Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1587: 204 Dormitory

"let's go!"

In the end, Xu Wentao gave Qin Shaofeng a hard look before turning around and leaving.

When Xu Wentao's little brother saw this, the little brother whose father was knocked down by Qin Shaofeng immediately hurriedly left.

Although he left, Xu Wentao didn't plan to let it go.

An unknown kid unexpectedly made him leave in such embarrassment, this thing can't be left alone.

After walking a little farther, Xu Wentao said to the two younger brothers: "This hatred is definitely going to be reported. You two will investigate the identity and background of that kid and see what his background is!"


"I see, Shao Xu!"


After seeing Xu Wentao leaving, Liu Ya said to Qin Shaofeng, "Are you doing anything?"

Liu Ya looked worried, after all, the other party just took a knife.


Qin Shaofeng glanced at Liu Ya in amazement, and played with the switchblade in his hand skillfully, and said to Liu Ya playfully, "You see me like this, it seems something is happening?"

Liu Ya paused slightly and smiled slightly when he looked at the switchblade that Qin Shaofeng had put away.

"Thank you, if it weren’t for you, I don’t know how to get rid of this scumbag. As a thank you for inviting you to dinner at noon today! But let’s say yes, I’m very poor, so I can only buy you a spicy soup !"

Qin Shaofeng smiled when he heard it, and nodded: "Okay! Since it's a beautiful treat, I won't refuse it, and Mala Tang is also very delicious!"

When Qin Shaofeng said what she had said, Liu Ya's face turned red all at once, and she said to Qin Shaofeng, "Okay, let's go!"

"Yeah!" Qin Shaofeng nodded, then seemed to think of something, and said, "By the way, the beauty first introduce herself, my name is Qin Shaofeng, Qin Shaofeng of Qin Shihuang, the young man, the breezy wind."

"Hello, Qin Shaofeng, my name is Liu Ya, Liu of Wendao Liu, gentle and elegant!"

"Gentle? Your temper, I don't think it is very gentle!"

"Hmph, you have to look at who is right!"



The two chatted happily, and they walked to the school’s snack street. Then they ate a malatang meal at the newly opened Mala Tang shop, and then left.

Qin Shaofeng was very emotional about this, because according to his memory, he hadn't eaten Mala Tang for many years.

This asked...

Although it is not delicious on earth, it is to make him miss it extra!

After exchanging contact information with Liu Ya, he sent her downstairs to the dormitory, then left, and then returned to her dormitory.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't realize that when he left, Liu Ya looked at him a few more times!

When I came to the door of my dormitory and looked at 204 at the door, I felt that I hadn't returned to the dormitory for tens of thousands of years. When I saw the dormitory, I also stood with a very emotional expression, and had a long aftertaste.

It was not until a long time later that Qin Shaofeng opened the door and went in.

After entering the dormitory, Qin Shaofeng found that the dormitory was empty, and then Qin Shaofeng went back to his bed and planned to lie down for a nap, but he didn't want to. During this nap, Qin Shaofeng fell asleep in a daze.

And this sleep was for a few hours, and in a blink of an eye it was evening.

Dimly, it seemed that he suddenly heard other noises in the dormitory. Qin Shaofeng woke up immediately, and then looked up, it turned out that it was the second child in the dormitory who had returned.

Well, it's Erye Hu Xiaochuan!

Hu Xiaochuan actually came back for a while, but when he saw Qin Shaofeng lying on the bed, he seemed to be asleep, so he didn't bother to wake Qin Shaofeng.

However, Hu Xiaochuan walked out of the dormitory quietly and made two phone calls.

But Hu Xiaochuan didn’t know. With Qin Shaofeng’s current ability, he was sober the moment Hu Xiaochuan opened the door and walked in. Even when Hu Xiaochuan called, Qin Shaofeng knew clearly that he was called the boss and the old man. Four back.

Then, some other people were notified, and a few people who had a good time went to celebrate Qin Shaofeng's discharge from the hospital.

This made Qin Shaofeng still a little moved. Hu Xiaochuan seemed unreliable on weekdays, but in fact, he was still very concerned about him.

There were four people in the dormitory where Qin Shaofeng was staying. All four people came from different places.

Boss Chen Dazhuang, a big man from Shandong, burly and powerful, basketball player, although he is ordinary, but because of his good basketball skills, he is also more enthusiastic and loyal. He is very respected by other members of the basketball team, which also makes him among the girls. Not a small popularity.

In fact, with Chen Dazhuang's conditions, he should actually be the fastest to get out of the 204 dormitory.

But maybe it's a bit emotionally slow. Well, in Hu Xiaochuan's words, it is because of the well-developed limbs and simple mind, which makes Chen Dazhuang still one of the hard-core fans of the 204 golden single dormitory!

Well, to put it simply, there is still no girlfriend.

However, Chen Dazhuang did not show any urgency in this regard, nor did he rush to make a girlfriend.

On the contrary, the old erhu Xiaochuan in the dormitory is very urgent. He wants to make a girlfriend and show his affection!

But it is a pity that he is inconsistent with his temperament, and when he sees a beautiful woman, he stepped forward and said that he was recruiting a girlfriend.

