Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1570: Terrible and absurd plan

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: the pinnacle of the law realm (soul golden body great perfection)

Experience value: 0%

Occupation: Devil

Rule pattern: 1000/1000 (A thousand rule patterns can be cultivated in the later stage of the rule realm!)

Innate Spirit Root: Body of Gods and Demons

Skills: Blessing of the King, Eyes of Gods and Demons, Pills of Gods and Demons, Great Law of Gods and Demons Refining Body, Copy of Gods and Demons...

Special skills: Planting, Golden Body Jue, Buddha Hand

Envoy: Gong Qingzi, Leng Yaxuan

Equipment: Nine Profound Sacred Sword, Flying Feather Knife, Demon Cloud

Task: unlimited practice

Skill points: 73

System exchange points: 66.4 billion 542.56600

Props: None

Family members: Meng Xiner, Qin Yueer, Zhao Yuner, Bai Xue, Geng Qiutong, Lian Yufeng, Tang Qijian, Du Meng, Hu Ye, Xiang Chengfeng, World Incarnation, Yan Yang (Indestructible Incarnation), Leng Ruqing (Indestructible Incarnation)


This is Qin Shaofeng's nine-star attribute information in completing his "unlimited practice".

At the pinnacle of the law realm, the soul is perfected!

Moreover, after completing the nine-star target of ‘Unlimited Practice’, Qin Shaofeng’s system exchange points once again increased by 30 billion points!

This allowed Qin Shaofeng's system exchange point to finally break through to more than 60 billion points. Such a huge system exchange point was something Qin Shaofeng could not imagine before.

Sixty-four billion points!

So many system redemption points are enough to get all the three "super god-level items" refreshed by the system this time.

The Super God-level item "The Law of God" is worth 15 billion system redemption points!

The Super God-level item "Super God Chess Piece" is worth 30 billion points for system redemption points!

The Super God-level item "Dao Soul Ring" is worth 50 billion system redemption points!

Now Qin Shaofeng is still not quite clear about the so-called "law of the gods", what the **** is this.

Even his father, Qin Feiyang, knew nothing about it.

But in Qin Shaofeng's view, since this'law of the gods' is also in the realm of super gods, it is naturally not ordinary.

And since it can be obtained now, it is naturally to be in his hands.

The total value of these three super god-level items is already close to 100 billion 95 billion point system exchange points.

Qin Shaofeng's current system exchange points of more than 66.4 billion are obviously far from enough.

But for these three super god-level items, Qin Shaofeng can completely exchange them for free.

Well, it's completely free, no system redemption points are needed!

Qin Shaofeng has already thought about it. This time he will use the free exchange opportunity directly on the "Great Soul Ring".

Because this ‘Dao Soul Ring’ is worth 50 billion system redemption points, if you use that free special system redemption opportunity, then Qin Shaofeng can get this ‘Dao Soul Ring’ without spending any money!

In this way, the remaining super-divine stage props ‘the law of the gods’, and the super-divine stage props ‘super **** chess pieces’, all add up to only 45 billion system exchange points.

And with the system redemption points Qin Shaofeng currently has, it is more than enough to purchase these two super god-level items.

Of course, if Qin Shaofeng could complete the ten-star mission of'Unlimited Cultivation' in the remaining three days, then there would be no need to worry.

Because the ten-star reward for ‘unlimited cultivation’ is incredibly rich.

The system redemption points for this reward are 50 billion points!

If this task can be completed, then Qin Shaofeng's system exchange point can break through the 100 billion mark.


After taking another look at the ten-star quest indicator content of ‘Unlimited Cultivation’, Qin Shaofeng could only sigh helplessly.

Unlimited training: special tasks, special tasks inspired by special props ‘special task trigger card’.

Task content: This task is a special trigger task. There is no star-level completion evaluation. It is based on the player's progress to unlock the qualified star-level task indicators. If you fail to complete a star-level task, you will get a certain reward. The higher the level, the more generous the reward!

(Note: This ‘Unlimited Cultivation’ quest unlocks unlimited stars, but now there is time. Once the specified time of the quest is reached, this quest will end here! The ‘Unlimited Cultivation’ mission time is: one hundred days!)

Current progress: Unlock ten stars.

One star: Completed!

Two-star: Completed!

Three-star: Completed!

Four-star: Completed!

Five-star: Completed!

Six-star: Completed!

Seven-star: Completed!

Eight-star: Completed!

Nine Star: Completed!

Ten-star: within one hundred days of Dadao Ladder, raise your level to Dao Jing! Reward system redemption points 50 billion points!

Eleven-star: The ten-star can be unlocked after completing the task indicators!


Well, very good and powerful!

Ascend to Dao Realm within 100 days!

For such a task, Qin Shaofeng had no feeling at all.

Because this is completely impossible. It takes only one hundred days to raise one's own realm to Dao realm. This is simply impossible.

Oh, yes, not a hundred days!

According to the time requirement of the ‘Unlimited Practice’ task, Qin Shaofeng actually only had three days left.

But let alone three days, even if it was three hundred years or three thousand years, let Qin Shaofeng cultivate like this, he couldn't raise his realm to Dao realm!

The reason for this is very simple!

This is all because of Qin Shaofeng's soul!

Regardless of Qin Shaofeng's current soul realm, he has already risen to the first realm of soul golden body.

