Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1591: Xu Wentao

Twenty-four silver needles were pierced with Qin Shaofeng three times back and forth, and that was 72 needles.

Seventy-two needles, seventy-two acupuncture points.

In the end, these seventy-two acupuncture points aroused the potential of Qin Shaofeng's body and finally allowed Qin Shaofeng to truly step into the first stage of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons".

In the previous situation, Qin Shaofeng was barely successful in cultivating "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" at best, but he was still far away from entering the first realm.

But now Qin Shaofeng has completely entered this state, and the original hair-like aura in his body has also been thick into the chopsticks.

Of course, this stoutness is relatively speaking, even so, Qin Shaofeng still dislikes it.

It's so weak!

However, with such a breath, Qin Shaofeng would be able to run a small week in his body in front of him according to the operation route of The Book of Gods and Demons.

As for Da Zhou Tian's training route, Qin Shaofeng estimated that he would have to wait for the thick chopstick-like breath in his body to increase more than three times, almost as thick as his fingers.

However, even at this level, Qin Shaofeng was very satisfied.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng also felt it. There was a feeling of weakness in his body, which made Qin Shaofeng dare not delay, and hurriedly drank all the liquid medicine.

Then, Qin Shaofeng began to run the training route of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons".


At 9:30 the next morning, in the school's 204 dormitory, the three of them were still asleep.

In fact, they had classes this morning, but because they had a drink last night and the three were lazy, they didn't go to class.

Well, skip class as always!

normal circumstances!

But before long, the three of them were awakened by a loud knock on the door.

"Who is this early!"

It is only Hu Xiaochuan who can say that 9:30 is early in the morning.

"Well, the third child is back!" Chen Dazhuang snorted, but didn't mean to get up.

Upon seeing this, Old Four Hundred Xiaobai felt helpless and could only drag his heavy head up.

"It's dizzy, I won't drink like this with them next time!"

Bai Xiaobai shook his head, then walked to the door and opened the dormitory door.

As soon as he opened the door, Bai Xiaobai saw that there were many people outside the dormitory, and when he opened the door, all these people rushed in, in a menacing posture that Bai Xiaobai could not stop him. .

"Where is Qin Shaofeng?"

After rushing into the dormitory, he didn't seem to find the person he was looking for. Bai Xiaobai heard someone yelling.

Needless to say, this person is Xu Wentao.

After Qin Shaofeng's ‘good deed’ was destroyed last night, Xu Wentao sent a message to his younger brother so that they could find out Qin Shaofeng’s identity as soon as possible and who it was.

But until this morning, those little brothers of Xu Wentao found out that the person he met yesterday was Qin Shaofeng.

Knowing the other party's name and finding out who the other party is, how can Xu Wentao bear it?

After gathering a large number of people, Xu Wentao led them to the 204 dormitory.

"Where's that **** Qin Shaofeng? Wasn't he very arrogant yesterday, and he was very good at beating? Where are people going now? I must break one of his legs today." Xu Wentao yelled.

Originally, because a large number of people came in suddenly, Chen Dazhuang and Hu Xiaochuan were a little confused. At this time, because of Xu Wentao's clamor, they knew that they were looking for trouble.

However, neither Hu Xiaochuan nor Chen Dazhuang had any fear, and the two quickly got up.

"Who are you?" Chen Dazhuang frowned and said.


Xu Wentao sneered and looked at Chen Dazhuang's unkind expression.

It was hard to know who Qin Shaofeng was, but now the other party was no longer there, which made him feel a little angry.

Therefore, the three of Chen Dazhuang in front of them soon became the targets of Xu Wentao's eyes at the moment.


A loud slap sounded, and Xu Wentao's slap hit Chen Dazhuang's face.

Because he was completely unprepared, Chen Dazhuang was slapped by Xu Wentao, but he was hit firmly.

"I'm **** Nima, dare to beat us at 204?"

Seeing that the boss was beaten, Hu Xiaochuan couldn't help but rushed directly.

But before he rushed to Xu Wentao, he was stopped by the people Xu Wentao had brought.


Upon seeing this, Xu Wentao sneered and looked at Hu Xiaochuan with disdain, and then coldly said to the people behind him: "Hit, give me a severe lesson to these three people. Since Qin Shaofeng does not appear, let these three people Take some pains!"

"Yes, Shao Xu!"

"Understand Young Master Xu!"

"Xu Shao, don't worry, leave it to us!"


Suddenly, this group of people surrounded the three of Chen Dazhuang.

Damn it!

Seeing this scene, Hu Xiaochuan's heart was very angry, but at the same time he was also clear in his heart that according to this situation, the three of their brothers are probably in a disaster today.

But at this moment, everyone present suddenly heard a roar.

"Stop it!"


The black shadow flashed, and the next moment, a figure appeared in front of Chen Dazhuang and the three of them.

This person who appeared suddenly was Qin Shaofeng!

Originally, Qin Shaofeng was in a good mood this morning. Although he didn't sleep all night last night, Qin Shaofeng's spirit was very good because he entered the first stage of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons".

I left the hotel early in the morning. After returning the electric stove to the Chinese pharmacy, I went to the breakfast shop near the school and ate a breakfast slowly.

