Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1593: Chen Dazhuang's past

After Qin Shaofeng said this, the three of Chen Dazhuang and the others didn't know what to say at this time, and they were all silent in unison.

They are not stupid, knowing that this matter is not that simple, and according to what Qin Shaofeng said, it is basically the same thing.

However, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly when he saw it, "Okay, that's a big deal, I'll tell the dean of teaching, I will do what he said, and then offset this fight and prevent us from being punished!"

Yes, Qin Shaofeng intends to compromise!

He really doesn't care about the school's punishment, but he doesn't care about it, but the boss Chen Dazhuang and the others can't do it.

Therefore, when Qin Shaofeng should compromise in the end, he will still compromise.

Although this situation is not what he thought, he can't ignore other people!

However, at this time, Qin Shaofeng and Chen Dazhuang did not notice, but Hu Xiaochuan, who was on the side, remained silent, his eyes flashed a little, and finally he glanced at the dean's office and he seemed to have decided something.


After Xu Wentao was beaten by Qin Shaofeng, there was an upset in his heart, especially after he came out of the school's infirmary and entered the hospital.

Even though Qin Shaofeng deliberately, Xu Wentao's pig-headed face that seemed to be beaten so badly in his eyes was actually just skin wounds.

But it is precisely because of this that Xu Wentao has to face a pig's head for three to five days.

This is the final result after entering the hospital with repeated assurances from some chief surgeons.

But the more so, the more naturally Xu Wentao felt unhappy, and at the same time, his hatred for Qin Shaofeng went up straight.

I can't bear this tone!

He wants revenge!

So Xu Wentao called and found Dafei, his father's man.

Xu Wentao didn't know what Dafei's real name was, but he did know that Dafei was born as a mercenary, and his methods were very good. Even the powerful special forces were his opponents.

Under normal circumstances, Da Fei is protected by his father's side, and his strength is very good, Xu Wentao knows.

Therefore, he planned to let Da Fei take action and teach Qin Shaofeng a lesson.

After the call was connected, Xu Wentao said, "Dafei?"

"Is there something young master?" A low male voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Da Fei, I was beaten!"

After a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, Da Fei's voice came again.

"Master, who is the other party?"

Being able to beat Xu Wentao, and listening to Xu Wentao's tone, Dafei knew that Xu Wentao was at a disadvantage, which was a little surprised.

"It's a student in our school, what is his name is Qin Shaofeng. However, although he is a student, he is very skilled, and he knocked down my dozen or so little brothers in a few seconds."

Daxia Group Daxia, in a room on the seventh floor, there is a man in his thirties holding a mobile phone with a look of surprise.

Naturally, this man was Xu Wentao's help.

However, Dafei was really surprised at this moment.

He knows Xu Wentao very well, and automatically Xu Wentao's younger brothers are all burly and powerful people, and even some of them have learned karate.

Even though such a team, in his eyes, Da Fei is not a combat power.

But even if the general special forces came, the younger brothers of the opponent Xu Wentao would need some effort.

But now Xu Wentao actually said that his little brothers were knocked to the ground by a student named Qin Shaofeng within a few seconds.

This made him curious.

"Don't worry, Master, leave it to me about Qin Shaofeng's affairs!"

After talking to Xu Wentao, Da Fei hung up the phone.

Then Dafei dialed a phone call and contacted his subordinates.

Although Da Fei had some interest in Qin Shaofeng that Xu Wentao said, it was not enough for him to take action.

Just tell his subordinates. After all, his subordinates are all soldiers trained by him, and they are no worse than some special soldiers.


In the afternoon, there was no one in the dormitory.

The boss Chen Dazhuang has gone to the basketball club. The old erhu Xiaochuan doesn’t know where he is. Where’s the old four hundred Xiaobai, he went to the library so thunderously.

Qin Shaofeng had no choice but to go to class.

Because the dormitory plans to go to the dormitory to drink again in the evening, to go to today's unlucky, so Qin Shaofeng does not plan to leave, and can only go to class.

But when the class started, Qin Shaofeng regretted it, because the class was an old professor, and the lecture was very boring and drowsy.

The old professor was speaking on the podium, but almost no one listened to the students below, and he fell asleep completely.

Qin Shaofeng didn't want to listen as he listened, and then secretly began to practice "The Treasure of Gods and Demons".

After class was over, Qin Shaofeng went straight back to the dormitory and continued to practice "The Treasure of Gods and Demons"!

Finally, by the time of the appointment in the evening, the four people in the dormitory had expired and went to the nearby bar together.

The night of the bar is also the only bar within 100 meters of the university.

Drinking in the bar is actually just a complaint about the complaints suffered this morning. After a few drinks, Chen Dazhuang began to express today's dissatisfaction.

Yes, anyone who gets a slap in the face early in the morning may feel uncomfortable.

This made Qin Shaofeng very sad, because after all, he provokes this matter. If it weren't for him, Xu Wentao wouldn't find 204, so what happened this morning would not have happened.

Although Chen Dazhuang didn't mean to blame Qin Shaofeng in this regard, Qin Shaofeng still felt very sorry.

