Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1590: First weight

The aura of Qin Shaofeng's cultivation, but the aura cultivated in The Book of Gods and Demons, is naturally unusual.

If it is used to regulate the condition of the body, Qin Shaofeng's cultivation breath is definitely the most suitable.

Of course, in the best case, if Qin Shaofeng's realm has risen to a certain level, and some pills can be refined, then he can guarantee that Mr. Li will live a long life.

But now, it's too early to say these things. Qin Shaofeng remembered these things.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng take the silver needle, Li Min smiled slightly, then took out a business card studded with gold from his small black handbag and handed it to Qin Shaofeng.

"Little brother, this is my business card."

After a pause, after Qin Shaofeng took the business card, Li Min said again: "By the way, what is your name?"

"Qin Shaofeng!" Qin Shaofeng replied.

"Qin Shaofeng!" Li Min nodded, "My name is Li Min. You can call me Sister Min in the future. Okay, I won't tell you more. My father has to go to the hospital to check his health."

"Well, sister Min, I see, you go quickly!"

"Okay, understand later! Goodbye!"

"See you!"

Soon, under the **** of an ambulance, Li Min and her father left soon.

And until this time, the other three people in the 204 dormitory walked towards Qin Shaofeng.

When the three came to Qin Shaofeng, the boss Chen Dazhuang patted Qin Shaofeng's shoulder for the first time.

Then, Chen Dazhuang said to Qin Shaofeng: "The third child, Xiaochuan said that you were forced to pretend to be forced, but now I have discovered that your kid is hidden! It turns out that you have such good medical skills, so hurry up and tell us. Why do you know how to heal, even acupuncture, this stuff is rare!"

Hearing Chen Dazhuang's words, Qin Shaofeng's performance was calm, because he seemed to have expected such a situation a long time ago, and he was already prepared to speak.

However, at this time, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved slightly, with a mysterious smile on his face, and he spoke very quietly, "I said, you may not believe it! Actually, I dreamed of an old **** last night. Then, That old **** taught me the technique of cultivating immortals, and the medical technique just now was incidental."

Just after Qin Shaofeng finished speaking, Chen Dazhuang directly raised his foot and kicked his **** over, but Qin Shaofeng dodged him sensitively.

"You shit, just keep blowing it. I see if you can blow a flower! You dare to act in front of our three brothers. Don't think that you just came out and our three dare not do it to you. "Chen Dazhuang said in a bad tone.

"Yes, the third child, just blow hard!" Hu Xiaochuan squinted at Qin Shaofeng with a look of disdain.

Bai Xiaobai did not speak, but looking at Qin Shaofeng's gaze, he obviously did not believe what Qin Shaofeng said.

"Tsk, second child, you are jealous of me!" Qin Shaofeng smiled.

But his second child made Hu Xiaochuan anxious.

"Second Master, it's Second Master!" Hu Xiaochuan said anxiously, "Lao San, I have told you hundreds of times, I want to call me Second Master, or else Chuan and Hu are both successful, you must really call me Second child, I am anxious to you!"

"Well, well, I won't call you the second child, will I call your second brother a success?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled, then put the box in his hand and said to Chen Dazhuang: "Boss, I won't go back with you. This set of silver needles is very expensive. I have to buy something to maintain this stuff. You should go back first. Right!"

"Then, do you want us to go together?"

"No, you guys should go back soon, there will be classes tomorrow!"

Qin Shaofeng shook his head, then turned and left.

Of course, he wasn't going to buy something for maintenance. Since the silver needle already had it, then naturally he would use the silver needle to stimulate his potential, so that he could enter the first level of "The Book of Gods and Demons" as soon as possible.

However, in order to be sure, Qin Shaofeng still had to buy some medicinal materials.

And these things, naturally can't be with Chen Dazhuang and them.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng used the excuse to buy maintenance items and separated from them.


After separating from Chen Dazhuang and the others, Qin Shaofeng ran to many drugstores.

But it was speechless, most pharmacies did not have the medicinal materials he needed.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to buy any precious medicinal materials. He just wanted to buy some common medicinal materials such as Rehmannia glutinosa, Radix Adenophora, Poria, Angelica sinensis, etc.

Qin Shaofeng bought medicinal materials just to prevent the silver needle from stimulating his body's potential, causing his body to temporarily suffer from some weak sequelae.

Despite these sequelae, Qin Shaofeng doesn't need to take care of it, and he can recover in one or two days at most, and then there are no side effects.

But Qin Shaofeng still wanted to avoid such weakness as much as possible, and he also wanted to stimulate his body's potential to exceed the first level of the "Gods and Demons" and take advantage of that time to practice.

Because it was the most suitable time to cultivate at that time.

But helplessly ran several pharmacies, Qin Shaofeng still lacked three kinds of medicinal materials.

However, Qin Shaofeng was not in a hurry, because just in the mouth of the boss of the former pharmacy, he learned that the three remaining medicinal materials he needed were needed in a Chinese pharmacy.

It's just that this Chinese medicine store is a bit remote, and Qin Shaofeng has searched for it for a long time and hasn't found it.

Even at the end, Qin Shaofeng came to a small forest.

"It's all here. Isn't this Central Park?"

Looking at the small forest in front of him, Qin Shaofeng felt for a while, because the central park was at the south gate of their school, and he didn't expect that the Chinese medicine store was also here.

