Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1592: The mind of the director


After being thrown out so mercilessly by Qin Shaofeng, Xu Wentao fell again so badly that he let out a scream.

But a coincidence.

As soon as Xu Wentao was thrown out by Qin Shaofeng, he actually hit one, and this person was actually the dean of the school, and he also appeared in this 204 dormitory.

The presence of the dean of education is naturally not accidental.

For always looking for opportunities and intending to charge Qin Shaofeng with a crime, let Qin Shaofeng compromise the incident that caused hospitalization due to poor campus supervision and equipment leakage. This dean was not idle.

No, he just heard that a dozen people gathered in the 204 dormitory where Qin Shaofeng was staying. It seemed that there was a fight, which made him feel that he had seized the opportunity.

So, the dean of teaching rushed over immediately.

But I don't want him to be hit by a single person as soon as he arrived at the door of the dormitory.

This immediately made the teaching director angry, especially when he saw the person who hit him.

My grass, where is this pig's head!

Seeing the person lying on his body with such swollen nose and swollen nose, the dean was shocked.

Xu Wentao is the belly of the school's largest shareholder, so the teaching director naturally knows Xu Wentao.

Even many times, Xu Wentao caused a lot of troubles because he wiped his buttocks. In fact, it was precisely because of this that he achieved the position of teaching director.

But now that Xu Wentao was beaten by Qin Shaofeng and he didn't even know his old wife, so the dean of teaching naturally did not recognize Xu Wentao.

However, he did not recognize Xu Wentao, but Xu Wentao recognized him for the first time, which immediately made Xu Wentao happy.

Without even thinking about it, Xu Wentao immediately rushed to the dean of teaching, and said vaguely: "You can count the dean of teaching. You must be the master of me. You see, how they beat me into Without provoking that Qin Shaofeng, he actually beat me like this, you must teach him a lesson!"

The dean of teaching saw this person who was beaten up like a pig, his brows were slightly frowned, and he said, "Which class are you from and why were you beaten like this? Tell me about the situation. Our school will punish them. Bad students."

With that said, the dean of instruction immediately retreated Xu Wentao, then stood up and sorted out his messy clothes.

Xu Wentao is not happy now, you can't recognize who I am?

Xu Wentao immediately said, "I am Xu Wentao, can't you recognize it?"

Xu Wentao!

When the dean of teaching heard this, his eyes widened, and after taking a glance at Xu Wentao, he felt a little vaguely familiar.

A closer look revealed that the dean of teaching suddenly became calm.

I'm grass, this is really Xu Wentao!

After recognizing that the pig's head was Xu Wentao, the dean immediately squatted down and helped Xu Wentao up.

"Xu Shao, sorry, I didn't recognize you at once!"

"Oh, it's too miserable, this group of people is so cruel, they actually attach such importance to Xu Shao you!"

Looking at Xu Wentao's company, the instructor looked like he was sorry, and he quickly assured Xu Wentao.

"Xu Shao, don't worry, our school will definitely give him a punishment. Her malignant tumor is a scum scum at school. Our school will never tolerate rape."

Xu Wentao finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the dean say this, and suddenly felt a little emboldened.

Damn Qin Shaofeng, someone can finally cure you this time.

I can't beat you, you can beat you awesome!

But as long as you are still at school, Xu Wentao must be able to kill you.

At this moment, Xu Wentao finally thought of his identity.

However, at this time, Qin Shaofeng and the four seemed to have noticed the situation outside the dormitory door, and when they walked out, they saw Xu Wentao and the dean.

Xu Wentao was already overshadowed. As soon as Qin Shaofeng came out, he stepped back subconsciously, and then said to the dean, "Director, I'll go to the infirmary first, and I'll leave it to you!"

The dean did not speak, knowing that he nodded to Xu Wentao with a firm face.

Then, the instructor turned his head and looked at the four Qin Shaofeng, his face instantly became stern, and he said to Qin Shaofeng and the four with a bad tone: "Gather crowds to make trouble, fight, and fight, you guys go to my office with me, I want to implement Here's the situation."

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was not happy.

But Qin Shaofeng knew that it was useless to say anything at this time, because he knew that Xu Wentao was the son of the major shareholder of the school.

And coupled with the fact that I have seen the virtues of the dean before, it is estimated that the other party will certainly favor Xu Wentao. More importantly, because of the unpleasantness before, Qin Shaofeng guessed that this time, the dean might not let him go so easily. Several people.

It is even very possible that the other party will borrow the question and let himself be punished by the school, and most of his three brothers will definitely be affected.

After understanding this in his mind, Qin Shaofeng was not in a good mood, but there was no solution for a while, so he could only take one step and count one step.