In fact, Chen Dazhuang really didn't mean to blame Qin Shaofeng. This was all because of what happened today, which made Chen Dazhuang recall some of the reasons that happened in his own home.

Perhaps it was because he drank too much, and he drank too much, and Chen Dazhuang began to tell something.

It turns out that Chen Dazhuang's family was relatively wealthy before. I heard that when Chen Dazhuang was in junior high school, his father and several of his uncles contracted a lot of mountainous land to grow ginseng.

Although the ginseng planted in this way is of little value and far inferior to wild ginseng, it can still make a lot of money after planting it.

At the beginning, Chen Dazhuang's entire family invested money in it.

As a result, it was better at the beginning. When Chen Dazhuang was in his sophomore year, ginseng had been grown for more than five years, and it was already available for sale.

But the problem has arisen. It seems that Chen Dazhuang’s ancestor has a secret recipe for planting ginseng. As a result, the ginseng planted for five years can be equivalent to other merchants, and the effect of planting for ten or even twenty years. .

This situation is terrible.

Everyone knows that ginseng is grown. In this era, after ginseng is planted, it is very cheap. Generally, the people who grow it are sold by the catty, 70 or 80 yuan per catty, which is very much.

After all, planted ginseng is not as good as wild ginseng, and the two are completely incomparable.

But the ginseng grown in Chen Dazhuang's home can be sold individually.

If you sell it by catty, it costs two to three hundred yuan per catty, and basically four or five sticks of ginseng can cost one catty.

Although ginseng is not bigger and heavier, the better, but when it comes to growing ginseng, the price of larger ginseng is naturally higher.

The ginseng grown in Chen Dazhuang's home is basically this kind of ginseng. The price of a ginseng is basically about 40-50 at most.

In this way, this can be issued.

Five years ago, Chen Dazhuang's entire family invested most of the former, but five years later, the money invested would be dozens of times.

And this is the most conservative estimate. You must know that Chen Dazhuang's entire family mobilized everyone, and the money invested was at least two to three million.

But in just a few years, the value of these ginseng has exceeded hundreds of millions.

Such profits naturally make many people jealous.

And soon, there was a problem.

Because Chen Dazhuang’s family was about to make a fortune, the village committee director who had originally rented the mountainous land of Chen Dazhuang’s home found them immediately.

When he found Chen Dazhuang's father, he just wanted to take 70% of the ginseng.

Chen Dazhuang's father naturally refused to agree to such an unreasonable request.

But the village committee director was not a good person. He finally made some tricks on the original contract of Chen Dazhuang's father's family land and directly changed the ten-year lease to five years.

Then, he directly ignored the contract in the hands of Chen Dazhuang's father, and forcibly reclaimed the mountain land rented by Chen Dazhuang's home.

Chen Dazhuang's father and uncle did not dare to go to the county to sue him.

But in the end, it was a pity that the village committee director didn't talk about the county, even the province had a backstage.

Then, there is no need to say more.

All the land in Chen Dazhuang's home was forcibly recovered, and many conflicts occurred during the recovery process.

In the end, Chen Dazhuang's uncle and uncle were seriously injured by the people brought by the village committee director. After being sent to the hospital, Chen Dazhuang's uncle did not come to rescue.

As for Chen Dazhuang's uncle, although he was rescued and returned, he also became a pot of medicine, and died a year later.

Although Chen Dazhuang's father is better, he is now a lame man.

When he was in the second year of high school, Chen Dazhuang still had his grandfather, but after that time, his grandfather was so angry that he had a stroke and never woke up.

This happened in Chen Dazhuang's hometown back then, but in the end, it didn't stop.

The village committee director is still the village committee director, but now the other party is more wealthy.

It's all men who have tears and don't flick, but that's just not to the point of sadness.

At this moment, when talking about these things, Chen Dazhuang had already wept.

"So, in the face of what happened this morning and the face of the director of teaching, I thought of the director of the village committee back then. I really want to give him a big slap in the face!"

Chen Dazhuang roared, then raised his head and poured a glass of drink again.

When talking to Chen Dazhuang, Qin Shaofeng and the three were silent for a while, and none of them spoke. Even if they couldn't control their mouths on weekdays, Hu Xiaochuan, who talked the most, was the same.

"Boss, I'll avenge you by killing that **** village committee director!"

Hu Xiaochuan suddenly looked up at Chen Dazhuang, and said in a serious tone.

"no need!"

Chen Dazhuang waved his hand and said to Hu Xiaochuan: "Second, I know your house is definitely not ordinary, but this has already passed, so forget it!"

In fact, I have been in a dormitory for two or three years. After this period of time, everyone has already noticed that Hu Xiaochuan’s family is unusual.

Hu Xiaochuan has never missed any Apple computer mobile phones, brand-name running shoes and clothing.

Even the two rarely worn suits in his closet were secretly checked online by the three of them, and the price was at least seventy to eighty thousand yuan.

Qin Shaofeng and Chen Dazhuang are not stupid, they naturally know that Hu Xiaochuan's family background is definitely rich.

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