Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1566: Ancient War

Where there is no Dao law transformed by the power of the Dao Realm, no matter how much you practice, the limit is to reach the late stage of the Law Realm.

To break through the law realm and become a powerhouse of the gods and demons at the Dao realm level, you must get the help of the power of the Dao realm.

But what is helpless is that now Qi Yuanxing's Dao law has been completely shattered, causing all Dao realm power to be divided.

Even if the last one was left, it was the power of the Dao realm that was shattered and dispersed throughout Qi Yuanxing.

Because the power of the Dao Realm was completely broken, Qi Yuanxing had a very embarrassing situation, that is, the Dao Law still exists, but it is impossible to reproduce the Dao Ladder.

Without Dadao Ladder, it is impossible to advance to Dao Realm.

However, Qi Yuanxing still has the laws of the Great Dao, and this has led to Qi Yuanxing's emergence of a strong man who rules the realm of supreme.

Dominating the cultivation under the supreme has also evolved from the pattern of cultivation rules to the pattern of cultivation avenues.

This is all because Qi Yuanxing's current Dao law has become very incomplete.

But here, Qin Shaofeng was puzzled again.

Looking back at where he was, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but ask: "Father, according to what you said, what is the situation with the avenue and ladder where we are now?"

"This avenue ladder?" Qin Feiyang smiled slightly, "In fact, this avenue ladder is not a complete avenue ladder, it is even a very special avenue ladder."

"Feng'er, if your father didn't guess wrong, you should know the origin of this mountain under our feet?"

"I know!" Qin Shaofeng nodded, "It seems that when two strong men were fighting, one of the strong men made it with a star!"

"Well, that's right!" Qin Feiyang nodded and said, "However, you may not be aware of the fact that the two powerhouses are fighting against the extremely precious power of the Taoist world!"

It turns out that the treasure hidden in the mountain is the power of the Taoist world?

It's no wonder that the two strong men fought, and even started a fight.

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and he became clear.

But no, the words behind his father shocked him even more.

Because at this moment, Qin Feiyang spoke again: "Feng'er, Bi may not know that the power of the Taoist world that the two powerhouses are fighting is not the power of the Taoist world of ours, but another. The power of a Taoist world!"


Qin Feiyang's words shocked Qin Shaofeng's heart again. Could there be other Dao realms?

Soon, Qin Shaofeng learned an even more amazing truth from his father's words.

Dao Realm is not just one!

Qin Feiyang didn't know exactly how many Dao realms exist, but at least there are several!

This so-called ‘fifty avenue, four to nine days, one of people escapes. It does not refer to one Dao realm, but many Dao realms are like this.

And one of the so-called person escapes is not really taken by someone.

The avenue is fifty, Tianyan is forty-nine, and people are one of them.

This is only the first half of a complete sentence, but the second half of this sentence still exists.

The second half of this sentence is ‘the one is intangible, it is infinitely variable, whichever is intact! ’

This means that one of the fifty powers of the Taoist realm will not be absorbed by any world in the Taoist realm. This one can change any item, even a life!

If it can be subdued, all the powers of the Dao Realm can be integrated there.

A portion of the power of the Taoist world is so powerful, how about fifty shares of the power of the Taoist world?

Qin Shaofeng couldn't imagine it anymore.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng also knew that it was probably because of this that the entire Dao Realm was fighting for the power of the Dao Realm.

My own father also said that under normal circumstances, the power of the Taoist world will autonomously search for the planetary world, and then merge to give birth to the law of the Dao.

And basically every world that has the laws of Dao, can only integrate the power of Dao.

But the Qi Yuan Xing he was in, in the ancient times, Qi Yuan Xing's Dao law was a fusion of seven Dao realms. Needless to say, it was natural to destroy other planets to achieve this step.

And that one of the power of the Taoist world, there is also a very special place.

That is to integrate a certain amount of Taoist power, and it is able to communicate with other Taoists!

In the ancient times of Qiyuan Star, the entire Qiyuan Star was completely unified at that time, and the entire Qiyuan Star was under the rule of the strongest Qiyuan Star Master at that time.

At that time, the star master of Qi Yuan Xing had great ambitions, and he wanted Qi Yuan Xing to integrate more Daoist power.

He is the master of Qiyuanxing. Once Qiyuanxing can integrate more Daoist power, then Qiyuanxing's Dao laws will be stronger, and as the master of Qiyuanxing, his strength will naturally become stronger.

Destruction is often because of ambition!

The ambition of Qiyuan Star Lord was eventually blocked by other Star Lords.

Of course, other star masters are not ruled out, and they are also ambitious to obtain the power of Qi Yuanxing's Dao realm.

In the end, the Great War broke out, and Qi Yuanxing launched an unprecedented war with several planetary worlds.

Qin Shaofeng's father, Qin Feiyang, got the inheritance of the Jiang Family God and Demon-level powerhouse, and the opponent also fell because of this war.

