Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1571: Destroyer

The appearance of the system allowed the impossible to happen to Qin Shaofeng.

This gave Qin Shaofeng the possibility of directly possessing the power of the two Dao realm systems and eventually breaking through the Dao realm.

As long as Qin Shaofeng returns to the earth realm again and cultivates a realm-level physical body, then all of this can be achieved.

Of course, before that, Qin Shaofeng still has one thing to do.

That is to help my father clean up some mess.

Over the years, Qin Feiyang has continuously absorbed the power of the earth's Dao realm from the earth's Dao realm with his own great indestructible incarnations.

Therefore, this was the birth of the Beast World.

This is one of the advantages, but in fact, facing such a situation, there are still some disadvantages, of which the biggest and most threatening one is a special existence born from this!

The power of the two Dao realms, if they meet under such circumstances, although it can bring out many benefits, it will also bring out many disadvantages.

In fact, in the era when the Jiang family was old, although Qi Yuanxing no longer gave birth to a Dao-level powerhouse, there was no Dao-level powerhouse anymore.

But at that time, there were still many places where Qiyuanxing could allow people to live.

But in that era, Qin Feiyang had an indestructible incarnation in the past.

But it was precisely because of this situation that his Indestructible Incarnation incarnation began to absorb the power of the earth's Dao realm without a plan.

Then, because of the fusion of the power of the two Dao realms, some repulsion finally appeared, and these repulsions appeared on Qi Yuanxing and became a negative and destructive force.

It was as if Qiyuan Star had been polluted. Under such negative forces, the environment in most areas began to be eroded and destroyed by infection.

Although Qin Feiyang's immortal incarnations finally realized this problem.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

After all, at that time, Qi Yuanxing's Dao Law was almost gone, and it was not recovered at all.

And this power is very evil. After the erosion, not to mention the cultivator, even the power of Qi Yuanxing's Dao law cannot stay again.

For this reason, Qin Feiyang's immortal incarnations, in conjunction with the powerful at the time, took in some creatures and the environment in the eroded area with great magical powers, and then refined them into small spaces, which were directly taken away from the original place.

And these small spaces are those small spaces and secret realms in the current ancient sanctuary, as well as the space of planes and so on.

Seriously speaking, what is now the ancient sanctuary is the countless space and plane secret realms, etc., in fact, the entire Qiyuan Star.

The reason for this is that some space planes lack aura and are far less powerful than the ancient sanctuary.

This is all because these spaces have been severely eroded to a certain extent in the face of the erosion of the negative force at the beginning.

But these are not very important, because these negative forces are not the greatest danger.

The biggest threat is the existence of this negative force.

Qin Shaofeng has actually seen this kind of existence. It is the strength of the barbarians cultivated by the barbarians, as well as the barbarian beasts of the barbarian world, and the world beasts!

However, whether it is the power of the barbarian cultivation, the barbarian beasts and the world beasts, they are actually just the negative forces that have eroded the laws of the Qiyuan Star Dao and some special existences.

On the contrary, this kind of birth is a good thing for the cultivators in Qiyuanxing's local area, because they can absorb these powers to enhance their own strength.

The reason for this is only because of the diffuse power of the Dao realm on Qiyuan Star and the neutralization of those negative forces.

But in addition to wild beasts and world beasts, there is another existence that was born and appeared entirely from that negative force.

This kind of existence was called a destruction beast by Qin Shaofeng's father!

Destroying beasts appeared very early, as early as before the birth of the Jiang family elders, that is, the age of the master of inheritance, the Lord of God's Punishment, which was inherited by Lord Tiger.

The appearance of the Destroying Beast was even more unexpected by Qin Feiyang. Under the natural fusion of the two Dao realms that he never expected, such an existence was born.

But he soon understood that, as the saying goes, things must be reversed, and everything has both pros and cons.

If the savage beast world is a good aspect, then the destruction of beasts is a bad aspect, and it is still completely and extremely bad.

The reason why the beast of destruction is called the beast of destruction is because once the beast of destruction appears, it will destroy everything in front of it.

Resources are destroyed, creatures are slaughtered, and even the environment is destroyed.

Back then, it was precisely because of the appearance of the Destroyer Beast that led to the trend of destruction of Qi Yuanxing.

Countless strong men have sacrificed in order to deal with the destruction beast.

Even after the end of the Seven Realms War, the last few Dao realm powerhouses left by Qi Yuanxing were all due to the destruction of the beast.

That God Punishment Venerable is one of them!

It wasn't until after knowing this matter that Qin Shaofeng knew that the inheritance obtained by Lord Tiger was actually the inheritance of a powerful Dao realm.

In the ancient times, the Dao realm powerhouses on Qiyuan Star were regarded as gods and demons, and this was the so-called family of gods and demons.

After countless strong men sacrificed, the Destroyer Beast was finally sealed.

Yes, it is a seal, not a complete destruction!

In fact, the Destroyer Beast cannot be completely eliminated.

But the price of this seal was extremely huge, and that was to seal the destruction beast with more than 95% of the area of ​​Qi Yuanxing.

