly, and then moved in his heart, saying: "So, the power of returning to your ancestors that your mother originally exerted on you directly awakened you from the blood of the ancient gods and demons?"

"Well, it's true!" Qin Feiyang nodded, as if thinking of Qin Shaofeng's mother, a trace of tenderness flashed in his eyes.

"Your mother, but a very good wife and mother. It is precisely because of her ability to return to ancestors that I awakened the blood of the ancient gods and demons. But..."

After a slight pause, Qin Feiyang showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said disdainfully: "It's ridiculous that those from the Jiang family of the Slashing Demon clan also said that I have awakened the blood of the ancient demon clan. This is really ridiculous. They even have their own ancestors. I have forgotten how powerful is, I actually disagree with my awakened bloodline of the gods and demons!"

With that, Qin Feiyang shook his head.

In this regard, Qin Shaofeng was also speechless.

However, Qin Shaofeng also guessed later, what happened and what happened later.

As he had learned before, it was precisely because of his father's awakening of the so-called ancient demon blood that led to the unanimous opposition of the Jiang family. His father was with his mother.

In the end, his father was captured by the Jiang family.

Had it not been for his mother to threaten the Jiang family elder with death, I am afraid Qin Shaofeng's father would have been killed by the Jiang family elder in the first place.

But even so, the elder of the Jiang family was not at ease, and directly imprisoned Qin Feiyang in the Sea of ​​Demon Sacred Fire in the Demon Cave.

However, fortunately for this, the sacred flame of the demon-cutting cave had stimulated the blood of Qin Feiyang's family of gods and demon, and awakened.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng knew that the original Demon-cutting cave of the Demon-cutting clan, the sea of ​​demon-cutting sacred fire, was actually the heart of a powerful **** and demon in the ancient Jiang family after his fall. Of fire.

This shocked Qin Shaofeng.

He had thought about how powerful the gods and demons clan was, but he never expected that the sea of ​​sacred fire that killed the demons was turned into the heart of a strong God and demons.

A sea of ​​flames turned into a heart has existed for so many years, and it still maintains an astonishing power that ordinary people simply cannot enter.

However, Qin Feiyang further inspired his own bloodline of the gods and demons under such power, and finally something even more incredible happened.

That's what Qin Feiyang got, the inheritance of this strong **** and demon whose heart turned into a sea of ​​sacred fire.

It turned out that this powerful **** and demon was the ancient ancestor of the Jiang family earlier. Because of an earth-shattering battle, he was eventually severely injured by his opponent, only leaving a heart to fly back.

But it seems that because of what the opponent did, the Jiang family's distant ancestor **** and demon could not be resurrected with a heart, and the heart turned into a sea of ​​fire!

This is the source of the Jiang family's demon-cutting cave and the sea of ​​demon-cutting sacred fire.

But no one knew that when the ancient Jiang family **** and demon fell, he left his own heritage in the sea of ​​sacred fire.

Then, it didn't take long for the ancient continent to undergo tremendous changes, and finally people forgot about this sea of ​​flames.

Later even the disciples of the Jiang family had forgotten the source of this sea of ​​fire.

Qin Feiyang also learned of all this by inheriting the strong ancient **** and demon of the Jiang family.

Moreover, after inheriting the inheritance of the Jiang family's ancient gods and demons, the Slashing Sacred Fire in the Sea of ​​Slashing Sacred Fire did no more harm to Qin Feiyang.

The most important thing is that Qin Feiyang got a terrifying event from the inheritance of the Jiang family ancient gods and demons!

"Shocking event?"

When listening to his father talk about this, Qin Shaofeng's heart was moved. This shocking event that can be felt by the strong gods and demons is probably unusual!

"Father, what on earth is this shocking event?" Qin Shaofeng asked.

Qin Feiyang did not answer directly, but looked at Qin Shaofeng and asked: "Feng'er, you should have heard a saying on the earth! That is'Dadao Fifty'!"

Fifty Avenue?

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved and said, "I know, it seems to be'The Great Dao Fifty, Tianyan Forty-nine, Human Escape One'!"

"Well, that's right! But do you know, why the avenue, why the avenue fifty?" Qin Feiyang asked back.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was embarrassed.