Isn't this to spare a big circle?

Qin Shaofeng shook his head helplessly, and then continued to walk through this small forest.

But when Qin Shaofeng was halfway there, he suddenly heard the sparse sounds in the small forest, and these sounds were very unusual, which made Qin Shaofeng interested.

"Are there wild boars in the school grove, or are there other things?"

Qin Shaofeng thought so, because the small woods in this central park once said that there were some wild things at night.

Qin Shaofeng was also curious about this, but he never had the opportunity to find out.

But now that he met, Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to miss it, so he went straight into the small forest.

A minute later, a woman screamed from the grove.

After Qin Shaofeng rushed into the grove, he saw a man and a woman on the soft grass, doing indescribable things.

Qin Shaofeng disturbed other people's good things in this way, and he still appeared suddenly, scared the man on the spot, and the woman was frightened and screamed directly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's a good thing to disturb you, I will leave, I will leave."

After Qin Shaofeng dropped these words, he quickly rushed out of the small forest.

"I circled a cross, this is too hot!" Qin Shaofeng cursed in a low voice while running.

"Whoever the man is, it's too sad, I don't even have the money to open the house. If I were that woman, I would definitely not be his girlfriend, it would be too damned."

However, at this time, Qin Shaofeng finally remembered.

The so-called news that there was a wild thing in the Central Park was told by Hu Xiaochuan that guy, and when it came to wild things, he still had a lewd expression.

Wild thing?

It seems that no one is wrong!

A few minutes later, the men and women in the grove left the grove disheveled.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't know, the man who walked out of the small forest looked at the direction he was leaving, gritted his teeth for a while, his face was extremely hideous.

"Damn it, you kid again, you are really looking for death!"

Seeing that the man's face was a little scary, the woman said timidly: "Xu Shao, are you all right!"

Xu Shao?

That's right, this person is Xu Wentao who had previously clashed with Qin Shaofeng.

Because of the anger in Qin Shaofeng before, Xu Wentao's heart burst into anger, so he found a girl to vent his anger.

But I don't want to, now the anger in his heart is even more.

Ignoring the woman around him, Xu Wentao stared into the distance and shouted: "No matter who you are, you are dead this time!"


Qin Shaofeng, who had left the small forest, didn't even know that the man he mocked for having no money to open the house was actually Xu Wentao.

Naturally, Xu Wentao didn't have money to open a house. The reason why he was like that was just for a field battle.

When you left the small forest, you came to the Chinese pharmacy. Just as the pharmacy owner said before, Qin Shaofeng bought the last three medicinal materials he needed here.

There are silver needles and medicinal materials!

So the next step is to break through cultivation.

However, this time, Qin Shaofeng hesitated and finally chose not to return to the dormitory.

I sent a message to the three people in the dormitory, saying that he had something left in the hospital, and the hospital just asked him to check it tomorrow, so he won't go back tonight.

After finding a hotel, Qin Shaofeng planned to start practicing.

The medicinal materials that Qin Shaofeng bought can be regarded as Chinese medicine. He also rented an electric medicine stove from the Chinese medicine store before, and only needed to boil these medicinal materials into juice.

In the process of boiling the medicine, Qin Shaofeng wanted to ensure that the medicinal properties were not lost, but he was stunned with the breath of his body to temper.

Of course, with this level of situation, there is no such thing as tempering at all. Qin Shaofeng only used the breath in his body to melt the medicinal materials more.

But even so, it took Qin Shaofeng four or five hours to get a cup of ink-like liquid medicine.

However, it was different from the general situation of boiling medicine, this time it seemed to be because of the slight breath of Qin Shaofeng's body.

After these medicinal materials are boiled into medicinal liquid, there is no taste of ordinary Chinese medicine.

After the medicinal solution was boiled, Qin Shaofeng could finally start to put a needle on himself, uh, it was a needle.

Although Qin Shaofeng was confident in his heart, there were quite a few acupuncture points at the place where the acupuncture was applied this time, and he also raised his twelve points spirit at this moment.

The first needle, Yintang Point!

Yintang point is also called the eyebrow center point, which is located in the forehead of the human body, in the middle of the two brows.


The silver needle flashed, and Qin Shaofeng lowered the needle, and then smoothly pierced the silver needle into his Yintang.


The first stitch went smoothly, which made Qin Shaofeng breathe a sigh of relief, but he didn't move slowly, and soon it was the second stitch.

The second needle, Baihui Point!

Baihui point, at the intersection of the line between the top of the head and the tip of the ears.

The meridian is the governor channel, which is the meeting of the three yang of the hands and feet, and the governor channel.

But Qin Shaofeng was quick and accurate, and the second shot was no problem.

The third shot, Shenting Point!

The location of Shenting acupoint is from the front of the head to the fifth point of the hairline.

This time it went well, and the next one was the Tibetan blood point five minutes below the Youyuzhen point on the back of the head.


Juque Point...

Qihai Cave...

Yongquan Cave...


In an hour, Qin Shaofeng had already taken out the silver needle for the third time, and now Qin Shaofeng pierced the last silver needle into the last acupuncture point on his body.

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng felt it, his body exploded with a force, and then under the effect of this force, Qin Shaofeng finally stepped into the first realm of "The Book of Gods and Demons".

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