Following the dean, Qin Shaofeng's four came to each other's office.

When he arrived at the office, the dean of teaching was a general education for the four of Qin Shaofeng.

Regardless of the conduct of the teaching director, but his eloquence is good, he has said so many swear words, and a few words can raise the seriousness of the matter to an extremely serious situation.

"You guys, what do you want me to say? Although the university is very free, fighting fights is not a good thing. Now that this situation has happened, the impact on the school is too great, and I don't..."

A bunch of crackling, in short, how serious, how badly affected.

Qin Shaofeng is okay, his face doesn't matter.

As for the old erhu Xiaochuan, he was heartless, and didn't even look at the dean.

But the boss Chen Dazhuang and the old four hundred Xiaobai are different.

The boss Chen Dazhuang is a sports student, and he can enter this top university in the country because of his outstanding sports performance. He is considered a special admission.

But now that something like this happened, he was in a hurry when he heard what the dean said was so serious and what punishment was required.

The same is true for the old four hundred Xiaobai, because he is worried that if he is punished, his family will know, which is not so good.

When the education was almost the same, the dean's brow furrowed slightly, and the expressions of the others, to be honest, the dean didn't care.

The reason why he said so much and said the problem so serious was that he wanted to see Qin Shaofeng's expression.

If Qin Shaofeng was scared, it would be easier to handle.

Then he can take advantage of this opportunity to directly settle the troubles of the principal.

But the problem now is that after he has said so much, Qin Shaofeng still looks indifferent, which makes him a little angry.

So, the dean said again: "Qin Shaofeng stays, and the other three can leave. Then, you can give me a review here, and wait for the result of the school's discussion at that time!"

Facing such a result, the three of Chen Dazhuang were taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Qin Shaofeng with some concern.

But Qin Shaofeng dissipated to the three of them and said, "You go back first, I'm fine."

The three had to leave first.

After the three people left, the dean of teaching said to Qin Shaofeng: "Qin Shaofeng, you are the mastermind in this incident, and because of your beating, you have already caused serious physical and mental trauma to classmate Xu Wentao!"

"Your kind of bad behavior is really bad. It has affected the school's school spirit. People like you are the scum of the school. Did you know? The school will not protect your black sheep. If it is serious, it will Fired you..."

But no matter what the teaching director said, how serious the problem was, Qin Shaofeng still looked calm.

At most one expelled, what are you afraid of?

This was what Qin Shaofeng thought, because he didn't care about it anymore.


A joke, for Qin Shaofeng now, the most important thing is how to practice, not how to study, strive to graduate successfully and find a good job.

Therefore, the dean was not clear at all. He thought that by catching Qin Shaofeng's sore feet, he could force Qin Shaofeng to submit.

But in fact, he said so much, and his words threatened Qin Shaofeng so much. For Qin Shaofeng, it was useless.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't say it, but the director of the teaching thought that Qin Shaofeng should be a little scared, and he was happy, and said coldly: "Okay, you also go back! For your punishment, I will follow you next.' Performance', and then communicate with the principal to see if I can give you a leniency!"

When it came to the last remarks, the dean of instruction spoke of the word performance, but he added extra emphasis.

When Qin Shaofeng heard this, he understood something in his heart.

After talking for a long time, I was still waiting for me!

Qin Shaofeng didn't know yet, what the director of teaching really wanted to say was about his electrocution and hospitalization.

Qin Shaofeng already knew that the bald headmaster only became the headmaster when this semester started.

And the occurrence of this kind of thing in his own body has a great influence on his career.

Faced with such a situation, the headmaster bald saw his anxiety and wanted to solve it as soon as possible.

But today, the dean seized the opportunity.

If this is not the case, how could the four brothers in their dormitory be caught here by the dean of education for a good ‘education’?

After all, Xu Wentao and his little brothers were not brought by the dean for education.

But what about it?

Qin Shaofeng sneered with disdain in his heart, and ignored the dean of education. He turned around and left, leaving behind the dean who thought he was a threat to my success, so proud of him!


After leaving the dean's office, Qin Shaofeng saw the other three brothers in his dormitory waiting for him at the door.

The boss Chen Dazhuang asked anxiously: "What does the teaching director say?"

He is really anxious because he is really worried about what punishment will be given.

"Actually, it doesn't matter, what kind of person is the instructor, because my previous electric shock had a greater impact..."

Soon, Qin Shaofeng told Chen Dazhuang and the others about the previous conversation with the bald headmaster, and at the end Qin Shaofeng added another sentence.

"This time I was seized by the dean of teaching. According to this situation, I must be punished. It's just that the three of you suffered along with me."

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