Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1586: Liu Ya and conflict

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng suddenly became wise, so he explained, "Don't make trouble, I was wrong, and I won't let you crowd the bus anymore."

Then, Qin Shaofeng put his sister in his arms.

At this time, the girl was a little dazed for a while because of Qin Shaofeng's arms, but she was going to get angry soon.

Upon seeing this, Qin Shaofeng hurriedly said in a low voice: "Hey, beauties, don't be impulsive. Didn't you see everyone in the car come over? Do you want to be famous?"

The girl paused slightly, only to realize that there were a lot of eyes around, looking at the two of her, and she felt a little embarrassed for a while.

And at this time, she also reacted, although she had just been touched by the opponent to a place that shouldn't be touched, she also knew in her heart that the other party was not intentional.

And if it wasn't for the other party, she would probably fall directly to the ground.

In the end, she stopped making trouble, and said angrily at Qin Shaofeng in a low voice, "Don't let go?"

Qin Shaofeng also breathed a sigh of relief, and said immediately: "Okay, I'll let go, you hold on to yourself, and be careful not to fall."

Then, Qin Shaofeng loosened his arms around the girl's waist and arrived at the school gate just then.

Qin Shaofeng also hurriedly got off the car, and then saw that the girl just got off.

The other party is in the same school as me?

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and immediately followed.

Although Qin Shaofeng's school had two dormitories for men and women, the two buildings were out, one after the other.

The female dormitory is at the front and the boys at the back.

Walking in this way, Qin Shaofeng quickly walked to the female dormitory building, and the girl was planning to return to the dormitory area.

However, when Qin Shaofeng had just walked downstairs to the dormitory, he saw the corner of the dormitory. There was a boy who was leaning against a BMW and holding a bunch of roses. The girl came over.

But looking at the other person's dress and the BMW, Qin Shaofeng knew that this was a rich second generation.

Oh, is it another gold worshiper who fell in front of the rich second generation?

Qin Shaofeng shook his head slightly, feeling a little regretful.

Because his first impression of this girl is pretty good!

But he did not expect that the other party was a gold worshiper.

However, Qin Shaofeng soon knew that he was wrong.

Because the girl saw the rich second generation who was walking, her face was a bit disgusted, it was obvious that this situation was completely different from Qin Shaofeng's guess.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know. In fact, for this rich second generation, that girl was very clear about who the other party was.

She also knows that the rich second generation who pursued her, although the person looks good, but the other party is a real scumbag, relying on his own family to have a little money on weekdays, in the school'dominant blessing', harming many girls , Can also be regarded as a'celebrity'.

In fact, this is also true!

Xu Wentao, the only son of the school’s largest shareholder, who pursues this girl’s rich second generation of celebrities, is the only son of the school’s largest shareholder.

After chasing the person into bed, after getting tired of playing, kick it away, and at most it is to send the other party with a stroke.

However, it is precisely because of this that Xu Wentao has not been sued by anyone.

Speaking of it, it's all because of money!

But for this kind of situation, the girl is very disagree.

She did not have much money, and her life was not rich, but she was not a woman who worshipped gold. Faced with Xu Wentao's chasing after spending money, she directly refused.

But Xu Wentao was really thick-skinned, and he didn't care about her refusal at all. Now he came to pester herself again, no matter what, like a fly.

I only saw Xu Wentao come to the girl, and said sincerely: "Liu Ya, be my girlfriend, I am serious, and I swear that I will treat you well."

After that, he handed the flowers to the sister Liu Ya, with a sincere look on her face.

But this is not the first time Liu Ya has seen Xu Wentao do this, so she said impatiently: "Xu Wentao, give up, I can't be your girlfriend."

When Qin Shaofeng saw this situation, his heart moved slightly, and immediately ran forward and came to Liu Ya's side.

"Xiaoya, you're back, I'm still waiting for you to have dinner, let's go". Qin Shaofeng went over and hugged Liu Ya's waist.

The sudden appearance of Qin Shaofeng surprised Liu Ya, but she quickly realized that Qin Shaofeng was helping her.

Therefore, Liu Ya was very cooperative and hugged Qin Shaofeng, and smiled and said: "Well, I heard that there is a new Mala Tang on the snack street, which tastes quite good, let's try it!"

After hearing these words, Qin Shaofeng nodded slightly, smiled and said, "Okay, let's go."

When Xu Wentao saw the goddess he was after, being hugged by Qin Shaofeng, he was extremely angry, and immediately went to stand opposite Qin Shaofeng.

"Boy, who are you? Are you worthy of Liu Ya? Look at this poor picture of you, you don't want toads wanting to eat swan meat. If you are acquainted, leave Liu Ya as soon as possible, or you will be afraid to stay in this school. Can't go on." Xu Wentao said threateningly.