But in fact, Qin Shaofeng's current soul is still a little "consummated"!

Without him, this is all because Qin Shaofeng's soul now has the aura of two Dao realms, and it is difficult to complete the soul as a whole.

Although Qin Shaofeng on the earth is also part of the soul power separated from Qin Shaofeng's body.

But precisely because of this, it made Qin Shaofeng's breakthrough even more difficult.

If you want to break through the Dao realm, you need to completely integrate your soul with your body, and completely reach the realm of the unity of spirit and body.

The realm of soul and body as one!

Only in this way can you be promoted to the Dao Realm!

This is why, there are three ways to advance to the Dao realm, whether it is the soul or the body, you can instantly be promoted to the Dao realm.

Because once the soul and the body are fused, it can completely drive the other party to directly promote the Dao realm.

Of course, whether it is the soul or the body, this single promotion to the Dao realm is naturally different compared to the dual promotion of the soul and the body to the Dao realm.

Promoting to the Dao Realm will actually be rewarded by the power of the Dao Realm, and it is precisely because of such a reward that a person with a single soul or body can be promoted to the Dao Realm completely.

Simply put, it is to use this reward in one aspect that will only be insufficient, and to promote it to the realm.

But if the two aspects reach the Dao Realm, the rewards obtained can naturally improve their own strength.

Qin Feiyang had prepared so much for Qin Shaofeng, so naturally he planned to let Qin Shaofeng take the third path of dual promotion of soul and body.

Moreover, the third path Qin Feiyang prepared for his son's promotion to the Dao Realm was still very different.

Because Qin Feiyang intended to let him go, Qin Shaofeng made an extra special double breakthrough.

Make a breakthrough with the single soul and body of the two realms!

Such behavior, even in other realms, is definitely unique.

But it is conceivable that once it succeeds.

So the strength of Qin Shaofeng's Dao realm is by no means comparable to other Dao realm powerhouses.

Now Qin Shaofeng's soul has been fully promoted to the Great Perfection Realm of Soul Golden Body, and even under this situation, Qin Shaofeng can quickly raise his soul realm to Dao Realm in this Dao Ladder.

However, because of his father's words, Qin Shaofeng did not intend to let his soul directly break into the Dao Realm.

It is best to let his physical body directly reach the Dao realm, and then the soul and the physical body will be promoted to the Dao realm at the same time.

And Qin Shaofeng's soul can already be ascended to the Dao Realm in this Dao Realm.

Then according to his father Qin Feiyang's plan, Qin Shaofeng's body must be elevated to Dao state next time.

Moreover, if Qin Shaofeng's body is to be promoted to the Dao Realm, it must be on the Earth Dao Realm.

Given the current situation of the earth, it is simply impossible for a person's body to cultivate to the realm of Dao.

Body tempering, acquired, congenital, spiritual veins...

Then there is the holy realm, where it is the lord, the domain lord, the realm lord...

Then there is Nirvana and then to the final law state!

And above the law state is the Dao state!

With such a variety of realms, if you cultivate on the earth, even if you cultivate to the holy realm, it's a little unrealistic.

However, Qin Feiyang had already understood the situation of the Earth's Dao Realm a long time ago, and he had already thought out a countermeasure.

That is to let Qin Shaofeng completely swallow the Earth Dao Realm, and use the entire Earth Dao Realm as nourishment to raise Qin Shaofeng's body to Dao Realm!

The Dao realm reached in this way, the physical body is definitely far more powerful than other Dao realm powerhouses.

With such a physical breakthrough, and a double breakthrough with the soul, it is definitely not trivial.

It goes without saying that Qin Shaofeng's soul and body are still the power of the two Dao Realm systems.

However, in this way, the earth realm no longer exists.

Of course, the biggest problem for the earth now is not this.

Unless it is to take back the other half of the power of the ‘one’ Dao realm, otherwise, the earth’s Dao realm will be destroyed sooner or later.

But that half of the power of the "One" Dao Realm has been completely integrated into the power of the "One" Dao Realm of another Dao Realm.

In the face of such a situation, let alone Qin Feiyang, even the two powerhouses who were vying for the half of the power of the ‘one’ Dao realm in the beginning would be helpless.

If it were to be separated forcibly, it would not only affect Qi Yuanxing, but might have an incalculable impact on Qin Shaofeng and his Dao realm.

Qin Feiyang knew about this a long time ago.

Therefore, Qin Feiyang has a plan in mind.

Since there is only one place of life on the earth's Dao Realm, it will finally move the earth to this side, and then all the power of the Dao Realm on the earth's Dao Realm will be extracted.

After extracting the power of the Taoist world, integrate it into Qi Yuanxing.

As for the earth without the power of the Dao realm, it would be left to Qin Shaofeng to cultivate his body with nutrients.

Of course, after the process of fusion, it would be even better if Qin Shaofeng's body could directly swallow the power of the earth's Dao realm.

Because in that case, waiting for Qin Shaofeng to break through can only be stronger.

This is Qin Feiyang's plan!

A terrible and absurd opportunity!

Even the strongest star master class would never think of such a plan!

Because this is simply impossible!

Combine the soul and body of the two Dao realms to make a double breakthrough and promote Dao realm?

Oh, this simply doesn't work!

But this plan was after Qin Shaofeng's system was born, and the possibility already appeared!

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