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng thought of something and replied: "Father, does this avenue refer to the law of the avenue?"

"Yes, not really!" Qin Feiyang shook his head gently, and then said something that shocked Qin Shaofeng.

"The so-called avenue is actually a complete Dao realm, but Dao fifty means that there are fifty in a Dao realm, and each of these numbers represents a complete Dao law!"


At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was surprised.

"Father, according to what you said, could this ancient continent be only one of the fifty avenues of the entire Dao Realm?"

"No!" Qin Feiyang shook his head, "The Dao World is huge, but the power of the Dao World that can possess the laws of the Dao, that is, it can occupy one fifty-fifty of the Dao, is extremely small."

"Let's put it this way!" Qin Feiyang thought for a while, then gave an example.

"You can think of a Dao Realm as an extremely huge universe. Great Dao Fifty is the power of Dao Realm that exists in the entire Dao Realm, and every Dao Realm power is extremely powerful."

"And in this universe there are planets where countless creatures live, but among these planets, there are some powerful planets that occupy one or more of the power of the Taoist world, and then give birth to their own world. Law of the Great Way!"

"And the planet with the laws of the Great Dao is a planetary world with powerful strength and capable of giving birth to powerful gods and demons!"

With Qin Feiyang's explanation like this, Qin Shaofeng understood it.

This is nothing more than a universe-like Dao realm, with only fifty Dao realm powers, and a planet that can obtain one of the Dao realm powers can give birth to powerful gods and demons.

In that case, did the ancient continent occupy a share of the power of the Taoist world?

Qin Shaofeng raised the doubt in his heart, and then got Qin Feiyang's affirmative answer.

"Yes, our planetary world indeed occupies the power of the Dao realm among the fifty avenues, and even a lot of it, giving birth to the great laws of the powerful planetary world! But ah!"

With a slight sigh, Qin Feiyang's expression was a pity.

"Although our planetary world occupies seven parts of the Daoist power among the fifty avenues, in the end it was precisely because of this that it was jealous of other planetary worlds and was finally besieged."

"Under the siege of a large number of planetary worlds, the laws of our planetary world were eventually smashed, suffered partitions from other planetary worlds, and finally fell into such a field..."

Soon, Qin Shaofeng learned a great secret from his father.

The world in which they exist now is an infinitely huge Taoist world.

And if the Dao Realm is regarded as the universe, there are countless planetary worlds here.

Of course, this is not just the planetary world, because many places also exist in the starry sky in the form of continents, with an area that is countless times larger than that of Qiyuan Star.

It is worth mentioning that this so-called Qiyuan Star is the planet Qin Shaofeng is currently in, that is, the real name of the ancient continent.

Although there are countless planetary worlds in the Dao Realm, there are only 50 Dao Realm powers in a Dao Realm.

And only by gaining the power of the Taoist world, can you nurture the laws of your own world!

The greater the number of Daoist powers you have, the stronger the Dao Laws that will be born.

As for the difference between owning the law of the Great Dao, and not having the law of the Great Dao, the difference is big.

Having a complete law of the great avenue, you can make your own planetary world give birth to more powerhouses, as well as stronger powerhouses.

An obvious contrast is the emergence of strong gods and demons.

The power of gods and demons is actually called the power of Taoism!

Why is the realm strong, that is, the strong realm above the law realm.

That's right, according to the normal situation to distinguish, that is, after practicing the pattern of the law, can you be promoted to the Dao realm and become a powerhouse of the gods and demons!

In fact, the ancient sanctuary on Qiyuan Star, those powerhouses whose realm has reached the supreme dominance, if placed in the ancient times, they can all become gods and demons level powerhouses!

The power of the gods and demons in the Dao realm can not be achieved by self-cultivation alone. This must be achieved with the help of the Dao Laws transformed by the power of the Dao Realm.

In the same way, only the world that possesses the Dao laws transformed by the power of the Dao realm, will there be a Dao realm powerhouse of the gods and demons level.

Moreover, if you want to be promoted to the realm of Dao, you can only make a breakthrough and promotion in the Dao Ladder of every world, and become a powerful Dao realm of God and Devil!

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