The matter of making a girlfriend is very worrying!

The third child is naturally Qin Shaofeng, there is nothing to say here.

However, Qin Shaofeng also doesn't know whether he has a girlfriend or not yet?

On the ancient sanctuary side, there is no need to say more.

Meng Xin'er, Zhao Yun'er, Gong Qingzi, etc., are all his women.

But on earth, Qin Shaofeng seems to remember that he seems to be an absolute ‘original product’!

The youngest fourth in the dormitory has a strange name, Bai Xiaobai.

The old four hundred Xiaobai, the youngest of the four brothers, is called Xiaobai.

Although the old erhu Xiaochuan often said to himself "Fang Age 18", but the actual product is already 21 years old, which shows that it is forcibly pretending to be tender.

But Bai Xiaobai is really only eighteen years old, absolutely young meat!

Moreover, the old four hundred Xiaobai is still an absolute top student. He graduated from high school at the age of 15 and was admitted to this famous university with absolutely excellent results.

Originally, Bai Xiaobai's results were enough to go to the top and second prestigious school in the country.

But in the end, he chose Qin Shaofeng Te University just because he was close to home, and it eventually became everything in the 204 dormitory.

As for Bai Xiaobai, Qin Shaofeng really admires him. This guy can keep reading all day long, and he can easily integrate with reading and reading. He didn't respond to how he called it. Hu Xiaochuan called him a nerd.

Had it not been for a time when he was surrounded and deliberately embarrassed, Qin Shaofeng's three came to relieve him, it is estimated that he would not associate with the three.

The three people in the dormitory have different personalities and even different hobbies.

However, there is a little difference between several people, they are very consistent, and they are emotional.

Once they had a deep friendship, Qin Shaofeng discovered that all three of them were able to become like capitals.

Especially Qin Shaofeng heard from the young nurse that the three of them were hospitalized, but they went to see him whenever he had time.

This moved Qin Shaofeng very much.

At the same time, this also made Qin Shaofeng's decision secretly to help the three brothers in this dormitory in the future and lead them to the pinnacle of life.

After all, with his current ability, it is not difficult at all to do this.

After a while, the eldest son and the fourth son returned, and Qin Shaofeng slowly got up.

Suddenly, the dormitory quickly became lively, and it was obvious that Qin Shaofeng was discharged from the hospital, which was also a happy event for the other three people in the dormitory.

"The third child, you can't be killed by electricity. It's definitely a blessing if you don't die. If you get rich in the future, you must take care of us." The boss said.

Qin Shaofeng smiled and said, "Or I will give you an electric once to see if you can get rich."

"Uh, that's it, I don't want to try that taste!" The boss's face suddenly became embarrassed, and then he hurriedly changed the subject.

"By the way, since the third child is discharged from the hospital, let's celebrate somewhere."

At this time, the old erhu Xiaochuan also nodded and said: "Yes, let's celebrate! Then we can go to the Windsor KTV or the night bar, or go to the sauna."

At the end of the day, Hu Xiaochuan's expression has become serious.

But at this time, the fourth child who was reading aside suddenly looked up and saw Hu Xiaochuan not speaking, but he chuckled lightly.

"Ha ha!"

Hu Xiaochuan: "..."

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng felt helpless for a while, this **** became increasingly unreliable.

And at this time, Qin Shaofeng didn't have much fun, so he said, "Forget it, let's go to the food stall and drink a little beer!"

"Well, that's not bad, the food stalls are not good for consumption!" The boss Chen Dazhuang also nodded.

Seeing that everyone else was the same, Hu Xiaochuan finally sighed and didn't insist on anything.

Soon, the four of them walked out of the dormitory, then called in many classmates who had had a good time, and set off together to the food stall outside the school.

At the food stall, many people celebrated Qin Shaofeng’s discharge from the hospital.

Although it was just a food stall, the food was cheap, but for Qin Shaofeng, with his brothers and classmates, eating and drinking like this was really like a previous life.

The drinks were almost the same, everyone was already full, and then, except for the 204, Qin Shaofeng's other classmates also dispersed.

Qin Shaofeng and the four of them also planned to return to the dormitory.

But when they were on the way back to school, the four of them suddenly saw a group of people in front of them.

The four people were curious and ran up to watch, and then they saw a seventy or eighty-year-old man lying on the ground, and the people around were pointing and talking.

When Qin Shaofeng watched the old man lying on the ground, he noticed for the first time that the old man’s breathing was about to stop. Several medical staff nearby were giving the old man artificial respiration. It seemed that some onlookers had called 120.

But seeing this situation, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly when he noticed the old man's breath.

Because according to this situation, if these medical staff continue to rescue like this, this old man will undoubtedly die.

This is not to say that their rescue method is wrong, but that their method is correct, but the problem is that this old man's situation can not be rescued in this way.

If Qin Shaofeng hadn't seen it, the old man's heart should have a serious problem.

Although he is not a doctor, because of his high alchemy skills, it can be said that Qin Shaofeng also has some experience in medical skills.

Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to say anything else, but it was just some simple, that is, people with a low cultivation base, Qin Shaofeng could solve many intractable diseases.

As for ordinary people, there is no problem.

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