Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1589: Save people (part 2)

Purple Tremwood is very valuable, and Qin Shaofeng knew this very well.

However, the most made of purple tremor wood is Buddhist bead bracelets, furniture and other things, only the small leaf purple tremor wood of decorative boxes, this is the first time Qin Shaofeng has seen it.

As soon as Wang Hu ran back, Li Min brought the box over immediately, and then handed the small box directly to Qin Shaofeng.

"Little brother, quickly save my father." Li Min said anxiously.

"Relax, I will do my best." Qin Shaofeng nodded.

After Qin Shaofeng finished speaking, he opened the red sandalwood box, and after opening it, Qin Shaofeng was slightly taken aback.

After opening this, Qin Shaofeng saw the silver needle, but it was very delicate. A silver needle of this level is probably not simple.

However, Qin Shaofeng also knew that now is not the time to pay attention to these things, save people first and talk about other things.

And with the quality of this set of silver needles, Qin Shaofeng felt more confident in his heart.

After taking out the silver needle, Qin Shaofeng faced the acupuncture points on the old man's body with a burst of flying needles.

In just three seconds, all the twenty-four silver needles in the purple tremor wooden box were taken out, and they were pierced into the old man.

This scene stunned Director Chen on the side.

This technique, this speed, and the lack of hesitation when dropping the needle, this...

This... Is this the legendary flying needle?

For a while, Director Chen's eyes widened. Although he is a Western medicine, in fact, he also knows something about Chinese medicine.

Because the dean of their hospital is a Chinese medicine doctor, he still has some understanding of acupuncture.

In just two or three seconds before him, the young man pierced 24 silver needles very smoothly into the acupuncture points of Mr. Li's body.

This speed can only make Director Chen think of the flying needle acupuncture that the dean of his hospital once mentioned accidentally!

You must know that the flying needles that Director Chen recognizes are not the kind of flying needles that can be seen in ordinary hospitals.

The flying needle is really powerful.

Just like this situation!

However, seeing Qin Shaofeng's face, Director Chen was puzzled again.

The young man in front of him looks like he should be less than 20 years old. He should be just a college student. Is his medical skills so brilliant?

No matter what Director Chen's heart is, Li Min, who is next to him, is excited when she sees Qin Shaofeng's injection technique.

She had also heard of the situation of Feizhen walking acupuncture points.

Although Li Min didn't know if the young man in front of him was flying acupuncture points, but just such a technique was enough to give Li Min great hope for Qin Shaofeng.

The other three people in the 204 dormitory not far away were stunned.

After Qin Shaofeng stepped up, the three of them already regretted it without stopping.

Because in their opinion, Qin Shaofeng didn't know any medical skills at all, wouldn't it just add chaos to walk up?

But seeing that the situation was not right, they didn't say much, they could only watch it anxiously.

But the current situation seems to be different from what they thought.

"When did the third child know how to use acupuncture?" The old erhu Xiaochuan asked with confusion on his face, and he glanced over the boss Chen Dazhuang and the old 400 Xiaobai next to him.

"The ghost knows." Chen Dazhuang said, also looking blank.

"God knows." Bai Xiaobai also said, then he helped Fu's eyes, a thought flashed in his eyes.

Hearing the answers from the boss and the fourth, Hu Xiaochuan rolled his eyes and gave them a white god, as if he were looking at two old idiots, and he was speechless.

What the **** do you know, God knows, you don’t know if you don’t know, what a shit!

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

"Okay, don't grind, you will know when you look at it," the boss Chen Dazhuang said.

"But is this really good?"

Hu Xiaochuan hesitated on his face: "How do I feel that the third child is pretending to be compelling! And it is still pretending to be forced, this operation is risky."

"It's okay to pretend that B succeeds, but if it fails, that would be terrible. Maybe you will kill the old man, then the third child will probably be to blame." The second child said with a sigh.

When the three of Hu Xiaochuan were talking, Qin Shaofeng in the distance had once again pulled out the silver needle from the old man, and then plunged it into another place.

Even so, over and over again a dozen times, Qin Shaofeng had already pierced dozens of acupuncture points on the old man's body once.

But that's it. In fact, this is less than two minutes, and during the period, the old man's complexion has obviously improved, and it is no longer as pale as before, but a little rosy.

This made Li Min, who was looking at him, excited.

As for the director Chen, he was completely stunned, because he had already seen Li Min's father's face and breathing.

What the young man said afterwards seemed really likely to become reality.

He can really rescue Mr. Li back!

At this time, the twenty-four silver needles returned to Qin Shaofeng's hands again, and then plunged into the acupuncture points on the old man's body. After a while, only the last two silver needles in Qin Shaofeng's hands were left.

Then, Qin Shaofeng's right hand shook slightly, and the two silver needles plunged into the old man's temple.