In the end, the entire Qiyuan Star was left with only the ancient sanctuary, this place of birth.

The original seal is quite strong!

Even because of such a seal, all the destruction beasts fell asleep and stopped their endless destruction.

As for these years, many cultivators have also appeared in the ancient sanctuary, leaving the ancient sanctuary to go to other areas of Qiyuan Star to conduct so-called exploration.

But few people can resist the area where the destruction beast is sleeping, because the farther away from the ancient sanctuary, the more destruction power can be ended.

The destructive force mentioned here is the negative force.

Destructive power is not something that everyone can bear. Once it cannot bear it, it is easy to be infected and then self-destruct.

This is why, there is no message of destruction beasts in the ancient sanctuary.

However, there are still people in the ancient sanctuary that know the existence of the destruction beast, and the ancient saints and the ancient demons have a long history of tribes, and there are records of destruction beasts in the tribe.

But only a very small number of people can access such information.

And it's always because the end of the year is too long, and the record of the destruction of the beast is only a record, and few people understand it.

But just tens of thousands of years ago, to be precise, when the ancient sanctuary discovered that the entrance of the savage beast world appeared in the Nirvana world, the situation was completely different.

The emergence of the Brutal Beast Realm is actually a proof that it has become stronger. After the Brutal Beast Realm became stronger, a spatial opening appeared in the Nirvana Realm.

The strength of the savage beast realm shows that the power of the earth realm has been absorbed more and more.

But this also makes the negative force stronger.

This is to let the seal of Destruction Beast appear to loosen.

Although most of the destruction beasts are still in a deep sleep state, some of the smaller destruction beasts have shown signs of partial awakening.

Destroyer beasts are very powerful, even if it is a one-star Destroyer beast, it is equivalent to the title of an emperor with the realm of a hundred avenues.

And because of its destructive power, one-star destruction beasts usually have more strength than those in the realm of a hundred avenues.

Under normal circumstances, at least three people with a pattern of one hundred avenues are needed to barely fight.

After the brutal beast world was discovered by the ancient sanctuary, it didn't take long for the destruction beast to appear outside the ancient sanctuary.

Although the place where the Destruction Beast appeared, it was still far away from the place where the ancient sanctuary was located.

But after so many years, many experts in the ancient sanctuary have gone out to explore and entered some areas where destruction beasts can appear, which naturally caused some people to encounter destruction beasts.

Although the people who encountered Destroyer Beasts were actually killed by Destroyer Beasts.

But after all, a small number of people survived by fluke.

Then, the powerhouses of the ancient sanctuary knew the existence of the destruction beast.

In fact, for this reason, the Baidi and Tiandi Jiang Hengtian and other strong men went deep into the places where the destruction beasts appeared and checked.

However, after killing some destruction beasts in the end, Baidi and the others returned.

Because after some investigations, the most that appeared were four or five-star destruction beasts, and this was a powerful person equivalent to the pattern of four hundred roads.

It's just that such a destruction beast is not a hazard.

As for the other more powerful destruction beasts, Baidi and others seemed to be still being sealed.

Therefore, although they are very concerned, this situation is not a crisis.

However, since some Destroyer Beasts have awakened, then no one is sure whether the other high-level and powerful Destroyer Beasts will also come to life.

This is already a potential crisis, and after Baidi and other powerhouses' investigations, they feel that although the chance of other Destroying Beasts awakening is not great, it is not completely impossible.

This is why, when discovering the savage beast realm, those masters of the ancient sanctuary are so impatient to take the brutal beast realm.

Because they discovered that the Great Beast Realm has great laws and great great ladders.

Facing the destruction beast that is likely to fully awaken, now it is natural to enhance the overall strength of the ancient sanctuary.

And the Great Dao and Ladder of the Brutal Beast Realm is a shortcut to enhance the strength of the ancient sanctuary.

It's just that in the latter case, there was an accident, that is, excessive consumption of the rules of the Great Beast Realm, and the Great Beast Ladder of the Brutal Beast Realm appeared all at once.

This situation is better for the ancient sanctuary.

Because of this, the overall strength of the ancient sanctuary can be improved a lot.

But the ruling sacreds of the ancient sanctuary didn't know that such excessive consumption of the great laws of the barbaric beasts caused the negative power of Qi Yuanxing to increase again.

The increase in negative power has led to a skyrocketing destructive power, which caused the destruction beasts that were sealed to sleep to loose their seals.

And the loosening this time is a danger that can make all the destruction beasts awaken.

Under such circumstances, Qin Feiyang was naturally impatient.

But now he can't contribute any more, at most, it is a few great indestructible incarnations, which can be regarded as a combat power.

However, Qin Feiyang, who knows Destroy Beasts very well, knew very well in his heart that among Destroy Beasts, there could be super-star Destroy Beasts close to Dao realm level.

This super-star destruction beast, even his strongest indestructible incarnation of Baidi, could never be an opponent.

Even the entire ancient sanctuary did not exist against the super-star destruction beast.

However, that was before, now, but with Qin Shaofeng!

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