Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1588: Save People (Part 1)

Since we have met, we can't die without saving.

When I met Qin Shaofeng, he walked over, planning to take action. This made the three of Hu Xiaochuan couldn't even stop them, and they were so stunned for a while.

Because Qin Shaofeng's actions were completely beyond their surprise.

A medical staff nearby saw Qin Shaofeng coming over suddenly, and without thinking about it, he drew a low voice: "Classmates, don't come close, or you can't afford to delay the rescue."

Qin Shaofeng frowned, and then suddenly remembered that this is the earth at his current age. If he could save the old man, no one would believe it.

However, since he had a decision in his heart, he would naturally give up like this.

Looking up, Qin Shaofeng quickly saw that there was a special person on the scene. This person was looking at the old man urgently, and a doctor next to him was talking to him.

Just looking at it, Qin Shaofeng knew that this was the old man's family.

The family member of this old man is a mature beauty who looks more than 30 years old. Qin Shaofeng guessed that the other party should be the old man's daughter or daughter-in-law.

So Qin Shaofeng came to the beauty and said directly: "This lady, this old gentleman is in danger now. If the rescue method is improper, his life can easily be in danger! However, if you can rest assured , I can save him!"


When this beauty heard Qin Shaofeng's words, she came directly to Qin Shaofeng, with an eager look on her face, and asked directly, "Do you know how to treat a disease?"

Qin Shaofeng nodded and looked at the beauty in her 30s. He accidentally saw the fullness of the beauty's chest. However, Qin Shaofeng quickly moved his gaze away, without showing any embarrassment. Of nature.

Qin Shaofeng didn't write with her either, because according to the old man's situation at the moment, there was not much time left, so he just started talking.

"A grandfather of my hometown is a very famous Chinese medicine doctor. I have been interested in this aspect since I was a child. His hometown taught a lot about Chinese medicine. Therefore, I still have a certain understanding of some aspects of Chinese medicine."

Well, Qin Shaofeng started to talk nonsense.

But he couldn't help it. Now in order to gain the other party's belief, he can only say that.

"I observe the state of this old man at the moment. If I use some common sense of first aid, I am afraid that it will be difficult to play any role. Only by using the unique acupuncture technique of Chinese medicine can there be some plans. Otherwise, the old man may not be able to use medicine. Doctor, you can only prepare for the funeral."

Hearing Qin Shaofeng's words, the beauty's face was even more anxious. Before Qin Shaofeng could speak, she grabbed Qin Shaofeng's arm and took him directly to the old man who had passed out of a coma.

"This little brother also asks you to help and save my father. As long as he can save my father, I will pay a lot of money."

In this process, the beauty seemed to be too bad because of her father's situation. She had lost her square inch and completely forgot that Qin Shaofeng was just a young man in his early twenties and actually believed in Qin Shaofeng.

In fact, this is also strange, because the director-level doctor beside her just now told her that her father's condition is very bad, and according to the environment on the scene, it is difficult to rescue him.

If you are in a fully equipped hospital now, this is not a problem, but the worst thing is that the old man’s physical condition does not allow transfer.

Because of the bumpy situation, it is even worse. It is even possible that the old man will just leave it if he can't hold on to the hospital.

Faced with the doctor's statement, Li Min suddenly panicked. As a strong woman in a shopping mall, this Li Min is very smart and capable in the shopping mall, even on weekdays.

But in the face of her father's crisis, she completely lost her squareness, and she didn't look like a shrewd strong woman at all.

And the director didn't stop it. In fact, Qin Shaofeng's appearance made him breathe a sigh of relief.

Because in his opinion, Li Min's father can no longer be rescued, and this is the same even if he is fully equipped.

But facing a person like Li Min, the director naturally didn't dare to tell the truth, and could only be euphemistic.

But even if it is tactful, his heart is very bad, because in any case, Li Min's father died here, so he will definitely be affected.

And most importantly, the identity of Li Min, the father, is not simple, which makes him very urgent.

Even the director was thinking before, how nice it would be if he didn't come here!

But now it's different. A kid who appeared in the middle of nowhere said he was a Chinese medicine doctor, which was a good thing for him.

Because in the end, as long as the death of Li Min's father is all blamed on the other party, this will definitely allow Li Min's anger to shift the target and prevent him from being implicated.

Therefore, in the face of Qin Shaofeng's sudden appearance, he didn't say anything to stop him. He even stopped a nurse who planned to scold Qin Shaofeng, and winked at the other nurses and doctors present.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng had noticed the actions of the director and the medical staff present, and guessed what they meant, but he didn't say much, because Qin Shaofeng didn't want to delay any time.

Qin Shaofeng did not grind, so he squatted down and began to examine the old man.

Although there is no divine consciousness assistance, but after just touching the old man's pulse and testing some parts of the old man's body, Qin Shaofeng already has a general understanding of the old man's condition.