After the last two silver needles were pierced into the old man's temple, the old man's fingers moved suddenly, and then he opened his eyes.

"I...I...what's wrong with me." The old man woke up, but the whole person was still a little confused.

"Father!" Li Min saw it and immediately rushed forward, tears in his eyes finally streaming out.

Seeing the old man regaining consciousness, Qin Shaofeng pulled a curved arc at the corner of his mouth, and straightly moved away, leaving room for Li Min.

At this time, Director Chen on the side seemed to have finally recovered, and hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Mr. Li, you were suddenly in a coma before. It was this little brother who rescued that person. If you change it to I don't have this ability, you have to thank him well."

In the face of such a situation, especially when Li Min was still present, Director Chen did not dare to take the credit for the treatment to himself.

It would be better to speak out and try to give Li Min and her father a good impression.

The old man's eyes fell on Qin Shaofeng, with gratitude in his eyes.

He knew his body best, and even before he fainted this time, he felt that this time, after he fainted, it would be difficult for him to wake up again.

What he didn't expect was that he finally saved a young guy.

"Young man, thank you so much!" The old man said to Qin Shaofeng excitedly, and he was still struggling, trying to get up.

This will not work.

"Don't get excited, old gentleman. It's just a matter of doing it. Maybe you shouldn't be killed today!" Qin Shaofeng smiled and held the old man.

Then, without the attention of others, Qin Shaofeng grabbed the old man's hand and sensed the situation in the old man's body. With a heart movement, he injected all the young breath in his body into the old man's body.

Alas, I have only cultivated a trace of aura, and it's really powerless to consume so much!

Qin Shaofeng shook his head secretly in his heart, rather helpless, but at the same time he was more determined to improve his cultivation progress as soon as possible.

However, speaking of improving the progress of his cultivation, Qin Shaofeng glanced at it subconsciously. There was a trace of desire in the silver needles that exploded on the old man.

If I had this set of silver needles, I would be able to stimulate my body's acupuncture points and stimulate some potential, so that I could completely reach the first level of "The Book of Gods and Demons".

What a pity, these silver needles are not mine!

Thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng felt a little lost in his heart.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't notice, but Li Min noticed his expression at the moment.

Soon, after the old man's condition stabilized, Qin Shaofeng began to remove the silver needles from the old man one by one.

After doing all this, it was determined that the old man had no problems, Qin Shaofeng got up and planned to leave.

However, when Qin Shaofeng was about to leave, Li Min stood up and asked, "How is my father?"

"It's okay, but I still have to go to the hospital to check it." Qin Shaofeng said.

"Thanks a lot."

"You're welcome, it's just a matter of holding hands." Qin Shaofeng waved his hand.

After speaking, Qin Shaofeng handed the red sandalwood box in his hand to Li Min, but Li Min pushed the box back and said: "This classmate, this silver needle is of no use in my house, so I will give it away. I'm here for you."


Give it to me?

Qin Shaofeng was stunned immediately, because neither this box nor this set of silver needles were simple things, they were definitely very expensive.

The other party just gave it to him?

Qin Shaofeng was very surprised, and at the same time he shook his head for the first time and said, "No, this thing is too expensive!"

With that said, Qin Shaofeng put the box in Li Min's hand.

"Don't refuse today. This silver needle is really a decoration at home." Li Min said with a smile.

"And you saved my father today, so you can accept it, so that I will feel better in my heart."

Qin Shaofeng's refusal, Li Min could see that the other party was really refusal, not pretending to be a gesture, she still has this point.

But before, Li Min had also seen Qin Shaofeng's desire for this set of silver needles, but when he was really able to get this set of silver needles, the other party refused without hesitation.

This character is very rare.

Therefore, Li Min sent this set of silver needles sincerely.

"No, I..." Qin Shaofeng still wanted to refuse.

But at this time, Li Min’s father smiled and said, "Little brother, all right, you can do it! If you feel uneasy, leave it to the phone, and if there is something wrong with my body in the future, I will call. I’ll give you a call, you can come over and give me two needles at that time!"

"This..." Qin Shaofeng hesitated.

"Okay, that's it!" Li Min didn't give Qin Shaofeng time to hesitate, and directly put the box on Qin Shaofeng.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng could only scratch the back of his head, and then said shyly: "Then I will be more respectful than fate, thank you."

He really wanted this set of silver needles, if not, Qin Shaofeng would not accept it at all.

However, at the same time, Qin Shaofeng secretly made up his mind to treat the old man's body thoroughly after his cultivation level was upgraded.

Qin Shaofeng's check was very clear. With this old Mr. Li's physical condition, even if he was rescued by himself this time.

But given his physical condition, I am afraid that it will not last long.

At this point, even if Qin Shaofeng made a move, with his current strength, it would be difficult to cure it, unless Qin Shaofeng's realm improved a little, and then had enough aura to help the other party to regulate the body.

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