Qin Shaofeng also understood that according to the way they drank yesterday and the personality of the three in his dormitory, they would definitely skip class this morning.

Therefore, after Qin Shaofeng finished breakfast, he took three more shots and prepared to give them to Chen Dazhuang.

Then, he hurried back to the dormitory slowly.

Qin Shaofeng, who didn't want to rush back to the dormitory, happened to see such a scene, and he felt something wrong at the time.

Especially after hearing Xu Wentao's figure, Qin Shaofeng understood immediately.

However, Qin Shaofeng finally couldn't help but exploded after seeing Chen Dazhuang's red face in front of the three of them.

"I'm a nymphomaniac, Xu Wentao, how dare you lead someone to beat my brother? You are looking for death!"


Qin Shaofeng got up and flew, and directly kicked the little brother in front of Shen Wentao out.

At this time, Hu Xiaochuan and Chen Dazhuang, who were already angry and suffocating in their hearts, also started.

Even Bai Xiaobai, who is a nerd, planned to humiliate gentleman this time.

But the next moment, Bai Xiaobai, who originally stretched out his feet, was immediately stunned.

Because just for a while, the group of people Xu Wentao had brought had all fallen to the ground and howled.

This is natural. You must know that Qin Shaofeng has now completely stepped into the first stage of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons". According to the realm of the ancient continent, Qin Shaofeng is now a real warrior.

On the Nine Cloud Continent of the ancient sanctuary, the martial artist has ten realms.

Tempered Body Realm, Hou Tian Realm, Innate Realm, Spirit Vessel Realm, Legend Realm, Small Yuan Dan Realm, Great Yuan Dan Realm, and Di Yuan Realm, Tian Yuan Realm, and Saint Yuan Realm of Three Yuan Realm.

The progress of Qin Shaofeng's "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" is much better than the realm of ordinary warriors.

Although it was only a realm, in fact, at this moment Qin Shaofeng was already in the realm of an acquired martial artist.

This has been completely crossed, the great realm of Body Tempering Realm.

This is the power of "The Book of Gods and Demons"!

Qin Shaofeng, who possessed the initial state of the acquired martial artist, was naturally very fast, but it was not comparable to the average student brought by Xu Wentao.

No matter how good these students are, they are just ordinary people.

At present, Qin Shaofeng has seen the strongest person, that is, Wanghu, the bodyguard beside Li Min.

However, even if it was such a powerful King Hu, he probably possessed the strength that was equivalent to the realm of the mid-tempering body.

It is still not Qin Shaofeng's opponent, let alone the students who are far inferior to Wang Hu.

Therefore, in just a few seconds, these people were knocked down by Qin Shaofeng.

After solving everyone, Qin Shaofeng rushed to Xu Wentao's face like lightning, then grabbed Xu Wentao's neckline and pulled Xu Wentao towards him.

"Xu Wentao, how long have you not seen you, your skin is itchy again, dare you bring someone to my dormitory to beat my boss? You are tired of life!"

After speaking, Qin Shaofeng, who was still puzzled, stretched out his hand to face Xu Wentao's Lian and snapped a few mouths.

Qin Shaofeng was really angry this time. Although he didn't try his best, he didn't keep his hand. The power of this slap and slap was not small.

Soon, a trace of blood came out from the corner of Xu Wentao's mouth, and his face was swollen, and it was swollen like a pig's head, looking very funny.

Xu Wentao was stunned on the spot, and he was still confused.

how come?

He brought so many people here, and was actually beaten by Qin Shaofeng?

And this time, I was beaten up!

It was so powerful that his mouth was almost taken out.

But soon, Xu Wentao didn't even have the strength to scold Qin Shaofeng in his heart, because he was really dazed by Qin Shaofeng.

It wasn't until Chen Dazhuang pulled Qin Shaofeng that Qin Shaofeng stopped.

"Forget it, the third child, enough, if you continue to smoke like this, this kid will be killed by you!"

Qin Shaofeng finally stopped, but at this time Xu Wentao had completely turned into a pig's head. It is estimated that he ~ Mom would come, and he would not be recognized.

At this moment, Xu Wentao's heart suddenly disappeared. The expression on his face matched his pig-headed face, but it was very rich, but most of it was panic.

"Don't... don't fight!"

Xu Wentao gasped and looked at Qin Shaofeng with fear, begging for mercy in his eyes.


Seeing Xu Wentao's appearance, Qin Shaofeng snorted coldly: "This time, you should have a long memory?"

"Long...Long!" Xu Wentao nodded, completely foolish.

He was really scared of being beaten!

Now he didn't plan to think about anything, he just wanted to get out of Qin Shaofeng's clutches, and other things will be discussed later.

"After that, do you dare to lead people to trouble my brother?" Qin Shaofeng said coldly.

"No... I dare not, I... I really dare not!"

"Hmph, you'd better remember what you said. If you are really unconvinced, you can just come to me, Qin Shaofeng. But if you attack my brother in my dormitory, you should not blame me for being impolite!"

"No, no, absolutely not!" Xu Wentao shook his head repeatedly.


Seeing Xu Wentao's uselessness, Qin Shaofeng was not in the mood to continue teaching him, and threw him out of the dormitory.

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