Then Qin Shaofeng stood up and said directly to Li Min: "I probably understand the condition and there are ways to treat it. But the problem is that I don't have the tools to treat this old man at the moment."

Qin Shaofeng's words were not evasive, he really had a way, but he really didn't have any tools.

"Tools? What tools do you want?"

It wasn't that the other person was the director, because after hearing Qin Shaofeng's words, he thought that Qin Shaofeng could not stand it anymore and planned to leave it alone.

This can't work, it's hard to come to a substitute for the dead, he doesn't want to miss it like this.

"I want a set of silver needles. With this old gentleman's current situation, I can only use acupuncture with silver needles so that he can wake up." Qin Shaofeng said lightly.

As soon as Qin Shaofeng finished speaking, the director was a little angry, because he believed that this was Qin Shaofeng's evasive statement.

What silver needles, acupuncture, you really think you are alive Huatuo!

Angrily in his heart, this director just wanted to scold Qin Shaofeng.

Because he had made up his mind, even if the young man in front of him wanted to shirk something, he would definitely rely on the other party and give him the responsibility of delaying the rescue opportunity.

But before the director could speak, Li Min said impatiently: "Silver Needle? I have a set at home, so I will ask someone to get it for you."

"Well, that's good, it's better to hurry up, the old gentleman's situation is at most ten minutes later, I can do nothing!"

Hearing Qin Shaofeng's words, Li Min nodded, and then said to a **** man dressed as a bodyguard next to him: "Wang Hu, you go back quickly!"

The dark shadow man named Wang Hu nodded and turned around and ran, and this run was to a neighborhood not far away.

Seeing this Qin Shaofeng was also slightly surprised, because he found that the black-clothed bodyguard had a good speed, and there was even some aura in his body.

It's just that these breaths are stronger than ordinary people.

The silver needle had fallen, and Qin Shaofeng didn't idle either. He felt the pulse of the old man with his right hand, and then circulated the breath in his body.

Although the aura in Qin Shaofeng's body is so small, this is the breath cultivated in "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", even if it is a little bit, it has a very magical effect.

At the very least, it can hold the old man's last breath temporarily, and the ten minutes Qin Shaofeng said before is just a conservative statement. With the slightest breath in his body, it is enough to hold the old man's last breath for twenty or thirty minutes.

But then again, if that's the case, it will be more difficult to treat it, so Qin Shaofeng only said the figure for ten minutes.

At this time, Li Min had already reacted.

Because of the previous panic, this caused her to ignore Qin Shaofeng's age. Now she can see clearly that Qin Shaofeng is only a college student in her early twenties. Li Min frowned and felt that she was in a hurry to go to the doctor.

What kind of medical skills can such a young person have.

Li Min was surprised and thought to stop Qin Shaofeng.

But the next moment, after seeing that his father was under Qin Shaofeng's hand and his breathing no longer was so fast, Li Min's eyes lit up, and the steps he was about to take suddenly returned.

Because of his father's body, Li Min has never seen a doctor, even a Chinese medicine doctor.

Therefore, Li Min also has some understanding of some medical techniques of Chinese medicine.

Therefore, she could see that although the college student in front of her was young, she did know some Chinese medicine skills.


A hint of hope flashed in Li Min's eyes. She was too anxious before, but now she has calmed down, and she knows in her heart that Director Chen next to her is helpless with her father.

If not, how could he not stop, a college student who popped up suddenly?

This is obviously unreasonable!

As a shopping mall, Li Min, who had been rolling for many years, quickly understood.

This is which Director Chen is looking for a substitute, that is to say, facing the situation of his father at the moment, this Director Chen has given up.

Well, she now only has the last ray of hope for the young man who appeared suddenly.


That Wang Hu's speed was really fast. Seven minutes later, he had already ran back, and he still didn't breathe or blush.

I saw that Wang Hu already had a small box made of red sandalwood in his hand. The small box had a very exquisite seal carving pattern. After seeing the small box, Qin Shaofeng muttered in his heart.

"Just looking at the packaging of this set of silver needles is so exquisite, I'm afraid this set of silver is not easy."

You should know that purple trembling wood is very expensive wood, and Qin Shaofeng can see it at a glance, this is small leaf purple trembling wood.

The small-leaf red sandalwood is mature for 800 years, and its growth is extremely slow, and the yield of ten sandalwood is very low, so the price is normal.

Moreover, in the ancient China, the small leaf rosewood was the emperor's tree, and even princes and ministers were not qualified to own it.

One can imagine how precious the price of small red sandalwood is per pound.

And because of its long growth cycle, low yield, high density, and extreme corrosion resistance, red sandalwood is widely used in the court. It is called "the wood of the emperor" and "the king of the wood". Become one of the most popular literary games.

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