The battle finally ended with the master of Kaiyuanxing blew himself up!

Qi Yuanxing's Taoist power was divided up, and Qi Yuanxing was defeated.

However, after all, Qi Yuan Xing is very powerful, even if the Dao Law is divided into all the power of the Dao Realm, there will be a Dao Realm power in the end, because it is completely integrated into the Qi Yuan Xing, and it has not been taken away.

And the planetary world that usually has the power to integrate into the Dao realm is guarded by the entire Dao realm and cannot be destroyed.

Even if it is forcibly destroyed, it will suffer from the backlash of the Dao realm. This is a very dangerous thing for any god-devil-level powerhouse, even the star-master level powerhouse.

Because faced with the backlash of the Dao Realm, even a Star Master-level Dao Realm powerhouse, one who is not careful will have the possibility of falling.

In the end, only the entire planet world can be absorbed into the power of the Taoist world with a formation method.

Therefore, this is when Qi Yuanxing was not completely destroyed in the end.

However, in the eyes of countless powerhouses at the time, Qi Yuanxing was completely destroyed sooner or later.

But in the end something unexpected happened, it seemed that it was because of the distribution or the ambition of other star owners.

This caused several other star masters who had temporarily united because of the siege of Qiyuan Star, eventually fighting everywhere.

It didn't take long for a few parties to start fighting again!

It’s because what’s even more amazing is that in the process of fighting among the forces of several planets and worlds, it was revealed that one of them possesses the power of the ‘one’ of the Dao Realm outside the forty-nine Dao Realm.

This one moment is incredible. The entire Dao Realm is very clear on all planetary worlds with some strength. Among the fifty Dao Realm powers, the power of the Dao Realm is one of them. Strong.

Because if you can get this ‘one’ of the power of the Dao Realm, it is the possibility of unifying the entire Dao Realm!

Then, needless to say, the entire Dao Realm began to riot.

All forces have been dispatched, and they have begun to fight against this ‘one’ power of the Taoist world.

The final result was a long battle.

Countless planetary worlds disappeared as a result, and many planetary worlds with the power of Taoism were destroyed.

For a while, it was Qi Yuanxing's situation that was forgotten.

This is also true. After all, Qi Yuanxing was already defeated at that time and it was impossible to become an opponent for the power of the ‘One’ Dao Realm. Naturally, not many people cared about Qi Yuanxing.

I don't know how long this turmoil lasted.

Even later, there was once a powerful star master, who received the power of the ‘one’ Dao realm, integrated into the world of its planet, and even more than a dozen other Dao realms.

Under such circumstances, this powerful star master actually communicated with other realms.

But I never thought that this was the beginning of another even bigger war.

Because after the communication, another Dao realm sent troops immediately and attacked.

Needless to say, let's fight!

However, this time the war has changed from a battle between one Dao realm to a battle between two Dao realms.

What's more serious is that with the battle between the two realms, it becomes more and more intense.

No matter which Dao realm it is, both sides want to take the Dao realm where the other side is located, and maintain the Dao realm to start working together.

Everyone has concentrated all the power of the Dao realm in their respective realms, which has led to a straight line expansion of the war.

And in the end, it was because of the influence of the war, which was really terrifying. In the end, it actually hit a crack in the wall between the Dao Realm and the Dao Realm.

Then, the third realm appeared.

And this is just the beginning, there is a third or a fourth...

In the end, the evolution of the situation formed a battle of seven realms!

The battle of the seven realms!

And in this seven-world war, a Taoist world was completely wiped out, and all the power of the Taoist world was wiped out.

At the same time, there are also some Dao realms that have been defeated. Although they have not been scraped off all the power of the Dao realms, they are not much better.

The Dao Realm where Qin Shaofeng was located was also the loser, but it was because there was a strong person who closed the Dao Realm in time, which saved part of the Dao Realm's power.

And Qin Shaofeng had seen the two powerhouses on the mountain of that huge enlightenment stone.

It is the strongest star master of this Dao realm, and the powerful star master who communicated with that Dao realm in the beginning.

However, what Qin Shaofeng saw that the strong man who was overtaken was the strong star master of the Dao Realm he was in.

The hidden treasure of the enlightened stone mountain peak refined by the opponent is the power of the Taoist world, and it is the only ‘one’ power of the Taoist world that has eliminated the power of the other Taoists.

If you want to seize all the power of the other realms, you must seize the ‘one’ of the realms of that realm.

That powerful star master knows that he is not an enemy. To hide is to hide the ‘one’ power of the Dao Realm, and to draw away from others.

"In the end, the star master successfully concealed the power of the ‘One’ Dao Realm, and he himself was destroyed with the enemy at the cost of self-destruction!"

After Qin Feiyang finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Qin Shaofeng: "This is something in the ancient times!"

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was completely shocked by what his father had said.

Qin Shaofeng did not expect that so many things happened in the ancient times.

So now the question is, how does his father know these things?

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