But after Qin Shaofeng heard it, he smiled and said to Liu Ya: "Did you see where the toad is? Well, it's the toad in front of you. It's really not self-knowing to follow you every day. My dear, I tell you, you Be careful of being disgusted by him."

Liu Ya laughed after hearing it, and said: "Well, I know, then let's go quickly. I don't want others to disturb our time between the two, and I want to be disgusted."

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng and Liu Ya, who sang a harmony, worked very well together.

But Xu Wentao immediately exploded when he heard it. You must know that Xu Wentao is not alone. As a rich second generation, a person of great status, Xu Wentao naturally has many younger brothers.

This time, he brought two younger brothers, but they had been far away before.

But now the two younger brothers that Xu Wentao had brought with him seemed to see something wrong with Qin Shaofeng, so they ran over directly and walked in front of Qin Shaofeng with a swagger. Then he said to Qin Shaofeng: "You are so courageous boy, dare to talk to Xu Shao like this, are you tired of living?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled after hearing this, and said to Xu Wentao, "Is this your shit?"

Dog legs?

Qin Shaofeng's words immediately let Xu Wentao's two younger brothers quit.

Although what Qin Shaofeng said is really true, but when he said it face to face, he said that they were horrible, isn't that cursing them?

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

One of Xu Wentao yelled angrily, and hit Qin Shaofeng's nose with a punch.

But just when the opponent was about to hit Qin Shaofeng's nose, Qin Shaofeng calmly raised his hand and grabbed the opponent's fist.

"With your skills as a three-legged cat, you dare to behave in front of me."

Qin Shaofeng sneered, with a fierce force.


The little brother of Xu Wentao let out a scream of ghost crying and wolf howling, like an egg being crushed by someone, grinning with pain, his face almost distorted.

Then Qin Shaofeng kicked out, kicked directly on the chest of this little brother Xu Wentao, kicking him out.

And while kicking the other side, the other side slammed into the other boy again, and in the end both fell to the ground, looking very embarrassed.

And this scene made Xu Wentao frightened.

You must know that his two younger brothers are both members of the school sports team, not to mention their burly and powerful figures, but they are also good at fighting.

If not, how could Xu Wentao spend money on both of them?

But Xu Wentao didn't know that even his two little brothers, no matter how they could fight, they were just ordinary people.

Although Qin Shaofeng is only cultivating a breath in his body, seriously speaking, he has successfully cultivated "The Book of Gods and Demons" and is already a cultivator.

How weak is a cultivator, how could he not be able to deal with two ordinary people?

"While I'm not angry, get out of here, otherwise, you will be at your own risk." Qin Shaofeng frowned, looked at Xu Wentao and his two younger brothers not far away, and said coldly.

But Xu Wentao was angry, staring at his two little brothers, and roared: "Give it to me!"

The two younger brothers stumbled up from the ground, looking at Qin Shaofeng's eyes full of anger, one of them even brought a trace of resentment, and then in the next instant, he actually took out a switchblade directly from his pocket.

"But let us go? Boy, do you really take yourself seriously?" The man sneered.

"Who will let someone go and say it is not necessarily."

Xu Wentao felt shocked when he saw that his little brother had actually used the knife, but then when he saw Liu Ya next to Qin Shaofeng, he was angry and didn't say anything to stop him.

But at this moment, Liu Ya was nervous.

Upon seeing this, Qin Shaofeng patted Liu Ya's little hand and signaled her not to worry.

Then, Qin Shaofeng looked back at the little brother who was holding the switchblade, and said disapprovingly: "The kitten with long nails also dreams of becoming a tiger. Are you showing IQ with me? A pencil sharpening knife, you frighten who?"

When Qin Shaofeng said it was a little cat, Xu Wentao's little brother was even more angry. At any rate, he was also a relatively open person in this school, and he didn't expect to be belittled by the stunned man in front of him.

Angrily in his heart, the switchblade in the little brother's hand pointed at Qin Shaofeng, and in the next moment, he rushed over.


Very unexpected and normal!

That little brother was kicked out again by Qin Shaofeng, and even the switchblade in his hand was snatched by Qin Shaofeng.

This scene fell on Xu Wentao and his remaining little brother, even in Liu Ya's eyes, but they were all very surprised and even shocked.

Because no one at the scene could see clearly how Qin Shaofeng made the move.

He shot too fast!

But in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, this was normal.

However, Qin Shaofeng's shot completely shook the three of Xu Wentao.

Xu Wentao is not stupid, he knows the strength of his little brother, under normal circumstances, three or five people are not enough for his little brother.

But in front of this man who appeared suddenly, he was kicked again and again.

Such a person is certainly not easy!

And Xu Wentao could see that the other party didn't seem to be afraid of him, and he didn't know if the other party was confident, or did not know the identity of Xu Wentao.

But no matter which situation it is, Xu Wentao knows that if this situation continues to develop, he may be the one who suffers.

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